Don’t miss Conservative Review’s accounting of legal immigrants from Muslim countries admitted to the US since 9/11

Daniel Horowitz has penned an excellent (and frightening) analysis of who is being admitted to the US through myriad legal programs (in addition to the usual refugee numbers that we know are way down in recent months).

Conservative Review (hat tip: Cathy):

Aimless fighting in Afghanistan — while we bring Afghanistan to our shores

A reader has brought it to our attention that the last column is obviously mislabeled and should read (2001-2018)


Whoever thought of the strategy of sending our troops to referee Islamic civil wars on their soil while bringing their civil wars and terror financing to our own shores was brilliantly dumb. But that is still the strategy of the West in combatting jihad. The European countries are even worse than we are in importing the Middle East, but we are not that far behind. Meanwhile, we continue to put our boots on their ground and shoulder the burden of endless wars that would not affect us if not for our immigration policies.

Here’s a novel idea: What if we focused on our own borders, stopped self-destructing through our front-door immigration policies, busted up terror financing networks globally and domestically, and disrupted the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical networks operating here at home?

Unlike China, Russia, North Korea, and potentially Iran, nothing that happens in these Sunni hellholes – from Somalia, Yemen, Niger, and Mali to Syria and Afghanistan – can harm us … unless we bring them to our country, as we did for years and are increasingly doing now. Yet our endless and aimless missions, chasing our tails in their sand dunes at a cost of trillions of dollars and thousands of precious U.S. lives, have depleted our resources and our resolve to deal with those who truly pose a conventional threat to our homeland, now or in the future.

One year later, the Afghanistan surge is a failure….


The miserable irony is that while nothing in Afghanistan can come close to hurting us, as the Taliban has nowhere near the global reach of a group like Hezbollah, we are bringing Afghans here at a record pace. Just in the first quarter of 2018, we brought in 5,718. At that pace, 2018’s total number will dwarf the recent trend of 12,000 per year. We’ve brought in over 86,000 Afghans since 9/11! In last year’s defense authorization bill, Congress authorized another 3,500 special immigrant visas, which grant refugee status to Afghan officials, despite a SIGAR report showing that half of all the foreign personnel who have gone AWOL in this country after being brought here for training were Afghans. Most are still at large and unaccounted for.

The rise in immigration from Afghanistan reflects a broader trend of importing the Middle East to our country. I counted the number of green cards given out in 2017, the first year of Trump’s presidency, to nationals from 47 majority-Muslim countries, and the total number was up to 167,000. The pace for 2018, based on hard data from the first quarter, seems to be tracking with that rate. This is still a very high level and only very slightly down from Obama’s record year in 2016. Overall, we’ve admitted 2.2 million immigrants from those countries from 2001 through March 31, 2018.

Continue reading here.

See my previous posts on Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders.  While the number of regular refugees is declining under the Trump Administration, Afghan SIVs are treated as refugees and their numbers  are helping the refugee contractors stay afloat because the contractors (the VOLAGs) are paid to place them as well.

Story about terror case piqued my interest because of Maryland and drones

Did you follow the case of Mohamed Elshinawy sentenced to 20 years for helping plan a terror attack on US soil (worked with ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood abroad)?

Elshinawy, an Egyptian, lived in Maryland as he worked with Egyptians abroad.

Maryland terror plotter:  Mohamed Elshinawy

One part of their plans involved using drones as weapons.

I never did tell you that a guy named Mohammed (not this one!) ‘lost’ a drone on my farm over a year ago.  That is all I am going to tell you, but know that you need to all follow what is happening with drones (used for fun and for war). I do.

I spent a few minutes searching around for any information on Elshinawy’s immigration status, but again one needs a ‘secret decoder ring’ to figure out how someone, like this convicted Islamic terrorist, came to be in the US in the first place.

How are we going to assess which immigration channels to the US are flawed, if authorities never report which programs allow people like Elshinawy in to the US?

Continue reading “Story about terror case piqued my interest because of Maryland and drones”

Trump Administration is protecting child border-crossers, as Dems demand they be reunited with crooks and liars

naive Americans
Seen around the world: Naive and ignorant Americans protest in New York City in June!


You’ve probably heard snatches of information about how some of the ‘parents’ of children separated as they crossed the US border illegally were not even the parents of the children too young to speak for themselves, but only snatches because the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear the truth.

So the White House has put out some data that you need to keep handy when discussing the issue with friends and family who are swallowing the Left’s talking points to paint the Trump Administration in the most evil terms.

