Mideast archbishops ask why US is discriminating against Syrian Christians

They have noticed the disparity in the numbers too (see our post last evening).

obama-with-muslims - audacity of hope

They need to be sending some of this anger toward the US Conference of Catholic Bishops who have been silent while resettling mostly Muslims from the Middle East as US State Department refugee contractors.
From Christian Today:

Catholic archbishops from Iraq and Syria are speaking out in defence of displaced Christians who are having a difficult time in applying for US visas to enable them to escape persecution in their own country and settle in a new land, such as the US, where they can freely practice their faith.

Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil, Iraq, and Melkite Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart of Aleppo, Syria, spoke recently at the Knights of Columbus 2015 Convention press conference in Philadelphia, describing the plight of Christians in the Middle East, according to the Catholic News Agency.

They said they found out from official US government sources that since October last year, 906 Muslim refugees from Syria have been granted US visas. However, out of the 700,000 displaced Christians from Syria who applied for a US visa during the same period, only 28 succeeded in getting one.

Might not have come to the attention of the White House? Yeh, sure.

The archbishops said the apparent discrimination against Christians in the granting of US visas might not have reached the attention yet of the White House, but they said this is clearly a case of injustice.

“Our people are asking these questions: How come we apply for the American visa and are denied?” Archbishop Warda said. “This is a clear case of persecution. They’re being denied visas while others who have participated (in the violence) or at least were silent can go.”

See the related story here at WND about Chaldeans held in a detention center in California while others who came seeking asylum have been let go.

Senator Rand Paul: We are going to look into legal immigration from "hotbeds of jihadism"

A few years ago I was thrilled that Senator Rand Paul publicly challenged the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. He even said for publication:  Why are we bringing Iraqi refugees here and putting them on welfare!

2016 Presidential candidate Rand Paul: I don’t think we are being careful about who we let in.

This happened as it became known that two Iraqi refugees had been arrested and ultimately convicted of terrorist activity in Kentucky.  However, he drifted away from the issue as his Presidential aspirations became clear.
Now, it looks like he is thankfully taking up the cause again as Breitbart reported here yesterday (via Creeping Sharia and hat tip: Paula):

HOUSTON, Texas — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview here that he wants to restrict immigration from predominantly Muslim countries after the Chattanooga, Tennessee, terrorist attack.

Paul said in an interview backstage at a rally his presidential campaign is holding inside the Hyatt Regency here in downtown Houston:

I’m very concerned about immigration to this country from countries that have hotbeds of jihadism and hotbeds of this Islamism. There was a program in place that Bush had put in place—it stood for entry-exit program from about 25 different countries with a lot of Islamic radicals, frankly. I think there does need to be heightened scrutiny. Nobody has a right to come to America, so this isn’t something that we can say ‘oh their rights are being violated.’ It’s a privilege to come to America and we need to thoroughly screen those who are coming.

The alleged shooter in the Chattanooga incident—which claimed the lives of four U.S. marines, whom he allegedly murdered in the terror attack—was named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. The 24-year-old was born in Kuwait and immigrated to the United States before he opened fire in Chattanooga, killing four Marines.

Paul also told Breitbart News about another similar incident regarding foreigners from the Middle East who were placed in Kentucky via immigration programs for refugees—and tried to, before getting caught, buy military grade missiles.

Go to Breitbart for the rest of the story…..
See all of our coverage (both positive and negative) of Senator Rand Paul on refugees by clicking here.

HIAS targeting Toledo with Muslim refugees

We alerted readers, in February 2014, that Toledo was being targeted as a new “welcoming” community for refugees and in particular refugees from the Middle East.  See our story!  The original ABC News story is gone (it’s a good thing I snipped some of it).  Pay particular attention to the flag graphic behind the TV news anchor.

American Flag with Allahu Akbar
Screen shot from the 2014 announcement that Toledo will take Iraqi refugees. Arabic writing on the flag: Allahu Akbar! Did ABC know what they were doing when they prepared this graphic?

Now, here is the update on Toledo thanks to a new blog called Welcoming America Watch Midwest (story posted at Creeping Sharia).  I was so excited to see this news—-not that Toledo is being colonized, but the news that someone else is writing a blog on refugees!   Here is a bit of the post, but please go read the rest of it!

I was about to start a post on the parent group of Global Detroit and all the other Welcoming initiatives when it came to our attention that Afghan and Syrian refugees are being resettled in Toledo, Ohio. We have known for awhile that the address of an apartment complex’s office called Kenwood Gardens is listed on the State Department refugee resettlement subcontractor list as address for the subcontractor US Together.


This neighborhood appears to have everything a family could need to function. At the link to US Together–Toledo’s Facebook, there’s photos of another apartment for Afghan refugees. There’s a mosque, shopping center with grocery, large apartment complex, refugee resettlement contractor stationed at the apartment office building–and to top it all off, a public charter school for the kids that has an Arabic theme (the schools–elementary and middle–moved from their original Secor Rd. location into an old synagogue adjacent to the apartments). And all this is within walking distance of a huge employer, the University of Toledo (not on the above map).

