Kentucky: One of two convicted Iraqi refugee terrorists wants his sentence reduced

We have so many new readers and I suspect many of you don’t even know that in 2011 two Iraqi refugees living in Bowling Green, KY (Rand Paul’s hometown) were arrested and ultimately convicted of working for al-Qaida in Iraq.  I think you can find most of our coverage of the case by typing ‘Kentucky Iraqi terrorists’ into our search window.

Mohanad Hammadi is serving a life sentence. ” Hammadi also admitted to lying on U.S. immigration paperwork about his involvement in Iraqi insurgent operations against American troops.”

However, for a quick review, see this report at ABC News of all places!
From the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin):

LOUISVILLE — An Iraqi refugee and former Bowling Green resident serving a life sentence for federal terror-related offenses testified in federal court Tuesday morning that his former attorney assured him he would get a lesser sentence if he pleaded guilty.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 28, has sought to have his sentence vacated on the grounds that his court-appointed lawyer, James Earhart, was ineffective.

Hammadi pleaded guilty in 2012 to all charges in a 12-count indictment that accused him of attempting, with fellow Iraqi refugee and Bowling Green resident Raad Alwan, to provide weapons, explosives, money and other resources to al-Qaida in Iraq on multiple occasions in 2011.

More here.
By the way, as a result of the arrest, the State Department held up Iraqi resettlement for months while Homeland Security rescreened thousands of other Iraqi refugees (or so they said!).
One of the most shocking pieces of information that came out of the investigation was that the fingerprints of one of the accused was found on IED fragments recovered in Iraq at the scene of the deaths of American National Guard troops from Pennsylvania.
The pair had lied to get into the US Refugee Program.

The next time someone tells you there have been no Islamic terrorists in the refugee flow to America, and that we screen them so well, remember these two!

Endnote:  A ‘pocket of resistance’ is forming in Bowling Green, see here.

A quick review of some critical refugee numbers for this fiscal year, it isn't just Syrians that should concern you

As you know the Obama Administration is aiming to bring in 85,000 refugees from around the world (many religions and nationalities) this fiscal year (FY 2016 ends on September 30th).

So what do we know about thousands of Rohingya Muslims we are now picking up throughout this region of the world? No data bases there either! No criminal records to search.

And, yes, refugee resettlement supplies a small portion of the million or so ‘immigrants’ of all stripes we admit every year.
Our focus here at RRW is primarily (obviously) on the refugee portion or as the feds like to refer to them—humanitarian arrivals, which along with the refugees include a number of different categories of legal and illegal migrants (see a description here) that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement takes responsibility for.
There has been so much news about the Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees entering the US this fiscal year and I wanted to see how those numbers compared with some other Muslim-sending countries (again this is for refugees!), and so I checked the State Department data base for this fiscal year (which began on Oct. 1, 2015) and up to June 15, 2016.
This is what I found (I did not check every country) and I want to emphasize that we really can’t properly vet any of these people especially the devout Rohingya Muslims coming from Burma that have been scattered throughout South East Asia.

Afghanistan (1,455) virtually all Muslims

Burma (8,693) with 2,102 of those being Muslims (this is very new, we only in the last year or so admitted large numbers of Rohingya Muslims)

Iraq (5,781), 4,722 of those are Muslims (mostly Sunni but a large number of Shiites as well).

Somalia (5,956) all Muslim and we pick them up around the world!

Syria (4,328) virtually all Muslims

There are also many Muslims from other Middle Eastern and African countries coming, I just checked the major ethnic groups.
Again! Security screening any of these refugees is almost impossible and certainly won’t stop the 2nd generation jihadi killers.
So, as you freak out over Syrians, consider that they aren’t the only Muslim ‘refugees’ being spread out through America this year.
P.S. One day the Rohingya will be on the national news, so anyone interested in learning more about them can visit our Rohingya Reports category, here.  It goes back to 2008 and has 188 posts in it!

What will Senator Rand Paul do about new influx of Muslims to his hometown?

Yesterday I told you about a public meeting to be held today in Bowling Green, KY where the major resettlement contractor working there, Bowling Green International Center, a subcontractor of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, will attempt to explain why they will now be adding to the Muslim population of that town.

rand paul contemplative
Senator Rand Paul. Will he or won’t he take a leading role in investigating the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program that is FOREVER changing his home town?

