What happens when whites and Christians become the persecuted minorities?

Will the United Nations and the refugee industry be as eager to resettle them to America?  After all the conventional wisdom is that only white people are racists and the world is full of Islamophobes, but what about “Christophobes.”

This article in the Times Live (Johannesburg) about white South Africans increasingly seeking asylum around the world and an article recently in Newsweek by Ayaan Hirsi Ali got me thinking about all this again.

Here is news about how increasing numbers of Afrikaners, fearing for their safety in black-ruled South Africa, are seeking asylum around the world.

A South African family is desperate to remain in the US, its members claiming they cannot return home because, as Afrikaners, they will be subject to racial discrimination.

The family’s legal representative has been contacting US academics in a bid to get a scholarly opinion that would bolster the asylum application.

The family, described by the law firm as “white Afrikaner farmers”, is among dozens of South Africans who, over the past decade, have applied for asylum abroad for a range of reasons, including fear of persecution and violent crime. Some of the applications have been successful.

I had to laugh, it is so predictable, US “academics” quoted flatly deny there is any reason for whites to fear for their lives in South Africa—they are so desperately holding onto the “rainbow nation” myth created when apartheid ended and blacks came to power.  (Just type ‘rainbow nation’ into our search function and see the mess South Africa is in!).

As many as 800 whites seeking asylum!

Adriana Stuijt, a retired Dutch-born journalist who worked in South Africa, estimates that there are almost 800 South Africans living as refugees around the world.

Stuijt has a blog that monitors the number of refugees and is a member of the Afrikaner Rescue Action Fund, which was started in the Netherlands to help poor Afrikaner communities.

By the way, be sure to take note of how these white asylum seekers are being grilled in the US and consider how easy it was for this Rwandan woman to get into the US as a refugee and to become a citizen!

Christophobia indeed!

Then here is Nina Shea writing at National Review Online about a conspiracy of silence around the increasing persecution of Christians in Muslim countries.

Best-selling author, film director, women’s-rights advocate, former Dutch parliamentarian, Islamist death-threat survivor, refugee from a Somalian forced marriage, and a fierce champion of individual freedoms — that of others as well as her own — Ayaan Hirsi Ali has demonstrated her courage once more. In the cover story she penned for the current issue of Newsweek, entitled “The War on Christians,” which is excerpted in The Daily Beast, Hirsi Ali gives a tour d’horizon of the most politically incorrect subject of all human-rights reporting: the ongoing religious persecution of Christians in the Muslim world. It makes heartbreaking reading.

She criticizes the media for giving short shrift to this development, favoring instead the narrative that Muslims are the victims of religious persecution by the West. She writes:

But a fair-minded assessment of recent events and trends leads to the conclusion that the scale and severity of Islamophobia pales in comparison with the bloody Christophobia currently coursing through Muslim-majority nations from one end of the globe to the other.

The international media does report on the isolated anti-Christian atrocity: the Nigerian church that was blown up last Christmas, the Egyptian Coptic demonstrators killed for protesting religious persecution in October, and the 2010 Iraqi church bombing (the 70th documented church bombing in that country since 2003), which killed or maimed three priests and everyone else in it, to cite but a few examples. But it rarely looks at the global pattern, or even national patterns, and their significance.

Will we be seeing the refugee lobby in DC that includes contractors such as the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, World Relief, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and so forth clamoring to resettle persecuted Christians (instead of all the Muslims they resettle), or indeed say that white South Africans are worthy of their help—I doubt it!   Why? It doesn’t fit the narrative the international Left has so successfully established.

“Temporary” refugee indicted in Massachusetts on charges of lying to stay in US

No, can you believe it!  The Salvadoran is alleged to have lied on his application for Temporary Protected Status in order to stay in the US.  Imagine that!

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) – A former Salvadoran military officer allegedly linked to the murder of six Jesuit priests during El Salvador’s civil war was indicted in federal court in Massachusetts on Wednesday for perjury and lying on immigration forms in order to stay in the United States, the U.S. Justice Department said.

Inocente Orlando Montano, 69, who lives outside Boston, lied on federal applications about when he entered the United States and concealed his military background on a Department of Homeland Security application for Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, the indictment alleged.

Just a reminder!  Arab activist groups, Syrians and their NGO friends are pushing for Temporary Protected Status for Syrians to be able to stay in this country—LOL!—temporarily.

When an NGO isn’t an NGO

Update February 15th:  Egypt accuses US NGOs of bringing anarchy to Egypt, here.

NGO stands for Non-governmental organization, with the emphasis on NON!

From time to time I’ve pointed out that the Arab Spring thing everyone was so excited about only twelve months ago had actually brought Islamists to power in Egypt and set off one more refugee stampede across north Africa and more problematically across the Mediterranean to Europe.

Tell me what good is it to America if a pro-democracy movement brings the Muslim Brotherhood to power?  Oopsie!

More confirming news that Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton and the media were applauding prematurely over the “revolution” came in the last few days as (gasp) the Egyptian government is now saying it will put on trial detained NGO workers in Egypt.   Here is the story from the Washington Times:

CAIRO (AP) — Ignoring a stern U.S. threat, Egypt on Sunday referred 43 NGO workers, including 19 Americans, to trial before a criminal court for allegedly using illegal foreign funds to foment unrest.

