If this is true, then nearly 1/3 of all refugee resettlement offices have closed around the country. Really?
And, if this is true, why has the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) not deleted any of the contact information for those now supposedly non-existent agencies from its database, or updated their resettlement site map? What are we paying them for?
Continue reading “Refugee contractor: 100 refugee offices have closed”
Category: Refugee statistics
Why is it our job to clean out UN refugee camps?
And, why is the Trump Administration continuing refugee resettlement started for no other reason (by George Bush and Barack Obama) than to please the UN?
Previous presidents jumped to the UN piper’s tune and said sure, the US will step up to take the Bhutanese and the DR Congolese because the UN asked us to.
These people were not our responsibility, no one could say we caused the problems that resulted in their care by the UN.
We have no strategic interest or reason other than to make the UN happy (and some big employers who want the cheap labor, the Dems who want voters and the contractors who want the payola!).
(By the way, there are other examples of cleaning out camps and of course the largest over the years have been the UN camps in Kenya, but the numbers have dramatically slowed in the last year, not so for the two I’m writing about now. And, of course the UN has no interest in cleaning out the Palestinian camps and sending those people to other Arab countries.)
DR Congo express to America….
The largest ethnic group of refugees coming to the US right now are DR Congolese. In the first 6 months of this fiscal year (’18) we admitted 2,569.
In 2013 the Obama State Department told the UN High Commissioner for Refugees that we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years.
Checking Wrapsnet just now, I see that we have taken 40,899 since that promise was made, however going back to FY10, I see we are now at 49,476.
Will the flow ever stop?
Based on the Bush Bhutanese deal, the answer is likely NO!
Nearly 100,000 Bhutanese scattered across America…
In 2006 we told the UN we would take 60,000 Bhutanese off their hands over five years.
These displaced people are really Nepali people that were kicked out of Bhutan and Nepal wouldn’t take them back.
Other western countries promised to take another 30,000.
Here in 2015 the UN reported on its “success” at that point in time:
A core group of eight countries came together in 2007 to create this opportunity for Bhutanese refugees to begin new lives: Australia (5,554), Canada (6,500), Denmark (874), New Zealand (1002), the Netherlands (327), Norway (566), the United Kingdom (358) and the United States of America (84,819).
Now 10 years after Bush Asst. Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey said we would take 60,000, we are at 95,841 (as of today).
In the last 6 months, an additional 1,925 ‘refugees’ of Nepali origin that we call Bhutanese were resettled across the country. I have to laugh because the total number in 2006 was 108,000 and between the US and other countries we have far surpassed that number now, so it begs the question—have more people arrived at the camps looking for resettlement in recent years? (See one of my many posts on fuzzy math!)
Here is where 95,481 have been place in the US in just 10 years!
I don’t believe there is a law that says we must take refugees that the UN wants us to take!
And, thus, I think it is time that the Trump Administration distanced itself from the dictates of the United Nations. In fact, maybe it is time to do more than that! Let’s take the lead in rethinking the entire 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
Surely, if we are going to offer ‘welcome’ to legitimate refugees, we have smart people who would know how to pick the most worthy candidates and not just take in ethnic groups wholesale because the UN tells us we must!
See Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies about the haphazard choices being made (even under Donald Trump!).
See my archive on the Bhutanese by clicking here. The thing that has brought them to the media’s attention over the years is the fact that they have a high suicide rate in America. In fact, for years leading up to 2006, they steadfastly maintained that they did not want to be “scattered to the four winds.”
Contact the White House, tell the President: As your Administration prepares refugee plans for the coming fiscal year, stop asking how high, when the UN says jump! We will pick our own refugees, thank you very much!
US refugee contractor Miliband says EU countries must step up and take more refugees
Before I tell you about ‘Moneybags’ Miliband’s proposal for his home country, the UK, and for the whole of Europe, this article gives me an opportunity to clarify something the No Borders gang doesn’t want you to understand.
If you are saying Europe is already taking in hundreds of thousands of “refugees,” how can they take more? Know that the over a million migrants, which have descended on Europe in recent years, are not “refugees” until they have had their asylum claims adjudicated and have been determined to be truly persecuted people in need of refugee protection. The vast majority are illegal aliens/economic migrants!
