Bowling Green, KY nervous about planned Syrian resettlement

It sure looks like another ‘pocket of resistance’ is forming, this time in Bowling Green, KY (a growing Muslim community) the hometown of Senator Rand Paul and the resettlement site of two convicted Iraqi refugee terrorists who had been placed there a few years ago.
Before you read the story, you should visit our very large archive on Bowling Green by clicking here. There has been much turmoil over the years with resettlement there generally relating to refugees being dumped by their resettlement contractors.
And, consider the fact that Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has never (to my knowledge) ever lifted a finger to question the program in his own state, it tells me that the program is driven there by Big Meat, the Chamber of Commerce and other industries who want a continuous supply of cheap immigrant labor.

Melinda Hill
Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill is an outspoken critic of the Syrian resettlement plan for Bowling Green. Photo here:

Senator Rand Paul has spoken up a few times over the years, but with a ‘conservative’ governor there now and if Paul sticks with past comments, it’s time to reevaluate Kentucky’s WILSON-FISH program.
Here is the news from WKU radio:

Bowling Green is preparing to welcome Syrian refugees later this year who are fleeing their country’s civil war. The Warren County-based Kentucky International Center has agreed to resettle 40 Syrians, but the decision is raising concerns in the local community.


The plan to open the city’s doors to Syrian refugees is creating backlash in what has otherwise been a welcoming environment. City Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill has been one of the most outspoken critics of the plan to resettle Syrians in Bowling Green. She says she doesn’t have confidence in the federal government’s screening process.

“Our country has systems in place where our criminals, we know what they did, when they did it,” Hill tells WKU Public Radio. “Many of these people are from countries that do not have systems like that in place, or if they did have them, these people have not been entered into the system, they’ve not been kept up to date, or those systems have been destroyed. We don’t have access to any background checks. It’s all questions and answers.”


Some locals residents are more apprehensive since the 2011 arrest of two Iraqi men living in Bowling Green. Both are now in prison for conspiring to send weapons and cash to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda.


The Syrians represent a small fraction of the 400 other refugees coming to Bowling Green this year, including from Africa, Asia, and Cuba. If approved by the federal government, 40 Syrians will start a new life that they hope won’t be derailed by fears of terrorism.

Concerned Kentuckians should be letting your governor know that he could be the one brave governor needed!  Go here and see what he could do!  If he is worried about being alone, he could call upon Chris Christie and Sam Brownback to join him! Three brave governors is surely better than one!
P.S. If anyone knows Commissioner Hill, please send her this post.  She may not know some information we have linked in here.

85% of Trump supporters believe Middle East refugees pose threat to America, but…

…get this! 40% of Democrats agree!

Ben Carson and Donald Trump agreed on the campaign trail that we must re-examine our refugee policy.

I love how this is written.  The Reuters reporter says only 40% of Dems have the same fear.  Holy cow, that is a lot of people! Consider also that 74% of plain vanilla Republicans also worry about the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees into their towns.
I would have guessed the Dems would be a far lower percentage than 40% (so does that mean there might be inroads into the Democratic electorate for Trump?).

Supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, see refugees arriving from Iraq and Syria as one of the greatest threats to the United States, according to a study released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center.

Eighty-five percent of respondents who said they supported Trump saw the refugees fleeing the Islamic State militant group as a threat, compared with 74 percent of Republicans overall, said the study.


Only 40 percent of Democrats viewed the refugees from the region as a major threat.

The Dems must be told over and over again that Hillary will continue the Obama push for more and more Syrian and Iraqi refugees to colonize America!

In Europe, "refugees" flying "home" to Iraq

Invasion of Europe news….
This is my laugh of the day story!
We have previously told you that literally thousands of so-called ‘refugees’ who made the ‘dangerous’ journey to Europe from the Middle East are finding that the streets in their new home are not paved with gold, the goodies aren’t very good, and on second thought, maybe “home” wasn’t so bad after all.
First, see this story we wrote in February about regular charter flights from Europe to Iraq returning the disenchanted to their homes.

Iraqi family to Germany
The “famous” “heart-breaking” photo of a “Syrian” refugee dad arriving in Greece (he was clearly not starving). Not Syrians and no longer in Europe! Photo: Daniel Etter for the New York Times.

Now comes news that a famous refugee family that made headlines in Germany and around the world in 2015 is already back in Baghdad.  The story at The New Observer seems almost too incredible to be true, but unless we learn otherwise, we will assume it is all true! Hat tip: Joanne

Proof that there is no “refugee” crisis—but only a determined, liberal-driven, nonwhite invasion of Europe—has come with the news that the Iraqi “refugee” family made famous in a press photograph have returned to Iraq after only six months in Germany.

The family—Laith Majid; his wife, Nada Adel; their sons Moustafa, aged 18; Ahmed, 17; and Taha, nine; along with seven-year-old daughter Nour—landed on the island of Kos in August 2015, at the height of the Angela Merkel-inspired nonwhite invasion.


As a result of the press picture, the Majid family gave more than 100 press interviews in Berlin, to media from all over the world.


The Bild newspaper decided to interview the Majid family once again to find out how they were doing in Germany six months after escaping the “hell” and “death threats” of Baghdad.

Where did they find them?  You guessed it!

Obviously not satisfied with “refugee” life in Berlin, they had simply flown back on one of the weekly flights from Berlin to the Iraqi capital.

