Colorado Springs Councilman pounced upon for proposing refugee resolution

It is happening across the country, local city and county governments are passing resolutions in an attempt to gain at least information about who is being placed in their communities through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and the contractors hired by Washington to get them set up with their social services (aka welfare).
I’m coming in in the middle of this story where apparently Councilman Pico had already signaled his desire to promote a resolution for Colorado Springs.

Floyd Preston
Floyd Preston (left) is the program director for Lutheran Social Services/LSS Rocky Mountains. He says his agency has been named a “premier” resettlement contractor, but we are not told by whom! Photo:

Lutherans doing the pouncing!
(See map we just posted, here, and see that the Lutherans monopolize the resettlement in Greeley and Colorado Springs).
Here is the news at The Gazette:

The furor over City Councilman Andres Pico’s proposal to “declare opposition” to relocating refugees to Colorado Springs continued Tuesday, with 10 people lambasting the idea, as others did Monday when Pico’s resolution was introduced.

Lutheran Family Services has welcomed refugees to the city since 1980, noted spokesman Floyd Preston. “We have been extremely successful at doing so; the Colorado Springs office has been named a premier (resettlement program).”


Vicki Witte said she has mentored refugee families. “Refugees are some of my closest friends. I’m sure they’ve taught me far more than I’ve taught them. Two things Mr. Pico really wants are notification and a good vetting system. Mr. Pico, those two things are already in place. You need not worry.”  [And, by the way, why does the US taxpayer bear responsibility for helping Ms. Witte find friends and learn things?—ed]

I will bet a buck that Councilman Pico has never been included in the advance preparation of the R & P Abstract that the Lutheran contractor prepares every year for Colorado Springs.  And, I’ll bet he has never even seen one—the refugee contractors have been instructed to not give this document to anyone! Secrecy is the watchword of this program!  The document will give notification about those to be placed in their towns.  More on Abstracts here.
At a minimum, Lutheran Family Services should turn over the FY2016 R & P Abstract and be willing to submit the planning process for FY2017 to public hearings held by the city council.

Since Colorado is a Wilson-Fish state…

…. Councilman Pico should be looking for support at the State level to encourage the state to be a plaintiff in a States’ Rights case being prepared by the Thomas More Law Center.  See one of many posts on Wilson-Fish here.  The gist of it is, in those states the refugee program is run (unconstitutionally) by a non-profit group like LSS and the feds thus eliminating any role for elected officials to protect the local and state taxpayers’ money going to programs to benefit refugees.
Go here for our archive on Colorado.  Grassroots activists should be looking to see which Colorado politicians are getting donations from companies (like meatpackers!) who are always on the hunt for cheap immigrant labor.  Do not be sidetracked by the ‘humanitarian’ propaganda (“seeds of good deeds”) surrounding this program!

Lutheran agency is a federal refugee resettlement "contractor" bringing diversity to South Dakota

So why am I mentioning the obvious—that the Lutheran Social Services Center for New Americans in Sioux Falls is a federal “contractor?”  Because we have heard over and over again in angry tones that the contractors are not contractors using your money, your tax dollars, to do work for their clients (all the while pretending to be private ‘religious’ charities).
Into the weeds we go (but this is important!)….

Tim Jurgens
Tim Jurgens, Director of LSS in South Dakota: “We are a contracted provider on behalf of the federal government.”

Not that long ago Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard went to South Carolina and said critics must stop using the word “contractor” in reference to the agencies resettling refugees across 48 states (no refugees are resettled in Wyoming and Montana, yet).
But, here, in a gushy announcement of a ‘feel good’ propaganda event in Sioux Falls, refugee sub-contractor Lutheran Social Service of SD (sub-contractor to federal contractor Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service in Baltimore, MD) says they are, wait for it, a “contracted provider on behalf of the federal government.” (That is a federal contractor ‘for those in Rio Linda!’)
From KSFY (ABC):

The 21st annual ‘Taste of Cultures’ event benefiting Lutheran Social Services, Saturday, will help to celebrate cultural diversity and raise funds helping newcomers re-settle.  [What! No poor, elderly or homeless Americans left in South Dakota for the good Lutherans to help?—ed]

While the event is sold out, the awareness of a diverse community is key as hundreds of refugees continue to make Sioux Falls their home.

The Lutheran Social Services Center for New Americans is the only agency of its kind in the area.

“We are a contracted provider on behalf of the federal government. We provide initial resettlement for refugees that the president allows in each year. We resettle up to 420 each year. What we do is provide immediate assistance upon their arrival,” Program Director Tim Jurgens said. “The refugee resettlement program is an early self-sufficiency model. The expectation upon us is to have individuals employed within six months.”   [Yeh, good luck with that self-sufficiency lie!—ed]

By the way, the contractors (colonizing your towns and cities) really prefer to call themselves VOLAGs, that is short for Voluntary Agencies (see all nine here), but that is such a misnomer as most are largely federally funded.  $296 million went to LIRS alone since Obama took office.
Even as Anne Richard objects, you have my (and Tim’s!) permission to call federal refugee contractors—contractors!

