AG Jeff Sessions carrying out Trump immigration restriction agenda

….and boy are the Leftwing Open Borders agitators steamed!

Former US Senator and now Attorney General Sessions, who you will recall got on the Trump train in the earliest days of the campaign, is quietly carrying out an immigration restriction agenda at the Justice Department and in the courts.

The primary reason we elected this president in the first place was to get immigration under control and Sessions is doing that!

Trump and Sessions 2
If the President foolishly pushes Jeff Sessions out of the Justice Department, the Senate will never confirm a replacement who would carry out the immigration control agenda that Sessions has undertaken.

Yesterday, I told you about the asylum scam, here, and today we bring your attention to Mother Jones with this headline:

Sessions Is Poised to Make It Vastly Harder for Asylum-Seekers to Get Out of Detention


A new decision from Attorney General Jeff Sessions is likely to make it dramatically harder for tens of thousands of asylum-seekers to get out of detention.

How many asylum-seekers are in detention and how many are free to roam America while waiting for a decision?  I don’t know the answer, but when I find it, I will let you know.  But, know that thousands of wannabe refugees are simply free across America. Vast numbers of them will never show up for their asylum hearing.

On Tuesday, in a now-familiar tactic, Sessions used his broad authority over America’s immigration courts to refer a case to himself. The move will allow him to reinterpret a 2005 decision from the Justice Department’s Board of Immigration Appeals that gives some migrants the ability to get out of detention on bond. Sessions now appears likely to strip many detained immigrants of that right.

The self-referral comes two weeks after the Trump administration proposed a rule that would allow it to detain migrant families indefinitely. Combined, these two moves would make families seeking asylum much more likely to spend months or even years in detention.

And, what should be done now is a massive public relations campaign by the US throughout Mexico and Central America about how asylum seekers will be detained maybe for years. Such an effort could have a chilling effect on the hordes hankering to move north.

Mother Jones continues…

Under current law, asylum-seekers who cross the border without authorization are entitled to bond hearings before an immigration judge if they establish a credible fear of being persecuted in their home country. In a strange twist, asylum-seekers who request protection at official border crossings—the government’s preferred route—must ask Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to grant them parole, rather than asking a judge to grant bond. That distinction matters because ICE has shown an almost complete unwillingness to grant parole under Trump.

Eleanor Acer
Eleanor Acer of Human Rights First:  “This is just not who we are as a country.”  How dare Acer and her ilk be the arbiters of who we are as a country!  If it was up to her we would have no borders and therefore no country!


Eleanor Acer, the director of the refugee protection program at Human Rights First, says eliminating bond hearings would have an “absolutely devastating impact” on migrants because of the difficulty of being granted parole by ICE. “This is just not who we are as a country,” she says. “This should not be a country where people are thrown into jails and not even allowed to see a judge who decides whether or not they could be released from detention or not.”

Sessions’ decision to review the case is the latest step in the Trump administration’s systematic crackdown on asylum-seekers. In June, Sessions all but eliminated gang and domestic violence as grounds for asylum after referring a different case to himself. Earlier this month, the Trump administration proposed a rule to terminate the Flores settlement agreement, a two-decade-old court settlement that prevents the government from detaining migrant children for more than about 20 days. The proposal would allow the Trump administration to detain families indefinitely.

By the way, this is very significant—eliminating fear of violence back home as a grounds for gaining refugee protection and ultimately US citizenship!

We have told you over the years how the Open Borders Left is systematically eroding the definition of who is a refugee.  A legitimate refugee, under the 1951 UN Convention, must be able to prove that he or she (personally!) would be PERSECUTED for one of several reasons including race, religion, political views, if returned to their home country.  There is nothing in the definition about escaping violence or even war.

In recent years we have been allowing border-crossers to claim they are escaping gangs and abusive husbands to gain a legal foothold in America. Sessions is forcing adherence to the original law and not allowing this expansion.

Continue reading Mother Jones here.

If Sessions is forced out, you can be sure that the likes of Eleanor Acer and MS-13 gang members will be whooping with joy! 

And, Trump will have signaled that he is abandoning an immigration control agenda.  

For me, how we manage immigration is the only issue that matters for the future of America.

If you agree and are looking for something to do, let the President know that you like what AG Sessions is doing on the only issue that matters!

So what is this asylum issue the Secretary of State mentioned?

Several people have asked me about the statement made by Secretary of State Pompeo when he announced the Administration’s intentions of capping refugee admissions at 30,000.

Intelligence Chiefs Testify To Senate Committee On World Wide Threats

According to the New York Times, Pompeo mentioned a backlog of 800,000 asylum cases piled up in immigration courts and the NYT is quick to point out that the number is too high.

It is ONLY 320,000!

(And, remember readers that those waiting for their asylum hearing are mostly free to roam the USA, relatively few are in detention!)

See here:

“This year’s refugee ceiling reflects the substantial increase in the number of individuals seeking asylum in our country, leading to a massive backlog of outstanding asylum cases and greater public expense,” he added.

