Denmark Paying Syrian Refugees to Go Home (But They Can Come Back!)

Invasion of Europe news….

It strikes me that there is a major fly in the expensive ointment!  They can return to Denmark if they find they can’t hack it back home.

I sure hope there is a provision that says they must repay the taxpayers of Denmark the money they received to leave should they choose to go back to Denmark.

Syrians protest Denmark’s government earlier this year. Well-trained protesters: Moms, children and English language signs.


From The Local:

Denmark pays 71 Syrians to leave country

71 Syrians have been paid since May 1st this year by the Danish state to leave the country and return home, figures from the Danish Refugee Council show.

Each left the country with at least 140,000 kroner paid to them by the Danish state through an incentive scheme introduced under the previous government.

That is about $15,000 US dollars!

None had left the country under the scheme prior to May 1st.

New rules took effect this year, meaning that Syrian refugees who live in Denmark do not immediately lose their right to residence if they return home.

They now have up to a year in which they can change their minds about the decision. The addition of this clause has encouraged people to take up the option, according to the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).


“Many people simply feel that it is too difficult to enter the jobs market and get established in Denmark,” the council’s head of asylum Eva Singer told Kristeligt Dagblad.

“The money makes a difference to their considerations but also means thay can change their minds if Syria turns out to be too dangerous,” Singer added.

Syrians are not the only nationality encompassed by the incentive programme.

During the first ten months of this year, 438 refugees and migrants left Denmark with such a payment from the state.

The Ministry of Immigration and Integration told Kristeligt Dagblad that it expects to spend 102 million kroner this year paying refugees to return home.

More here.

I once suggested we consider such a payment plan for certain migrants to America, but many of my readers screamed bloody murder and suggested we simply deport them!

Of course the obvious flaw in Denmark’s plan is the escape clause which allows them to return to Denmark within the year if they don’t like it at home.

I have an extensive ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive going back at least ten years, but alas have not added to it lately, not because there isn’t enough news (the invasion continues), but for lack of time.

Who is Representing Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement at Mosque Meeting?

Just when I thought I knew all the ways in which the federal refugee resettlement contractors were milking taxpayers, along comes ‘Switchboard.’

If the millions of dollars we dole out to nine refugee contractors isn’t enough, we, US taxpayers, are funding what is for all intents and purposes a federally funded Leftwing community organizing operation!  

Continue reading!

This story’s headline at WickedLocal (wth?) caught my eye.

Chelmsford mosque hosts forum on immigration, refugee issues Billerica leader speaks

Gee, what kind of forum was a Massachusetts mosque holding I wondered.

Here are a few snips from the beginning of the news account:

A forum held Nov. 14 at the Islamic Society of Greater Lowell mosque explored issues of immigration and refugees — including changes, challenges, and uncertainties.

The forum was sponsored by BRIDGES — the acronym for Building Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Sensitivity.

BRIDGES represents a collaborative effort of state, federal and local government agencies.

Participants included religious leaders, law enforcement officials, a representative from U.S. Rep. Laurie Trahan of the 3rd Congressional District.


BRIDGES formed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, explained Fatema Esmail, of the Anjuman-e-Ezzi Masjid in Billerica — a mosque that serves the area’s Dawood Bohra, a movement within Shi’a Islam.

Esmail said the organization began with a mission — “to start a better dialogue for understanding, between community leaders and government officials.”

Activities have included cultural sensitivity trainings for personnel at Logan Airport, and with police departments across the state, and across New England.

We will have to have a look at BRIDGES in the future, but here is what I was most interested in…

The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement sent a representative?

The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) (this is Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services) is sending spokesmen out to forums like this and suggesting that everything should be fine and dandy (for more refugee arrivals) in New England as governors there would want more refugees.

But, Jason Crislip, “representing the ORR”, doesn’t work for ORR.

He works for David Miliband at the International Rescue Committee that has apparently recently created another avenue, called Switchboard, to siphon off more of your tax dollars!

These Leftist Open Borders groups are masters of deception as they create new groups, which is all fine and dandy as long as we aren’t paying for it!

