US Refugee admissions plummet even further

On the first of January we reported the facts about the extremely low refugee arrival numbers so far in this fiscal year (FY18 began on October 1, 2017) and now Michael Leahy (Breitbart) has a summary of where we stand during the first two weeks of January.
201 is the number for the first two weeks and the fact that it is low is the reason you are seeing so many articles popping up in local papers quoting resettlement agency employees wailing about Trump-the-meany. 
For the umpteenth time, these ‘non-profit’ groups’ federal funding is tied to the number of refugees arriving, so budgets are being wreaked and thus the hissy-fits.
Frankly, if they had raised sufficient private money (in the ways normal charities do), they wouldn’t be so on-the-edge in lean times.
In fact, if they had raised private resources they could keep themselves busy by taking better care of the refugees they previously dropped off in your towns!
But, here is the truth of the matter, they can’t raise enough private money because the general (giving) public isn’t behind what they do!  They need to have their hands in taxpayers’ wallets in order to survive!
Enough of my usual harangue, here is Leahy at Breitbart:

Refugee admissions to the United States fell to a new low during the first two weeks of January.

Between January 1 and January 15, the number of refugees admitted into the country fell to a mere 201, the lowest number admitted during any two week period in more than a decade.

Below is a map of where the 201 went. The numbers are hard to read, but top five ‘welcoming’ states for the first two weeks of January are: Washington, California, New York, Ohio and Minnesota.

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From Wrapsnet for January 1-15, 2018

Leahy continues….

Seventy-nine percent of these refugees, or 158 out of 201, came from four countries: Ukraine (80), Burma (29), Bhutan (28), and Eritrea (21).

The religious mix of arriving refugees continued the trend seen in the first three months of FY 2018 from September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017: More Christians and fewer Muslims than under the Obama administration.

Eighty-five percent of these refugees, or 171 out of 201, were Christian, while only four percent, or eight out of 201, were Muslim.

This contrasts dramatically with the last full fiscal year of the Obama administration, FY 2016, when 46 percent of the 84,995 admitted refugees were Muslim and 44 percent were Christian.


Voluntary agencies (VOLAGS)***, who have been paid more than $1 billion a year by the federal government for more than the past decade to resettle refugees, are beginning to feel the financial pressure caused by the reduced revenue associated with fewer refugee arrivals.


A number of local resettlement agencies operating under the broader umbrella of the VOLAGs around the country are either shutting down their operations or shrinking them dramatically.

“Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque [Iowa] is preparing to end its refugee resettlement program after 77 years in operation. The primary reason the program is closing down is because the numbers of refugees are down,” Catholic News Service reported last week.


In September, President Trump set the ceiling of new refugee admissions for FY 2018 at 45,000.

Based on the current rate of admissions, total FY 2018 numbers are likely to be well under that number. If refugee admissions continue at the same pace as they have for the first three and a half months of FY 2018 for the remaining eight and a half months of the fiscal year, total refugee arrivals for the fiscal year will be slightly less than 19,000.

There is much more here.
***VOLAGs is what the nine federal refugee contractors like to call themselves. I call them government contractors. As long as taxpayers pay them by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities while they, at the same time, are permitted to act like political community organizers and agitators, there can be no reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Arabic remains top language spoken by refugees entering US in last ten years

Somali comes in 3rd place!
Every few years or so I post this page from the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) and readers find it of interest.
It should be of great interest to elected officials, school officials, health/hospital administrators, and the criminal justice system (any agency getting federal money!) in ‘welcoming’ communities because those agencies are required to provide translation services thanks to a Clinton-era Executive Order that is still in place.
In fact the translation services are an increasingly big cost for state and local taxpayers. And, the refugee contractors make money on the side providing interpreters—sweet deal!
You can see that the percentage of Arabic speakers jumped from Bush’s last year (’08) to Obama’s last full year (’16).
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I have a category entitled Where to find information’ and another called ‘Refugee statistics that new readers might find useful. This post is filed in both categories.

Refugee numbers are low for first 3 months of fiscal year; Ohio is top receiving state

As promised, below are the stats for the first three months of fiscal year 2018 (it began on October 1, 2017).
Update January 3: More detailed numbers analysis by Michael Leahy at Breitbart, here.
President Trump set the CEILING for the year at 45,000 refugees. That is the lowest CEILING since the Refugee Act of 1980 (Kennedy/Biden) was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.

Somalis in Columbus
Columbus, Ohio second only to Minneapolis for its number of Somalis. Columbus received 245 refugees from 11 different countries, including Somalia, in the first three months of the fiscal year. It was followed by Akron as the second most ‘welcoming’ city in the state with 139 ‘new Americans’ in the last 3 months.

I capitalize the word CEILING because I want to get it into the heads of reporters that a CEILING is not a target to be achieved. It is a cap that the President cannot exceed without consultation with Congress.
There is nothing in refugee law that says he can’t come in with half of the proposed CEILING.
And, if the present rate of resettlement were to continue for the year, that is about where we will come in.
According to Wrapsnet, as of today, we have admitted 5,323 refugees over 13 weeks.
Extending that same rate out for 52 weeks would put the number at just under 22,000 for the year. 
I know, to many readers, that 22,000 is too many, but you can be sure the low number of paying “clients” (refugees) will wreak havoc with the budgets of the nine federal contractors which could (optimistically) in turn force a complete review about why we have such a dysfunctional system where ‘non-profits’ are paid by the head to place refugees (in as much secrecy as they can muster) into towns and cities in 49 states.
There is never an incentive to slow the flow in overloaded communities with such a system where nine contractors*** are literally bidding for bodies.
Here is where the 5,323 have been placed as of today:
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Data available at the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) for October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.  I know the numbers are a little hard to read, but nothing I can do about it.