Nazanin Ash
Nazanin Ash (left) speaking for refugee contractor the International Rescue Committee:  “In justifying its policy intention, the administration has pitted those seeking asylum against refugees.”

Mr. Pompeo said refugees had to be weighed against a backlog of 800,000 asylum seekers who are awaiting a decision by immigration authorities about whether they qualify as in need of protection under United States law and will be granted status to remain.

But he vastly overstated the numbers, while making a linkage between two groups of immigrants that are not the same and are processed differently.

As of the end of June, the Department of Homeland Security reported just under 320,000 people who had claimed asylum — meaning they had passed an interview conducted to verify that they met the “credible fear” threshold to be considered — and were awaiting a decision from the department about whether they could stay.

About 730,000 additional immigrants were waiting for their cases to be resolved by immigration courts, according to the Justice Department…


In other words Pompeo is saying that the Trump Administration is going to focus first on a huge backlog of asylum claims.

So what is this asylum issue?

Perhaps we haven’t talked about it enough over the years, but asylum is the other side of a two-sided coin for ‘refugee’ admissions to the US.

The cap we are talking about refers to the refugees who are found abroad, are accepted for admission and are flown here at taxpayers’ expense and turned over to one of the nine refugee resettlement contractors for care.

Asylum seekers are people who got to the US on their own dime and upon entering the country across a border illegally (or sometimes with a legal visa) they request asylum claiming they would be persecuted if returned home.  They then go through a legal process to determine if their claims are legitimate or not.  (Another can of worms involves the question of how many  of those whose claims of asylum were rejected actually leave the country!)

If granted asylum they are called Asylees and are eligible for all of the social service goodies we give to the refugees we fly in. Therefore, US taxpayers’ generosity is not only to the smaller number of refugees we flew in, but potentially to tens of thousands more each year!

The asylum system here and in Europe has been massively scammed where worldwide millions are claiming asylum when in fact most are economic migrants or just plain crooks.

There are so many that they are overwhelming our legal system and that is why Sec. of State Pompeo says we are prioritizing—getting those hundreds of thousands processed.

(See Jim Simpson’s chart in this post to see how many had successful asylum claims for each of the last 10+ years. Total is over 266,000 since 2008!)

Refugee Industry thrilled with Asylum avenue to America!

In 2010 I attended the 30th anniversary celebration for the Refugee Act of 1980 at Georgetown University in Washington, DC and was struck by the focus speakers were placing on the asylum process.

Doris Meissner 2
At the Georgetown anniversary event, it was Doris Meissner (who apparently had a role in crafting the Refugee Act of 1980) who said with obvious pleasure:  We only expected the odd Russian ballet dancer to use the asylum process, but now (yippee!) large numbers of migrants are using it!

They were downright giddy that so many migrants were now showing up at our borders seeking asylum.  In fact, they seemed to be conscious of the fact that there were limits to the numbers they could get in to the US in the normal refugee admissions process even before Trump ever appeared on their radar screens.

In 2011, after seeing more stories about asylum seekers arriving at our borders from far flung places like Somalia, I wrote this post:

Is there a conspiracy by NGO’s to bring asylum seekers to US borders?

I said this at the time about the Georgetown shindig after calling for a Congressional investigation.

I was also struck at the conference by how much emphasis the pro-refugee, pro-open borders activists and speakers were placing on our asylum program.   They wanted to educate more asylum lawyers and hire more asylum judges (apparently the refugee program itself wasn’t bringing immigrants in fast enough!).  One speaker even said that the original idea behind the program was to rescue the odd ballet dancer seeking asylum from some repressive regime, but had now expanded to thousands every year.

You can read the whole post here, but the gist of it was that I believe the international open borders Leftists are actively involved in pushing migrants to first world countries’ borders (maybe even paying their way!) where, having been previously coached, they know how to ask for asylum.  Of course that is exactly what we are seeing now here and in Europe.

By the way, check out the whole NYT story. The reporter says that Secretary of State Pompeo wanted to keep the CAP where it was at 45,000, but Stephen Miller in the White House pushed for an even lower ceiling.

See my post yesterday where I say it should have been ZERO!

German official: Civil war coming to Europe, Breitbart journalist reports

Angela-Merkel-migrants-639762 (1)
What has she done to Germany?


James Delingpole writing at Breitbart tells us why he thinks the unnamed German official might very well be correct.

No time to snip much of it, so read it all here.

Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician

“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.

I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.

James Delingpole

But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.

Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.


Why is Germany inflicting this immigration on itself?

Apart from desperation to show itself in a good light to make amends for World War II and the Holocaust, there are two main reasons.

Economics: there is a view abroad, mostly promoted by the mainstream liberal-left but also by squishy conservatives, that Germany’s ageing population needs an influx of fresh blood. If native Germans won’t breed at replacement rates, then “guest-workers” must be imported to keep the economy going strong.