Sadly, we are paying for Switchboard!

Here is WickedLocal on Crislip:

Jason Crislip, of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, said the Trump administration has proposed reduction of refugee resettlements in the current fiscal year from 30,000 to 18,000. [Crislip is not on the staff of the Office of Refugee Resettlement!—ed]

ORR surrogate Jason Crislip

In addition, Crislip said a presidential executive order, issued Sept. 26, aims to provide state and local consent for the resettlement of refugees.

Not to worry assures Crislip, your New England governors will be on board with MORE refugees.

Governors of New England states have generally indicated support for local consent, said Crislip, who said, “This is a good thing for the refugee program in New England.”

The resettlement program will continue as normally until June 1, which [sic] expected changes take effect, Crislip said. Crislip said the Department of State has begun releasing some information to illuminate the changes.

June 1? What happens then? The Deep staters have their pipelines well established, and those of us whose communities will be changed by what they decide in Washington, DC will be the last to know!

I’m going to be paying close attention to Switchboard which is fully funded by you—the taxpayers through a $ 1.2 million grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Dear Stephen Miller, if you read RRW, check out this latest federal boodle going to community organizers working against the President!

From Switchboard’s website:

The IRC received $1,194,063 through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant # 90RB0052. The project will be financed with 100% of Federal funds and 0% by non-governmental sources. The contents of this website are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

Just think about that!

WE supply the funding and Open Borders agitators do what they want (in our name!).

Here is a recent story from their blog (a blog that you pay for!).

The Leftwing propaganda machine runs on stories, stories to tug on your emotions.  We need to be doing more of that with stories of our own like those I report at ‘Frauds, Crooks and Criminals!’ for free!

Sharing Refugee Stories to Build Community Support


Sesame Street Goes All-in With Muslim Muppets


I told you about this collaboration when it was happening, US refugee resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committee competed for a $100 MILLLION  prize and won by joining with Sesame Street to produce a Middle Eastern version of the show being produced in Jordan.  Characters will of course be speaking Arabic.

Too funny that we have the IRC’s CEO David Miliband crying the blues to CBS’s Leslie Stahl that there isn’t enough money to solve the refugee crisis in the Middle East.

Bringing home the boodle?

I wondered if somehow Miliband’s huge salary jump from $600,000 in 2017 to over $900,000 now was somehow related to winning this multi-million dollar prize?  Just wondering?

Here is a bit of the story from CBS 60 Minutes:

Sesame and the IRC join forces to help Syrian refugee children

It’s [Sesame Street] been using television to educate kids in the U.S., including tackling tough subjects like racism and death, for five decades. And it’s done local versions in other countries. In 2016, Sesame Workshop and the IRC had been strategizing about how they could collaborate to help refugee children when a new competition was announced. The prize: a stunning 100 million dollars.

British press called Miliband a member in good standing of the “begging bowl barons!”

David Miliband: The MacArthur Foundation offered $100 million to any organization who was ready to, quote-unquote “solve a big global problem.”

Lesley Stahl: A global problem that was intractable.

David Miliband: We defined the global problem we wanted to tackle was trauma, toxic stress among refugee children in the Middle East.

In the final pitch to the competition’s judges, Miliband and his Sesame Workshop counterpart Sherrie Westin presented a two-pronged plan: Sesame Workshop would create a new show for the Middle East and the IRC would dramatically expand its services to young refugee kids directly, including where they’re living.

Lesley Stahl: And they gave you $100 million.

David Miliband: Yeah, $100 million is not as much as it sounds. Because it’s–

Lesley Stahl: It isn’t?

David Miliband: It’s over–

Lesley Stahl: It sounds huge.

David Miliband: It’s over (LAUGH) five years. And we’re delivering in-person services to over a million kids and educational content via TV to nearly 8 million kids. So it’s a big enterprise.

More here.

The IRC receives nearly a half a billion a year from you, the US taxpayer.

So, I guess the good news is that the money is coming from a filthy rich private foundation and the plan is for it to take care of the refugees where they are—in their own cultural zone.