Writing at World Net Daily, Leo Hohmann, reports on Senator Paul’s response.  For any of you attending that meeting at 5 p.m. today, be sure to see if you can spot any representatives of Paul’s office in attendance.  Be sure to let them know what you are thinking.
Here is just a small snip from Hohmann’s detailed report:

Bowling Green is not new to Muslim refugees. The city has been transformed over the past decade from a typical Middle America town that had no Muslims to one that now has more than 7,000 who account for at least 10 percent of the city’s population. It had no mosques 15 years ago and now has several including a large Islamic Center. The Islamic refugees have come from 23 countries, mostly from Bosnia, Russia, Burma, Iraq and now Syria.


Paul’s office told WND he is not in favor of the Syrian refugee dumps in Kentucky or anywhere else under the current vetting process being used by President Obama.

“Senator Paul believes we must pass the SECURE Act,” said Sergio Gor, the senator’s press secretary. “This legislation would suspend visa issuance for countries with a high risk of terrorism and impose a waiting period for background checks on visa issuance from other countries until the American people can be assured terrorists cannot enter the country through our immigration and visa system.”

Paul was much more outspoken against refugee resettlement three years ago, before he contemplated a run for president.

Continue reading here.
I, at one point a few years ago, had a lot of hope that Senator Paul, because of the way he questioned the program, would indeed become a leading Senate advocate for its reform. Of course it isn’t too late for him to accept the mantle.
P.S. Kentuckians might want to pound Mitch McConnell too, but I bet he is too deeply indebted to big industries in the state (Perdue maybe???) always on the lookout for cheap captive labor that refugees provide.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) a longtime supporter of refugee resettlement is shocked! What no Christians!

Shocked to find out—Surprise!—that we aren’t resettling Syrian Christians, but mostly Sunni Muslims.  I have no sympathy for his position now because he was so willfully blind for at least the last two decades about where this UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program was taking America.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) has been a long time supporter of the UNHCR and its work to bring refugees to America.

Here is a bit of the news from a stunned Smith at CNS News:

( – Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said Thursday that it was “unconscionable” that of the record 499 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States in the first three weeks of May, not one was a Christian.

Knights of Columbus CEO Carl Anderson cited that number, reported by on Monday, in his testimony on the urgent needs facing Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria.

Smith was speaking at a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing on what steps should be taken following Secretary of State Kerry’s March declaration that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) was committing genocide in Iraq and Syria against Christians and other religious minorities.

“They can’t even get into a UNHCR [U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees] or IDP [internally displaced persons] camp or a refugee camp, are unwanted, at risk,” Smith said of the Christians in Iraq and Syria.

Someone should really do a full accounting of Smith’s unwavering support for more refugees for your towns and cities (he has been the Republican darling of the refugee industry and its advocates), but I don’t have the time.  Here is just one bit I found (in a quick search) from a New York Times story about Smith from 1997 (Crusader and pragmatist!):

…. an anti-immigration group, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, has attacked him for his efforts to open American borders to more political refugees.

Does he understand that his beloved Catholic Bishops are leading the pack in ‘welcoming’ Muslims to America?

Canada: Muslim Imam admits refugee resettlement is caliphate-building!

Syrian refugees are an important part of the plan!
What a find by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch (hat tip: Chris):

You can learn more shocking information about Imam Mazin Abdul-Adhim’s caliphate ideas (sounds like he would like to be the Caliph himself!) here:

This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We must send money and help the refugees that are coming here in every way that we can.” The Toronto Sun reports: “Helping Syrian refugees coming to Canada and building an Islamic caliphate are part of the same cause, according to a pro-Shariah speaker at an Islamic conference in Hamilton.”

How can they possibly be part of the same cause? How does helping the refugees who are coming to Canada aid the cause of the caliphate? The obvious answer is that they’re coming as emigrants in the way of Allah, to whom Allah promises a reward for Islamizing a new land (see, for example, Qur’an 4:100). Abdul-Adhim, speaking in Hamilton, Ontario, says: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society … We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.” The refugee increases Muslims’ political and societal clout and strengthens these calls for “the full implementation of Islam.”

Continue reading at Jihad Watch and watch the video!
Go here to see our archive on Syrian refugees going to Canada thanks to the boy (Trudeau) and his silly campaign pledge. He is playing right into their hands and you can bet that behind closed doors Abdul-Adhim is having a good laugh!