And a college professor from Northern Virginia says yes (sort of!).
Here is the question at Quora:
Should the U.S welcome 1,000,000 Syrian refugees?
The United Nations estimates that about 6,5 million people have been displaced as a result of the Syrian Civil War. Of those 6,5 millions about 3 millions have fled to countries outside Syria, with Lebanon receiving most, more than 1 million. Should the US as a larger and richer country than Lebanon, Jordan etc. help out with the situation, also as a way to gain goodwill and trust in the Muslim word? [barf!–oh sure they are going to love us then!–ed]
Here is the answer from college professor Al Carroll.

Note that Carroll starts to get wobbly about the 1 million number. It is always amusing to see open borders Leftwingers squirm when you reach certain high numbers of migrants and refugees indicating that they too know there must be a limit, but are unwilling to say exactly what that number might be that could push America over the cliff.
Al Carroll, My name is Al Carroll. I’m a historian, history professor at Northern VA Community College, and author of Presidents’ Body Counts.
If the US were truly a Christian nation, this would not even be up for debate. Of course you help out those need, facing death by war, displacement, and repression. That is needed far more than more bombs or sending guns. You help out because it’s the right thing to do.
For those of us who try to be good Christians (I’m Catholic) ethnicity or religion or country of origin should not matter. For those people who are anti immigrant or anti Muslim or anti Arab or Middle Eastern people, you can claim to be many things. But you cannot claim to be a Christian without being seen as a hypocrite when you fail to help your fellow man.
I don’t know that 1 million refugees is the right number, that this many would choose to come here. There is no reason that this number could not be split with countries in Europe that have an equally noble tradition of taking in refugees. When I was traveling in Sweden I was impressed with how many Chileans the Swedes took in during the time of Pinochet’s dictatorship. But since the crisis in Syria was partly created by US support for ISIS rebels earlier and the instability brought by the US invasion of Iraq, it seems only fitting. I thought it shameful and hypocritical of GW Bush that he did not make a special effort to aid Iraqi refugees caused by his war of choice. [LOL! No criticism of Obama who has been in charge of our Syria policy for six years and has so far brought less than 100 Syrians to the US?—ed]
See our post of last week where we reported that the US State Department has announced that the Syrians are coming. How many will it be?