That would mean there would no longer be various migrant categories like refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants and certainly no more illegal aliens. If the UN-supported planners have their way, anyone can move anywhere effectively, of course, wiping out borders.
The last is what they have been after for eons. No borders.
Free West Media explains from Berlin (hat tip: Joan):
UN will soon try to enforce open borders as a ‘human right’
German AfD MP Markus Frohnmaier says he is most disconcerted by the latest developments. Piled up on his desk, is a mountain of papers with the headers showing the logo of the United Nations.
“Every MP of Europe, every MEP and even every mayor should be forced to read this”, says 27-year-old Frohnmaier, one of the youngest deputies in the Bundestag.
In September 2017, he was elected to parliament on the list of the Eurosceptic party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). “If there had not been the AfD in the German parliament, no other political force would dare to criticise this monstrous document.”
The document in question, is the draft text for the so-called Global Compact for Migration for UN member states. It is more or less a globalist project where all signatory states declare their will to abolish the current different categories of migrants in order to declare migration a blanket “human right”.

The only leaders unwilling to go along are US President Donald Trump and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban. They have both declared that they would not sign the Global Compact.
“This document will enforce migration to Europe. It is open-border propaganda on steroids,” says Frohnmaier. The young politician is part of a European alliance of politicians of sovereignist conservatives who have been organising the political opposition against the “crazy concoction” as Frohnmaier calls the final draft of the Global Compact.

Indeed, if this international agreement is implemented by signatory states, it practically means an end to controlled migration and borders as we we know it.
The agreement does not distinguish between refugees and migrants anymore.
Thus even illegal migrants can no longer be deported. In fact, it will be the end of the very notion of an “illegal migrant”. Illegal border crossings will no longer be considered a crime – since migration will be considered to be a “human right”.
The starting point for the Global Compact was a summit on flight and migration that took place under the aegis of the UN in September 2016, with Barack Obama issuing the invitation.
The Inter-Governmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Migration will take place in Marrakech, Morocco on the 10th and 11th of December. Most of the European states will sign the document there.
For Americans watching the violent 4,000-strong caravan headed for the US, if this compact were to be accepted as international law, those illegal aliens could keep right on marching to your towns and cities because they would have a human right to be there.
As for Europe, countries like Hungary, Poland, Austria, and Italy better get their fences in place and build their military!
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.