Bowling Green, KY: Arrests made in Sunni vs. Shiite tussle


So where is Rand?

Did Grover get to Rand Paul? Or, was it big business donors (meatpackers maybe?) who caused Paul to go wobbly on the refugee issue?

Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine directs us to a brief news story from Presidential candidate Rand Paul’s home town.
Here is Greenfield:

Welcome to Bowling Green, Kentucky, the latest front in the Sunni – Shiite unholy war tearing apart the Middle East.

He then directs us to this news story about how a Shia Muslim claims he was assaulted by a Sunni Muslim in a dispute about their religious beliefs.
Then Greenfield closes with this:

Now how many Sunnis and Shiites do you need for there to be enough critical mass for these conflicts to turn violent? 

Why is this so interesting to me? 

The article does not tell us the nationalities of the two who scuffled, but I will bet a buck they were both Iraqis because we know many Iraqis have been resettled in Kentucky including those two refugee terrorists arrested in Bowling Green in 2011, on trial here in 2012.
At that time there was a glimmer of hope for Senator Rand Paul on this issue as he was very vocal in asking:  Why are we bringing so many Iraqis to the US?  See this post!  I was originally thrilled!

Now he has completely shut up on the issue!
By the way, Kentucky is an important refugee resettlement state and neither Senator Mitch McConnell or Senator Paul say a word about it.

The US State Department is admitting almost equal numbers of Shiite and Sunni Iraqis to the US, so you can expect more conflicts ahead!  Is that insane or what!

Again, we don’t know if these two Bowling Green squabblers are Iraqis, but this (below) will give you some idea of our foolishness.  I couldn’t get the State Department data base to open just now, but found my notes from a search  I did at the beginning of March.
From 1/1/14 to 2/28/15 (a little over a year) we admitted 22,446 Iraqis to your towns and cities.  The State Department data breaks them out by religion as follows:

Moslem (that is how they spell it): 351

Moslem Shiite: 7,747

Moslem Suni: 9,176

So the Muslims totaled:  17,274
All the other religions, or no religion accounted for the remaining 5,172 (23%).

So, is this kerfuffle in Kentucky the tip of the iceberg?  We’ll see!

See our Kentucky archive here, and don’t miss this post about the suspicious donation (for Syrian refugees) to a contractor from a Muslim “charity.”  See also Kentucky mosques cropping-up due to growing Muslim refugee population.

Make this issue (immigration and national security) a top concern for 2016 Presidential candidates!

If you have an opportunity to meet candidates ask them what their position is on refugee resettlement (look for a deer-in-the-headlights look!).

See NumbersUSA scorecard, here.  Paul has an abysmal D+ on immigration and jobs.
About the photo:  One of the earliest important stories we ever wrote nearly 8 years ago was about Grover Norquist lobbying for large numbers of Iraqi refugees to be resettled in the US.   And, see Grover here with RINO pals (including Jeb Bush) just last year urging the GOP to support the idea of more refugees coming to America!  Grover has been spreading the lie that Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law. He is wrong.  It was outgoing President Jimmy Carter who is responsible.


Michigan: Overloaded with Iraqi refugees, keeps state in top five resettlement states in the nation

Two nights ago I spoke with a group in Michigan—Southeast Michigan 912 Tea Party— and in advance did some digging into the data bases to see how the state was doing.  I was shocked to discover that over 18,000 Iraqis (among other refugees) have been resettled there since 2005.

Global Nation map
Note that these stats are from 2014. At this rate of resettlement, Michigan will get 40,000 refugees in the next ten years compared to the 29,000 it received in the last ten years.

Indeed in the last ten years, 29,141 refugees were resettled in Michigan and 18,505 were Iraqis.
I wondered what had happened to the US State Department’s 2008 ‘decision’ to slow the flow to Michigan?
Here is a headline and story from the Detroit News in October of 2008:

Iraqi refugees overwhelm Michigan relief program

Michigan’s economy is so bad that the State Department is sending fewer Iraqi refugees to the area because of concerns that their future would not be bright. [Never mind your future!—ed]

After a request by relief workers, the policy of bringing Iraqis to metro Detroit if relatives or friends live in the area was changed to allow only those with immediate family to settle here, according to the State Department.

“The State Department has taken the measure of things and decided it would be better to send them somewhere else, where they might be self-sufficient, instead of coming to Michigan, because the economy is very bad here, and we have the highest unemployment in the country,” Belmin Pinjic of Lutheran Social Services of Michigan said.


