Pew does a remix of its 2017 data on US Muslim vs. Foreign-born Muslim numbers

I would have to spend all day analyzing this data and I don’t have the time.  So I’m throwing out the latest from Pew on Muslim racial and ethnic makeup in the US for your consideration.
But before I get to the latest (glowing) report (remember it doesn’t look like a new study, just a rehash of 2017 numbers), this is the report they refer back to, click here, posted in July of 2017.
This paragraph is worth repeating, although Pew doesn’t repeat it in this latest piece.

When asked whether targeting and killing civilians can be justified to further a political, social or religious cause, 84% of U.S. Muslims say such tactics can rarely (8%) or never (76%) be justified, while 12% say such violence can sometimes (7%) or often (5%) be justified.

Sounds small doesn’t it? Only 12% say violence is sometimes or often justified.  But assume that there are 3 million Muslims in the US and consider that 12% represents 360,000 Muslims who believe that!
Here is the latest entitled:

Muslims in America: Immigrants and those born in U.S. see life differently in many ways


The immigrant experience is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Islam in America. Most U.S. Muslim adults (58%) hail from other parts of the globe, their presence in America owing largely to the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that lowered barriers to immigration from Asia, Africa and other regions outside Europe.

But the U.S.-born share of the American Muslim population is also considerable (42%). It consists of descendants of Muslim immigrants, converts to Islam (many of them black) and descendants of converts.

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When Pew Research Center surveyed American Muslim adults in 2017, the findings revealed important similarities between foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslims.


Both the immigrant and U.S.-born Muslim populations are racially and ethnically diverse, though in different ways. A large share of foreign-born Muslims are Asian, while many U.S.-born Muslims are black or Hispanic. And substantial shares of both foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslims identify as white, a category that also includes people who identify racially as Arab, Middle Eastern or Persian.


Muslim immigrants in the United States, roughly half of whom (56%) have arrived since the year 2000, come from a wide array of countries, and no single region or country of origin accounts for a majority of them. In total, immigrant respondents in Pew Research Center’s 2017 survey of U.S. Muslims named 75 different countries of origin. And this is reflected in their racial and ethnic diversity: No single racial or ethnic group accounts for a majority among Muslim immigrants, with 45% identifying as white and a similar share (41%) identifying as Asian.

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Looking at the above numbers can we conclude that in the third generation the Asian Muslims have left Islam while the black Muslims become a larger share of the Muslim population than when they were first admitted?  Or, is it simply a case that the black Muslims have multiplied so greatly that they represent a much larger share of the total. Or both?
And, don’t miss the increase in the percentage share of Muslim Hispanics.
Muslims mostly vote for Democrats!
Be sure to see the part about their political leanings. I’ve frequently joked that if the vast majority of immigrants voted for Republicans upon arrival, then it would be the Dems screaming to close the borders and shut down the refugee admissions program!
I can only conclude that the Republicans’ lack of will to control immigration results from their desire to admit more laborers for their business pals and that is more important to them then the loss of Republican power as the Muslim migrants (all migrants!) vote largely for the Ds!
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Read it all here.
See my post yesterday (the Muslim blue wave) about Muslims running for political office, here.

Don't say I didn't warn you! The Left is advancing climate refugees as the next big crisis

This is a subject I’ve touched on from time to time—I have 51 previous posts on the topic.
I hope to continue to bring it to your attention because it might seem like a fringe issue to you, but you can be sure the NO Borders political machine is advancing it as one more reason to erase borders worldwide (and redistribute wealth from the first world to the third world).
There has been some controversy however about the use of the word “refugee” since the ‘humanitarians’ don’t want the environmentalists appropriating the word.  Nevertheless, from the bits and pieces I have read, they are moving closer to an agreement.
I’m not proposing you buy this expensive book, but am just putting this out to you as one more ‘heads-up’ on the subject.

