Tent Foundation makes refugee hiring guide available to corporations

In November of last year, information came to us from a confidential source about Chobani Yogurt CEO Hamdi Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, contracting with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (one of nine federally funded resettlement agencies) to produce a guide for businesses to help them find refugee labor.

Here is just a bit of the background I gave about LIRS contract with Tent in a post almost a year ago:

For new readers, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is one of nine federal contractors*** hired and funded (on a per refugee-head basis) by the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS to place refugees in towns where citizens have no say in the matter and are generally kept in the dark about the process and plans for their communities.

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Linda Hartke’s sudden departure from LIRS has never been explained.

LIRS, approximately 96% funded by taxpayer dollars, is at the moment in a tight spot due to internal turmoil.

We have also recently reported on two other LIRS side ‘deals’ with global corporations— the meatpackers JBS Swift and Tyson Foods.

Now we hear that Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, has hired LIRS to write “a 15-page resource toolkit for employers laying out why they should hire refugees.”

According to a signed contract seen by RRW, the finished product was to be delivered to The Tent Foundation by the end of October.

Go to that post and see what an excited Linda Hartke said about their new funding source.

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LIRS hiring guide for the Tent Foundation is here:          https://www.tent.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Tent_Guidebook_FINAL.pdf

Hartke has since been removed as CEO of LIRS, a full explanation about her departure was never forthcoming.

In light of all the internal turmoil going on at LIRS over the last year, I had wondered if The Tent Foundation ever got its guide.

But, sure enough, here it is!

It is a useful guide for not only businesses looking for refugee labor, but serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program will find it full of information that could come in handy.

Although, Tent works in Europe, the guide is entirely devoted to finding and hiring refugee workers in the US.

I especially found useful the ‘Where to find refugees’ table that begins on page 17.

Below is just a small portion of the table that goes on for two additional full pages.

See which cities are the top ‘welcoming’ cities in America from 2007 to 2016 (mostly Obama years):

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There are a total of 136 locations on the list.  Apparently towns and cities receiving less than 100 are not included.     https://www.tent.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Tent_Guidebook_FINAL.pdf


In addition to less tangible benefits like feel-good bragging rights (corporate virtue signalling!) there are some economic reasons (besides wage issues) to bank an economic gain from hiring refugees.

Here is one!  A tax break!

Remember I mentioned that there was a tax break for businesses being touted as a way to encourage companies to hire people on welfare (here yesterday).  I see that on page 14, here at the Tent/LIRS hiring guide, the break is further explained.

Readers may not know that although most legal immigrants to America are not permitted to tap into welfare for several years, refugees are exempt from that prohibition and are able to almost immediately, with the help and guidance of their federally-assigned resettlement contractor (ie LIRS), sign up for myriad social service programs.

Here is what the guide advises….

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Go here to read the whole guide.


***Below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Faithful readers are probably sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists largely paid on our dime!  

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

In most cases (LIRS for instance!), the percentage of their income paid by taxpayers is so high one could hardly call them private groups any longer. They are virtually quasi-government agencies.

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

India for Indians: Rohingya Muslim deportations begin, angering UN

Just a quick mention so that you know that one advanced country after another is tightening borders and getting its illegal migrants sent home.  We reported on Denmark yesterday, here.  Heartburn at the UN?

Here is the Washington Post, but a similar story can be found at many media outlets:

India deports Rohingya Muslims, drawing U.N. ire

NEW DELHI — India deported seven Rohingya Muslims who had fled their native Myanmar back to their country Thursday, sparking concerns that the move could endanger their lives and violate international laws that protect refugees.

rohingya in India
Rohingya protesters in New Delhi in 2017.  Indian government says they have ties to terror groups.      https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/09/india-rohingya-muslims-terror-ties-170918134840406.html


The move comes as India’s ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party has escalated its rhetorical attacks on migrants who have entered the country illegally.