Read all the details here.  You couldn’t make this up!
If you google this family you can see the whole progression of how the media built them up to be the ‘poster family’ for the “humanitarian crisis” engulfing Europe.
More Invasion of Europe news may be found by clicking here.

Massachusetts: Iraqi family of seven living in a motel, so where are all of the bleeding heart humanitarians?

….where are all of you ‘Christian’ do-gooders with your personal charitable giving?
This story should make your blood boil.  We are lectured that we should “welcome” refugees to our towns and cities and then those doing all the yammering leave families like this one high and dry, living in a series of motels and expecting their teenage children to morph into successful assimilated American citizens (yeh right!).

Jeffret Thielman
Jeffrey Thielman is the CEO of the International Institute of New England which did not respond to a Boston Globe reporter’s call. This family is his responsibility!

Read this story, read the whole thing from the Boston Globe on Friday (hat tip: Diane).  And, don’t get mad at the refugees, get mad at your Senators and Members of Congress, get mad at the UN, get mad at the US State Department and get especially mad at the International Institute of New England which brings them in and drops them off!
Do not read this as a plea for more taxpayer funding, but as a plea for a reduction in the number of refugees we admit.  If we can’t take care of them, then don’t bring them.
And, for those of you contemplating ‘welcoming’ refugees to your town for the first time, you will be paying for it.  This article highlights the fact that local and state taxpayer dollars are involved; and, that many of these traumatized families require expensive mental health treatment.
It also points out that your local refugee resettlement contractor simply washes its hands of troubled families and moves on to the next paying ‘clients’ the State Department sends them!
I told you yesterday, that the US State Department is accepting testimony (by May 19th) about the size and scope of the Refugee Admissions Program for FY2017 (Obama has already signaled it will recommend bringing in 100,000 for that year). Someone should write up this story from Massachusetts as an important point in your testimony.
Boston Globe (this is just a bit of the story about the contractor):

Refugee families depend on the federal government to help once they arrive. To assist them, the State Department contracts with nonprofits to help families find an apartment, sign up for health care, enroll in ESL classes, obtain food stamps, and look for employment opportunities. But the organizations are only required to provide guidance for three months, and refugees who need more help must turn to state programs and case managers for other benefits such as welfare.

Samantha Kaufman, a spokeswoman for the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, declined to comment on the Rubayes’ plight. “We can’t release any personal information about individuals and families,” she wrote in an e-mail.

Dr. Richard Mollica, director of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, called for increased refugee benefits from the government.

“If you have a medical problem or a mental health problem or you’re a survivor of torture, the probability that you’re going to make it to independent living after eight or nine months is probably nil,” Mollica said.

Currently, the biggest allotment of financial aid for refugees is a one-time federal payment of $2,025 for each family member. Some families pool those funds for rent and clothing, but at least $900 of each allowance goes to pay administrative costs to such resettlement agencies as the International Institute of New England, which was assigned to the family originally for three months, according to Rubaye. The International Institute did not respond to queries about resettling refugees. [No surprise!—ed]

There is much more, read it all.
See our recent post on the number of (potentially troubled) Iraqis entering the US and note that in recent years Iraqis made up the largest ethnic group admitted (82% are Muslims).  We also have an extensive archive with 688 previous posts on the Iraqi migration to America.
Way back in 2008, a wise Iraqi refugee boy penned a letter to the editor in which he said this about the large number of Iraqis entering the US as refugees:

It is better to have 10 Iraqi refugees who are satisfied with their lives than having 100 angry ones with no life at all.

But, the truth is that resettlement contractors can’t keep their doors open if they slow the flow as each refugee brings money (your taxpayer dollars) per head they resettle.  The whole resettlement model is (wrongly, I believe) built on increasing the numbers we admit! It is not about assuring assimilation and success!

Iraqi refugees entering US at rate of (only) 699 per month; 82% Muslim

Since readers seem to have liked previous posts on Syrians and Somalis resettled in the US in FY2016, I thought you might like to see how the Iraqi flow is going.  I’m surprised to see that the number is much lower than last year.
Does that mean we are approaching a point where we have pretty well cleared Iraq of anyone who wants to come to the US?

We have been bringing, on average, about 15,000 Iraqis a year since Obama took office.

As of March 31st (the halfway point in the fiscal year), we invited (only) 4,194 Iraqis to come and live in your towns (data here).  That is way down!!!
Here is the map of where they’ve been placed since October 1, 2015 (source: Refugee Processing Center):
Map Iraqis FY2016
The top ten states for Iraqi resettlement are these (they usually place them where there are already a large number of a specific ethnic group because they know they like to live with their own kind of people, and that is o.k. for them, but not for you! You would be racist if you expressed a similar desire—to live with your kind of people!):

California (634)

Texas (579)

Michigan (390)

Washington (214)

Virginia (177)

Illinois (159)

Arizona (157)

Tennessee (143)

Ohio (134)

Florida (112)

Surprisingly Nebraska comes in for honorable mention with 109.
Since the vast majority are Muslims (82%), the feds and the contractors also like to place them where there are plenty of mosques. Here is how this group breaks down (their spelling):

Moslem: 134

Moslem Shiite: 1,294

Moslim Suni: 2,017

LOL! Note that they are bring both sides of the centuries-old dispute between the Moslem sects to live side by side in America (good luck with that!).
We have a huge category on Iraqi refugees with 687 previous posts for ambitious readers!