The next time someone on the Left (or a politician) says we must do our share because Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon are doing so much more, remember this: the migrants in those countries are temporary. They will not become voting citizens as our admitted refugees will be!
The people Miliband is talking about are “refugees” mostly identified and registered with the United Nations and who will become permanent residents when they are admitted. Many live in UN camps in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. It is (mostly) from that pool that the US has taken its 10,000+ over the last 6 months (see yesterday’s post).
For decades, without a doubt the US has taken the lion’s share of the refugees the UN has identified and wants to distribute to the West.
Doing well by doing good!
David Miliband heads the financially largest of the nine US resettlement contractors*** the International Rescue Committee. He is a former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister and a pal of—-drum roll—-George Soros. I call him “Moneybags” because he pulls down an annual salary of $671,749 (largely funded by US taxpayer dollars). See post on the IRC’s Form 990, here.
Here is The Guardian story with this headline:
David Miliband calls for leadership on refugee resettlement in the EU
It could be sub-titled: Miliband takes a whack at Trump!
David Miliband has called on the European Union to bring half a million refugees to Europe over the next five years, which would mean providing homes for almost 10% of the world’s most vulnerable refugees each year.
Under the targets proposed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), of which Miliband is chairman, the EU would commit to increasing targets of European resettlement schemes to take in 108,000 refugees every year for five years from refugee camps and communities in countries such as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.
In 2017, 65,000 refugees were resettled worldwide, a third of the number resettled the previous year (189,300). The EU provided resettlement places for 23,000 refugees – or 1.9% of those eligible for resettlement. Under the target being called for by the IRC, the EU would resettle 9% of eligible refugees.
Let’s stop for a minute and look at the numbers. I used the calendar year data at Wrapsnet and see that in 2017, the US resettled just over half (51%) of the refugees resettled by the whole Western world—33,368 (of the 65,000). Pew Research tells us that in 2016 the US share was also 51%, but get this….from Pew:
In 2016, for example, out of approximately 1 million eligible refugees identified by UNHCR, an estimated 189,000 were resettled worldwide, with more than half (51%) of these ending up in the United States. Between 1982 and 2016, the U.S. admitted more than two-thirds (69%) of the world’s resettled refugees, followed by Canada (14%) and Australia (11%).
So for nearly a quarter of a century the US was, by far, the most ‘welcoming’ country in the world! Yeh! Miliband is right—other countries need to pick up the slack now. Time for the US to take a breather!
The Guardian continues….
Miliband said Europe had been “playing catch up” with the refugee crisis as it dealt with large numbers of people [illegal aliens!—ed] arriving and claiming asylum over the past few years, but now had an opportunity to “become a proactive player” on this issue.
“Europe needs to recognise that this refugee crisis around the world is not going away and Europe needs to have a proactive policy which includes the option of refugee resettlement for a portion of the most vulnerable who are identified as qualifying for refugee resettlement,” he said.
Miliband: Europe must lead because Trump isn’t!
Miliband said the need for Europe to provide world leadership had increased after the Trump administration announced last year it would slash the US resettlement target from 110,000 places in 2017 to a maximum of 45,000 places in 2018. The US has traditionally taken the most refugees through resettlement programmes of any country.
Calling Hungarian PM Victor Orban! Pay attention to Soros and Miliband!
However, the calls are likely to face opposition from some member states, which have refused to share the responsibility of refugee hosting across the EU. Last year, the European commission began a legal case against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for refusing to participate in a programme that relocated refugees that had arrived in Greece and Italy.
Under the IRC’s proposal, all EU member states would be required to set a target for refugee resettlement, proportionate to GDP and population. Most countries would have to dramatically expand their resettlement programmes to meet this target.
More here.
Do you live in Connecticut?