Facilitating the Resettlement and Rights of Climate Refugees


One of the most significant impacts of climate change is migration. Yet, to date, climate-induced migrants are falling within what has been defined by some as a ‘protection gap’. This book addresses this issue, first by identifying precisely where the gap exists, by reviewing the relevant legal tools that are available for those who are currently, and who will in the future be displaced because of climate change. The authors then address the relevant actors; the identity of those deserving protection (displaced individuals), as well as other bearers of rights (migration-hosting states) and obligations (polluting states).

climate refugee book

The authors also address head-on the contentious topic of definitions, concluding with the provocative assertion that the term ‘climate refugees’ is indeed correct and should be relied upon. 

The second part of the book looks to the future by advocating specific legal and institutional pathways. Notably, the authors support the use of international environmental law as the most adequate and suitable regime for the regulation of climate refugees. With respect to the role of institutions, the authors propose a model of ‘cross-governance’, through which a more inclusive and multi-faceted protection regime could be achieved.

“Cross-governance” sound a bit ominous!

Addressing the regulation of climate refugees through a unique collaboration between a refugee lawyer and an environmental lawyer, this book will be of great interest to scholars and professionals in fields including international law, environmental studies, refugee studies and international relations.

You can bet this will be required reading for your little darlings attending Leftwing colleges and universities (LOL! the high price of the book suggests that is where it is headed!).
Click here for my ‘Climate refugees’ category.
This may be the only place on the political right where you can find this much coverage (even as little as I have provided) on the subject.

TB cases take big jump in big Apple

Health officials claim they don’t know why….
….but then go on to point out that most cases are among immigrants!  Too funny if it weren’t such a deadly serious business.

Is this the scariest cartoon!

From the New York Post (Hat tip: Judy):

The number of tuberculosis cases in New York City suddenly jumped by 10 percent last year — the largest increase since 1992, according to the Health Department.

TB is a highly infectious bacterial disease that largely attacks the lungs, but can also infect and spread to other organs, including the kidneys, spine or brain.


In an alert to medical professionals Monday, the Health Department offered no explanation for the surge.


Sixty-three percent of TB cases occurred among males.

TB disproportionately affects foreign-born New Yorkers — accounting for 86 percent of all cases in the city.

Many of the infected city residents came from China, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India or Mexico.

For much more on the re-emergence of Tuberculosis in the US, see my ‘health issues‘ category by clicking here.

Venezuelans are not refugees, but you will be told they are!

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but people on the move because they need work and food (or their climate is changing some), or fear crime in their own countries are not legitimate refugees requiring resettlement.

Venezualans into Brazil
Venezuelans pour into Brazil.  Photo:

By the internationally understood definition, a legitimate refugee must be able to show a credible fear of persecution—that they will be persecuted in their home country due to their race, religion, political persuasion and so forth.
The No Borders Left has for decades been trying to blur the definition suggesting that everyone moving for any reason is a refugee when the vast majority around the world are economic migrants.
Because the socialist government, in the once-rich Venezuela, has so ruined the country that people are starving is not a reason for refugee resettlement protection, nevertheless, watch for demands for resettlement as the crisis deepens.
Here Bloomberg headlines a story earlier this month with this choice of words:

Venezuelans, Go Home: Xenophobia Haunts Refugees

The story focuses on how Panamanians don’t want (poor and hungry) Venezuelans flooding in.  Besides the word ‘refugees,’ you will be hearing that word Xenophobia more often too—-like in South Africa when the black South Africans are violent against their fellow black Africans. LOL! They can’t call it racism.
Xenophobia is the cool word, but what it really means is that humans are tribal, and horror-of-horrors no one wants to admit that!
Here are a few snips from the Bloomberg story with that headline:

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans fleeing economic collapse are crowding into cities and makeshift camps in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and throughout the region, the largest mass emigration in modern Latin American history. The resulting friction mirrors that in nations from the U.S., where immigration pervades the national debate, to Germany, where war refugees have upended politics, to Italy, where an anti-migrant party made stunning gains Sunday.