Continue reading “Trump Administration is protecting child border-crossers, as Dems demand they be reunited with crooks and liars”

Climate refugees: Migrant apocalypse still to come says Canadian writer

Faithful readers know that I have been following the Leftwing/Open Borders drumbeat and warning about climate refugees for years.  See my category on the topic here.
DVD Amaray CR 8.5x14
Posted at the London Free Press, Canadian writer Gwynne Dyer says what we are seeing in Europe is a “dress rehearsal for the real migrant apocalypse” to come.
Blaming it on climate change, he says that all borders will be closed and people will be left to die.
He mentions (without giving us his opinion) that Hungary, Poland, Italy and Austria are already there.
Economic migrants!
I think he is right—-not the global warming part—that the populations of the third world are growing so rapidly and there simply aren’t jobs enough for mostly young men (in Africa, certain parts of Asia, and in Central and South America) due to the changing nature of work, and so an apocalypse is coming.
My view, not Dyer’s, is that how we handle the “dress rehearsal” depends on tough-minded leaders like Donald Trump, Viktor Orban, Sebastian Kurz and Matteo Salvini to save some parts of the first world for our children and grandchildren.
Gwynne Dyer:

Dyer: Climate change will precipitate migrant apocalypse


Around two million migrants have entered Europe claiming to be refugees since 2014, which doesn’t sound like an unbearable burden. After all, the EU has 500 million citizens. Little Lebanon has let in about the same number, although they amount to almost half its own native population.

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Gwynne Dyer

But three factors aggravate the situation in Europe. One is that the refugees in Lebanon have the same language, culture and religion as most of the Lebanese, whereas the ones who reach Europe don’t tick any of those boxes.

The second is that only a few of the EU’s 28 countries are carrying almost all of the burden: Italy, Spain and Greece, where the migrant boats arrive, and Germany, which took in almost a million migrants in 2015.

The final factor is that many of the migrants aren’t fleeing war or persecution. They are hoping for a better life in Europe than the one they left behind, and are willing to face great risks and hardships to get it.

So, the humanitarian impulse is blunted by cynicism about the migrants’ motives, and the unequal distribution of the migrant burden among the various EU member states breeds conflict between and inside those countries. The politics already is getting poisonous, and this is only a dress rehearsal for the real migrant apocalypse.

Even now, many of the “economic migrants” are really climate refugees, although they would probably not use that phrase themselves.


The changing climate will devastate food production in large parts of the Middle East and Africa, and far larger numbers of people than now will abandon their homes and head for Europe. Nobody talks about this in public, but every European government that does serious long-term planning is well aware of it.

This vision of the future colours every decision they make about migrants, for the tougher-minded among them know the borders eventually will have to be closed even if it means leaving people to die.

And some, like the Polish, Hungarian and Austrian governments, and now the Italian government as well, have effectively decided to close the borders now.

So is Dyer saying those governments are forward-thinking by trying to save themselves and their own people, or heartless for not inviting in all of Africa?
Go here to read more of Dyers’ warning.
Read more about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW here.

Honduran mother is poster child for asylum fraudsters at southern border

Every one of you who tweets or has a facebook page, a website, or an e-mail list must get this news out to everyone before that shameful Time Magazine cover becomes the definition of Trump’s policy at the border.
This really steams me!

Trump Time crying baby
Ultimate FAKE News!

First, the little crying girl was NOT separated from her mother.
The mother paid a smuggler $6,000 to get her to Texas. Where did she get that kind of money?
The mother left behind a husband (who has a good job and wants her back!) and three other YOUNG children.
The mother left Honduras without saying goodbye or informing her husband that she was taking the baby on a dangerous journey.

Forget the poster baby!

The mother is a poster child for asylum fraudsters as she has no reason to request political asylum.

Ship them both back to Honduras and send a message far and wide.

From the Daily Mail:

The father of the Honduran girl who became the face of the family separation crisis has revealed that he still has not been in touch with his wife or daughter but was happy to learn they are safe.

mother of crying baby
Husband:  I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that?

Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, 32, said that he had not heard from his wife Sandra, 32, who was with his two-year-old daughter Yanela Denise, for nearly three weeks until he saw the image of them being apprehended in Texas.
In an exclusive interview with, Hernandez, who lives in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, says that he was told yesterday that his wife and child are being detained at a family residential center in Texas but are together and are doing ‘fine.’

He revealed that his wife had previously mentioned her wish to go to the United States for a ‘better future’ but did not tell him nor any of their family members that she was planning to make the trek.

‘I didn’t support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day.’

He said that Sandra had always wanted to experience ‘the American dream’ and hoped to find a good job in the States.

Denis, who works as a captain at a port on the coast of Puerto Cortes, explained that things back home were fine but not great, and that his wife was seeking political asylum.

Asylum from what?

daughters of honduran fraudster
So much for the children, this woman left behind two other young daughters and a son.  Send her back!


He said that Sandra set out on the 1,800-mile journey with the baby girl on June 3, at 6am, and he has not heard from her since.

‘I never got the chance to say goodbye to my daughter and now all I can do is wait’, he said, adding that he hopes they are either granted political asylum or are sent back home.


Denis said that he believes the journey across the border is only worth it to some degree, and admits that it’s not something he would ever consider.

He said he heard from friends that his wife paid $6,000 for a coyote – a term for someone who smuggles people across the border.


I wouldn’t risk my life for it. It’s hard to find a good job here and that’s why many people choose to leave. But I thank God that I have a good job here. And I would never risk my life making that journey.’

More here and more photos at the Daily Mail.  The photos reveal that this woman is in no way in danger of anything!