Dumb website asks: Should the US “welcome” 1 million Syrians?

And a college professor from Northern Virginia says yes (sort of!).

Here is the question at Quora:

Should the U.S welcome 1,000,000 Syrian refugees?

The United Nations estimates that about 6,5 million people have been displaced as a result of the Syrian Civil War. Of those 6,5 millions about 3 millions have fled to countries outside Syria, with Lebanon receiving most, more than 1 million. Should the US as a larger and richer country than Lebanon, Jordan etc. help out with the situation, also as a way to gain goodwill and trust in the Muslim word?  [barf!–oh sure they are going to love us then!–ed]

Here is the answer from college professor Al Carroll.

Virginia History professor Carroll.

Note that Carroll starts to get wobbly about the 1 million number.  It is always amusing to see open borders Leftwingers squirm when you reach certain high numbers of migrants and refugees indicating that they too know there must be a limit, but are unwilling to say exactly what that number might be that could push America over the cliff.

Al Carroll, My name is Al Carroll. I’m a historian, history professor at Northern VA Community College, and author of Presidents’ Body Counts.

If the US were truly a Christian nation, this would not even be up for debate. Of course you help out those need, facing death by war, displacement, and repression. That is needed far more than more bombs or sending guns. You help out because it’s the right thing to do.

For those of us who try to be good Christians (I’m Catholic) ethnicity or religion or country of origin should not matter. For those  people who are anti immigrant or anti Muslim or anti Arab or Middle Eastern people, you can claim to be many things. But you cannot claim to be a Christian without being seen as a hypocrite when you fail to help your fellow man.

I don’t know that 1 million refugees is the right number, that this many would choose to come here. There is no reason that this number could not be split with countries in Europe that have an equally noble tradition of taking in refugees. When I was traveling in Sweden I was impressed with how many Chileans the Swedes took in during the time of Pinochet’s dictatorship. But since the crisis in Syria was partly created by US support for ISIS rebels earlier and the instability brought by the US invasion of Iraq, it seems only fitting. I thought it shameful and hypocritical of GW Bush that he did not make a special effort to aid Iraqi refugees caused by his war of choice.  [LOL! No criticism of Obama who has been in charge of our Syria policy for six years and has so far brought less than 100 Syrians to the US?—ed]

See our post of last week where we reported that the US State Department has announced that the Syrians are coming.  How many will it be?

14 million refugees in the Middle East: utter disaster

The brilliant and knowledgeable David P. Goldman writes in PJ Media:

There are always lunatics lurking in the crevices of Muslim politics prepared to proclaim a new Caliphate; there isn’t always a recruiting pool in the form of nearly 14 million displaced people (11 million Syrians, or half the country’s population, and 2.8 million Iraqis, or a tenth of the country’s population)….Many of them will have nothing to go back to. When people have nothing to lose, they fight to the death and inflict horrors on others. That is what civilizational decline looks like in real time.

Goldman has been predicting this kind of disaster in the Middle East for years.  He also writes under the pen name of Spengler after Oswald Spengler, a German historian who is best known for his book, Decline of the West.  Goldman continues:

The Arab states are failed states, except for the few with enough hydrocarbons to subsidize every facet of economic life. Egypt lives on a$15 billion annual subsidy from the Gulf states, and if that persists, will remain stable if not quite prosperous. Syria is a ruin, along with large parts of Iraq. The lives of tens of millions of people were fragile before the fighting broke out (30% of Syrians lived on less than $1.60 a day), and now they are utterly ruined. The hordes of combatants displace more people, and these join the hordes, in a snowball effect. That’s what drove the 30 Years War of 1618-1648, and that’s what’s driving the war in the Levant.

There’s a lot to be said about what we should do about ISIS and the other terrorist groups militarily, and it is being said. Here at RRW I’m wondering whether the State Department thinks 14 million refugees with nothing to go back to, rootless and dispossessed and many filled with a destructive rage beyond our comprehension, are our responsibility, a great pool of potential United States citizens.  I’m wondering if the resettlement agencies see a potential windfall and meat packers see cheap labor without end.  God help us if so. Ann has written extensively about Syrian refugees and the pressures on other countries to take them. I’m sorry, but you can’t place 11 million Syrians and 3 million Iraquis in western countries.

If there were anyone in the government looking after America’s interests, we would recognize that this catastrophe is not something we can fix.  If we’re going to help, we should be looking only to Christians and other selected religious minorities.  I wish we had the will and the strength to find them a piece of land of their own over there, but that’s a fantasy.  Goldman writes:

When I wrote in 2011 that Islam was dying, this was precisely what I forecast. You can’t unscramble this egg. The international organizations, Bill Clinton, George Soros and other people of that ilk will draw up plans, propose funding, hold conferences and publish studies, to no avail. The raw despair of millions of people ripped out of the cocoon of traditional society, bereft of ties of kinship and custom, will feed the meatgrinder. Terrorist organizations that were hitherto less flamboyant (“moderate” is a misdesignation), e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood (and its Palestine branch Hamas) will compete with the Caliphate for the loyalties of enraged young people. The delusion about Muslim democracy that afflicted utopians of both parties is now inoperative. War will end when the pool of prospective fighters has been exhausted.