The party’s powerful president, Amit Shah, has repeatedly promised to deport all such migrants, and portrayed them as a security threat. At a public rally in September, he likened them to “termites.”

The northeastern state of Assam, where the seven men were imprisoned since 2012, has been ramping up efforts to identify and deport immigrants who are in the country illegally.

“If someone enters the country illegally, we will send them back,” Bharat Bhushan Babu, spokesman for India’s Home Affairs Ministry, said. When asked if that included people fleeing violence in their native countries, he said, “This is applicable to everyone.”


An additional 40,000 Rohingya refugees are thought to be in India, although only 18,000 are registered with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Many of India’s Rohingya refugees came before the most recent wave of violence in 2017. A statement from the UNHCR said the seven men deported Thursday were not registered with the agency.

More here.

Rohingya to the USA!

No Muslim ban….

Just so you know, Rohingya Muslims are being resettled in the US by the Trump Administration, see here.  In June, Rohingya were the top ethnic group of Muslims we were admitting.

Kansas City Somali family of nine wants Trump to let Dad in to US

Leave it to the refugee industry’s public relations apparatus to get a story planted in the Kansas City Star just as Donald Trump arrived in the state next door for a rally for Kansas Republican candidates including gubernatorial candidate, a leading immigration control advocate, Kris Kobach.  One story is here.

(This Somali family lives in Kansas City, Missouri)

Here is the headline with the usual story line (family happy to be in America, only wish Dad was with them).

As Trump cuts refugee numbers, outlook dim for father to join KC Muslim family of 9

But, why wasn’t Dad with them and caring for them in Kenya (a safe country btw)?


welcoming Somalis in KC
The family arrived from Kenya in 2017 to cheers from local advocates for more refugee admissions.       https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/fox-24/somali-family-of-nine-touches-down-in-kansas-city-mo/653945636

Somali refugee Sahra Hassan Absuge and her eight children today enjoy what they could only dream of two years ago.

A two-story house. A couple of jobs. Schools. Donated appliances. [Food stamps and Medicaid fills the gap says the story.—-ed]

“I am so lucky,” Absuge said. “It’s by the grace of God that we are here.”

All that’s missing is her husband.

Also a refugee from Somalia, he seeks to one day join his Kansas City family after four years of being separated, trapped in another war zone. But chances for a reunion anytime soon appear slim, given ever-deepening cuts in the number of refugees allowed into the U.S.

Absuge and her children barely got in themselves.

Twenty months ago, dozens of cheering supporters at Kansas City International Airport greeted the family after they had squeezed through a tightening slipknot on refugee travel.

Continue here for all the happy talk and mention of their resettlement agency—Della Lamb—a Methodist group, a subcontractor of the Ethiopian Community Development Council (one of nine federal resettlement contractors that work for the US State Department).

Then a lament about a slowdown in family reunification:

At Della Lamb, Hyde and director of refugee resettlement Abdul Bakar could think of resettling only one Muslim on the Missouri side in the past year.

Absuge’s husband, the father of all eight of the children, is Muslim.

“There used to a good pipeline for family reunification,” said Judy Akers, Della Lamb’s executive director. “But there hasn’t been much spoken of that recently.”

Family reunification suspended in 2008 for Somalia….

Longtime readers may remember that the US State Department had to suspend the whole family reunification program for Somalis beginning in 2008 due to massive fraud in the P-3 (family reunification) program, see here.  The suspension lasted several years.

I sure hope Homeland Security is doing some robust vetting of Dad. He left their Nairobi village in 2014? (Someone check the age of the youngest child!).  But other news reports say they were living in a UN camp.

He went to Sudan looking for work in the middle of civil unrest there? And, then instead of returning to his family in a safe Kenya he ‘flees’ to Uganda. WTH!

Dad then ‘finds his family’ on YouTube videos?

He could have found them if he had returned to safe Kenya from his sojourn in Sudan instead of hotfooting it to Uganda!

KC Star continues….

….father left their Nairobi refugee village in 2014 to seek work in Sudan. He instead encountered homelessness, civil war and hunger before fleeing to Uganda. When his family resettled in America, his wife didn’t know if Abdullahi was alive or dead. [Really! Or did this family have a better shot of getting in to the US as women and children only?—ed]

Wow! Dad found after the family got to KC!

The father, through friends in Nairobi, learned of the family’s whereabouts with the help of the internet and those YouTube videos. “Search ‘refugees’…and our family of nine pops up,” Absuge said through the interpreter.

For those who want to read the whole long (anti-Trump propaganda) story, click here.

The ‘headhunters’ at Jewish Family Service tell companies about the tax benefit of hiring refugees

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the big bucks involved in the refugee industry—first with the federal ‘non-profit’ contractors and also with global corporations hiring refugees and other immigrants


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Jewish Family Service of San Diego offers employment services for corporations.


Thanks to reader Kevin for directing me to the website of Jewish Family Service San Diego and a page they post for the business clients.

When I see this kind of information it reminds me that there is no longer such a thing as capitalism without the federal government putting a thumb on the scales for certain businesses, or to benefit certain sharp operators who use their connections to Senators and Members of Congress to aquire financially lucrative deals for government contracts.

But I digress….

Below is a screenshot of a portion of Jewish Family Service San Diego website as they fulfill their role as a ‘headhunter’ helping businesses find employees—in this case immigrant employees.  See the whole list of benefits, here.


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Jewish Family Service of San Diego is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, see here.

Doing well by doing good!

I looked around at their financials and got sidetracked as I often do especially when I see ginormous salaries for non-profit CEOs (at an organization that receives millions annually from taxpayers)….. maybe a story for another day!

The important point I want to make with this post is that the federal refugee contractors help refugees/immigrants (their “clients”) find work (in competition with American workers) to benefit big business while you pay for it. 

Trump has not yet signed refugee determination, therefore zero refugees being admitted to the US right now

“Whatever that number is, it will absolutely be driven principally by the capacity of my agency and the law enforcement, security, and vetting practices.”


(Francis Cissna, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS))


Granted we are only 4 days into the month of October so things could change tomorrow or the next day, but so far zero refugees have been placed since the new fiscal year began on Monday (October 1).

Here we hear from Voice of America and a distressed resettlement lobbyist about the disappointment in the refugee industry.

Trump Administration Misses Refugee Admissions Deadline

The Trump administration has missed the end-of-fiscal-year deadline to set the maximum number of refugees that will be allowed in the United States in the next 12 months.

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An “extraordinarily disappointed” Mary Giovagnoli of the Refugee Council USA, the lobbying arm for the refugee contractors.

“Consultations and the subsequent Presidential Determination (PD) normally take place by Oct. 1. However, on some occasions, the consultations and subsequent PD have been completed later,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson said in an emailed statement to VOA. “We do not expect this will have any operational impact on the Refugee Admissions Program.”

The agency declined a request from VOA to provide a timeline for the consultations.


Last month, the administration proposed a record-low refugee ceiling for the 2019 fiscal year of 30,000 refugees. By law, Congress must be consulted about the cap before a final number can be issued.

“We are extraordinarily disappointed that the administration has failed to honor the spirit and the letter of the law when it comes to consultations,” said Mary Giovagnoli. executive director of Refugee Council USA. “For two years in a row now, the administration has just failed to take it seriously.”

President Donald Trump has dramatically cut refugee arrivals to the United States since taking office.


Cissna: operational realities will dictate the final number.

Francis Cissna, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), said at a conference Monday that new vetting measures have increased processing times for refugee admissions.

He added that the suggested ceiling of 30,000 for FY2019 takes into account the “operational realities” of those measures for “national security and public safety.”

“The number is not final yet. The president has not signed the proclamation. Whatever that number is, it will absolutely be driven principally by the capacity of my agency and the law enforcement, security, and vetting practices,” Cissna said.

More here.

Click here for my complete file on RCUSA (Refugee Council USA).