I love to see stories we have posted here at RRW go out to even broader audiences. Be sure to see Daniel Horowitz writing at Conservative Reviewyesterday to see one such story. Another is this one about Nashville public schools announcing that Arabic will be taught in 6 schools there in the next school year. Follow Allen West on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllenBWest
See our Nashville story, here, which received thousands of hits in one 24 hour period last week.
From former Congressman Allen Westwho asks some very good questions:
…. the schools were chosen because there’s a high number of native Arabic speakers in the neighborhood. Why exactly do they need Arabic lessons? Wouldn’t English be more appropriate?
And why is it the public school’s role to help keep students “connected to their native culture?” I thought that was their parents’ role. But I’m old fashioned that way.
I thought the purpose of the American public school system was to keep Americans connected to their American culture. But I guess I’m old fashioned that way too.
Now perhaps none of this is cause for any sort of concern whatsoever, except if you dig a little bit, you’ll find an awful lot of imams in Tennessee with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
How can you help, especially if you live in Tennessee? Go hereto the ‘tn council for political justice’ and see what you can do!
By the way, we have an extensive archive, in fact a special category just on Nashville’one of the hottest refugee resettlement sites in the nation that has also become a well-developed “pocket of resistance.”
Nashville Director of Schools Jesse Register: “…helps meet the demands of our increasingly diverse city.”
From The Tennessean (hat tip: Joanne):
Starting this fall, Metro Nashville Public Schools will begin offering Arabic language classes.
The creation of the classes expands on the district’s foreign language offerings of Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latin and German, according to a press release from the district.
All of the Arabic classes will be offered in grades 7-12 and are being installed in six South Nashville schools. The area is one of the most diverse in the district and includes a high number of English Language Learners.
The six schools were chosen based on an audit of students’ home languages. Each of the schools has students that speak Arabic as their primary language, and beginning Arabic and heritage Arabic classes will be taught for the varying abilities of students.
For more information, I wrote about Arabic coming to Maryland schools here in 2011. I don’t think the plan ever advanced. I guess I better find out!
By the way, we told you here in 2014, that Nashville’s public schools are a wreck thanks to the large numbers of impoverished immigrants in the city. Maybe those immigrant kids should be focusing on learning basic education skills including learning to speak and write ENGLISH well!
Nashville has been a targeted resettlement city for a long time. See our whole Nashville category, here, to learn more. Wow! This is our 80th post on Nashville.
Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people.
Chris Farrell, Director of Research at Judicial Watch, characterizes it as “social engineering writ large.”
However, one of the revelations in this article entitled ‘Mayors join Obama’s ‘welcoming’ parade for immigrants’ is that the social engineering began long before Obama took office!
According to Nashville citizen activist Joanne Bregman, it began in earnest during the Bush Administration!
We told you about Atlanta and public-enemy-number-one—David Lubell—here last October in our post on the ‘dirty dozen mayors’ selling out America! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/10/02/welcoming-america-announces-dirty-dozen-mayors-who-invite-illegal-alien-children-to-their-cities/
Hohmann begins his narrative with news from ‘Welcoming’ Atlanta:
For the millions of immigrants and refugees who might feel unwelcome in Georgia, Texas, Alabama and any other state not on board with President Obama’s plans to “build welcoming communities” for “new Americans,” Mayor Kasim Reed has a message: Come to Atlanta.
City spokeswoman Melissa Mullinax told WND that Reed began working with Welcoming America more than a year ago.
Welcoming America is headed by David Lubell, a close associate of President Obama who met with the president when he announced his executive amnesty plans in Nashville last November. Lubell’s group was hatched in 2010 with $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros and is now flush with federal grants. [‘Welcoming America,’ patterned after Lubell’s earlier group ‘Welcoming Tennessee,’ first came to my attention at an Office of Refugee Resettlement ‘stakeholders’ meeting here in Lancaster, PA in 2013.—ed]
Gotta get those Democrat voters registered!
According to city documents, Reed agreed on Sept. 17, 2014, to implement a list of 20 recommendations from the Welcoming Atlanta Working Group, an outgrowth of Lubell’s national Welcoming America. Number 10 on the list was to open “citizenship corners” at local libraries and to “conduct voter registration drives and outreach at City of Atlanta festivals.”
Changing Nashville, TN began in 2001 with a federal grant!
Hohmann continues:
A local activist who opposes new settlements of refugees in Tennessee and asked not to be identified, told WND the city has received thousands of Kurdish and Somali refugees over the past 15 years and most have not assimilated, living in “enclaves.”
“They call Nashville ‘Little Kurdistan,’” she said. “We have the largest Kurdish community in the U.S. thanks to refugee resettlement. They’re mostly Sunni, and most of the Islamic activism has come out of the Kurdish community here.”
Like the mayors in Chicago, Atlanta and L.A., Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has created a special high-level office, the New Americans Advisory Council, to advise him on how to integrate the growing population of foreign-born residents.
Planting seed communities in smaller cities
Nashville’s foray into the immigrant welcoming business began in earnest when it agreed to join a pilot program funded by a federal grant to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2001. Nashville joined Portland, Oregon, and Lowell, Massachusetts, as the three experimental testing grounds.
“The whole point of this grant if you look in retrospect what they were trying to do, is expand the resettlements outside of the traditional gateway cities of L.A., New York, Houston, Boston, Miami and Chicago and plant new seeds throughout the country,” the Nashville activist said.
