Hungary working to build anti-invasion alliance

Everyone knows this can’t continue…..

More Invasion of Europe news….
In light of recent election results in Austria and Italy, Hungary and Poland are working to build a new coalition that seeks to preserve Western values and Christianity in Europe.
Before I get to that Reuters story, see Patrick Buchanan here who astutely comments on what people are willing to fight for (and I hope and pray he is right!):

Who owns the future? Who will decide the fate of the West?

The problem of the internationalists is that the vision they have on offer—a world of free trade, open borders and global government—are constructs of the mind that do not engage the heart.

Men will fight for family, faith and country.

But how many will lay down their lives for pluralism and diversity? Who will fight and die for the Eurozone and EU?

Now here is Reuters on the latest development from Europe and those who know history and want to save Europe!

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary aims to coordinate more closely on refugee policy with Austria and Italy after elections there boosted anti-migrant parties, broadening an alliance of EU states focused on internal security.

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Monday that the approach to migration of the Vienna government and the center-right in Italy was very similar to the bloc’s central European member states.

winged hussars 2
The Poles, the Hungarians and the Austrians are remembering history! And, I bet so are the Muslims!

“So it is obvious that we will work together in the future,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“This is not against the western part of Europe, this is against migration, and this is in favor of our interests because we put security first.”

A bitter row over migration policy sparked by the biggest influx of refugees into the European Union since World War Two has undermined trust within the bloc and weakened its unity, with its eastern states refusing to sign up to a quota system favored by several richer members to the west and north.

In refusing to accept Muslim refugees, Hungary and its neighbors in the Visegrad group – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have cited security concerns and the desire to preserve the traditional Christian make-up of their societies.

Upcoming election—Trump should invite him to White House!

[Hungarian PM Viktor] Orban has been one of the EU’s hardliners on migration and is campaigning on a fierce anti-immigration agenda ahead of Hungary’s own national election on April 8, when he will seek a third term in office.

More from Reuters here.
And go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive and don’t miss my earlier post this morning about the invasion from Africa.

Minnesota: Playing the criminal name game again!

Too funny! Send me more of these stories, like the ones I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, here, where I explained that readers are virtually never told anything about the immigration status or ethnicity of someone arrested. They are simply referred to as the “_____ man.”
From his photo and his name we know he is Somali and likely a refugee (from a refugee family) since the vast majority of Somalis in the US came in through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
Thanks to reader JC for sending this news from yesterday:

Student, 19, Charged For School Shooting Threat On Snapchat

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A 19-year-old man faces charges after allegedly threatening a school shooting via social media.

According to a criminal complaint, Omar Fuad Abdi is charged with one count of terroristic threats.

The complaint states police responded to Ubah Medical Academy*** in Hopkins Tuesday on a report of a student with a bullet.

This one is easy: Omar Abdi is Somali

A staff member told police he took a bullet from Abdi during gym class. He also said he had a video of Abdi robbing someone with a handgun.

When police spoke to Abdi, he said he was the person in the video, but the robbery was staged and the gun was a BB gun. He said he found the bullet outside of the school.

Wednesday, police were alerted to a threatening Snapchat post by Abdi.

“School shooter coming tmr [sic] !!! Go tell the cops,” the message read.

Police met with Abdi at the school, where he admitted he wrote the message, but did not actually intend to shoot anyone. According to the complaint, he “wanted to see how people would feel after learning of the post.”

I know every one of you, when you see stories like this one, want to know where he is from and how he got here. As Ann Coulter says, we all get out our “secret decoder rings” and play the name game.
But, the police and the mainstream media seem hellbent on keeping that information secret.
UMA logo
*** I was interested to learn what the Ubah Medical Academy is and this (below) is what I learned at their website.
The refugee industry spawns new cottage industries!
It is a public charter school almost completely made up of Somali students. Again we see that government-funded effort to encourage separateness rather than encouraging assimilation.
“Culturally sensitive environment!”

Our Mission

The mission of Ubah Medical Academy is to provide students with a rigorous education that will prepare them for college and the pursuit of medical, or other meaningful careers in our community. As a public charter high school, Ubah Medical Academy is open to all students, but our program is inclusively designed to meet the unique needs of international students and their families in a culturally sensitive environment.

When is the "man" going to be identified by police and the media?

How many times have you seen headlines like (for example): Minneapolis “man” arrested for _____?

Ann Coulter in her book ‘Adios America’ makes the point repeatedly! She says…..

Citizens need secret decoder rings when reading about immigrant crimes.

We have to play the name game and try to figure out who the perps are—-from which country they came. Sometimes there is a photo to help you play the game.  But, rarely does the mainstream media admit his (or her) home country and almost never immigration status.
I thought about this last night when I saw Leo Hohmann’s latest about a St. Cloud “man.” 
Based on other evidence, Hohmann pegs him as a Somali refugee.  Frankly we don’t know, but I’m thinking, what the heck, if the mainstream media and law enforcement don’t provide important facts (attempting to hide them obviously), let’s play the name game.  Let the authorities tell us if we are wrong.
Here is Hohmann:

Somali refugee chokes woman ‘nearly unconscious’ while high on khat

Mohamed motel
Mohamed the alleged St. Cloud strangler!