State Department officials said the policy change was implemented in late June partly because relief workers were having difficulty finding the refugees jobs.

But, see here, just a couple of months ago—despite high unemployment, refugees are still being poured into the state.  And, then most recently of course we reported that a dumb idea was floated by the New York Times to resettle 50,000 Syrians (mostly Muslim) refugees in Detroit.  How did we go from (2008) too many refugees would strain the economy, to 2015—refugees will cause the economy to recover?
Kentucky Iraqi terrorist bust slowed the flow slightly in 2011
As I searched the data bases I noted that there was never actually any slow down in the number of refugees resettled in Michigan despite the 2008 promise by the US State Department to do so.
There was a noticeable drop in Iraqis in 2011, but LOL! that was because the US State Department and Homeland Security discovered they had admitted at least two Iraqi refugee terrorists (caught in Kentucky—oopsy!) and thus security re-screening slowed the flow that year.

Here is what I learned about the number of refugees arriving in Michigan.

Of the total refugee load since 2005 (29,141), Iraqis topped the list by far at 18,505.  Previous research concludes that about 3/4th of all Iraqis entering the US are Muslims.  Religious minorities make up the other 1/4th.
After the Iraqis, the next too ethnic groups are Burmese (4,261) and Somalis (1,431).  Of the 800 or so Syrians resettled so far in the US, 49 went to Michigan.  The Somalis were mostly resettled in Lansing and Grand Rapids.
Then this really surprised me—Iraqis were resettled (“seeded”) in 98 towns in Michigan!
Here are the top ten Iraqi resettlement cities in the state (since 2005):

Southfield (4,427)

Sterling Heights (3,860)

Troy (1,998)

Warren (1,355)

Madison Heights (947)

Lansing (720)

Dearborn (626)

West Bloomfield (554)

Ann Arbor (297)

Detroit (289)

Six of the top nine federal resettlement contractors are operating in Michigan (falling all over themselves!).  They are: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (we bring only a tiny handful of Jews to the US as refugees, so they are resettling large numbers of Muslims, go figure!), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.  Find their office contact information here.
Readers, remember two things.  First there is “secondary migration” (here page nine) which means that in refugee resettlement lingo, refugees move within states and from state to state after initial resettlement.  And, secondly, there are other LEGAL immigration programs that are bringing refugees from the third-world, and from terror hotspots, to America.  I’m going to write about one of those this morning—the Diversity Visa lottery.  So, it becomes very difficult to get a really good idea of who is living next door!
Want to write a book?   We have 660 previous posts on Iraqi refugees, click here to begin your research!  Go here for everything we have said about Michigan.

Refugees stranded outside gates of Baghdad; fears of ISIS Trojan Horse

ISIS on the move!

The Daily Mail reported yesterday (hat tip: Kyle) that thousands of Iraqi refugees fleeing Ramadi are now trapped between the ISIS-controlled city and the safety of Baghdad.  (BTW, pundits speculate that Baghdad will fall too.)

 Over 20,000 innocent Iraqis are stranded in a deadly no man’s land between ISIS militants in Ramadi and potential safety in Baghdad 60 miles to the east, where they are cruelly being refused entry.

The terror group slaughtered over 500 people over the last few days to seize control of Ramadi – their biggest military victory in over a year – before holding a a twisted celebratory parade on its blood-stained streets.

The thousands who were forced from their homes are now living in the open – many without shelter and dwindling aid – in small towns like Amiriyat Fallujah on the outskirts of Baghdad.

Iraq’s military will not allow them to cross the Euphrates river and into the city because it can not confirm they are not ISIS militants, aid agencies in Baghdad have told MailOnline.

Kind of ironic isn’t it?

The US is bringing Iraqis to your towns and cities at the rate of 1,175 a MONTH at the moment.  But, we dare not mention the Trojan Horse analogy and are told to welcome them with open arms.

Where is the UN?  Isn’t it their job to go into these danger zones and help the people?
There is much more, with lots of photos, go here.
Related!  Tomorrow the House Homeland Security Committee (subcommittee chaired by Rep. Peter King) will hold a hearing on the security concerns many have about the admission of Syrian refugees to the US.  Go here for more.  Update: hearing postponed!

Kentucky: Iraqi refugee convicted terrorist back in the news; wants conviction and sentence reviewed

Update:  There is a 2013 ABC News expose of the arrest and conviction of these two refugees with information on how they lied to get into the US.  A long time reader suggested that many of you may never have seen it.  Watch it here.