California: Three Afghans who Supposedly Helped our Military Busted as Ringleaders of Major Theft Ring

The story is posted over at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

As many are, it was a tough call—is it a refugee story or a crime story?  Well, it is both.  So check it out at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ this morning.

Three of these men were flown to America and set up with a new life on your dime.  I think it’s time we cut off the flow of Afghan and Iraqi so-called Special Immigrant Visas.

And, btw, will the feds try to figure out who in the military vouched for three of these creeps?

Uganda: UN Re-opens Corruption Investigation at Camp Where US-bound Refugees are Housed

I’ve been sounding like a broken record when I continue to report that we are taking tens of thousands of DR Congolese refugees (housed in camps like this one) at the behest of the United Nations.

Nakivale’s camp sign, where corruption is alleged, is meaningful. Hijra is the Islamic doctrine of migration and although they don’t say it, it means spreading Islam via immigration.


In fact, the DR Congolese make up the largest number of refugees being admitted to the US right now, during the Trump administration, even as Congolese elsewhere in Africa are going home.  See here.

In case you are wondering, most Congolese are not Muslims, but a small number being admitted to the US are.

The Uganda camp sounded familiar to me, so I went to my archives to see if I had written about Nakivale and sure enough I had, in 2010, when we were taking thousands of Somalis from that camp.

(It is no wonder the speech police wanted RRW removed from the worldwide web, there is a heckuva lot of information archived here!)

Here is what I reported nearly ten years ago in a post entitled:

Are you sitting down! UN sending 6000 more Somalis to US this year


The Obama administration agreed to take that number from Nakivale camp in Uganda because the Somalis could not get along with the other refugees in the camp.

An article that has now been removed quoted a source who said this:

Explaining the reason of resettling Somalis to the US, Katura said Somali refugees have failed to integrate with other refugee groups living in Nakivale and with the local communities because of their unique language and culture.  [This is insane, they can’t get along with other African people but they are going to jump into the mythical American melting pot and come out as just good old regular Americans!—ed]

Later, in 2017, we learned that some of the Nakivale Somalis went to Minnesota thanks to Catholic Charities, here.

Earlier this year we heard about the allegations of fraud and corruption in the UN system in Africa, here, and this news is a continuation of a supposed effort by the UN to find out exactly how alleged corruption is occurring.

From 100 Reporters:

UN Refugee Agency Reopens Corruption Investigation

Refugee Sources Report Retaliation After Speaking Out

The United Nations is investigating allegations of corruption among employees at a Ugandan refugee camp following a 100Reporters investigation, but victims say they face retaliation for testifying and that the UN is not protecting them.

In a story published in partnership with NBC News and Journalists for Transparency, refugees at the Nakivale settlement in southwest Uganda said employees and contractors working for the UN Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, as well as local police and employees of the Ugandan government’s Office of the Prime Minister and police, were demanding bribes for everything from access to essential services, including medical referrals, to resettlement in Europe or the U.S.

The reporting came as part of a broader investigation this spring, in which dozens of refugees in East Africa accused UNHCR staff and contractors of exploiting refugees and whitewashing corruption charges.

Refugees interviewed said they felt they had nowhere to turn when they witnessed corruption, as they had to rely on the UNHCR, whose mandate is to protect them, for food, medicine and safety.

A UNHCR spokesperson denied the allegations of wrongdoing at the time the stories were published. But staff are now carrying out interviews with refugee witnesses at the Nakivale refugee settlement and elsewhere.

More here.

Continue reading because there is a question about whether the UN is looking for fraud and corruption, or trying to find out how allegations of fraud reached the mainstream media’s ears!

Maddening isn’t it!

First we took thousands of Somalis from this camp and now we are taking thousands more Congolese just because the UN wants us to take them off their hands.  

Endnote: Just had a quick look at the data at the Refugee Processing Center and see that we processed a whopping 2,697 refugees into the US from Uganda in the last fiscal year.  See here(Don’t look at the colored map it is messed up, look at the chart and scroll down to Uganda.)