Tennessee update: REPUBLICAN Governor may be sabotaging Legislature on refugee lawsuit resolution

HaslamYesterday we told you the big news that the Tennessee Senate, by an overwhelming margin, voted to ask the AG to file a Tenth Amendment lawsuit against the feds on the refugee resettlement program now in operation in the state (it is run by Catholic Charities and the feds with no state role).
It didn’t take the REPUBLICAN Governor long (apparently ready to endorse donor-class favorite Open Borders Marco) to martial his supporters to attempt to derail the resolution in the House.

Here is the latest from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.

“On the eve of his expected endorsement of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam is trying to surreptitiously bury a migrant-stopping resolution that was passed overwhelmingly by the State Senate on Monday.

The measure, which sailed through the full State Senate Monday on a 27 to 5 vote, is now pending in the House of ‎Representatives, where it is expected to pass easily.

But because of parliamentary tricks, it first faces a long, back-room journey through multiple committees before it can be approved by the House.

Beth Harwell
Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell with Koch brothers faux grassroots group sign behind her. Fascinating how everything is becoming clear in Election 2016!

“When I saw [Speaker of the Tennessee House] Beth Harwell put it [Senate Joint Resolution 467] in two subcommittees and two full committees I knew that was afoot,” one State Representative tells Breitbart News.

Governor Haslam cannot veto the resolution, but he is apparently trying to bury the resolution, which requests the Tennessee Attorney General to initiate a lawsuit against the federal government’s operation of the refugee resettlement program in Tennessee on Tenth Amendment grounds.”

Continue reading!  There is so much more juicy information.
About the photo at right:
Be sure to see my post on the Koch brothers and Americans for Prosperity here.  And, again here this morning.
In the heyday of the Tea Party movement the Koch brothers, obviously wishing to corral the Tea Party energy, created Americans for Prosperity.  It all sounded good, AFP supported lower taxes and opposed Obamacare (which helped the Kochs’ bottomline), but there was one big problem with the group as we all learned as time went on—they were silent on one of the major motivating issues of the Tea Party, namely immigration.  Charles and David Koch are open borders advocates.
The group, Americans for Prosperity, served as a shield (a sort of Tea Party stamp of approval) for Republicans apparently including Harwell and I expect Gov. Haslam as well.  However, again, AFP (which has pretty much fizzled) never lifted a finger against amnesty, the Gang of Eight bill, and certainly never to curtail the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Election 2016 is shaping up as a battle on the Republican side between those who want to limit immigration on behalf of American workers and those who don’t want to change the cultural make-up of their towns and cities; and those, like the Kochs, like Rubio and apparently like Governor Haslam who are in the pockets of the Chambers of Commerce and big business interests wanting the flow of cheap immigrant labor to continue.  Make no mistake, this is not about humanitarianism!
For new readers: we have an extensive archive on Tennessee, click here for many posts over eight years.  Tennessee is an important ‘pocket of resistance!’  How do we know?  The feds told us so here in 2013.
We have a special category just on Nashville alone, here.
Follow me on twitter, I’m excited to be reaching the 2,000 follower mark.  That is not a lot compared to others, but for me, a newbie, it is pretty exciting!

Obama Admin: Europe facing existential threat from migration while flinging open America's doors

These people have got to go!  Imagine this: Obama Secretary of State John Kerry is confirming what we all know: Europe is in very serious trouble as over a million migrants have flooded in over the last year because ‘leaders’ such as Germany’s Angela Merkel have welcomed them with open arms.

Kerry and Anne Richard
Sec. of State Kerry with his Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard. The duo are responsible for refugee resettlement in every one of your towns.

Obama is doing the same to America!

We have thousands upon thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children walking in to our country (or riding trains) and claiming asylum, refugee numbers have been increased (from countries that hate us!) and foreign workers are invited in by the hundreds of thousands to take Americans’ jobs, even Cubans (from a country supposedly now free!) are swarming in to the US from everywhere.
And, Kerry says the very same things (sans Cubans) pose an existential threat for Europe!  What about us?
Here is The Blaze yesterday:

Though just months ago President Barack Obama excoriated and mocked Republicans who oppose offering Syrian refugees resettlement in the U.S., Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday characterized the flood of refugees entering Europe as a “threat” of “near existential” proportions to the continent.

