Holy cow! Look at this! Who knew we were making such headway in getting our messages out!
Fascinating isn’t it how times have changed and the Leftists and Wall Street are on the same side!
I told you here that the SPLC and ProPublica had teamed up to ‘out’ us, but look atthis NBC storyabout the payola the SPLC and the ADL are getting from those giant global corporations.
And, folks, this is about one issue only (not hate speech! not Charlottesville!), but IMMIGRATION.
Immigration and its consequent demographic change is the biggest issue of our times (see Steyn).
Apple CEO Tim Cook trying to silence my speech. In this story he is helping the illegal migrants getting in to Europe. https://iwebguyblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/19/apple-pledges-more-aid-to-help-with-europes-migrant-crisis/
These globalists and big banks need the free flow of cheap migrant labor (and immigrant consumers) to be able to move freely across borders. (And the SPLC and ADL are actually aiding in supplying that slave labor!)
Thus they are silencing anyone explaining to the American public about why unfettered immigration is not good for America—economically and culturally.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — JPMorgan Chase is fighting back against hate groups by donating $1 million to nonprofits that expose extremists.
The nation’s largest bank announced on Monday that it is giving $1 million to be split equally by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
The donations are part of an effort to address “deep divisions” in the U.S. following a violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia this month, the bank said.
Uber wealthy, like Fox’s James Murdoch, squashing voices they don’t like.
Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook similarly announced plans to donate $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch, the son of Rupert Murdoch, also pledged $1 million to the ADL.
I know none of us have the money to fight back in a big way, but in your own small way, you can dump Apple, your JP Morgan bank acct/credit card and maybe it is time to give up Fox News (if you haven’t already).
P.S. And, as we have said many times on these pages remember that both Tyson Foods and Chobani Yogurt are always on the lookout for more refugee laborers!
I guess we can conclude that there are no Americans, no low-skilled citizens, looking to brew up your morning coffee.
Here is an idea! Get your own coffee maker and do your brewing at home!
By the way, I had a huge number of readers, here and at twitter when I posted about Breitbart’s TB and Starbucks story here last week.
This story tells us that a successful effort to train refugee baristas will depend on whether a lot of refugees are being placed in your city and whether lots of people are patronizing coffee shops.
“Opportunity for All” grant? Sounds more like “Only refugees need apply” grant!
Berkeley’s 1951 Coffee Company has been awarded the “Opportunity for All” grant by the Starbucks Foundation, allowing it to expand its barista training program for refugees to other cities in the United States.
The antidote: Make your own coffee at home! (LOL! I’m not affiliated with or promoting any particular coffee machine manufacturer!)
The grant awards the coffee company $63,000 to serve an additional 85 refugees, asylees and Special Immigrant Visa holders, according to a press release issued Wednesday by the company.
1951 Coffee was one of 41 nonprofit organizations selected by the Starbucks Foundation because of its approach to helping refugees obtain the skills required to succeed in a “rapidly changing global economy,” the press release stated.
Doug Hewitt, co-founder of 1951 Coffee, said he and co-founder Rachel Taber were very pleased to learn that the nonprofit had been approved for the grant. According to Hewitt, the grant will allow the company’s two-week barista training program in Oakland — which takes place every other month — to increase its services to monthly.
Hewitt added that, in terms of expansion, 1951 Coffee is looking to first take its training program to San Diego. Depending on how that effort goes, the nonprofit will decide where else to take the program.
According to Hewitt, in order for a city to have potential for expansion, it must have a refugee population being resettled there, as well as a strong coffee industry.
Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart called Starbucks to see if new refugee hires (see my post earlier) will be tested for TB as part of their employment screening. Surprise! No response!
Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for refugees in El Cajon, California on Tuesday, part of its recently announced commitment to hire more than 10,000 refugees over the next five years.
See NBC7 report here about the event at the IRC office. Afghans, Syrians, and Somalis will be making your coffees. http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/california/Starbucks-Holds-Refugee-Hiring-Event-in-El-Cajon–439292923.html
El Cajon is located in San Diego County, where more than 20,000 refugees have have been resettled by the federal government in the past nine and a half years since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2008.
A 2013 study from a research team led by Dr. Timothy Rodwell, “an associate professor and physician in the Division of Global Health at UCSD [University of California at San Diego]” that “analyzed data from LTBI [latent tuberculosis infection] screening results of 4,280 refugees resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012,” noted that “San Diego County, in California, is a leading refugee resettlement site, and it also has one of the highest rates of active TB in the country, with an incidence rate of 8.4 cases per 100 000 people in 2011.”
In other words, the incidence of active TB among the 4,280 refugees who were resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012 was 327 per 100,000, more than 100 times greater than the incidence of active TB among the entire population of the United States in 2016.
Wow! I didn’t know this next bit! Refugee contractors*** repeatedly tell the public that only those with latent TB are admitted to the US, but even if that is all we are admitting, that is still a risk for public health.
About four percent of the entire population of the United States tests positive for latent TB infection. Around 10 percent of those with LTBI will develop active TB at some point in their lives. The triggering mechanism to activate latent TB is not entirely understood, but high levels of stress, crowded living situations, poor public health practices, the presence of other diseases that lower the immune system, and behavioral conduct–such as smoking–appear to increase the chances of activation.
The 21.4 percent of refugees in the San Diego County study who tested positive for latent TB infection is about five times the national average.
Breitbart News contacted Starbucks to learn if their refugee hiring process will include mandatory testing for latent and active TB, but has not received a response.
