(Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR Maryland outreach)
Of course they are, they have apparently been lobbying him heavily. Just as you can be sure they were busy in most states making sure that governors, especially Republican governors, toed the line.
I told you about Hogan’s consent yesterday, here. I guess it shouldn’t have been a surprise because he has always been a ‘never Trumper’ so supporting the President on reform of the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program wasn’t at the top of his priority list.
So far I am not seeing any Maryland county governments begging for refugees (although I can think of several ready to invite more ‘diversity’ and more poverty to their counties).
Hogan letter: Maryland will keep door open to refugees
BALTIMORE — The Council on American-Islamic Relations is praising Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision to agree to receive refugees this year while criticizing President Donald Trump’s policies.
CAIR power! Big smooch for Hogan!
Hogan made his decision well before a Jan. 21 deadline set by the Trump administration.
In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Hogan wrote, “We are willing to accept refugees who the federal government has determined are properly and legally seeking refugee status and have been adequately vetted.”***
“They are a great asset to Baltimore and to Maryland,” said Ibrahim Abusway, community development of Islamic Circle of North America Relief USA.
“We are thrilled with this decision,” said Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR Maryland outreach.
The president imposed the requirement for cities and states to make a decision as to whether or not they would accept refugees after he cut the total number of refugees the United States will accept to a historic low of 18,000.
“This is just another step that is indicative of the Trump administration’s anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-refugee agenda,” Chaudry said.
While Maryland has accepted nearly 10,000 refugees under the Hogan Administration since 2016, Hogan was among 31 governors who wanted to refuse Syrian refugees in 2015.
“In 2018, CAIR had the opportunity to actually introduce Gov. Hogan to a couple Syrian refugee families that were settled in the Baltimore area, and not only was he able to hear more about their personal story, the circumstances that led them to flee their country and civil war and strife and to settle here in the United States, but he also learned about how they were launching a small business,” Chaudry said.
Just so you know, by very large margins (even under Trump), the vast majority of Syrians entering the US are Muslims.
*** This vetting issue is a red herring! Hogan surely knows that you can’t robustly vet anyone when they come from failed states. The vetting in many cases involves nothing more than asking the refugee if he/she has associated with any terrorist groups. What do you think they will say! Lying to infidels is permitted in the Islamic ‘faith.’
And, besides, the State Department’s Funding Guidance expressly says a governor can’t put any conditions on his/her letter. However, Hogan did place a condition—he said they must be “legally vetted refugees” (whatever that means!). See his letter here.
Was that so he could throw a little bone to all of you who might be concerned about who he is welcoming to Maryland?
The letter may consent to initial resettlement for refugees only in certain localities within the state, but otherwise must convey the state government’s unambiguous and unconditional consent to accept the initial resettlement of any refugee in that state in FY 2020. The consent may not be conditioned on acceptance of certain refugees or on any other factor, such as refugees’ race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.
For the umpteenth time—why are the squabbling factions in the Middle East our problem? They have been fighting among themselves for centuries and we are then expected to take them in—why?
Church World Service , as I reminded everyone just last week, is one of nine federally-funded refugee contractors. Its most recent political agitation stuntwas to join with the Council on American Islamic Relationson the steps of the Capitol and see its CEO arrested.
Now we hear they have given awards to their great defenders in the House and Senate—Marco Rubio among them!
Just so you know, CWS has received nearly half a billion of your tax dollars over the last ten years,see here.
And, in addition to placing refugees throughout small-city America they oppose the President by promoting open borders, and supporting the continued entry of illegal aliens into the US! Does “little Marco” know that?
Marco Rubio, Mario Diaz-Balart Honored by Church World Service for International Aid Efforts
On Wednesday night, two members of the Florida delegation were honored for their work on international humanitarian issues.
Church World Service honored U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., and eight other members of Congress for “their leadership on humanitarian and poverty-focused international aid and protecting the U.S. refugee resettlement program.”
Diaz-Balart was one of 16 members of the House to tell the President they wanted more than 18,000 refugee admitted this year.
Other honorees included U.S. Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and James Lankford, R-Okla., and U.S. Reps. Jim Clyburn, D-SC, Kay Granger, R-Tex., Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., Nita Lowey, D-NY, and Chris Smith, R-NJ. Church World Service President and CEO Reverend John McCullough and Board of Directors Chairwoman Reverend Patricia de Jong presented the awards.
“I am honored to receive this award from Church World Service. I will continue to work to support and uplift communities across the globe, ensuring that all people have the opportunity to fulfill their God-given potential,” said Rubio who sits on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
LOL! We should be glad that government contractors give awards like this because it helps us identify who exactly is working against the principle of America First!
For new readers, thank Church World Servicefor this blog since they were the federal contractor which was quietly placing refugees into my county in 2007. So frustrated by the local paper which refused to give the citizens in our rural Maryland county any information about CWS or its subcontractor, the Virginia Council of Churches, I decided to investigate myself and publish what I learned.
CWS is a hard Left (taxpayer-funded) political organization (masquerading as a ‘religious charity’) that is changing America by changing the people.
Does Church World Service represent your church, go here and find out! If your church is doing a “crop walk” then you are sending money to CWS.
By the way, surely Senator Rubio sees this award as a political freebie! If you live in Florida take a minute and tell him that you don’t agree with him on refugee resettlement (by taking this award he signals where he stands!).
I had told myself that I was going to be more diligent in checking data this year as refugees were being placed by the Trump Administration.
Eritreans make up one of the largest groups attempting to cross the Mediterranean to Europe.
The first arrivals were reported here four days ago.
So, when I checked just now I was surprised to see that Maryland, which usually comes in in the middle of the pack, had moved to the number one state for resettlement so far.
Granted we are only talking about 30 refugees out of a total of 274 that have arrived in the US since October 1, but I think it is worth mentioning.
The Trump Administration is prioritizing Africa for resettlement to the US this year. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/09/25/trump-administration-to-prioritize-africans-in-fy19-refugee-admissions-to-us/
Using the interactive data reports at Wrapsnet, here is what I learned.
Forty Eritreans entered the US in the last two weeks and 25 of them were placed in Maryland.
Additionally Maryland received 5 from the DR Congo.
Baltimore was the resettlement city for all of the Congolese and all but three of the Eritreans.
Of course if you know anything about Maryland you are likely wondering what the heck are they going to do for jobs in Baltimore (no meatpacking plants that I know of!).
We don’t know what religious affiliation the Eritreans who came to Maryland claim, but know that 17 out of the total 40 Eritreans who came to the US in the last 2 weeks are Muslims.
The usual reason given for why Eritreans are leaving their country is because the dictatorship there has mandatory military conscription. Because of that, you get new neighbors!
(It has been awhile, but see a post I wroteabout the diversity being added to a troubled Baltimore.)
That is how you have to read his opposition to Trump’s latest effort to keep us safe and reform how refugees (coming from terrorist hotbeds) enter the US.
This is rich! In March Senators Cardin and Klobuchar (D-MN) called for more government transparency and emphasized the importance of OPEN government! Gee sounds exactly like what we want and what those Minnesota citizens were asking for in St. Cloud. http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Ben+Cardin/Senate+Democrats+Call+Increased+Gov+t+Transparency/aRv5FV3Pyi3
Here, in yet one more whinny article (believe me there are dozens!) where the contractors and others in the refugee industry are wailing about Trump’s latest effort to bring the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program under some reasonable control, Cardin throws his two cents into the debate.
Even members of Congress weighed in strongly. Cardin — a vocal opponent of much of Trump’s foreign policy — released a scathing statement Thursday on what he called Trump’s “odious” effort to “completely disrupt and dismantle the U.S. refugee resettlement program piece by piece.”
In particular, he accused the new restrictions of being an “unreasonable ban that largely affects Muslims” and “more evidence of the Trump administration’s indifference and lack of humanity towards thousands of vulnerable refugees.”
Cardin has a lot of Muslim constituents in Maryland—rich ones—building new mosques. Of course he is pandering!
Leo Hohmann (author of the best selling book ‘Stealth Invasion‘) tells ushere at World Net Daily. See my post on their plans here a couple of days ago. And, see what I said here (below)! Hohmann at WND:
‘Christian’ activists head to mosques to resist Trump
A national coalition with ties to George Soros was behind a national day of “solidarity” with Muslims Friday that included rallies at airports and prayer vigils at mosques.
Must read! Hohmann’s ‘Stealth Invasion’ which is moving up on Amazon’s best sellers lists.
The National Partnership for New Americans sponsored a “day of action” to protest Donald Trump’s 90-day moratorium on travel from seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – which the groups are calling “unconstitutional” and a “Muslim ban.”
The NPNA was funded with a $200,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Foundations in 2011.
Friday’s action is to be followed up by another on Feb. 22 when the NPNA coalition plans to flood congressional offices with protesters at the district level, sending an army of advocates for immigrants and refugees.
But Friday’s event was no ordinary protest. Many non-Muslims entered mosques and joined Muslims in the Jummah prayer, which is the most heavily attended prayer of the week at mosques around the world and widely referred to as the “Friday call to prayer.”
Some of the secular and ostensibly Christian activists posted on social media that they felt “inspired” to join in the prayers to Allah.
One mosque that attracted ‘Interfaith’ supporters yesterday was the Islamic Society of Western Maryland!
At some mosques, such as the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown, visitors observed Islamic gender rules.
“We are extremely grateful and appreciative for this show of concern,” Faruq Post, the society’s resident scholar, told the men, women and children, who were asked to segregate by gender. Most women covered their heads with scarves.
By the way theHerald Mailstory says 100 were in attendance, but never tells us how many were regulars at the mosque. Three from the INTERFAITH group are quoted.
The NPNA coalition includes a large swath of the interfaith movement in America – a blend of Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups – teaming up with immigrant rights activists.
Federally-funded refugee contractors were involved in organizing the solidarity event.
Hohmann continues….
Allying themselves in this project with Muslim groups such as CAIR and the Council of Muslim Organizations are various Christian organizations such as Church World Services, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and others involved in the resettlement of refugees in the United States. These volunteer agencies, also called VOLAGs, are paid $2,050 for every refugee they resettle in America, with more than half of that fee flowing into their coffers and the balance going to the refugee. [For new readers it was Church World Service subcontractor, the Virginia Council of Churches that brought refugees to Hagerstown in 2007 and inspired me to write this blog!—ed]
These groups present themselves as charitable advocates for the downtrodden when in fact the vast majority of their budgets are funded by federal grants, not donations by church members.
If you missed it in 2009, it is not too late to read it. In fact, the timing could not be better!
“It’s not charity if you are taking other people’s money by force, through public tax dollars, and using it to do what you consider to be the Lord’s work,” says Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry and blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.
“They will whine about refugees but when you look at this list and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them,” wrote Corcoran.“In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories. Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?”
As of Friday there were 14 states and the District of Columbia listed as hosting rallies in support of Muslims. Cities on the list included Chicago, New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Miami, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia; Reading, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Silver Spring and Hagerstown, Maryland; and Boise, Idaho.
The Hagerstown Herald Mail could never bring itself to write about allegations made in 2009 in ‘Muslim Mafia’ even though CAIR has never been able to prove any of the information is false having been taken directly from documents CAIR had warehoused.
WND’s story continues…..
One of the participating mosques that welcomed non-Muslim supporters to join it for Friday prayers was the Islamic Society of Western Marylandin Hagerstown. This mosque was identified as having connections to radical Islamic elements in the undercover investigative book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” by David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.
The FBI was investigating this predominantly Pakistani mosque for suspicious activity in 2004 and the imam immediately brought in a CAIR lawyer Shama Farooq to help coach him on how to answer the investigators’ questions.
To learn what happened, continue here.
As we know well, citizens have every right to support mosques and organize protests, but when it comes to federally- funded organizations possibly using tax dollars to do it then we have every right to demand an accounting.
By the way, Esam Omeishformer head of the Muslim America Society (a Muslim Brotherhood spin-off group) is a member of this mosque. Look what he said in Hagerstown in 2008:
In a sermon during Monday’s holiday prayer service, Omeish encouraged Muslims to establish themselvesand break new ground where they live in much the same way Abraham is said to have founded monotheism in Arabia.
Yahya Hendi has spoken here as well. See what Hendi told the Saudis in 2007. Why would Muslims be pushing for the election of Muslim mayors across America? If they are here to assimilate why do they need Muslim mayors?