Bowling Green, KY: More confirmation that refugee resettlement is not about humanitarianism, but about supplying cheap labor

I had plenty of confirmation on my recent 30-day swing through cities and towns of the west and mid-west that it is industries looking to boost their bottom lines that drive most refugee resettlement in America. 
It is food processing/meat packing, manufacturing, and the hotel industry that have discovered they can enjoy the cheap labor (while refugees continue to bolster their income with welfare*** of all sorts) at the expense of the US taxpayer and at the expense of the cultural and social upheaval communities experience.

Chris Kantosky
Kantosky is the COO of the International Institute of Kentucky. He must have told the BGN reporter that they are choosing which refugees come to which city by a weekly lottery system in Washington, DC. Photo at Linked In:

Here is one more piece of news to support what I have been saying for years.   And, remember as you read this that Bowling Green is Senator Rand Paul’s home town.
At one time, Paul was questioning the UN/US State Dept. Refugee Admissions Program.  That was in the wake of the arrests and ultimate conviction of two Iraqi refugees found to be terrorists living and working there (so much for security screening!). He is nowhere to be seen on the issue now.
I want to urge all of you, as you to do your research on your refugee overloaded city (or city about to become a ‘welcoming’ city), to research the campaign contributions of your elected officials right down to the local mayor and council level.  Find out their business connections and expose them!
And, don’t allow yourselves to get bogged down by the open borders Left trying to tell you that the driver for the seeding of your towns with diversity is a humanitarian desire to help the downtrodden of the world (tell them to help our own poor people first!).
From the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin).  What! Kentucky has no more Americans who want jobs?
You should know that the International Center is a subcontractor of USCRI, that is the same federal contractor working in Twin Falls, Idaho and wishing to start an office in Rutland, VT and Reno, NV.

Resettled refugees are being sought at a greater frequency to fill local jobs, Chris Kantosky, chief operations officer of The International Center of Kentucky told the Barren River Area Development District board on Wednesday.

“There are 650 open manufacturing jobs in Warren County alone,” Kantosky said. The International Center also has worked to help fill a 75-job need in Barren County, and within two weeks 50 of the jobs were filled by refugees, he said.

“They are coming to Bowling Green and Warren County because we have jobs, a great educational system, a low cost of living, the community is safe and there is an opportunity to excel,” said Kantosky, who has been working with refugees for the past 26 years.


A one-time allocation of $1,125 federal funds per refugee, or about $5,600 for a family, is used to finance resettlement logistics. The money needs to be spent in about 30 days to buy everything from a clock radio to beds, furniture and food to outfit the apartment selected for the refugees to stay. By the time the individuals reach the Nashville International Airport from their home country, they are a car ride away from a hot meal in their new home.

What Mr. Kantosky isn’t telling you in the previous paragraph is that his agency gets approximately another $1000 per head to spend on themselves!
Now this is incredible.  I knew the contractors sat around in DC and divvied up the refugees as they came in (LOL! I envision many squabbles as they bid for bodies! But, has it come to this—a lottery!).  So where are the real reporters at places like the New York Times and Washington Post—why aren’t you demanding entry to the weekly lottery meeting!  I would like to know if any industry lobbyists are in those weekly meetings!
Bowling Green News continues:

Refugee resettlement locations are determined by a weekly lottery in the nation’s capital. “A refugee can only go back to their home country if their country is re-stabilized,” Kantosky said.

And, about this bit about not going home—many refugees who get here are unhappy and want to go home, but they are trapped because most can’t afford the airfare home.  This is the part of this program that makes many of us think about slave labor!
Click here to see our extensive archive on Bowling Green and the many problems they have had there over the years in addition to the Islamic terror scare a few years ago.  And, mosques are springing up everywhere to accommodate the growing Muslim refugee population.
***Most refugees are on welfare of some sort which makes anyone who employs them eligible for the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit.  An employer thus has a greater incentive to hire a refugee than some American who is struggling, but doesn’t want to be on welfare (including food stamps).  A refugee’s salary is subsidized by the US taxpayer, while an average American’s job isn’t.  I’ve wondered if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was somehow involved in creating this system.
Any ambitious researchers out there who would like to dig deeper into this program which incentivizes hiring refugees and write a guest post, let me know!

Aberdeen, SD citizens hear from expert on refugee program, 'news' story shows bias

I’m sorry to say I don’t have time to give you all the background of what happened this week in Aberdeen, SD (a city I visited on my travels) as I dash out to my last stop of my 4 week (12 state so far) tour of American cities and towns troubled with a refugee program that is largely aimed at supplying cheap LEGAL immigrant labor to large manufacturing companies and that includes the new (re-opening) meat packing plant in Aberdeen.