See my ‘health issues’ categorywith hundreds of posts on refugee health problems including mental health issues.
For those who ask me all the time—what can I do? Write to the White Houseand tell the Prez to tighten up admission requirements for migrants with communicable diseases. If terrorism doesn’t scare you, TB might!
*That video. After I watched the video linked under screen shot photo above, I kept getting an error message when attempting to open the link. I hope that doesn’t happen for you. If it does, search for: ‘Starbucks holds hiring event for refugees’ and it should be listed for NBC.
*** For new readers, the International Rescue Committee is one of the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.
The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again!Big businesses/global corporations like Starbucks depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.
And, I have a question for you: As a volunteer are you given instructions on how to spot communicable diseases like TB in the refugee community you are helping? (See symptoms at left).
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.
They say they ultimately want to hire 10,000 refugees because no American young people need jobs! (No they didn’t say that, but they must be thinking it!).
EL CAJON, Calif. (KGTV)–Store managers from throughout San Diego will gather tomorrow at a Starbucks hiring event for refugees who want to train to be baristas.
Nah, I don’t think so…
The U.S. company announced in January it would hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years. The announcement by CEO Howard Schultz came two days after President Donald Trump issued his first executive order putting a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the U.S.
The world’s largest coffee chain said it would focus initial efforts on markets where refugee need is greatest and there’s a store base to meet the need.
According to state and federal data, San Diego fits the bill.
No other California county has received more refugees during the past decade than San Diego county.
In 2016, San Diego settled 3,100 refugees, along with 520 military interpreters on special immigrant visas.
About 30 Starbucks managers will conduct on-the-spot interviews at the International Rescue Committee***‘s office located at 131 E. Main Street in El Cajon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Applicants are encouraged to visit Starbucks online career center prior to the event and bring resumes along with them.
Sheesh, the plot thickens…
At Forbesyesterday (Starbuck’s bad dream). The story is about a bogus ad campaign (kinda funny, but fake). But, I learned this:
Say what you will about Howard Schultz, and there’s plenty to say. Mr. Schultz, who served as Starbucks CEO until earlier this year, ran the company like a kid in a candy store, opening all the jars and boxes to taste the goodies inside before moving on. He bought a chain of tea shops, Teavana, then shut them down. He bought a chain of bakeries, La Boulange, then shut them down. He weathered the scorn of critics who called the coffee over-roasted and who derided his plan to hire refugees overseas. [San Diego is not overseas!—ed]
Starbucks CEO Schultz, right, gives the key to the joint to new CEO Kevin Johnson. https://news.starbucks.com/news/7-things-to-know-about-starbucks
It doesn’t hurt to remember that Mr. Schultz is often mentioned as a contender for the democratic presidential nomination in 2020, so there’s a possibility that the latest news is part of an early whisper-campaign to tarnish his image.
Today’s news doesn’t actually involve Mr. Schultz by name but by his commitment to hire 100,000 new employees over the next decade. In the United States, they would be veterans and members of traditionally disadvantaged communities. At the stores outside the US (and Starbucks does business in 27 countries) Starbucks announced that many of the new hires would be refugees.
[Really! Then why are they hiring refugees in California? What about Big Meat and Big Chicken? Won’t Starbucks be competing with them in Cali?—ed]
Go here to see the fake news advertisement (so I won’t get blamed for spreading it).
*** For new readers, the International Rescue Committee is one of the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.
The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations like Starbucks depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.
I’m sure you’ve all seen it, or at least bits of it! White House immigration expert Stephen Miller takes down an uneducated CNN reporter—Jim Acosta.
Stephen Miller (right)—takes no prisoners!
Here is what Howie Carr saidat his website following the exchange:
It is about damn time that someone put Jim Acosta in his place.
It’s like this clown and Keith Olbermann are in a never-ending competition for the “most smug human on Earth” award. I wish we could just declare one of them the winner and send them back to their mothers’ basements.
But Jim Acosta’s smugness was cut short today by my new hero Stephen Miller.
Miller happens to be very bright, well-spoken and most importantly aggressive.
Check out this smackdown as Jim Acosta tries to claim that the White House’s immigration policies are not keeping with the “spirit” of America.
Maybe Acosta will think twice before he opens his yapper. Then again, knowing these libs–he probably won’t.
Someone should start a movement to have the poem, which changes the entire historic meaning of Lady Liberty, removed from the statue! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/07/31/dont-let-them-use-the-lady-liberty-b-s-anymore-remove-the-poem/
Two things I was particularly interested in were these (besides Acosta’s incredible smugness). First, Acosta cannot say what is the right number of immigrants America should take.
I urge all of you to use this line of reasoning when confronted with a No Borders agitator. I saw Bill O’Reilly do it once to an advocate for not closing our southern border. He asked her what was the right number, could anyone come? no restrictions? the whole world?
She was flummoxed because even the most rabid of them know America would crash if the whole world was ‘welcomed’ to the country. They will refuse to say what is the right number!
And, secondly, I was delighted to see Miller demonstrate Acosta’s ignorance of history about the damn poem on the Statue of Liberty. I know a lot about the National Park Services’ historical parks and how they badger communities (when it suits them) to maintain historic accuracy—so why has the NPS continued to foster this historic inaccuracy about the statue? (See my post here in 2015)
If anyone really wanted to strike a blow against this ‘nation of immigrants’ mumbo-jumbo, start a campaign to remove the damn poem!