In Panama, the sympathy that greeted early arrivals from Venezuela, many wealthy professionals, is giving way to fear and resentment of the poor and desperate. It is evinced by outbreaks of nationalistic insults, harassment and even violence.


Venezuela’s slump since socialist autocrat President Nicolas Maduro took office in 2013 is the deepest in the Americas in recent history. Oil output, the economy’s mainstay, has plunged as the state producer runs out of money — and as Maduro imprisons its officials and replaces them with military men. Hyperinflation has made the currency worthless, and malnutrition is now endemic.

Almost 2 million Venezuelans are living outside the country.

Here is where they are:
venezuelans to US
Much more here.
I haven’t been following the Venezuelan issue and wondered if there was a push for Temporary Protected Status for those in the US, and sure enough there was such a push last summer (even Senator Marco Rubio was pushing it), but I can only assume the Trump Admin is not entertaining it.
I have a little-used  category on South America.  This post will be archived there and I expect more news will be coming from that region of the world as time goes on.
Since Brazil is being overrun by Venezuelans will they be so eager to take in more Syrians?
Endnote: I wonder if the SPLC hate list creators will create a new hate category (in addition to racists and Islamophobes) for xenophobes?  For example, do you remember a few weeks ago when Somalis were fighting with African Americans (tribalism!) in a Minneapolis high school? Did the SPLC refer to the Somalis as xenophobes?  What a dilemma for the SPLC—two of  their favorite protected groups hate on each other!

European rescue boats rushed to Libyan coast to pick up migrant invaders, took them to Sicily

Invasion of Europe…..
This is just a tiny peek at the monstrous Mediterranean ‘refugee rescue’ scam that has been going on for years with the mainstream media playing along.
Although this news is from last year, it is a topic we have not adequately covered.

Golfo Azzuro
The Golfo Azzurro sitting low in the water, packed to the gills with Africans ferried to Europe.

Here is what you need to know about the ‘rescue’ ferry—-Golfo Azzurro (one of several).

In June 2016 the Golfo Azzurro has invited the ‘Boat Refuge Foundation’, a Dutch foundation, to go for a search & rescue for saving boat refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. The vessel is managed by Adrian J. Sonneveld, Captain and shipmanager. The Search & Rescue operation is managed by the Italian Coastguard. Golfo Azzuro will be operated under the Panama Flag. The Boat Refuge Foundation will charter the vessel for a symbolic price. The board of the Golfo Azzurro Foundation based in Rotterdam.

The ‘refugee rescuers,’ apparently including the Italian government at its height of operation, wanted you to think that they were intercepting the migrant boats close to the European coast when in fact they were picking up, the mostly economic migrants (not refugees!), only a few miles off the Libyan coast.
One brave researcher shows you in his youtube video how he can prove that so-called rescue ships like the Golfo Azzurro were actually literally acting as ferry boats. He purchased a ship tracking service and in this shot he shows how close the Boat Refugee Foundation’s ship went to the African coast.
Below is a screenshot from Luca Donadel’s damning video (we missed it last year!).  Go here to to see it all. (English subtitles).
Luca youtube
Coming to your town!
And, if you think this is Europe’s problem, think again. First, what is happening in Europe dooms Western Civilization, but bringing it closer to home…. Do you see Malta in there (tiny island nation below Sicily)? The US regularly (illegally in my opinion) is picking up hundreds of the migrants there annually and taking them to Your Town, USA.
And we are still doing it!
I have followed the Malta air lift for years and checking Wrapsnet this week, I see that we have taken 53 illegal migrants who landed on Malta to America as full-fledged refugees in the first months of FY18 (under Trump!).
See my huge Malta archive here.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. Don’t miss my many posts on Hillary’s role in the destabilization of Libya, the launch pad for the invasion.