Corey Heidelberger
Blogger, progressive activist and candidate for the SD Senate, Corey Heidelberger appears to be working on behalf of the South Dakota meat packing industry as he confronted Branstner. I have a hard time understanding why liberals work with the large multi-national corporations pushing migrant labor on America. Bio here:

See my previous post on Aberdeen by clicking here.
A new ‘pocket of resistance’ is forming there.
Here is a small portion of the story at Aberdeen News (you have to subscribe to see it):

Things got heated at a lecture by Ron Branstner at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel in Aberdeen on Thursday when Corey Heidelberger defended a piece from his blog, Dakota Free Press, that Branstner critiqued in front of the group of about 200 assembled.

Heidelberger and Branstner began talking over each other, and members from the audience began shouting “get out” to Heidelberger, who is running for state Senate.

This happened during the question-and-answer portion at the end of Branstner’s lecture.

Branstner asked that things not get violent and the crowd quieted down.

The beginning portion of his lecture used a digital slide show as a guide as Branstner spoke off the cuff.
Much of his speech attempted to discredit the U.S. refugee resettlement program, which in South Dakota is run by Lutheran Social Services.

He also spoke out against Islamic groups, President Barack Obama’s administration and illegal immigration.

By the way, I have met Ron Branstner, great guy, and an extremely knowledgeable private citizen who has done his homework about how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is busy supplying large multi-national corporations with immigrant workers.
One major conclusion for me at the end of my tour—-it is about MONEY! (and it is about producing Democrat voters by shoving diversity down the throats of unsuspecting towns and cities!).
Update August 16th :  For a laugh, see some more on Heidelberger by clicking here.

Guest post: Hiring Muslim refugees is legally risky! Why? because CAIR is watching!

Editor:  I’m grateful for guest columns because as you know I am traveling for a month to visit refugee hot spots and although the trip is beyond my wildest expectations in what I am learning and who I am meeting, I am only disappointed that I don’t have more time to write. This is a guest column by reader Linda and an example of the great investigative work by Americans volunteering their time and talents around the US!

On June 29th this blog described a report from Reuters that stated that the White House would be launching a “Call to Action” to encourage American companies to commit to employing refugees. This “call” is in collaboration with the UN and coincides nicely with the summit on the global refugee crisis that President Obama will be hosting during the UN General Assembly in September.

Since the overwhelming majority of refugees who constitute the current “crisis” are Muslim, it is prudent to look behind the veil of humanitarianism to see just what employing Muslim refugees might entail for U.S. companies.

One very important statistic that potential employers should be aware of is that, despite representing only 1% of the U.S. population, people who practice Islam filed 40% of the religion-based complaints that were filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission in 2015.

These complaints range from allegations of denial of employment based on the religion of the applicant, disputes regarding companies’ dress policies, failure to accommodate the needs for multiple prayer breaks during work shifts, to general failures by companies to provide “religious accommodation.”


EEOC graph


A review of a U.S. EEOC January 2016 list of “Resolved Cases Alleging Religious and National Origin Discrimination Involving the Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian Communities” revealed some interesting data and facts that should be of interest to all U.S. employers who might find themselves persuaded by the hype from the White House (and by the tax incentives!).

Millions of dollars have been paid by companies small and large as ordered by courts to resolve cases of religious discrimination against Muslims. To cite a few of these cases: $240,000 awarded to two employees of a transport company who refused to transport alcohol because of their religious beliefs and were subsequently fired (the jury felt they should have been reassigned to a less offensive shipment); $44,654 awarded to an applicant who was not hired because she wore a hijab to her interview ($25,671 to the applicant for back pay from the job she didn’t get and $18,983 to the EEOC for costs); several cases of employees who claimed discrimination because they were not allowed to have beards (usually in the food industry or healthcare); many cases of discrimination for not allowing hijabs to be worn in the workplace; numerous cases of alleged harassment by other employees that were not corrected or were ignored by management.

CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is frequently the party that files the claims on behalf of employees and they pressure businesses into accommodating the most trivial of Muslim practices advocated for in sharia law. They have published An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices which I encourage any potential employer to obtain. You can get it by clicking here. You will be amazed at the accommodations you might be expected to provide such as understanding refusal to shake hands with and avoidance of eye contact with members of the opposite sex.

Warning to US corporations large and small!

Think long and hard about the potential risks of employing recent Muslim refugees. It may not be worth the potential tax breaks and good press. CAIR will be watching closely for more opportunities to transform the American workplace through litigation.

Editor:  You must have a look at CAIR’s handbook (again click here).  And, this is what I said about my recent visit to Owatonna, Minnesota.  This is creeping sharia!

And, then ‘oh my gosh’ I traveled to Owatonna, Minnesota where an aluminum window company is being sued by CAIR on behalf of Somalis over the issue of prayer break times.  And, in what can only be called ‘providential’ I met a woman who has followed the conflicts involving the Somalis in Owatonna since Somalis first arrived there in 1992/93!  And, guess what, that is the year the US State Department says the first Somalis went to Minnesota! Their destination was Owatonna!  Now guess who wanted the Somali workers? This same window company now being sued!

