Sob story highlights ORR role in moving unaccompanied alien children around the country

I have too many things piled up to write anything extensive about this subject, but just wanted to be sure that you know that the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS is also busy placing tens of thousands of illegal alien youths with ‘families’ who got here illegally ahead of them.

Below is one such story. But, before you go there, here is an ORR fact sheet explaining their legal authority. And, read this, the ‘children’ are eating up ORR’s budget.

From the Sante Fe-New Mexican:

It had been more than 10 years since Gari, an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala who was living in Santa Fe, had seen his younger brother. So he was surprised earlier this year when he received a call from a federal government agency telling him his teen brother had emigrated alone from the Central American country to the Arizona-Mexico border.

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The ‘children’ are mostly teens. LOL! and how many of those 17 year-olds are really adults!

The boy was in the custody of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which asked Gari to take legal guardianship of his brother.

At first, Gari was apprehensive because it would require him to give his personal information to a federal agency — something that virtually all unauthorized immigrants try to avoid. But Health and Human Services officials assured him in January that it wouldn’t jeopardize his own safety. The boy just needed a legal guardian as he dealt with his own immigration case, they said.

Gari, 34, was arrested at his home Aug. 14 by federal immigration agents who had used his little brother as bait.

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The ‘children’ are mostly boys.


The Department of Health and Human Services, which runs the Office of Refugee Resettlement, is tasked with reuniting unaccompanied children and youth with relatives in the U.S.

“Our programs encourage reunification of children with their parents or other appropriate adult relatives,” the office’s website says. It doesn’t distinguish between relatives who are U.S. citizens or legal residents and those who are living in the U.S. illegally.

Fascinating isn’t it! ORR is actually placing the mostly teenage boys coming across our borders with illegal alien families (who are in violation of our laws themselves) and you pay millions of tax dollars to help it happen!

If they can’t find a legal family, why aren’t the mostly teenage boys held in detention until they can be returned to their home countries?

To be granted asylum they must prove they will be PERSECUTED if returned home—for their race, religion, political views, etc.

Anyone simply trying to escape violence or looking for work is NOT a legitimate refugee.  By administering the program through ORR it sends a message that they are refugees.

I repeat, these are not refugees!

Boulder,CO: Doctors Without Borders brings propaganda campaign to town

When did it happen that decent-sounding NGOs became Leftwing advocacy groups?

And, why can’t this group stick to taking care of the medical needs of poor people around the world? 

Did someone (Soros?) give them a pile of money to do this propaganda event to soften up the public?

From the Daily Camera:

The United Nations refugee agency reported in 2016 that more than 65 million people were displaced from their homes worldwide — more than had been reported in 2015, which had seen the highest number of global refugees since World War II and its aftermath.

doctors without borders
Doctors Without Borders is one of the many NGOs plying the waters off Libya to scoop up migrants and bring them to Europe. Why can’t they stick with sending doctors and nurses to attend to the poor around the world?


Doctors Without Borders is bringing a large simulated refugee camp to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall beginning Monday to offer a glimpse and hopefully a deeper understanding of the plight of a person forced from his or her home.

“The reality is quite complex,” said Mark Leirer, a nurse with Doctors Without Borders who recently spent time on a search and rescue vessel that patrolled the Mediterranean Sea to look for people fleeing Libya.

“The point of the exhibit is to raise awareness,” Leirer said. “It is complex, and people leave home for many reasons, and people leave in many different ways.”

The 10,000-square-foot “Forced from Home” exhibit features an hour-long guided tour with a field worker who will show visitors the numerous obstacles a person fleeing home is likely to encounter, be it medical problems, the amount of water available in a refugee camp or the feeling of a cramped rubber raft.

Refugee is a broad term, and Leirer said people might flee their country or be “internally displaced,” possibly fleeing their village and hiding out in neighboring village. Refugees come from various economic backgrounds, and while one person might be rescued in the Mediterranean wearing no shoes, someone else might have luggage and an iPad.

“Being displaced is the equalizer,” he said. “They are all in the same situation.”

Being displaced does not make one a legitimate refugee who must be able to prove he/she is a victim of persecution!

As those of you who follow twitter know, I’ve been saying we need to take care of American “refugees” first in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  I’m guilty of using the ‘refugee’ label wrongly in that case—but it is to make my point.

So imagine my surprise to hear this spokesperson at Doctors Without Borders say that the victims of Harvey are refugees too.

Lierer said all one has to do is look to Houston and south Texas, where thousands of people have been displaced because of Hurricane Harvey, to see refugees in this country.

“It could be your sister, your best friend or your wife going through this,” he said. “It’s not always a tangible reality, but right now is a crucial moment. All we have to do is look down at south (at Texas) to see that reality happening.”

Okay then! With our tax dollars, let’s take care of America’s refugees first!

Continue reading here, there is a lot about what they were doing off the Libyan coast.