Come on Gateway Pundit, you should know about refugee resettlement by now!

This plan by a local Catholic group is NOT a plan to accommodate “illegal aliens!”   (See Gateway Pundit here)


Jim Hoft in a post entitled: Update: Officials Discuss Housing Syrian & Iraqi Refugees in South St. Louis.

“A local St. Louis Catholic church closed it’s school last year and now wants to use it to house illegal aliens.”

(hat tip: Julia)

Iraqis and Syrians are/will be LEGAL immigrants.

This is all legal and has been going on for over three decades. I can’t recreate all of Refugee Resettlement Watch for Gateway Pundit, so someone please tell some of the big conservative bloggers that it’s time they paid attention to LEGAL immigration especially as this is all being paid for out of the federal treasury!

It is not charitable Catholics passing the collection plate!  Catholic groups are federal contractors!

Iraqis are the largest group of refugees we are bringing to the US this year and in fiscal year 2015 (which begins in 4 weeks), Syrians will be pouring into your cities!   16,159 Iraqis have been brought to the US in the first ten months of this fiscal year.  A large percentage of them have been resettled by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (as the largest contractor) and its subcontractors.

The feds and their refugee contractors*** are scouting out new locations as we speak.

*** The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years (Grant recipient big dogs (devouring federal cash) Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs  are new on the scene in recent years.):

Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff warns of open borders invitation to ISIL

They will be coming in with the “children!”

It is all over the news in the last few days, but just to be sure you have seen it, here is CNS News on our southern border and the Islamists’ great opportunity.  LOL!  I should post this in our new category — So what did they expect?

It isn’t really funny, but go back and check out our post on James O’Keefe, dressed as Osama bin Laden, as he wades (unimpeded) across the Rio Grande.

Secretary of Defense Hagel and Joint Chiefs Dempsey at a press conference this past week.

CNS News (hat tip: Erich):

(CNSNews.com) – Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a Pentagon press briefing yesterday that “because of open borders and immigration issues,” the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is an “immediate threat.”

In the context of this ISIL threat, Dempsey said he had had conversations with his European colleagues “about their southern flank.” He did not specifically mention the U.S.-Mexico border, which is the southern flank of the United States.

Seven years ago, then-National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell publicly warned that terrorists were coming across the U.S.-Mexico border, and that “a significant number of Iraqis” had been “smuggled across illegally” the previous year.

We have been writing about the OTMs (Other than Mexicans) for years here at RRW too (with a special interest in the Somalis coming in that way).

And, by the way, although we have an exposed “southern flank” so does Europe as we have reported in our series on the ‘invasion of Europe’ where the mostly Muslim illegal migrants come through North Africa (and the Libyan hell hole that Obama and his gals created) and across the Mediterranean Sea.

Bulgaria may extend border fence with Turkey to slow invasion

This is one more in our ‘invasion of Europe’ series.  And, one more story about tiny Bulgaria being beaten-up by the international humanitarian industrial complex working tirelessly to erase borders worldwide.


Bulgarian border police stand near a barbed wire fence on the Bulgarian-Turkish border July 17, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Stoyan Nenov


From Reuters:

(Reuters) – Bulgaria may extend the fence at its border with Turkey to stop more refugees from Syria and Iraq entering illegally, a top interior ministry official said on Wednesday, while the foreign minister warned of “terrorism imports” to the EU member state.

The problem border is the one with Turkey.

The Balkan country is considering adding 130 km (80 miles) of barbed-wire fencing to an existing 33-km fence along the 240-km southeastern border which, the interior ministry’s Chief Secretary Svetoslav Lazarov, said would save 2 million levs ($1.36 million) a month on policing the area.

“It would be a prohibitively facility,” Lazarov told reporters. “Our country has enough border points and those who want to come as a refugee can go through them.”

More than 10,000 refugees, mainly Syrians, entered Bulgaria illegally last year from Turkey and, in an attempt to limit the influx, authorities deployed over 1,000 police officers.

Bulgarian authorities said the Black Sea state could face an even greater influx in the coming months due to intensified fighting in Iraq in recent weeks.

There is more, including the usual whack from the human rights agitators.  I always wonder why they aren’t whacking Turkey for letting the migrants pass through to the Bulgarian border.  Legitimate asylum seekers are supposed to ask for protection in the first safe country they come to—in this case Turkey.

For more on Bulgaria, click here.  For our whole ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here.