We first heard about these CAIR-generated lawsuits back in 2008 with the Minnesota Gold n’ Plump settlement, here.
For more guest commentary, go to our ‘Comments worth noting’ category here.

It is all about a ready supply of cheap labor!

One important thing I’ve confirmed in my heartland tour of America so far is something I knew, but had never seen the evidence so clearly.
Forget the idea that resettling refugees from the third world to your Midwestern towns is driven by compassion for the poor and downtrodden.  It is driven by greed and MONEY as big companies reap the rewards of a steady supply of cheap (some say slave) labor, aided and abetted by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and the other phony ‘religious’ charities hired by the US State Department (for a billion bucks!) to drop off the ‘New American’ laborers!
It is a brilliant business plan. Big industries, like BIG MEAT, want the cheap labor and you (taxpayers) supplement the low salaries with welfare payments of all sorts.
Then if you say a word about how your community is socially, culturally and economically disturbed, you are called a racist, a hater, a xenophobe and so on.
In many cases your elected officials (and the local Chambers of Commerce) are in on it (are elected officials getting campaign donations?), and to top it off the parasites, like Welcoming America, receive federal grants (your money) to propagandize your towns.
Why do I call Welcoming America***parasites?  Because they have another agenda and are just feeding off the cheap labor business model of large multinational corporations.  They are looking for more Leftwing (progressive) voters to lock up the political system for their socialist goals.

You, the average American, who liked your town just as it was and who wants jobs for your own kids and grandkids, are vilified and attacked.

Volunteers helping to resettle the refugees are just being used by the phony church groups and those greedy businesses.
Someone gave me this poster being distributed in North Dakota recently. 
The US Department of Labor (led by the despicable Tom Perez, thank God Hillary passed him up for VEEP) is giving grants to teach “New Americans” job skills so they can take your jobs and your kids’ jobs! (And, you pay for it!)

This is a poster “For New Americans” (red banner line):

post for New Americans
You can’t read it all, but the last line says: “This workforce solution was funded in part by a grant awarded by the US Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.”

Do you see now why they hate Donald Trump so much when he talks about slowing the flow of immigration to America!

***For more on Welcoming America, click here.

More on Obama and his crony corporate pals doing an end-run on refugee program

We mentioned this story here and here the other day when we wrote about Twin Falls Idaho and Chobani Yogurt, but now we are learning even more!
The Daily Caller (reporter Alex Pfeiffer) has relied on the work of Nayla Rush a refugee/immigration researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington to flesh out yet another of Obama’s creative (sneaky and unethical) ways of flooding the country with phony refugees.

Crony capitalism on full display at the Clinton Global Initiative. Chatting it up with Bill is Hamdi Ulukaya founder and CEO of Chobani Yogurt. Big companies need the federal government to supply them with cheap labor! Photo:

Below is a bit of the Daily Caller article (note that Chobani Yogurt is prominent among the financial giants working to change the nature of your towns!).
Do not be fooled! It is all about money and power (with a brushed on veneer of compassionate humanitarianism).

The White House announced last week that it is launching a “Call to Action” asking private businesses to help with the resettlement of refugees. This could be done without regard to the government cap of 85,000 total refugees, including 10,000 Syrian refugees, in 2016.

Fifteen founding corporations have teamed up with the Obama administration on the effort. These are: Accenture, Airbnb, Chobani, Coursera, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, IBM, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mastercard, UPS, TripAdvisor, and Western Union. The Call to Action initiative is not only to help refugees in the United States, but all over the world.


These refugees will be coming outside the refugee resettlement program so they would not be counted under the government cap of 10,000. These ‘alternative legal pathways or sponsorships’ will be under employment visas, training, student visas and scholarships, visiting scholars etc,” Nayla Rush, senior researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Daily Caller.

Rush added, “remember, the aim is to bring as many Syrian refugees as possible. 10,000 is the limit this [Fiscal Year] under the refugee resettlement program. No limit to these ‘private sponsorships’, more importantly, no traceability.”

Read Rush’s full report here.
She mentions Chipotle and the major US resettlement contractor, International Rescue Committee, something we told you about here in May.

Say after me: It is all about money! It is all about money!……

inquiring mindsIsn’t it curious that Chobani Yogurt asked Bloomberg to take a sentence out of a report that Bloomberg posted on June 30th on the Obama Call to Action.
Bloomberg correction:

“Corrects to remove reference to Chobani yogurt hiring additional refugees in ninth paragraph, which the company has not announced.”

Are they saying they are (or are not) hiring more refugees for their plants in New York state and in Idaho? Inquiring minds want to know!