This is rich! At a Somali website, a guy named Mohamud is blasting the Chinese in Canada. I thought all this multiculturalism was going to be so wonderful and we would all be “strengthened” by it. Welcome to British Columbia sign along the Cassiar Highway, British Columbia and Yukon border, Canada. Editor’s note: Normally I’m a prude and don’t post profanity, but I am making an exception this time so you can get the full flavor of Mohamud’s comment.
From Somalispot (an online forum) on the topic: 100,000 Chinese millionaire immigrants in Vancouver
They are actual fucking cancer. Like BC is giving away our land to foreigners who have ZERO intentions of staying.
People who will never in a million years apply for citizenship and thus will never be taxed nor add to Canada’s revenue. Just google the water ordeal. Wallahi you’ll cry. Just google Nestlé and BC to see what these asshats are doing.
Ugh. I hate ’em. I hate them so much.
Ironically funny (sort of!).
Changing the subject….
In my travels I heard about Somalis walking across the border from Canada to North Dakota. This particular batch was apprehended by border patrol, but how many made it through?
For more on Somalis in Canada, go here.
I had a good laugh last night when I spotted this piece on Rutland that is your classic Leftwing tactic to smear the critics (with the racist, Islamophobic label) and divide the local critics of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program from the national movement (pockets of resistance***) by smearing yours truly and Jim Simpson at the Center for Security Policy. Rutland writer, guitarist, mixed-drink expert, Jim Sabataso says his “soul hurts” when he reads about criticism of the refugee admissions program of the UN/US State Department.
First here (at the Times Argus) is what the poor baby who felt he had to take a shower (after reading their facebook pages) says of the local groups in opposition to Syrian resettlement for Rutland:
This week, against my better judgment, I decided to wade into the muck to explore what those opposed to Syrian refugee resettlement in Rutland are saying on social media. I say muck, because, holy hell, my curious clicking took me to a dark, dark corner of the local Facebook community.
Opponents to resettlement have expressed consternation about being painted as uneducated bigots. While I understand the frustration of those who feel that they are being unfairly characterized as intolerant for their dissent — indeed, some folks have managed to express their opposition intelligently and eloquently — it’s hard not to draw that conclusion based on the rhetoric coming out of that camp.
Hosting extremist speakers such as James Simpson to discuss, as the Rutland Herald put it, “the coming plague of sex crimes, diseases such as latent tuberculosis and mosques led by radical imams preaching jihad,” makes it difficult not to paint the opposition as paranoid and dangerously misinformed. When the individual spearheading the effort to put the refugee issue to a city-wide vote suggests that Muslim lives are not as valuable as those of Christians, it’s hard not to dismiss the whole group as narrow-minded, Islamophobic bigots.
Besides Simpson, who the mayor calls the leader of a hate group and champion of “pockets of resistance” here, local musician, writer and self-proclaimed mixed drink (alcoholic beverage) expertJim Sabataso weighs in on Refugee Resettlement Watchas a hate group leader having an unduly large influence on the local people suggesting that they don’t have intelligence of their own to sort through the facts and make judgments about what is good for their own community.
Refugee Resettlement Watch: Founded by Ann Corcoran, a major voice in the anti-refugee, anti-Muslim community. The blog is also monitored by the SPLC for its extremist content.
I love it actually! For eight or so, of the nearly 9 years, I’ve been writing about this issue, I was looking forward to the day I would be “monitored” by the SPLC because if they were truly monitoring my work they might learn something. They might learn that refugees are exploited for cheap labor and that Chambers of Commerce want refugees to buy used cars and rent Section 8 housing.
Clearly young Jim Sabataso hasn’t read many of the 7,623 posts we have written or he wouldn’t be telling local concerned citizens to stay away from RRW.
All of the issues he mentions below have been reported at RRW for nearly 9 years. These are the primary issues we report here every day!
So there you have it. Absent from these two groups is any substantial or grounded discussion of issues of government transparency, employment, housing, education, economic impacts or support for veterans and homeless Vermonters — issues, which those in opposition have said are at the root of their dissent. “We need to look out for our own first” has been a common rallying cry, but that talking point was nowhere to be found in my search. If those opposed to refugee resettlement in Rutland want to be taken seriously and not dismissed as ignorant bigots, they best reconsider the company they keep.
Here is what young Jim, writer/bartender/cocktail explorer (he plays guitar for money!), newly-minted expert on refugee resettlement, said on twitter a few days ago:
I just spent the last three hours reading through Rutland’s anti-refugee Facebook groups. I need a shower. Also, my soul hurts.
Continue reading here about what the sensitive soul, Jim, has to say about us. Having read some of his other work, he does have a fear of “dark” places. And, by the way, I probably have now read more of Jim’s work than he has of mine (yet he describes RRW as a hate group).
A couple of related nuggets:
Be sure to read the supposed news article from the Rutland Herald last week that reads like an op-ed and also mentions the haters and extremists at RRW and the Center for Security Policy.
The article scoffs at the notion that tuberculosis could come in with the refugees, but guess what? It is already in Vermont as we learned here this morning from the media expert (Michael Patrick Leahy) on TB in refugee populations in the US.
Go here for our ‘Health issues’ category (300 posts) for all of the recent shocking news about ACTIVE TB in US refugees.
