Reminder! Subscribe to my new site!

frauds crooks criminals no wordsA few of you asked yesterday if my subscribers would automatically switch over to Frauds, Crooks and Criminals and the answer is—I doubt it!

So if you want to be sure to get news as I write, best to go to ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and subscribe.

Here is my newest post just now:

Virginia: Alexandria “Man” Arrested on Christmas Eve for Filming a Minor in Mall Dressing Room


Or, if you don’t want to subscribe, just bookmark the site and visit every few days and see what is new!  When you read blogs the most recent story is on the top, except right now I’m leaving my ‘Welcome’ post on top as a “sticky” post.

If you are new to following a blog, and want to get back to the beginning of Frauds and Crooks on any given day, simply click on the header/title and you will be back ‘Home.”

Also note that I have an e-mail address for the site and welcome your story ideas and confidential tips!

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