Is Welcoming America "collaborating" in your town with your elected officials/businesses

Oh boy, the newest buzz word in the refugee industry is “collaboration” (gee, is that what is driving the Twin Falls mayor and council too, they want to be like Boise?).
Here is a story on Cleveland where we are told that the refugees are better off than refugees anywhere else in America! Yes, you got it! The rest of you (200 towns and cities) better shape up!

REfugees welcome Ohio
She doesn’t understand that big businesses and Chambers of Commerce need people like her to shill for them as they need the cheap immigrant labor that refugees supply! Watch Maggie here (and don’t miss the Palestinian activist at the end!):

And who says Cleveland’s are the best, none other than Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland. Go here to see what/who that is!  I bet if you researched each group making up the “collaborative” most would be living off your tax dollars.
Read it all!
Go here to read about when Welcoming America first showed up in Cleveland in 2013.

Welcoming America is collaborator-in-chief!

Yesterday a reader sent me an alert from Welcoming America which says the deadline has been extended one week for you to get your grant requests in to them to see if you will be one of the big winners—you will get federal $ to be trained on how to collaborate to make your town the most welcome town it can be!
In the past year, Welcoming America (WA) received an Office of Refugee Resettlement grant to distribute to the those lucky winners who submit the best applications for projects that seek to develop strategies to (LOL! my phrase) ‘mind meld’ your community, to turn it from a town filled with a bunch of hateful unwelcoming redneck boobs to a town filled with love and understanding where multicultural joy reigns supreme for ever and ever.
Here is WA which received just short of $300,000 of your dollars for the project (go to USA  Deadline was this coming Friday (July 1), but has been extended for another week (what? not enough takers?):

Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees Deadline Extended to Friday, July 8

Apply for an exciting new opportunity to advance your local collaborative through customized coaching and training from Welcoming America. Local collaboration shows great promise for coordinating, expanding, and scaling refugee integration and welcome in communities. Many communities such as Boise and Cleveland have had great success in fostering greater community support for refugees through local community collaborations.

Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees participants will receive personalized technical assistance and will connect with and learn from other collaboratives participating in Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees. Whether your collaborative is just starting out or is more seasoned, apply now to be part of this new effort. Learn more and apply for this exciting opportunity by Friday, July. [They obviously left off the 8—ed]

They are called collaboratives in case you missed it.
Go here to see what you have to do to get a fistful of taxpayer dollars to promote the colonization of your town and thus help change the demographic makeup of America so that big businesses/Chambers of Commerce, like the members of Global Cleveland (a member of the Cleveland COLLABORATIVE) can increase their bottom lines!
Note to do-gooders! You and the refugees are being used!
Go here for all of our previous posts on Welcoming America.

Is your Chamber of Commerce working with the 'progressives' at Welcoming America

They apparently are in Nashville, TN according to this story at a website called The New South?’
For background on ‘Welcoming America’ (click here ) for our past posts.
To tell you the truth, this, to me, is one of the great mysteries of the whole refugee resettlement industry—how is it that Republicans like Paul Ryan (backed by the Chamber) are so doggedly pro-refugee and the only answer that continues to make any sense is that refugees are needed as cheap labor for businesses (workers salaries are low, but welfare fills the gap) and they are all new consumers (food, used cars, housing etc.).
I don’t see any other explanation than this—your community is disrupted socially and culturally so these business interests can make more money, and politicians can fill their campaign coffers.
To add insult to injury, all of the myriad economic interests have figured out how to hide under that white hat of humanitarianism. Do they have training sessions on how to snooker the public? I wonder!
Perhaps one of the most shocking photos I’ve seen in a long time is this one (posted in this story).  Certain special people—‘NEW Americans’—are not required to pledge allegiance to their new country.
Somalis swearing
From The New South?

In 2014, speaking from Casa Azafran where TIRRC [Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition—ed] and its allied organizations are headquartered, Obama talked about his New American Task Force*** and his end-run-around-the-Congress DACA program. He specifically recognized, David Lubell, TIRRC’s first director and creator of “Welcoming Tennessee/ Welcoming America” who also won an award from the National Council of La Raza awarded.

Welcoming America will judge how progressive your community is

Nashville is among the “Welcoming Cities” in Welcoming America’s (WA) network. Last year, Welcoming America paid the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for an economic report to support their story that legal and illegal immigrants are the hub of Nashville’s economic success. The Chamber’s report looks strangely just like the WA website, suggesting a WA templated product that will be replicated by Chambers in other “welcoming cities.”

The real agenda of groups like TIRRC and WA is to mutate our communities until they satisfy a leftist open-borders, one-world, globalist vision of an ideal society.

Continue reading here.
Read about Obama’s New American Task Force, here.
Find out if your Chamber of Commerce is peddling a similar report!

Fargo, ND mayor touted in story about Center for American Progress report on refugees

First, if you don’t know, the Center for American Progress is John Podesta’s creation. Podesta has been a long time friend of George Soros and a svengali of sorts for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Clearly the Center for American Progress is now deeply involved in the refugee controversy (and in helping businesses find immigrant labor to compete with Americans!) and has produced a report (propaganda!) about how refugees help economies boom!
(I’m guessing they didn’t include San Diego in their study!)

Somalis working in Lewiston
Check out the cover of CAP’s report: Somalis working at LL Bean in Maine. Why doesn’t the Left ever admit that refugee resettlement is about $$$ for business interests, and voters for the Dems with humanitarianism as a smoke screen!

We previously wrote about Podesta and his Washington lobbying operation (CAP) here on several occasions.
Here is the Voice of America story that includes comments from Mayor Tim Mahoney who makes it sound like everything is sweetness and light with the refugees placed in Fargo, ND.
So who is really driving the resettlement of refugees in places like North Dakota? Big business?  And, who are the 33 businesses looking for cheap, captive (because they can’t go home!) refugee labor in Fargo?  Does anyone have a list?