The decision marked a sharp escalation of the dispute between Cairo and Washington over Egypt‘s crackdown on U.S.-funded groups promoting democracy and human rights. The two countries have been close allies for more than three decades, but the campaign against the organizations has angered Washington and jeopardized the $1.5 billion in aid Egypt is set to receive from the U.S. this year. [good!—ed]

On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Egypt‘s foreign minister that failure to resolve the dispute may lead to the loss of American aid. The Egyptian minister, Mohammed Amr, responded Sunday by saying the government cannot interfere in the work of the judiciary.


Among the Americans sent to trial is Sam LaHood, the head of the Egypt office of the Washington-based International Republican Institute and the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.


Already, Egyptian authorities are preventing at least six Americans — including Mr. LaHood — and four Europeans from leaving the country, citing a probe opened last month when heavily armed security forces raided the offices of 17 pro-democracy and rights groups. Egyptian officials have defended the raid as part of a legitimate investigation into the groups’ work and funding.

The NGO in question here—International Republican Institute—isn’t really a NON-governmental organization.  How could it be?  Check out its most recent Form 990 here.  Out of a budget of $85,479,348, they received $85,142,213 from the American taxpayer.

Did you happen to notice who is Chairman of the Board of IRI—Senator John McCain.  Senator Lindsey Graham is on the board too.   So we gave these guys $85 million to help bring us a radical Islamic government in Egypt—but a democracy none-the-less.

Oh, and it’s not just the rightwing “democracy” activists, but the leftwingers are agitating in Egypt too.  Kind of makes me think maybe Ron Paul is on to something after all.

What does the middle class American taxpayer get out of all this—less money in their pockets and more refugees on the way!

Vietnamese refugee files suit against international corporation Aramark and others

Phuong-Anh Vu claims she was among a group of Vietnamese workers essentially conscripted to work in clothing ‘sweat shops’ in of all places Jordon.  What the heck is going on here?  Why are Vietnamese being told they have to learn to speak Chinese and lured with offers of supposedly good paying work to go to the Middle East!

It is a complicated legal case, good luck trying to sort it out here!

HOUSTON (CN) – More than 100 Vietnamese nationals say they were “assaulted, imprisoned, defrauded, and treated like indentured servants” making clothes for U.S. companies in Jordan, where labor contractors – and the Vietnamese government – lured them with promises of high-paying jobs.

  The workers were starved, beaten, imprisoned at the factory, and at least one died from the abuse, according to the federal complaint.

The workers claim defendant U.S. companies Aramark and Academy Sports & Outdoors were part of an “international human trafficking conspiracy,” as they contracted the factory to make clothes for them.

Back in 2010 I noticed the name Aramark popping up as one of those companies involved somehow with the US Refugee Resettlement program, here and here, but haven’t looked at the company since.  Aramark, by the way, is gobbling up food service contracts at colleges and schools throughout the US.  Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign is also in tight with Aramark.

Call me a conspiracy-monger but I see deals between big businesses looking for cheap laborers and government (the US State Department for one!) as a driving force behind efforts to move human beings around the world (LOL! who are the human traffickers here?) and thus as a primary reason we are having such immigration concerns and problems right here in the US.

What is the Jordan connection?  Is Aramark an Arab-owned company?  Does anyone know?

Endnote:  By the way, just cruising around the internet just now I see that even college students are questioning the big corporation—Aramark—that feeds them.  One article that caught my eye was this one—about “greenwashing”—charging that Aramark lies about its “sustainable” food practices.

Formal request submitted to give TPS to Syrians in the US, volags involved

Since the open borders crowd has been so successful in keeping hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the US (Salvadorans, Haitians, Liberians,  Somalis etc) through Temporary Protected Status they now want to secure TPS “protection” for Syrians presently in the US due to the turmoil on-going in Syria.

So who is next? — TPS for Yemenis, Egyptians, Libyans, Palestinians and the list goes on!

Just a reminder that Mark Krikorian at the Center for Immigration Studies shrewdly noted in 1999—there is nothing quite so permanent as a temporary refugee!

Here is the news:

On Wednesday, January 25th, United for a Free Syria (UFS), in close coordination with a broad coalition including the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), Syrian Expatriates Organization (SEO), Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Syrian Americans for Democracy (SAD), South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), and Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), has formally requested that the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, to Syrian nationals presently in the United States. The request was sent directly to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.

UFS understands the urgent need to file for TPS and will continue the political lobbying behind this effort at the US Congress and the White House as well as all relevant agencies. The thorough petition has been sent not only to DHS, but also to the Office of the Secretary of State, the National Security Council, and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service. The petition cites numerous facts regarding the current Syrian regime’s atrocities from numerous international governmental and non-governmental organizations, including Human Rights Watch and the United Nations, among other reliable sources.

Since two of the top refugee contractors (highlighted above) are in on this, I can only assume there is money to be made as visa overstays, illegal aliens, Syrian students, and Syrian tourists are magically transformed overnight into formal “refugees.”   There must be something more tangible in it for the volags besides the joy of enhancing our ethnic diversity.

One final thought.  As the refugee program itself comes under greater scrutiny (the numbers are down under Obama), I think those looking to bring ever greater numbers of immigrants to the US are just searching for more creative ways to get the job done.  TPS is one such legal program.