Tucker takes on Haymaker Collective leader; reminds me about illegal alien murders Muslim girl

Last night Tucker Carlson interviewed a woman who is a leader of something called the ‘Haymaker Collective’ where Leftists (Antifa!) have a gym project in Chicago where they are learning self defense to protect themselves from hate crimes and prepare for “war” with racists and xenophobes (in the Trump era).

Tucker has no problem with their desire for self-defense, but asks where is the evidence that it is the “rightwingers” they need to fear in CHICAGO!
His guest cites statistics from the Cato Institute and from the Southern Poverty Law Center as evidence that her people are under attack already.
But, what interested me most happened in the closing minutes of the segment. “Naila” cites the recent Virginia murder of the Muslim girl  by an illegal alien as an example. When Tucker questions her about whether he was a ‘rightwinger’ she completely ignores him!

What happened to illegal alien murders Muslim case?

It reminded me to have a look and see if there is any update at all about that horrible murder case, but it seems to have completely disappeared from the news.  Imagine if the alleged murderer had not been an illegal alien, but instead a white American boy! We would be seeing daily updates and not just in the US media. Instead, I see dead silence by the mainstream media.
Watch the whole 6+ minute interview here:

US News study: US seventh most popular country according to migrants

I guess US News and World Report is expecting to make us feel bad that in the eyes of migrants, the US ranks only seventh on their wish lists of places to get to as they leave their failed countries.

Here is what they say about their study:

More than 21,000 people from all regions of the world participated in the Best Countries survey, in which they assessed how closely they associated 80 countries with specific characteristics. Four of these – “economically stable,” “good job market,” “income equality” and “is a place I would live” – were included in the Best Countries to Be an Immigrant ranking.

Countries also were scored in relation to others on the share of migrants in their population; the amount of remittances the migrants they host sent home; and graded on a United Nations assessment of integration measures provided for immigrants, such as language training and transfers of job certifications, and the rationale behind current integration policies.  [LOL!  NOT assimilation!—ed]

Note how important remittances are! Those are dollars sent out of the host economy and I will bet a buck that any economic study that seeks to justify migration benefits to a country, NEVER factors in how much of the migrants’ earnings (or their welfare payments!) are sent OUT of the country (and thus lost to the host country’s economy!).
Here are the top ten countries presumably ranked by wannabe migrants:

Sweden (this, coincidentally, is the country I have for a long time ranked as #1 to fall to the Islamists!)

Canada (just be sure our northern border is fortified!)









Notice that Arab (mostly Muslim) countries are not a desired destination. Gee, why is that?

Terrible Virginia murder case goes against message of the leftist open borders propaganda

Update: Story being dropped “like a hot brick” here at WND!
Diversity is supposed to be beautiful, right?  Immigrants who come to the great American melting pot are supposed to love and respect multiculturalism, right?  Unlike in Europe, we do everything to foster ‘assimilation’ of races, religions and cultures, right?
Well, here is a case that goes so far against the Left’s message that many predict it will disappear so fast you will think you imagined it …  This is not supposed to happen!
It is just run-of-the-mill road rage says Fox 5 headline:

Man charged with murder of Muslim teen; road rage appears to have led to killing, police say

HERNDON, Va. – A 22-year-old man has been charged with murder after police say he killed a 17-year-old Reston girl whose body was found in a pond hours after being reported missing during an early morning road rage incident in Virginia.

Illegal alien from El Salvador allegedly murdered Nabra Hassanen a Muslim teenager walking with a group from the ADAMS Center.

Fairfax County Police say the victim, Nabra Hassanen, was with a group of teenagers of about 15 people walking and riding their bikes along Dranesville Road from a McDonald’s restaurant at around 3:40 a.m. Sunday. The group got involved in a dispute with the driver of a vehicle after they attended an overnight event at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, a mosque located in Sterling and is one of the largest mosque in the country.

Police say a teenage boy got into an argument with the driver, identified as 22-year-old Darwin Martinez Torres.

Continue reading here for awful details.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement regarding Torres [guess this means he was not a DACA darling?—ed]

“On June 19, ICE lodged a detainer on Darwin Martinez Torres, a citizen and national of El Salvador, with the Adult Detention Center in Fairfax, Virginia. ICE lodges detainers on aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges when the agency has probable cause to believe an alien is removable from the United States. Mr. Martinez Torres has no prior encounters with ICE.”


On Monday afternoon, Fairfax County police say the killing appears to be the result of a road rage incident and they have no evidence that Hassanen was targeted.

“No evidence has been recovered that shows this was a hate crime,” said Fairfax County police spokesperson Julie Parker. “Nothing indicates that this was motivated by race or by religion.”

However, Mahmoud Hassanen, the victim’s father believes otherwise and says his daughter was targeted because she is Muslim.

Just a reminder readers that this is Virginia, a leading diversity-is-beautiful state if there ever was one! You can tell the authorities are working overtime to keep a lid on the story.
This is a story, not about refugees, but one about the idea that we can continue to pour immigrants (legally and illegally) of all sorts in to the US at such a rate that the tensions will inevitably build and become so disruptive to the social order that civil unrest is inevitable.
If you see more on this case going forward, please send links my way.