“The United States of America understands the near existential nature of this threat to the politics and fabric of life in Europe,” Kerry told the Munich Security Conference Saturday, according to the the State Department’s transcript of his remarks.

The top U.S. diplomat said that half of those trying to get into Europe aren’t even Syrian and that there’s “a whole industry” designed to move them over borders, echoing arguments made by those who want a more stringent vetting process before allowing migrants claiming to be Syrian refugees into the U.S.

“As we know, 50 percent of the people now knocking on the door of Europe — with a whole industry that’s been created to try to help move them and some very perverse politics in certain places that turns the dial up and down for political purposes — half of them now come from places other than Syria. Think about that — Pakistan, Bangladesh***, Afghanistan,” Kerry said. [We have admitted tens of thousands from those same countries to the US over the years—ed]

The secretary of state said that the “staggering humanitarian crisis” is posing “unprecedented challenges” and affecting “the social fabric of Europe.”

Yet, Kerry is so dense he doesn’t get-it that we see what is happening to Europe and DO NOT want it here!  

We want our social fabric left alone!

Continue reading.
*** People ask me all the time, what can I do to fight this—the invasion of America.
Not for the first time, I am going to beg someone to begin a blog or website about the Diversity Visa Lottery (Green Card Lottery).  If you think refugee resettlement is outrageous you haven’t seen anything yet!
Every year we admit 50,000 new permanent residents to the US (through a lottery!) for the sole purpose of increasing our diversity!  
I’ve highlighted Bangladesh, which is now ineligible for the program because in a previous five year period over 50,000 Bangladeshis entered the US!  Bangladesh is a safe Muslim country.  These people are not refugees!
And, for goodness sake, if anyone you know (or a political candidate or elected official) says, “I am fine with legal immigration, just not illegal immigration,” then hit them upside the head! (figuratively).
These people have got to go!
If you are in one of the early primary states where the 2016 Presidential candidates are everywhere in your state, you MUST be hitting them on refugees and on immigration generally everywhere you find them!  Tell them we don’t want to be Europe!

Wyoming legislature would have to approve refugee resettlement plan for the state

This is the latest news from one of only two states not getting third-worlders resettled within their borders (Montana is the other, so far!).
Before you read this article from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle be sure to see our extensive archive on the battle for Wyoming’s sovereignty and freedom from UN/federal government dictatorial decisions on refugee resettlement for the state.  We were shocked back in February 2014 to learn that Wyoming’s Republican Governor Matt Mead had actually (the previous year!) invited the Dept. of Health and Human Service’s Office of Refugee Resettlement in to set up shop in Wyoming.
Here is Mead’s letter (before he ran into a grassroots citizen buzz saw).  Notice that in 2013, the Governor was saying that he had unilaterally “elected to pursue” a program for the resettlement of refugees to Wyoming.
Mead letter to ORR
Now to the Tribune Eagle (hat tip: Joanne):

CHEYENNE – Wyoming is the only state in the nation without a refugee resettlement program.

And a bill being considered by the Legislature would require lawmakers’ approval to change that.

The House Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee voted Friday to advance a bill that blocks the governor from unilaterally setting up a state program that would help refugees who arrive directly or indirectly in Wyoming.

Matt mead finger pointing
Why is Republican Governor Matt Mead so eager to invite impoverished third-worlders to the state? Have they run out of needy Americans in WY? Those are the questions!

Instead, House Bill 47 would require public hearings and a majority vote in the Legislature before the state could set up a plan that would be needed to get federal funding for a refugee program.

Rep. Tom Reeder, R-Casper, is sponsoring the bill. He said this is not about recruiting refugees or deciding whether refugees can or cannot relocate in Wyoming.

“The 1980 Resettlement Act says if the (federal government) accepts a refugee, they can move freely throughout the United States,” he said. “This is just whether we want to develop a program that would help people, and this is really a funding mechanism.”

The bill says the state plan would include how it intends to promote economic self-sufficiency for the refugees, offer language programs and decide what state, federal or private costs would be associated with the relocation efforts.

It also would provide recommendations on who would be responsible for coordinating public and private resources.

The question of whether Wyoming should set up a refugee plan has been a contentious topic since Gov. Matt Mead notified federal officials in 2013 that he was exploring setting up public-private partnership for the resettlement program.

The issue then became a topic during the 2014 gubernatorial campaign with some candidates and citizens criticizing the governor over the move.

Now he says this:

But Mead has maintained he has not made a decision on whether to set up such a program.

Continue reading here.
Make no mistake!  It is citizens fighting back in Wyoming that has kept the state free of resettled refugees for the last two years.  If no one had spoken up Mead’s resettlement office (originally planned for Casper) would be up and running!
See this FY2014 map where federal bureaucrats in Washington had prematurely placed Casper, WY as a resettlement site!
map with Casper