Continue reading here.
Guess what!  The subcontractor US Together is an affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which we know is busy resettling Muslims into American towns and cities.
This is from HIAS list of “partners:”

US Together (Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo) – 614-310-3200

It was only 10 days ago or so we learned that HIAS thinks that the US should resettle 200,000 mostly Muslim Syrians!  Can you say death wish!

Fox News special features Christian Iraqis entering US illegally across our southern border

Arabo and Obama
Mark Arabo, right with Obama in 2014 story. http://brennerbrief.com/the-truth-about-the-islamic-state-is-bad-enough/

For those of you who have contacted me to see what I know about Mark Arabo, the Iraqi Chaldean man helping Iraqi/Syrian Christians get across our southern border illegally with the help of Mexican coyotes, I don’t have much to say at the moment.
See Fox News special:  ‘Christians Find Refuge from Terror in Jordan.’
We do know that the normal channels for Syrian refugees to enter the US are clogged with mostly Sunni Muslim ‘refugees’ chosen by the UN, but I remain very suspicious of anyone working with Democrats to further more illegal activity at our borders and especially those expanding the use of asylum.
For new readers, once granted asylum, these migrants become legitimate refugees and as such receive all forms of welfare and eventually a green card and citizenship.

Arabo and others like him should be pressuring the Obama State Department to prioritize Christian refugees in the official Refugee Resettlement Program over the thousands and thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Muslims we presently admit, rather than break the law at the US border.

And, I’m too pressed for time to look up the numbers, but we have brought in roughly 30,000 Iraqi Christians since Obama took office in a stream of about 120,000 Iraqis (mostly Muslims) in the normal Refugee Admissions Program.  Did all of Arabo’s illegal border-crossers first try for that program?  Were they somehow rejected?  I would like to know!
We have been watching the ‘invasion of Europe’ for years now as mostly African and Middle Eastern phony asylum seekers break into Europe.  Is it about to happen here in a big way?  Could Islamic extremists simply pretend to be Christians? Is Arabo a NO borders activist with an angle?  We have a lot of questions!
We’ll see what else we can find out….

Christians in Iraq utter desperate plea to the West: Destroy ISIS or open your doors and save us!


Just as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbies Congress and the White House to admit 65,000 Syrian refugees (over 90% will be Muslims) a Catholic cleric in Iraq begs the West to save the Christians from the Muslim invaders.
You can bet I’ll be watching to see if the US Bishops say a word about their fellow Christians.
If any of you see a statement (other than a few words of sympathy) from the Bishops, please let me know.  I have never seen one of the nine contractors say that we must first save the Christians!
Imagine what an earth-shaking event it would be if the federal resettlement contractors refused to resettle Muslims while Christians in Iraq were being persecuted.
From World Net Daily today (emphasis is mine):

A leading Iraqi prelate has called on the U.S. and its allies to double down on their efforts to defeat ISIS militarily, and, if that is not possible, to rescue Iraq’s 120,000 exiled Christians and grant them asylum in the West.


Archbishop Mouche [Syrian Catholic Archbishop Yohanna Mouche] said if the West is unable or unwilling to expand its military options against ISIS, then it should open its doors to Christians and other minorities seeking asylum.

“I am calling on the international community: if they cannot protect us, then they must open their doors and help us start a new life elsewhere,” he said.

But “we would prefer to remain in Iraq and be protected here,” he added.


The United States, which accepts the majority of the world’s refugees and asylum seekers, has taken in 119,210 refugees from Iraq since 2008, but 72,983 or 61 percent of those have been Muslims and only 42,000 or 35 percent have been Christian, according to U.S. State Department data.

As for the other major Middle Eastern source of refugees, Syria, the numbers are even more slanted toward Muslims. Among the nearly 850 Syrian refugees sent to the U.S. for permanent resettlement since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, 92 percent have been Muslim and less than 6 percent Christian.


Christians pose no security risks, yet they have been left largely to fend for themselves, said Joel Richardson, author and filmmaker who has recently been on missions trips to Iraq.

“There’s no question we need to open our doors to the Christians of Iraq,” he told WND. “There’s been a lot of anecdotal evidence that within Congress and the various departments and channels that oversee U.S. immigration that for some mysterious reason we’re putting up these roadblocks that prevent these Christians from coming to the U.S. when we’re morally obligated to let them in particularly in light of the fact that there is zero security risk and most of their plight can be attributed to the foreign policy blunders of the U.S. State Department under Barack Obama that was led by Hillary Clinton.”


While the Christian refugees of Iraq pose no security risk, the loudest voices in the refugee resettlement industry, such as former U.K. Foreign Minister David Miliband, who now heads the International Rescue Committee, have lobbied in recent months almost exclusively on behalf of the Syrian refugees. Miliband and others have said the U.S. needs to take in at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.

This same demand — for the U.S. to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees — has been made by the Refugee Council USA, the main lobbying arm of the nine agencies that do the resettlement work under contract for the U.S. government.

There is much more in this exclusive report, continue reading here.