Propaganda alert! Using twitter hashtags to identify 'welcoming' states

This is very interesting, but doubtful if its conclusions are defensible…..
This study is a fascinating example of how propaganda works.  It shows one more way that the Open Borders Left and the refugee industry are using “studies” and social media to try to tell you what Americans are thinking (always pro-open borders of course).
However, as I look at this I’m thinking the side which wants to see immigration controlled is likely not using hashtags on twitter to any great degree (heck! you are probably not on twitter!) that would help balance an avalanche of pro-open borders, pro-more refugee resettlement hashtags tweeted by a small group of savvy social media Leftists.
Here is the story, and then (see below) how about a concerted effort to counter their false meme with some hashtags of our own. Check out the bias in the first line—to “truly understand” they claim “dialogue on twitter” is definitive!

To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?

By analyzing tweets with related hashtags (such as #openborders, #refugeeswelcome, and #(in)humane) in the U.S. since January 2015, we are able to tell a story that is not often covered in the news — that many Americans are sympathetic toward refugees and do want to help. Continue reading to see which states and cities are tweeting their support.To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee [No surprise that the richest of US resettlement contractors is involved! LOL!—ed] so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?

Now check out their states which they claim are most “welcoming” because of positive words and hashtags!!!
If you are tweeting from the top ten, and want to see the refugee program stopped or defunded, you have work to do!
There is a list of states with the most negative tweets on refugees too!  Check it out! Click here. Wisconsin is in the ten states which tweeted more negative tweets on refugees—sure hope the message got to Speaker Paul Ryan!
If you are in one of the top ten ‘welcoming’ states according to this twitter study, or any state for that matter, it’s time to tweet and use some hashtags of our own.
I’m going to start using hashtags such as: #RefugeeInvasion, #SyrianInvasion, #UnvettedSyrians, #sickrefugees, #DefundRefugees, #refugeepropaganda, #refugeeseeding…  And, surely you can think of more of your own!
By the way, the article lead us to this story from Louise, Mississippi where last year the town fathers said they want Syrian refugees among others to be resettled in Louise.  When I have a minute I’ll look and see if they got any yet and whether I should put Louise on my list of new sites.

US contributing millions to help Mexico, Ethiopia and others become resettlement countries

Maybe it would simply help the world if we told Mexico and Ethiopia to keep their own people at home!
Or, LOL! Maybe Ethiopia can resettle the excess Mexicans flooding the US border, and Mexico will welcome Ethiopian refugees that we still take by the thousands!  (Only countries willing to help refugees were permitted to attend Obama’s summit so Mexico and Ethiopia’s participation strikes me as very funny.)

Obama’s UN team. The gang should all be there for Obama’s special robust refugee summit on Tuesday. That is UN Ambassador Samantha Power behind O. Learn more about her at our Power archive:

One of the many taxpayer-funded goodies Obama will be talking about this week at the United Nations is our recent gift of $11 million to help launch the Emerging Resettlement Countries Joint Support Mechanism (ERCM). Presumably this new bureaucracy (one more UN agency) will be teaching other countries how to resettle refugees using our successful (ha! ha!) model.  Or, is it just one more way to redistribute American wealth?
Here is the press release from the State Department that made me laugh (chock full of their favorite lingo, robust and sustainable got two mentions each)! Emphasis below is mine:

The United States is pleased to announce a contribution of $11 million to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)*** and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support the Emerging Resettlement Countries Joint Support Mechanism (ERCM), a platform established to help countries create robust and sustainable refugee resettlement programs.

On September 20, 2016, leaders from Jordan, Mexico, Germany, Ethiopia, Sweden, and Canada, as well as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, will join President Obama in hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees on the margins of this year’s UN General Assembly high-level week. The Summit will bring together governments from around the world that have made new and significant pledges in 2016 to address the most urgent needs of refugees and facilitate long-term durable solutions. Among the goals of the Summit is to double the global number of refugees resettled or admitted legally to third countries. A significant number of countries have stepped forward to launch or expand refugee resettlement efforts [Ethiopia? Mexico?–ed]. It is vital to the success of these efforts that their programs address the legal, administrative, and social challenges that refugees can face.

The U.S. contribution to the ERCM, managed by UNHCR and IOM, will provide both resources and expertise to assist countries in establishing the legal, institutional, and community framework necessary to create robust and sustainable resettlement programs. The ERCM will focus on providing support to newly established resettlement programs and may potentially support other pathways such as family reunification programs, study opportunities, and issuance of humanitarian visas. The United States strongly urges other donors to join in supporting this important mechanism. With full funding, the ERCM could help as many as 10 countries resettle nearly 30,000 refugees over the next three years.

***Up until very recently the IOM was a separate NGO, but has recently been incorporated in to the United Nations.

Can't get a message to Speaker Paul Ryan on refugees? Try this!