He says he was misrepresented and didn’t understand English well enough (you can be sure he had been supplied with a translator!).

For you, in new towns being urged to ‘welcome the stranger’ and take in Muslim refugees, there are several lessons in this one short news story.

First, don’t believe them when they say that refugees are thoroughly screened! This pair of convicted terrorists LIED on their refugee applications and there was ample evidence, one not mentioned in this news story, that they were in fact fighting (and possibly killing) Americans in Iraq.  One of them had fingerprints on an IED shard the US had already collected from an attack on Americans.

Second, US and state taxpayers are footing the bill for translators and expensive trials and other legal proceedings.

And, third these two were placed by a resettlement contractor in an American town and you paid for it.  But, the media, in this case AP, cannot bring itself to tell readers that these two were REFUGEES.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi lied on his application for US refugee status.

Every reader of this AP story who is unfamiliar with the US Refugee Admissions Program is probably scratching their head and asking, well how did these terrorists get in here?

From AP at the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin):

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — An Iraqi man convicted of terrorism charges in Kentucky is asking a federal judge to change his conviction and prison sentence because he says he was misrepresented by his court-appointed attorney.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi pleaded guilty in 2012 to being involved in a plot to send weapons and money to al-Qaida in Iraq.

Hammadi says in a motion filed last month that he felt pressure to plead guilty to a dozen charges and was told by his attorney, James Earhart, he would not get a life sentence. He is asking a judge to throw out or correct the sentence.

The motion asks the court to “vacate, set aside or correct” the conviction and life sentence he received in January 2013.


Hammadi said in the motion that he was pressured to plead guilty the day before his jury trial. Earhart, a longtime lawyer and former federal prosecutor in Kentucky, told Hammadi “no American jury would find him innocent following the events of Sept. 11, 2001,” according to the March 16 motion.

The AP wants you to think that they just simply “arrived” in the US, not a word about the US State Department bringing them in!

Alwan and Hammadi arrived in the United States in 2009. Both admitted to taking part in insurgent activities in Iraq in 2005 and 2006. Prosecutors said federal authorities became aware of Alwan when they found out he had been held in an Iraqi prison in June 2006 for insurgent activities.

Searching RRW for ‘Kentucky Iraqi’ I see that we probably have a couple of dozen posts in which we mention these convicted refugee terrorists.   In fact, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s fleeting criticism of the refugee program was surely inspired by his anger at the time about this case.

If you see Rand Paul on the campaign trail, ask him why he stopped criticizing the Refugee Admissions Program!

Make this issue a 2016 Presidential campaign issue!  In fact, ask all of the candidates if they support it and I bet you get a ‘deer in the headlights’ look!

Paraguay: Iraqis and Syrians using fake Israeli passports caught entering the country

Because refugee problems are now cropping up in South America we have recently added a category for that continent, see previous stories hereHere is one post from February with a map of the routes being taken through South America and then to Europe.

This news is not new, we have learned that fake passports are the way many, especially Syrians these days, are illegally entering other countries.  Paraguay is worried that Israeli interests in their country could be attacked.

Here is the latest from Ynet News:

The Paraguay Police has arrested 11 Arab travelers since early March, most of whom citizens of Syria and Iraq, who were using forged Israeli passports to enter the country.

Syrians are traveling to Paraguay in order to get into Europe!

Paraguay’s Ambassador to Israel, Max Haber Neumann, updated the Israeli Foreign Ministry about the arrests.

Paraguay wants to expel the arrested travelers, but is having difficulties doing so as some of them are minors.

Customs officers in Paraguay were instructed to be more vigilant after similar cases of Israeli passport forgery were discovered in Spain, Uruguay, Ecuador and Colombia in February and in light of Israel Foreign Ministry warnings that terrorist groups might attempt to attack Israeli and Jewish targets in South America.

There were at least two attempts to attack Israel’s Embassy in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, in recent months. In one of the cases, in early January, a small explosion was heard outside the Embassy. A bomb squad was called to the scene to neutralize the explosive device.

Paraguay Ambassador Haber Neumann said that it was his understanding the 11 arrested travelers were refugees from the Middle East who arrived in Latin America as a stop on their way to Spain or other destinations in the European Union.

In September of last year, two Iranians were arrested in Kenya on their way to Brussels with fake Israeli passports.

According to this story, Israeli passports are easy to fake, guess that means Israel better do something about that!