“They roped in the Chamber of Commerce, which took this federal grant,” she added. “And one of the outgrowths of this twisted thinking is to very quickly get the refugees invested in local government and forming coalitions within their communities.”
For those of you conflicted about the humanitarian issues involved with refugees and immigrants, make no mistake, this is about money and power, straight up!
Most refugees (who don’t have an Islamic supremacist agenda) and refugees and immigrants (who aren’t looking for a handout of taxpayer-funded goodies)are pawns for the Chamber of Commerce, big businesses and progressives hungry for power. Is it all about money for the Republican elitists who turn a blind eye?
On Friday, The Tennessean published a letter from Don Barnett a Nashville resident and expert observer of the Federal Refugee Resettlement Program critical of Republican Governor Haslam’s plan to expand Medicaid in Tennessee.
Did you know that Obama got his idea to give away “free” junior college tuition from Tennessee’s Republican Governor? I sure hope Obama isn’t bringing Haslam to Washington on Tuesday for the State of the Union as an example of his willingness to work with Republicans! Photo: http://www.courierpress.com/news/obama-to-propose-national-program-similar-to-tennessee-promise
New readers of RRW might not know that your state will be “welcoming” more refugees if you are expanding Medicaid.
Last March we reportedon an Office of Refugee Resettlementreport (Key Indicators for Refugee Placement FY2014) that seeks to identify the best places to resettle refugees. Medicaid expansion is a key indicator that yours is a welfare-rich territory.
There is a second, more recent, Key Indicators report here (a very useful map on page 19 of the newest Key Indicators shows which states have expanded Medicaid and which haven’t as of April 2014).
Here is TheTennessean on the Haslam call for a special session of the legislature. Barnett’s response follows (emphasis is mine):
It is downright strange that a Republican governor would propose expanding Medicaid under a plan worked out with the feds on the basis of a “verbal agreement” while withholding specifics of the plan from legislators expected to decide on its merits.
The last time Tennessee took part in an experiment with Medicaid, the rolls swelled to the point where nearly 1 in 4 Tennesseans were in the program. It took a Democratic governor, Phil Bredesen (2003-11), to put the brakes on the program by reducing benefits and removing more than 170,000 from the rolls.
One sure effect of Medicaid expansion will be to increase the number of refugees that come to Tennessee, a state that already takes more than its fair share of refugees on a per-state basis. The refugee resettlement contractors have publicly stated they will expand resettlement in those states that expand Medicaid coverage.
Tennessee’s main refugee contractor, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and its local affiliate Catholic Charities, was instrumental in stopping a Tennessee bill that would have required resettlement contractors to merely inform the state of the numbers of refugees they place in Medicaid/TennCare.
The last time they released this data — in 2011 — 59 percent of refugees had gone into the program upon arrival for the year. An additional 36 percent of refugees went into a separate taxpayer-funded health program for refugees. When the refugee program started in 1980 the feds promised to cover state Medicaid costs for refugees for three years, but soon withdrew all support — and that promise was in writing.
Why would the General Assembly approve any program before considering all the costs?
Sheesh, and what is going on with these Republican governors? What good is it for Republicans to brag about their larger number of governors when they act like Democrats!
By the way, refugees have huge medical and mental health problems, see our Health Issuescategory to see what I mean.
While I was busy last week with that bigger project, this is one story I wanted to post and didn’t have time for. I am playing catch-up!
David Lubell, head honcho of Welcoming America.
Remember Obama went to Nashville last week to give himself a pat on the back for the fact that he had “welcomed” a few million illegal aliens to stay in America. While in Nashville he invited David Lubell of “Welcoming America”to join him on Air Force One.
Before I get to the news, remember that Lubell is a community organizer who receives funding from you, the US taxpayer, through theOffice of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
“Welcoming America,” a product of the Four Freedoms Fund (see history at their website) is working across the country to plant their open borders propaganda in your community. By the way, George Soros was one of the initial backers of the Four Freedoms Fund.
We first learned about Lubell’s gig, here, in June 2013 at a meeting in Lancaster, PA when the ORR announced that they had been hired to keep you in line—to tamp down any “pockets of resistance.”
David Lubell, who created the national nonprofit Welcoming America in Nashville, was recognized by President Barack Obama during his visit to Nashville on Tuesday for his role in supporting immigrants.
Lubell is the founder and former director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition and built Welcoming Tennessee to build understanding between immigrants and U.S.-born residents. The project grew into Welcoming America, based outside Atlanta, and has since expanded to more than 40 cities nationwide, including Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, helping immigrants contribute to their local economies.
Obama met with Lubell on Air Force One as he visited Nashville to discuss his immigration policy. Speaking to a crowd at Casa Azafran, Obama acknowledged Lubell’s efforts in bringing immigrant communities together.
Lubell credits Nashville as being a catalyst for change nationally on immigration issues, pointing to its transformation from an area hostile to immigrants to one that embraces them.
Don’t believe it!
Nashville is still just as much a “pocket of resistance” today as it was in June 2013, when the ORR announced it had hired Lubell to get your minds right on immigration. Be sure to see Lubell’s handiwork—Nashville school system a wreck!
Frankly, we need a countering force which sends out teams to help challenge (with facts!) Lubell’s propaganda and encourage citizens to keep asking questions about the impact of large numbers of needy refugees and illegal aliens on American communities.
The only problem is that our side doesn’t have any money, but their side does—it has your money!
For more on a swamped Nashville and all of its refugee problems, click here for our entire category on Nashville (76 previous posts!).