Find me on Facebook and at my other blog, Frauds, Crooks and Criminals

If you have missed news about refugees, I’m still writing about them at Frauds and Crooks and as of last night I am back up and running at Refugee Resettlement Watch’s Facebook page.

You can find the page here (48,000 likes!). I’ll post refugee news there that I might not use at Frauds and Crooks.  

See Frauds and Crooks by clicking here.

Although I’m not actively writing here at RRW, I see that hundreds of readers are still coming every day to access older posts—there are nearly 9,000 posts here spanning over a decade!  Use the search window, enter a few key words and I think you will find some useful information.

You can still get refugee news like this at my new blog—Frauds, Crooks and Criminals!

Yesterday I posted this story at Frauds and Crooks:

Writer: Solve Border Crisis by Turning Asylum Seekers Over to Refugee Resettlement Agencies for Care (ahhhhh!)


After following the activities of the US Refugee Resettlement Agencies—the nine federal contractors largely funded by you and me (the taxpayers)—I can say with absolute certainty that this is a foolish idea.
Treat all the border jumpers as refugees and turn them over to the care of Leftwing federal refugee resettlement contractors!


Click here to read the whole story!

And today I’ll have news on the arrests in Lewiston, Maine in the death of a Maine man last year. Update: See news of the arrests, here.

If you haven’t made your move to Frauds and Crooks, click here, and subscribe in the right hand side bar.  Or, just visit every day or so and see what is new!


Reminder! Subscribe to my new site!

frauds crooks criminals no wordsA few of you asked yesterday if my subscribers would automatically switch over to Frauds, Crooks and Criminals and the answer is—I doubt it!

So if you want to be sure to get news as I write, best to go to ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and subscribe.

Here is my newest post just now:

Virginia: Alexandria “Man” Arrested on Christmas Eve for Filming a Minor in Mall Dressing Room


Or, if you don’t want to subscribe, just bookmark the site and visit every few days and see what is new!  When you read blogs the most recent story is on the top, except right now I’m leaving my ‘Welcome’ post on top as a “sticky” post.

If you are new to following a blog, and want to get back to the beginning of Frauds and Crooks on any given day, simply click on the header/title and you will be back ‘Home.”

Also note that I have an e-mail address for the site and welcome your story ideas and confidential tips!

See my new website!

Happy New Year everybody!

I am happy to announce that I have started a new website and I call it Frauds, Crooks and Criminals.  Click here to read all about it!

frauds crooks criminals no words

When I began writing Refugee Resettlement Watch in 2007, I believed it was my job to balance the news on an issue where the media didn’t present all sides of an important topic for consideration by voters and policy makers and that was specifically the workings of the US Refugee Admissions Program and other related legal immigration programs.

I’m continuing that mission, to balance the mainstream media propaganda, with Frauds, Crooks and Criminals.

Check it out and bear with me because I am still trying to figure out all the techy stuff involved with a new blog.

And, for all of you who have expressed dismay, I am sad to report that wordpress no longer supports my original theme here at RRW.

P.S. My introductory post is up at Frauds, Crooks and Criminals and in a little while I’ll have my first fraud story posted.

First fraud story is posted, here!

You all know how blogs work, right! The most recent post is on the top when you visit the site, however, I’ll leave the introductory post up for a few weeks. The post after it will be the most recent news.

Housekeeping note from Ann

Update: Yikes it is way different! When I get some time I will try to switch the site to something more readable!

For all of you still using RRW as a research tool, note the look of the site has changed.

I was messing around with the templates and switched to another of the wordpress templates and then I couldn’t switch back.  I can only guess that my previous style (template) was so old that they dumped it.

All of the material should still be here!

Happy New Year to all of you!