Anti-Nationalist, Post-Borders New World Order: this the world-view promoted and funded by George Soros and his acolytes, an article of faith for many on the hard left. Encouraging immigration from apparently inimical foreign cultures will ultimately make us better people. It will solve the disgusting problem of white privilege. We will interbreed and cross-pollinate and abandon our unhelpful nationalistic identities which have led to so much chauvinism and war in the past.

And here is his wrap-up:

I welcome articulate disagreement.

But in order for it to persuade me it will have to answer a simple question:

When there is such a huge and growing gulf between where our governing, globalist elites are on Islam and immigration – and where ordinary people are on Islam and immigration – how can there ever, possibly, be a happy ending?

Read Delingpole’s whole thesis here.

There is no comfortable middleground which leaves only a fight to the death (aka a civil war).

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Italy’s Salvini says Europe is importing African slave workers rather than having more children of their own….

….and all hell breaks lose!

“The Luxembourg [foreign] minister declared this morning that we need migrants because Europe is ageing. I told him I instead work towards young Italians (and Europeans) returning to bringing children into the world, because we don’t want new slaves.”

(Matteo Salvini)


Here is one version of the exchange in Vienna from The Gurardian:

‘Merde alors!’: Salvini draws fury with reference to African ‘slaves’

Italy’s far-right interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has compared African immigrants to slaves, prompting Luxembourg’s foreign minister to retort angrily using the French curse “Merde alors!”

The fiery exchange between Salvini – the leader of the League, which governs in coalition with the populist Five Star Movement – and Jean Asselborn occurred during a behind-closed-doors session at a European conference on security and immigration in Vienna.


Salvini on facebook
Salvini posted a video of the exchange on facebook!



Salvini, who immediately launched a crackdown on illegal immigration when his coalition government came to power, proudly published a video of the interaction on his Facebook page, alongside the post: “The Luxembourg [foreign] minister declared this morning that we need migrants because Europe is ageing. I told him I instead work towards young Italians (and Europeans) returning to bringing children into the world, because we don’t want new slaves.”

In the video, Salvini speaks about “being paid by citizens to help our young people start having children again in the way they did a few years ago, and not uproot the best of the African youth to replace Europeans who aren’t having children any more. Maybe in Luxembourg there’s this need; in Italy there’s the need to help our kids have kids, not to have new slaves to replace the children we’re not having.”

Asselborn, sitting two seats away from Salvini, gets increasingly agitated as the minister speaks, before interrupting in French with “allez, allez, allez”.

Salvini then says: “Your opinion is not mine. Maybe in Luxembourg there’s a need for new immigration but in Italy there’s a need to help people have children.”

More here.

Salvini is right, the globalists running Europe are looking for cheap laborers.

See my Italy file here and for all of my posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.

Italy: Salvini tells UN ‘Human Rights’ honcho to bug off!

michelle UN biddy
UN Human Rights Commissioner and former Socialist President of Chile Michelle Bachelet wants to investigate Italy!

So here we have news from Breitbart where the new Socialist head of the UN Commission on Human Rights says she is sending a team to Italy to ferret out racism by the government there in the wake of recent efforts (by the elected government) to protect its borders and halt the invasion of their country by Africans.

How dare she!

Well that is what Matteo Salvini said too!


Salvini Hits Back at UN as New Human Rights Chief Orders Probe into Italy ‘Racism’

Matteo Salvini has said he is considering cutting United Nations (UN) funding after its new human rights chief announced she is sending teams to Italy and Austria to investigate “racism against migrants”.

Salvini grim
Salvini: why should we fund UN waste, embezzlement and theft? Why indeed!

Michelle Bachelet said in a statement Monday that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is set to “send personnel to Italy to evaluate reports of a sharp increase in acts of violence and racism against migrants, people of African descent and Roma”.

Italy’s interior minister and deputy prime minister said the country would refuse to “take lessons from anyone, least of all the UN”, which he described as having “again proved itself to be biased, pointlessly costly and badly informed”, noting that police have denied allegations there is a “racism emergency”.

“The UN is an organization that costs billions of euros, to which Italy gives over 100 million every year in contributions and we will weigh with our allies on the usefulness of continuing to give these 100 million euros to fund waste, embezzlement, and theft for a body that wants to give lessons to Italians and that also has countries that engage in torture and [still have] the death penalty,” Salvini continued.

“If I were the UN, I would have half a world to send inspectors to before Italy. Go look for racism elsewhere, not in Italy,” he added.

“Before doing checks on Italy, the UN should investigate its member States who ignore basic rights like freedom and equality between men and women,” Salvini added.

Bachelet then also took a whack at our President:

The former leader of Chile and lifelong socialist, who opted to live in communist East Germany for some of her youth, used her speech to denounce U.S. President Donald Trump’s tougher border control policies….

Cut her off Donald, let the UN socialists find their funding elsewhere!

Read it all here.

Go here for more of my posts on Italy, and here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.