During a panel discussion last week in Washington about refugee resettlement, advocates reviewed the importance of local government being part of helping newcomers become familiar with a new reality.

Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney says: besides cheap labor, refugees bring us culture, foods, and religion (what? Fargo was a heathen city in need of religion?).

“While refugee resettlement is a matter of global importance, there’s need to find durable permanent solutions. This is not the time to pull back, but rather an opportunity to lead by example,” said Winnie Stachelberg, executive vice president of external affairs at the Center for American Progress.

Cities like Fargo, in North Dakota, are not “pulling back.” According to Mayor Tim Mahoney, the community has come together to help refugees recover and build new lives.

“We have a great growing city. Good economy and things are happening,” Mahoney said, adding that every year about 500 refugees move to Fargo.

“We have found them an important part of our work force …


Mahoney said the city has a network of 33 businesses “healthily” competing to have newcomers work for them.

Any BIG MEAT in N. Dakota? Poultry processors? That is what I would like to know!
Continue reading here.
See our North Dakota archive here.  They have had some very interesting crime stories involving refugees in that state! Don’t miss the one about a Somali refugee murdering a Native American family.
Also, since Lewiston, Maine was invoked by the Center for American Progress, see our huge archive on Lewiston by clicking here.
Assimilation vs. integration! CAPs and the Leftist Open Borders gang do not like the word “assimilation” so you can see in the title of CAPs report that they use the word “integration.”  See our discussion of the Left controlling the language, here.

They have overloaded San Diego with refugees and now they are boo-hooing!

Of course this whine-fest is for one of two reasons (or both at once!).  The Refugee Resettlement Industry wants more of your money for programs (welfare, housing, medical care etc.) and because San Diego and other big cities have foolishly been so “welcoming” and consequently overloaded, that the industry now has a big excuse to resettle refugees to small (newly targeted) cities throughout America including Reno, NV, Rutland, VT, Charleston, WV, Ithaca, NY, Fayetteville, AR and Missoula, MT (more?).

International Rescue Committee is one of 4 major resettlement contractors responsible for overloading San Diego! They are the same agency opening up shop in Missoula, MT

When the Refugee Act of 1980 was debated in Congress in the late 1970’s, its chief sponsors, including Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden, promised America that the program was not meant to bring more POVERTY to our cities.  Well, that is exactly what it has done and is increasingly doing as Obama is now upping the numbers more and more each year.  (He will have one more shot for FY2017 to say how many come and unless we elect Trump in November, there is no one with any guts to pull back on Obama’s last determination! And, surely Hillary will just be an extension of Obama and the wimps in Congress will do nothing).
From the San Diego Union Tribune (hat tip: Joanne) where we learn that San Diego County gets 3,000 refugees a year!

Refugees who are resettled in San Diego County often face overwhelmingly high housing costs, poor living conditions, emotional distress and limited access to health care, according to a new report by the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans.  [And, the do-gooders never ask themselves if they are really doing humanitarian work for refugees or only to make themselves feel better!–ed]

The community organization in City Heights surveyed an estimated 500 refugees and their children in 20 neighborhoods in the county. Participants represented about 13 countries in Africa and Asia.

Data in the report focused on refugees from East Africa, Thailand and Burma because the organization has deep ties in these communities and limited resources to expand the research, according to group leaders.

Among the findings outlined in the preliminary report:

▪ Poor English proficiency and little to no education poses a significant barrier for employment

▪ East African refugees earn a mean monthly household income of $1,774, while migrants from Burma and Thailand earn a mean monthly income of $1,216.

▪ Only 24 percent of East African men and 35 percent of East African women reported having a personal physician. About half of East African participants said they hadn’t had a routine checkup in the past year. [So we don’t know if their latent TB is becoming active TB—ed]

There is much more, continue reading here.
Cloward and Piven full steam ahead! Using the poor to bring on the revolution!
See our San Diego archive. You might find it interesting to know that there were some important Islamic terror trials there in recent years.

More active TB cases in the refugee population, Colorado this time

If you haven’t been following the great investigative work that Breitbart reporter Michael Patrick Leahy is doing getting information to the public about the FACT that refugees are permitted entry into the US with Tuberculosis (and other communicable diseases), you should.

Cargill workers
The US State Department resettles Somalis and other African refugees in Colorado to satisfy BIG MEAT’s need for cheap labor.

Islamic terror attacks understandably make the news, but in the long run the return of diseases (thought to be virtually non-existent) and the arrival of parasites into the US should cause you to lose sleep especially if you are in one of 200 plus ‘welcoming’ American towns and cities.
Who do you think will be paying for all of the healthcare?
Here is Leahy yesterday,

Ten of the approximately 8,000 refugees who were resettled in Colorado by the federal government between 2011 and 2015 were diagnosed with active tuberculosis shortly after their arrival, according to the Tuberculosis in Colorado: 2015 report published by the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment.

A number of other states have also reported refugees have arrived with active TB, as Breitbart News reported previously. Four refugees with active TB were resettled in Indiana in 2015, and eleven refugees with active TB were resettled in Florida in the three years from 2013 to 2015.

The recent increase in the number of active TB cases reported in the United States is driven by increases in the foreign born population with high rates of active and latent TB, as Breitbart News reported last week…

Go here to learn more.
And, visit our health issues category (you will find Leahy’s series there), it isn’t just diseases and assorted health problems you pay for, but you are also paying for mental health treatment.
One post from 2007 is definitely worth revisiting about a refugee worker dying with TB in a meatpacking plant, here.