A 30-year-old East African migrant is accused of strangling a woman to the point of “nearly unconscious” at a motel in Stearns County, Minnesota, while high on the Somali drug of choice — khat.

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed, described by the local newspaper as “a St. Cloud man,” was charged Tuesday with felony domestic assault, fifth-degree felony possession of a controlled substance and interfering with a 911 call.


The St. Cloud Times was so careful not to reveal Ahmed’s ethnicity as a native of Somalia that it even covered up the country where most khat is grown: “Its use is widely accepted in certain African countries, but the stimulant is considered a controlled substance in the United States,” the newspaper reported.

Then here is Hohmann from the day before:

Somali migrant attacks, tries to rape victim after hiding in woman’s restroom

Mohamed the alleged restroom rapist!

Local media simply identified Mohamed as “a 32-year-old Bloomington man.” No mention of him being a migrant from Somalia who likely came to Minnesota the same way most other Somalis came to Minnesota – through the United Nations-U.S. State Department refugee resettlement program. This program has delivered more than 140,000 Somalis to U.S. cities and towns over the last 35 years despite their horrendous record of non-assimilation.

More here.
He could be from Ethiopia, not Somalia, but from the name game we know he is a Muslim. From his photo, he is East African.  So how did he get here? Was he thoroughly vetted?

Play the name game with this guy!

A reader sent me this story: “Man” accused of assaulting (female) Metro security officer.
It begins:

SHILOH, Ill. ( –
An Iowa man is accused of assaulting a Metro security guard after she checked his ticket.

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Is Sohaib an “Iowa man?” Readers want to know!

Sohaib Anglo, 27, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is charged with aggravated battery of a transit security officer.

My reader thinks he could be a refugee, from where?  Let’s start with the name game…
‘Sohaib’ is a Muslim boys first name I learned, but from his picture he doesn’t look East African.  Nothing in the story gives us any hint.
I’m looking for answers if any of you see more on the perp.
But, do you see what I mean, it would actually be to the benefit of the general public including the Open Borders political activists to support the idea of saying more about immigration status of someone with the name Sohaib Anglo because we assume he is an immigrant anyway, even if he isn’t!
And, where is Congress?  How about a law that immigration status is made available to the public in cases like these!
See my gigantic Crimes category here at RRW by clicking here. Over 2,000 posts, so far!
Endnote: To readers critical of my work over the years who say I don’t write about all the crimes perpetrated by white people, my answer is that you, dear critic, can write your own blog about white people committing crimes—go for it!  (This is a blog about refugees.)
It’s a free country after all.

Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans help refugee contractors stay afloat

I heard recently that the refugee resettlement agencies (the big nine)*** which the State Department contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities were busy resettling ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and those federal payments were helping keep them financially afloat.
So…I checked some numbers at Wrapsnet and was amazed by what I saw.  Sure enough we are bringing in Afghans at an astounding rate.

From FY08 to FY18 we have admitted 49,358 ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and that number does not include their spouses and children. Holy cow!

Were there really nearly 50,000 people doing translation work for us? (And, more to come!) 
I know I can hear it now—-shouldn’t we take care of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan (while we were helping their countries!), but really, 50,000 and more!  (I think you can also surmise from this flood of supposedly friendlies out of Afghanistan that we are done there, but that is a story for another blog.)

Know that our usual bunch of federal contractors are paid to place those ‘refugees’ as well.

Poster boy for Iraqis who helped Americans! Jasim Ramadon doing 28 years to life for brutal rape.

I early on wrote about the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqis that ol’ Ted Kennedy got placed in a Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night in 2006, but have never followed it closely. (Numbers of slots available were low. For comparison, we admitted 18,084 ‘interpreters’ from Iraq during the same time period we have admitted nearly 50,000 Afghans!).
However, I see this morning that Donald Trump, when signing the Defense Authorization bill for FY18, also signed in to law a new Afghan Special Immigrant Visa program which permits the entrance to the US of thousands more Afghans in that category.
Read all about it here, and note that the ‘interpreters’ don’t even have to have been employed directly by the US government! They could have been working for allies and presumably NGOs too!  
(I have something else I have to do today, so this is just your intro. to this under-the-radar push for more Middle Easterners to be distributed around the US.)
Here are screenshots of a few pieces of the data at Wrapsnet.

Below is the top of the data sheet on our Afghan admissions.

Circled in red is the column for Special Immigrant Visas compared to the number of regular refugees from that country.  On the fourth line down, that is California which is obviously being flooded.
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This is the bottom half of the same data chart:

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Refugee numbers (column one) are relatively low for Afghanistan, but the SIV numbers (column two) are huge!

See that in Trump’s first (partial) year in office (FY17) we admitted an astounding 16,866 ‘interpreters’ and in this fiscal year (2018) to March 5th we have already admitted 7,017! Again those numbers do not include spouses and children.
To conclude, although the regular refugee numbers are way down as we reported here.