*** The ‘pockets of resistance’ label was originally used by the federal governmentto help create a propaganda campaign (the ORR actually hired a contractor to create the campaign) against any community that might question the placement of large numbers of refugees secretly in to their towns and cities. We first heard about it from federal officials in PA in 2013. The three ‘pockets’ the feds named at that time were in New Hampshire, Tennessee and Georgia. Some of us liked the label and now there are dozens and dozens of ‘pockets of resistance’ that have grown up spontaneously throughout the US. Welcome Rutland, VT!
After all, you have to laugh sometimes! Our reader domstudent11 posed this little query which demonstrates so hilariously how the Left will tie itself into knots with its political correctness nonsense!
From domstudent11:
Here’s what baffles me: at the same time that Obama is suing North Carolina for it’s “bathroom” law and trying to bully schools into mingling boys and girls in bathrooms and locker rooms, he is “importing” thousands of Muslims who would find it permissible to attack a non-relative male seen with any of their women.
What does he think will happen when Muslim girls are forced to shower with males who “think” they are female?
What does he think will happen when a Muslim husband sees a man (who “feels” like a woman) following his wife into a public restroom?
The only solution I can see is that public facilities and schools will be expected to provide an additional bathroom/locker room for Muslim girls only. Muslim boys would be free, of course, to share the facilities with infidel girls (if they are feeling like girls on any given day). Fair isn’t it? Other suggestions?
This post is archived in our ‘Comments worth noting’ category, here.
Afterthought: Where is CAIR on Obama’s bathroom policy?
Invasion of Europe news….
This is my laugh of the day story!
We have previously told you that literally thousands of so-called ‘refugees’ who made the ‘dangerous’ journey to Europe from the Middle East are finding that the streets in their new home are not paved with gold, the goodies aren’t very good, and on second thought, maybe “home” wasn’t so bad after all.
First, see this story we wrote in February about regular charter flights from Europe to Iraq returning the disenchanted to their homes.
The “famous” “heart-breaking” photo of a “Syrian” refugee dad arriving in Greece (he was clearly not starving). Not Syrians and no longer in Europe! Photo: Daniel Etter for the New York Times.
Now comes news that a famous refugee family that made headlines in Germany and around the world in 2015 is already back in Baghdad. The story at The New Observerseems almost too incredible to be true, but unless we learn otherwise, we will assume it is all true! Hat tip: Joanne
Proof that there is no “refugee” crisis—but only a determined, liberal-driven, nonwhite invasion of Europe—has come with the news that the Iraqi “refugee” family made famous in a press photograph have returned to Iraq after only six months in Germany.
The family—Laith Majid; his wife, Nada Adel; their sons Moustafa, aged 18; Ahmed, 17; and Taha, nine; along with seven-year-old daughter Nour—landed on the island of Kos in August 2015, at the height of the Angela Merkel-inspired nonwhite invasion.
As a result of the press picture, the Majid family gave more than 100 press interviews in Berlin, to media from all over the world.
The Bild newspaper decided to interview the Majid family once again to find out how they were doing in Germany six months after escaping the “hell” and “death threats” of Baghdad.
Where did they find them? You guessed it!
Obviously not satisfied with “refugee” life in Berlin, they had simply flown back on one of the weekly flights from Berlin to the Iraqi capital.
Read all the details here. You couldn’t make this up!
If you google this family you can see the whole progression of how the media built them up to be the ‘poster family’ for the “humanitarian crisis” engulfing Europe.
More Invasion of Europe news may be found by clicking here.
A month ago I created a new category which I subsequently didn’t use (laugh of the day) because everything has just been too darn deadly serious. But, here is a laugh for you….
[My apologies to our many Canadian readers because I have a whole pile of news on Canada I haven’t gotten to. Problems are starting to arise (no surprise!) because of Boy Trudeau’s hasty resettlement of thousands upon thousands of Syrians.]
Rival coach on Jonathan Nicola high school bball wonder: look at that face, is that the face of a 17-year-old?
Here is the story, a request for a US visa confirmed what other coaches were saying about the ‘star’ player (hat tip: Joanne):
Canadian authorities said Wednesday that a budding high school basketball star is actually a 29-year-old refugee*** from South Sudan.
The Canadian Border Services Agency said that Jonathan Nicola was arrested earlier this week for contravening the country’s Immigration Refugee Protection Act.
The agency said Nicola “misrepresented material facts” on his application for a study permit to Canada, submitting an application with a date of birth of Nov. 25, 1998 — which would make him 17. The agency says when Nicola recently applied for a U.S. visitor visa, a fingerprint match determined he was an individual who had made a previous application to the U.S. using a date of birth of Nov. 1, 1986 — making him 29.
The Windsor Star reported that Nicola was remanded into custody after a hearing before the country’s Immigration and Refugee Board Tuesday. Another hearing is scheduled for next week. Nicola faces deportation if convicted.
Nicola was attending Catholic Central High School in Windsor and played on the basketball team, even living with head coach Pete Cusumano. In January, Cusumano told the Windsor Star that he thought Nicola had a chance to play in the NBA.
***Fox Newsis using the word ‘refugee’ loosely because Nicola appears to be getting around (the world) with a student visa not as a refugee. But, in fact it is just such visas that the UN and the Obama Administration are looking to in order to increase rapidly the number of Syrians coming to the US, see here. Update: Forgot to tell you where the photo came from: