Evangelical ‘leaders’ out of touch with their flocks on refugee admissions

The Evangelical Immigration Table is a conglomeration of evangelical groups on the Religious Left, and like all skilled Leftwing activists they know how to get media attention.


Write a letter to the Trump Administration and you get headline stories…..

Here at HuffPo we see that the Table group has sent a letter to the Secretary of State and others who will make the decision on how many refugees could be admitted to the US beginning October first.

They want the President to set the level of refugee admissions for FY19 at 75,000 (that is the agreed upon level that the contractors*** have come up with for this coming year, a number that would keep them financially afloat.)

What I would like to know is why don’t evangelical conservatives now get together and counter the liberals with a letter of their own.  After all, they far out number the Libs!

LOL! See if HuffPo writes a headline story about your letter—-Evangelicals tell President to place moratorium on refugee program until reforms are in place!

Instead, a small number comprising the Religious Left says this….

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Refugee industry advocates pinning a tiny bit of hope on Pompeo to save refugee program

….but they know the odds are not good that the Secretary of State will buck the White House on the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year.

Trump and Pompeo
Will Secretary of State Pompeo go with the White House or with the embedded refugee advocates employed at the State Department?

However, as the deep-staters (and their contractor buddies***) feed news to Politico, indications are that Pompeo could at least keep the shrinking Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration at the State Department.

Here is Politico which appears to have a direct pipeline in to the refugee industry both inside and outside of government.

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Sick of the media screwing with the facts! Obama’s 110,000 refugees myth!

Everywhere I look, the lazy Leftwing media tell us that Trump refugee admission numbers are low (yes! they are), and they draw a comparison to Obama’s last refugee cap (110,000) that he proposed in September of 2016 just months before leaving office.

Never once in his previous 7 years did he propose a ceiling (a cap!) that high and he came no where near that number of refugees admitted.


Was it all for show and for dumb reporters who would henceforth compare refugee admission numbers to the mythical 110,000? Or perhaps he was laying the groundwork for a big refugee push if Hillary had won the White House?

Here are the facts about the ceiling proposed in a couple of Bush years and then the Obama years from the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet), the official State Department data collection site.

Notice that the ‘ceiling’ Obama set in September of 2016 (110,000) is left blank.  Trump came in to office in January 2017 and lowered it to 50,000.  It is not clear to me why the space is left blank, but it is.

Then look at the column “to the US.” That is the actual number ultimately admitted.

See that Obama came no where close to his own much lower ceilings in FY11 and FY12.  And, his other ceilings were way below 110,000.

So how about the media shut up about the 110,000 Obama year. 


wrapsnet obama cap


St. Cloud “woman” crashes car into ice cream store

Reader Linda said, get out the “secret decoder ring” as once again the media fails to mention a key fact in this story.

However, the video says it all….

St. Cloud woman crash
Somalis gather at the crash scene (screenshot).


I’m posting this because once in a while we have to chuckle and because I can’t tell you the number of times over the years I’ve heard news like this.

How on earth are they getting drivers’ licenses? Does she even have insurance?

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Refugee contractors putting the squeeze on Potus, you need to squeeze back

refugees welcome anti Trump
Protesters eager for more refugees demonstrate against President Trump


I know, I know, you are probably getting sick of hearing from me on the issue of the upcoming Presidential Determination on the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in Fiscal Year 2019 which begins on October first—less than 2 months from now.

But, I must keep talking about it because the Open Borders Left and especially the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors are lobbying day and night to pressure the Prez into going back to the levels they enjoyed during the Obama presidency.

They are in desperation mode!

Continue reading “Refugee contractors putting the squeeze on Potus, you need to squeeze back”