8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.

You can add to that another 7,017 paying SIV clients (and their families!) for the VOLAGs (resettlement contractors) to place in your towns.  (There are also ‘interpreters’ still coming in from Iraq, but numbers are much lower now.)
***Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined, but it seems they have some taxpayer supplied funds coming in with this huge push to bring in Afghan ‘interpreters’ and their families.
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

Will mosques provide sanctuary to illegal aliens? Nah, we changed our minds

This interview at New Hampshire Public Radio popped up in my alerts this morning and it gave me a chuckle so I’m sharing it with you.
The gist of it is that last year Muslims said they would open mosques as sanctuaries (housing!) as part of the sanctuary movement that seeks to hide illegal aliens from the Trump meanies in ICE, but have since changed their minds.

Imam Suleiman

A Dallas area Imam who thought the idea was just peachy here in January 2017 now skillfully steers a reporter away from what I think is the truth (they don’t want a bunch of dirty kafirs, especially women, living in their mosques) to blame it on Trump-generated haters (people like you and me!) who they say might attack their mosques if they did it.
January 2017…..
Imam Omar Suleiman a year ago (Mosques tackling bigotry!):

Mosques for the first time are being being called upon to join a nationwide interfaith “sanctuary” movement for immigrants who may face deportation after President-elect Donald Trump takes office, a prominent Dallas-area imam said Tuesday.

“We really have to stand strong in the face of the bigoted forces that are targeting our communities,” Imam Omar Suleiman, a bilingual professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University, said in a joint announcement with other religious leaders around the nation.

Suleiman said mosques across the nation will be asked this week to join a movement that religious leaders say has doubled to more than 800 mostly Christian congregations since Trump’s election. Among local Christian congregations already vowing to participate are Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Church in Dallas, where about 8 out of 10 adult congregants are foreign-born.

It was unclear exactly how the coalition of congregations plans to shelter or otherwise assist unauthorized immigrants who face the immediate threat of deportation. But the growing number of mosques, churches and temples is working out details on who will give refuge and under what circumstances, the imam said.

Continue with more BS here.
March 2018….
Now here is New Hampshire Public Radio with the Imam this week.  The reporter sounds a little surprised that mosques won’t be housing any mostly Christian illegal aliens after all:
We (says Suleiman) are showing solidarity in other ways…..

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Linda Sarsour blesses Imam Suleiman (picture worth a thousand words!)


Under President Trump, Latino immigrants in the U.S. illegally are under enormous pressure. ICE has dramatically intensified its efforts to detain and deport undocumented persons.

That was a cornerstone of Trump’s campaign platform, and after his election, officials at a mosque in Cincinnati announced they intended to become a sanctuary congregation, ready to shelter asylum seekers or migrants in need — whether Muslim or not.

But just three weeks after the election they backed off that offer of providing shelter within the mosque.  [LOL! I bet some Islamic ‘scholars’ got to them and said—you can’t do that!—ed]

Listen to Suleiman deflect:

“So I think that announcing yourself as a sanctuary has its implications, whether you’re a mosque, a church, a synagogue, or anything,” Imam Omar Suleiman told NPR’s Renee Montagne.

Last year, Suleiman was one of the people calling for mosques to join the sanctuary movement in response to increased deportation. The adversity that the Muslim and Latino communities face is similar, he said.

“I think the tools that have been employed against immigrants are the same tools that have been employed against refugees, which are the same tools that have been employed against the Muslim community as a whole, which is the dehumanization — the ‘otherizing***’ — that allows people to subconsciously accept this idea that we somehow do not deserve the same level of dignity and respect and liberty that everybody else does,” Suleiman says. [Sounds like the right talking points, but he doesn’t answer the question!—ed]

Blame it on Trump and the haters. We can’t do it because the haters would hurt our mosques and the Latinos too!

But there is already a deep anti-Muslim sentiment, he adds, pointing at mosque burnings that have taken place since President Trump was elected. He says Muslims are already under a lot of scrutiny and an additional layer to that could exacerbate something that is already an issue and endanger both the Muslim and the Latino communities.

This is too funny!

“The idea here is that the goal of sanctuary is to provide safety, and if we cannot provide emotional, physical safety, then it would sort of be defeating the purpose,” Suleiman says.

There are other ways to express solidarity (that don’t involve dirty kafirs living in our mosques).  Of course he didn’t say that!
But this excuse will sound good to our inter-faith friends (and to NHPR)! Suleiman:

“You know, there are other ways to express solidarity and support but announcing your particular mosque as a sanctuary could potentially endanger that particular Muslim community and then obviously the immigrants themselves that would seek shelter would be under that intensified scrutiny.”

Go here and listen to the whole interview—a little laugh in the morning is a good thing!
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
*** I am going to assume that since South African blacks are “otherizing” white farmers (see post two days ago), that the good Imam would support moving those white South African Christians to America.