14 million refugees in the Middle East: utter disaster

The brilliant and knowledgeable David P. Goldman writes in PJ Media:

There are always lunatics lurking in the crevices of Muslim politics prepared to proclaim a new Caliphate; there isn’t always a recruiting pool in the form of nearly 14 million displaced people (11 million Syrians, or half the country’s population, and 2.8 million Iraqis, or a tenth of the country’s population)….Many of them will have nothing to go back to. When people have nothing to lose, they fight to the death and inflict horrors on others. That is what civilizational decline looks like in real time.

Goldman has been predicting this kind of disaster in the Middle East for years.  He also writes under the pen name of Spengler after Oswald Spengler, a German historian who is best known for his book, Decline of the West.  Goldman continues:

The Arab states are failed states, except for the few with enough hydrocarbons to subsidize every facet of economic life. Egypt lives on a$15 billion annual subsidy from the Gulf states, and if that persists, will remain stable if not quite prosperous. Syria is a ruin, along with large parts of Iraq. The lives of tens of millions of people were fragile before the fighting broke out (30% of Syrians lived on less than $1.60 a day), and now they are utterly ruined. The hordes of combatants displace more people, and these join the hordes, in a snowball effect. That’s what drove the 30 Years War of 1618-1648, and that’s what’s driving the war in the Levant.

There’s a lot to be said about what we should do about ISIS and the other terrorist groups militarily, and it is being said. Here at RRW I’m wondering whether the State Department thinks 14 million refugees with nothing to go back to, rootless and dispossessed and many filled with a destructive rage beyond our comprehension, are our responsibility, a great pool of potential United States citizens.  I’m wondering if the resettlement agencies see a potential windfall and meat packers see cheap labor without end.  God help us if so. Ann has written extensively about Syrian refugees and the pressures on other countries to take them. I’m sorry, but you can’t place 11 million Syrians and 3 million Iraquis in western countries.

If there were anyone in the government looking after America’s interests, we would recognize that this catastrophe is not something we can fix.  If we’re going to help, we should be looking only to Christians and other selected religious minorities.  I wish we had the will and the strength to find them a piece of land of their own over there, but that’s a fantasy.  Goldman writes:

When I wrote in 2011 that Islam was dying, this was precisely what I forecast. You can’t unscramble this egg. The international organizations, Bill Clinton, George Soros and other people of that ilk will draw up plans, propose funding, hold conferences and publish studies, to no avail. The raw despair of millions of people ripped out of the cocoon of traditional society, bereft of ties of kinship and custom, will feed the meatgrinder. Terrorist organizations that were hitherto less flamboyant (“moderate” is a misdesignation), e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood (and its Palestine branch Hamas) will compete with the Caliphate for the loyalties of enraged young people. The delusion about Muslim democracy that afflicted utopians of both parties is now inoperative. War will end when the pool of prospective fighters has been exhausted.

Riots in Sweden (again) blamed on unemployment in immigrant enclaves

Update September 9th:  Don’t miss this Somali protest in Sweden where they are demanding their “rights.”

LOL!  “Some sort of social unrest…a statement against society,” says a police officer in Stockholm. (Hint: it is called Islamic terrorism!)

Our ‘canary in a coal mine,’ Sweden, is once again experiencing assorted riots where youths burn cars to make a political statement.  “Youths” in the politically-correct land of “welcome” usually means Muslim immigrants. See our extensive archive on Sweden which has literally opened its doors to the Middle East and Africa.  And, see our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

We show our gratitude by wrecking your country! Photo (2013 riots) and story about the cost of mass immigration: http://gatesofvienna.net/2014/05/sweden-and-the-cost-of-mass-immigration/

From Reuters (emphasis mine):

(Reuters) – At least 20 cars were set on fire overnight in a poor immigrant suburb of Stockholm, police said on Saturday, days before an election in which joblessness and Sweden’s open door asylum policy are major issues.

Sweden suffered its worst riots in years in May 2013, when youths burnt hundreds of cars and battled police in the capital’s poor suburbs for a week.

Gert Rosvall, a Stockholm police station officer, said vehicles had been torched in seven or eight places in Norsborg. Witnesses reported seeing a group of 20 to 50 people in the area at the time of the fires but no one had been arrested.

“This is about some sort of social unrest,” Rosvall said. “It is some kind of statement against society, but exactly what that statement is, we don’t know.”

In August, cars were also torched in the suburb of Rinkeby, which has Stockholm’s highest unemployment level.

Maybe it has something to do with the upcoming elections?

“Whether there is any connection to that, or the fact that elections are coming up, we don’t know,” Rosvall said.

Opinion polls suggest anti-immigration Sweden Democrats will take about 10 percent of votes in the Sept. 14 election, which would be their best ever result, as a growing number of voters question the cost of the country’s open door asylum policy.

Centre right Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, whose government alliance is facing defeat, put immigration at the top at the political agenda in an August speech.

While pointing to the importance of helping people fleeing from conflicts such as the one in Syria, he said the cost of receiving asylum seekers would leave little room for more spending to boost jobs and schools.

No kidding!

By the way, my bet is on Sweden to reach a “tipping point” first in Europe—tipping over to a Muslim-dominated society.  Some are betting on France or the UK, but I think the French and the Brits may have a stronger will to live.  What do you think?

MN: Federal grand jury investigation seeking information on recruitment of Somali youths for Islamic terrorism

Are Minnesota mosques responsible?

One more story out of ‘Little Mogadishu’ Minnesota on the Somali refugees turned Jihadists.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune (hat tip: Deb):

Be sure to see Pamela Geller on the story, here (“mosquing the neighborhood”), where she puts this all in a larger perspective.

Al-Farooq Youth and Family Center is under the microscope. Photo: http://bloomingtonmn.gov/main_top/3_homecomm/afyfc/afyfc.htm

A federal grand jury in St. Paul is investigating a group of Somali-Americans who were allegedly conspiring to join terrorists fighting in Syria, according to sources with direct knowledge of the probe.

The proceedings, which have been going on all summer, appear to be centered on trying to find out who is behind efforts to convince 20 to 30 people that they should leave Minnesota to fight in the Middle East. That question has stymied federal agents for the last year as they have struggled to build inroads and trust with the Muslim community in the Twin Cities in order to cut off a new pipeline of recruits.

Seven years ago, about two dozen young Somali men from Minnesota were recruited to fight in Somalia with another terrorist group, Al-Shabab. As many as nine were reported killed, and after a series of indictments and high-profile convictions, federal authorities and community leaders believed that the recruiting had stopped.

Instead, it has shifted to a new region.


The group under investigation is mostly composed of young Somalis who have been frequenting the Al Farooq Youth and Family Center and mosque in Bloomington. There, they may have fallen under the influence of Amir Meshal, a 31-year-old American of Egyptian descent who allegedly spoke often to them about joining in a jihad, those sources said.

Meshal, whose alleged actions at the mosque were reported in June to the FBI, was already well-known to counterterrorism agents. In 2007, agents arrested him in Kenya after he fled Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital. He was accused of having received weapons training in an Al-Qaida camp and of serving as a translator for the terrorist group’s leaders in Somalia, according to court documents.

See our post yesterday on the Minnesota Somali nexus to terrorism in the Middle East and in Africa and follow links to other posts.

Addendum:  Don’t forget! We brought almost 1,000 new Somalis to America just last month, here, bringing the number for the year so far to 8,278 (a number approaching the three years during the Bush Presidency when we resettled over 10,000 each year).

Almost 1,000 additional Somalis admitted to US in last month

Just this morning I was working on all those darn numbers and now a few hours later I see that the August 31 data is available at the Refugee Processing Center.

From July 31 to August 31 we admitted 952 Somalis to your towns and cities for a total of 8,278 this year.  That moves Somalis up from the 4th highest group of refugees to the third.  Ahead of Somalia are Iraq (17,771) and Burma (13,166).

Check out all nationalities for the last 11 months (Fiscal year 2014) by clicking here.

While you are visiting the Refugee Processing Center, be sure to see how many refugees your state received so far this year.

WND: More on Minnesota Somalis—welfare and Jihad

World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann has posted the third in a series of reports on Somalis in Minnesota in the wake of revelations that young Somalis from the refugee community there have gone to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq (and previously to Somalia to fight with Al-Shabaab).  We posted on parts 1 and 2 (here and here).

Changing Minnesota! Political caucus in Minneapolis where Somali men and women sit separately. http://www.startribune.com/politics/statelocal/203321991.html


Here are some snips from the article which I suggest you read in its entirety  (Hat tip: Jeannine). Emphasis is mine:

Over the course of two decades, the federal government’s Refugee Resettlement Program has forcibly infused the Minneapolis-St. Paul area of Minnesota with a large dose of Somali culture, and the transition has not always been smooth.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., told WND that while many of the Somali transplants have been hard-working citizens, the experiment has been costly for her state. And too many Somalis remain dependent on public assistance.

Culture of dependency!

“And so tens of thousands of Somalis have been lifted out of a completely different situation and dropped into Minnesota,” Bachmann said. “They have been brought here in many cases by Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services and made homes here, but the problems of radicalization have come to Minnesota as well.”  [Those “charities” are contracted by the US State Department to resettle the refugees.—ed]

While any refugee entering a new country could be expected to need some temporary government aid, Bachmann said problems arise with the culture of dependency that many Somali families have settled into. There have been ongoing issues with radicalization as well, as young Somalis have been targeted by preachers of Islamic jihad, drawing them into foreign terrorist networks such as al-Shabab in Somalia and ISIS in Syria.

Bachmann:  Feds should receive permission to drop refugees into communities.

Bachmann, along with local activists in the state, say the federal government should not resettle refugees into communities without full disclosure of the costs to taxpayers. She believes the feds should also receive permission from elected leaders before dropping refugees into communities.

“I do believe localities and states should have a say in whether refugees come to their community. There was no opportunity to weigh in. When people come from areas of destabilization, the destabilization tends to come in with them,” Bachmann told WND.

Blame it on Ted and Joe (and by the way, Delaware gets only a handful of refugees each year, zero so far in 2014, but it received a whopping 6 refugees in FY 2013, see your state in the “statistical abstract”):

The resettlement program gets its authority from the Refugee Act of 1980, sponsored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and former Sen. Joe Biden, and is overseen by the U.S. Department of State. The act allows the refugees to become U.S. citizens within five years. Once here, the refugees are allowed to bring in extended family members through the State Department’s Family Reunification program.

Living “in the heart of the beast”:

The charities – Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities and World Relief Minnesota – work with money largely provided by federal government grants.

Debra Anderson, a working mother employed in the health-care industry in Minneapolis, said she became concerned two years ago after she bought her house in the northeast quadrant of the city and found out a second mosque was proposed nearby.

“I basically live and work in the heart of the beast, and shortly after I moved in there was a proposal for another mosque in my neighborhood,” said Anderson, who is a member of American Congress for Truth.***

Read on!  There is much much more about Anderson and her community, city and state.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  See our post from 2011, here.

***The American Congress for Truth will be meeting in Washington this week and we will be there.