Yesterday my good friend Louise called to say she received a fundraising letter from Speaker Paul Ryan and asked did I get the same thing?  Well, sure enough, checked my junk mail and there it was!

Team Ryan—give me a break!

How about helping make him a fundraising failure while sending a message to DEFUND REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT!
Here is what I am going to do (to this one and any others I get from the GOP), I’m sending them back with no money, but with a message to keep America safe by defunding the US Refugee Admissions Program, right now! This year!
(no matter what they say, they can’t vet the refugees!)

By all means, send donations directly to your favorite Republican candidates and directly to the Trump campaign!
Ryan’s “Team Ryan” appeal for money to elect House members comes with a letter, and you know what! I didn’t see the ‘T’ word anywhere in it—Trump is not mentioned!
However, and this is soooo funny, he says:

“House Republicans will be offering a better way forward going into this election.  An agenda rooted on our core conservative principles where we:

Operate the federal government with a balanced budget, just as you do at home

Repeal and replace Obamacare, which has proven to be an utter failure

Free small businesses to operate without interference from burdensome government regulations”

How dumb does he think we are? 
I told you here yesterday that the Republicans who control Congress (the House and the Senate) and the purse strings are part of the problem. They don’t defund anything!

Put a message on the outside of the envelope too!

What the hell have they been doing for the last year that we once again are facing a battle over a ‘Continuing Resolution’ to keep the government funded just at the time they want to run home and campaign so they can get back to Washington and do the same damn thing to us!

So, if you are as angry at them as I am, and you want to have fun, here is an idea!
Every appeal you get from the Republican establishment should go back in their own envelope (you can afford a stamp!) with a message written on it to Keep America Safe by defunding the US Refugee Admissions Program!
Check your junk mail! Surely you have gotten something from the GOP establishment recently, don’t trash it, put it to good use! (I’m going back to my junk mail basket right now to see what else I might find!).

Read this and stiffen your spine! Laugh at them when they call you racist

Or, if it’s your style, react as the Governor of Maine did in his profanity-laced tirade against a Democrat law maker.
When you think about it, all they have is to call you a racist (or fancier versions of the same word—a xenophobe, a nativist, an islamophobe) when you raise concerns about the costs of refugee resettlement, security concerns, and the impact on social cohesion brought by forced multiculturalism to your communities.  And, the progressive left has been getting away with defeating us for decades by rolling out that charge.
I say, call me whatever you want, then laugh at them and move on!

Once you defeat the power of that word by not caring that it is used against you, you win.

Watch this hilarious clip of Hillary’s attack on all of us “racists” and the so-called ‘Alt Right’ earlier this week (and spread it far and wide)!

Now see what Maine Governor LePage said in the same week that Donald Trump turned the tables on Clinton and called her a “bigot.”

From Leo Hohmann at WND:

Maine Gov. Paul LePage went ballistic Thursday after several Democratic politicians labeled him a “racist” over comments he made about the demographic makeup of drug trafficking suspects in his state.

Drew Gattine
Rep. Drew Gattine a “socialist (expletive)” according to Gov. LePage.

LePage went on a profanity-laced tirade in a voicemail message in which he challenged Democrat state legislator Drew Gattine to prove he was a racist, the Portland Press Herald reported.

“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage,” a recording of the governor’s phone message says. “I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you (expletive). I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist (expletive). You … I need you to, just friggin. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

LePage later confided in reporters he’d like to settle the score with the “snot-nosed little guy” Gattine in an armed duel.

Charges of racism and bigotry from the Democrat Party are nothing new, of course.

But what is new is the reaction by Republicans.

And it’s being led by the Trump phenomenon.

Keep reading!

Comment worth noting: Ann is a right-wing nut job!

Editor:  Occasionally we post comments as posts so that you will be sure to see them.  This is a comment from Jon Lolliger in response to my recent post about Twin Falls, Idaho.

Right wing nut job
Stickers available at EBAY:

We will find you…..

Ann, it’s clear you’re a right-wing nut job, with racist, bigoted views about people who aren’t like you; i.e., from a different county [does he mean country?—ed], ethnic group, and religious beliefs. You’re a coward with paranoid delusions, spreading fear and hatred, and you hide behind your alleged blog because you’re afraid of criticism from people who don’t share your warped worldview. No matter, I can find out exactly where you live, and then you shouldn’t be surprised when people show up at your home in large numbers and take you to task for your un-Christian attitudes and views.

Thank you Mr. Lolliger for affirming that we are making progress!
See more comments worth noting (and guest posts) by clicking here.
P.S. Have been on the road for exactly 4 weeks today and have enjoyed every one of you who have graciously shown me around your troubled communities and introduced me to so many wonderful people working hard to save America, Christianity, and Western Civilization!