If so, you can catch “Moneybags” live at the Greenwich Library later this month:
Talk on refugee crisis
David Miliband, president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, will be interviewed by Lori Esposito Murray from the Council on Foreign Relations in a talk titled “Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time.” This conversation will take place in the Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium at 7 p.m. April 19. Miliband was a member of the British Parliament before taking charge of the IRC, which conducts humanitarian relief operations in more than 40 war-affected countries and refugee resettlement and assistance programs in 28 U.S. cities. Murray is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut, and president emeritus of the World Affairs Councils of America. Space is limited. Register at www.greenwichlibrary.org.
Learn more about David Miliband, here.
Contact the President by clicking here. Ask him why are we paying refugee contractors to do political agitation worldwide that includes criticism of your administration’s policies. Forget Amazon, investigate the refugee contractors!
***These are the nine federal resettlement contractors which are hired by the federal government to take care of refugees resettled in the US, but spend much of their time doing community organizing and No Borders political agitation work against the sitting President of the US.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
- Church World Service (CWS) (71%)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)(93%)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (99.5%)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (57%)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) (98%)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (97%)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (97%)
- World Relief Corporation (WR) (72.8%)
Trump on pace to break Bush record of lowest refugee resettlement numbers since 1980 law enacted
We have now reached the six month mark of the first full fiscal year of the Trump presidency and Trump could easily break the Bush record set in 2002 of 27,070 refugee admissions for one year.
(See post here on the Bush record low years.)
At the six month mark, the Trump Administration operating well under a CEILING of 45,000 refugees, is at 10,548 admitted so far.
Assuming that rate continues for the next six months, Trump could be at 21,000 (give or take a few) for the year, handily smashing President Bush’s record.
Since the nine federal contractors*** are paid on a refugee per head basis for placing the refugees in your towns and cities, they surely are taking big hits to their budgets.
Here is a map from Wrapsnet of where those 10,548 have been placed. Wyoming is the only state in the nation that never signed up to ‘welcome’ refugees and for some unexplained reason, Hawaii gets very few even though the government there has said they welcome diversity!
Top ten resettlement states are in descending order: OH, TX, NY, WA, CA, PA, AZ, NC, GA, and MN.
Admissions by month for the last ten+ years (Wrapsnet):
The top sending countries so far in FY18 are:
DR Congo (2,569)
Bhutan (1,925)
Burma (1,769)
Ukraine (1,176)
Eritrea (760)
Muslim numbers drastically reduced to 16% of total.
In recent years the Muslim refugees accounted for sometimes as close to half of all refugee admissions. As of April 1, of the 10,548 admitted, 1,725 are Muslims of one sect or another. (Data maintained at Wrapsnet)
Significant numbers of Muslims are coming in the Burma and DR Congo flow.
Let the President know what you think!
Contact the President by clicking here.
*** The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
As long as the nine contractors are paid largely by you via Congress and the US Treasury, and then act as community organizing/political agitators, there will never be serious reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
- Church World Service (CWS) (71%)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)(93%)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (99.5%)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (57%)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) (98%)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (97%)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (97%)
- World Relief Corporation (WR) (72.8%)
Center for Immigration Studies does the work, gives us a compilation of government data on immigrants
This should keep enquiring minds busy!
Here is CIS’s press release this morning:
Launching of New Immigration Data Portal
Washington, D.C. (March 12, 2018) – The Center for Immigration Studies announces the creation of a new immigration data portal. The portal consolidates government agencies’ most recent immigration statistics in one location, allowing easy access to detailed information on a multitude of key topics in immigration such as crime, illegal immigration, and labor.
Visit the data portal at: https://cis.org/Immigration-Statistics-Data-Portal
The Center’s goal is to lessen the challenge of finding important immigration statistics so that fact-based research can play a larger role in informing the national debate on immigration policy. Whether the user is searching for specific numbers on refugee arrivals by country of origin, E-verify statistics reports, or the jobsite location and wage data of requested foreign workers, this portal will make finding the data dramatically easier.
Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director, said “It is my hope that the immigration debate will benefit from the launching of this data portal. It is imperative that immigration policy be formed by accurate data; this initiative will make it easier for all parties to access crucial immigration statistics.”
This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information‘ category and in ‘Refugee Statistics.‘