The top ten ‘welcoming’ states are: Ohio, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan and North Carolina.  California is normally first or second so who knows what that is all about.
Top ten countries from which we admitted refugees since October 1, 2017:

Bhutan (1,535)

DR Congo (1,154)

Burma (655)

Ukraine (487)

Eritrea (428)

Russia (132)

Somalia (128)

El Salvador (113)

Ethiopia (102)

Afghanistan (81)

Iraq (77), which has been in the top three or so for years, didn’t make the top ten.
The percentage of Muslim refugees is way down. 
In the final Obama years we were admitting close to 50% Muslim refugees and now (all Muslim sects combined) we admitted 726 Muslims in the last 3 months which amounts to about 14%.
I am concerned to see that 199 of the 726 were Muslims from Burma (Rohingya).
*** These are the nine federal refugee contractors. I like to post this list once a day (if I remember!) so new readers can begin to get the list memorized! They have hundreds of subcontractors working for them.  If you visit their websites you can find out which, if any, are operating where you live.


Minnesotan does some homework on refugee employment issue; comes to unexpected conclusion

Editor: From time to time I post guest columns from readers whose work adds significant new information to our discussion about how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is having an impact on your wallets and your quality of life.

Here reader Bob Enos crunches numbers about Somali employment in Minnesota and finds some very interesting data leading to an unexpected conclusion.


First, my thanks go out to Minnesota refugee resettlement expert Ron Brantsner for putting me on to the 2016 report on the animal slaughtering and processing industry in central Minnesota, presented by the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development. A review of the report, for me, shed much light on both the stated objectives of refugee resettlement in the United States, and the unstated subtext.

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Is a parallel society coming to a town near you?

The American people are constantly told that refugee resettlement serves to fill the labor needs that go unmet, due to low birth rates, an aging population, and the unwillingness of Americans to perform certain kinds of menial labor.

How does this mantra square with the data reported by federal and state government?

Federal data tells us there are roughly 30-40k Somali refugees residing in central and west central Minnesota. The populations of these regions reside primarily in Stearns and Kandiyohi counties, of which St. Cloud and Willmar are the county seats, respectively.

The MN DEED report states that about 4,000 people are employed in animal slaughtering and processing in the region. It goes on to say that, from 1995 to 2016, the percentage of “black employees” (read: Somali refugees) rose from 1% to 10% of total employment in the sector. From this data, it can be inferred that at least 400 Somalis work in the industry in this region.

Statistics on fertility rates from the World Health Organization and the federal government suggest that the typical Somali nuclear family – as American society defines nuclear families – includes nearly eight children. Therefore, infer that at least 3,000 adult Somalis in the region are eligible for employment.

The most recent report on performance indicators of refugee resettlement from the US Office of Refugee Resettlement suggested that the unemployment rate among Somali refugees nationwide is about 50%. Applied to the western/west central Minnesota region, this suggests at least 1,500 of the region’s work-eligible Somalis are unemployed. This leaves at least 1,500 Somalis participating in the region’s labor force.

Now, this is where things get interesting.

If 1,500 Somalis are eligible for employment and, of these, 400 are employed in the “livestock” sector, then at least 1,100 Somalis engaged in employment of some other kind have yet to be accounted for.

Anecdotal information suggests that Walmart is a significant employer of Somali refugees in the region. This region contains SIX Walmart stores.

Does it seem reasonable that six Walmart stores have 1,100 Somali employees? Not likely.

Consider an alternate scenario.

The lion’s share of the 1,100 Somali workers who, so far, are unaccounted for are likely working in support capacities for other Somalis: translation services for schools, law enforcement, health care, health and human services, refugee resettlement agencies, and transporting fellow Somalis to locations where they partake of these services. A few are owners and operators of storefronts which cater exclusively to…Somali shoppers.

What we are witnessing and financing with public dollars is a closed, parallel society in America.

If an economic goal of importing Somali and other refugees to the US is filling jobs which are going unfilled by America’s current population of Americans, then the refugee resettlement program will go down in history as the most bloated, inefficient, wasteful, expensive job service the United States has ever produced.

But, this hypothesis begs a larger question. Has refugee resettlement REALLY been about filling low wage, unskilled jobs? The data, at least in Minnesota, does not support the premise.

No, what the economic objective seems to be is to redistribute the world’s poverty among wealthy, industrialized countries in the Western world. In this social experiment, however, the United States, for the first time, has willingly embraced a population that, at least, shows no collective interest in assimilating to, and embracing the American Way of life; and, at worst, is hostile to it. Furthermore, our leaders have evidently sanctioned the concept of an unassimilated, parallel society in America. How do we know that? Just take a look at President Barack Obama’s Committee for Welcoming New Americans, and its 2015 report to the president. In it, we find the committee quite intentionally omits the use of the word “assimilation” anywhere in the report, and replaces it with the word “integration.” What’s more, “integration”, in the New Normal, seems to share more in common with what Baby Boomers were taught is, actually, segregation.

And what might be the quid pro quo for America’s two political parties? If employment is presumably suffering for a lack of eligible workers, then the same can be said for a lack of eligible voters. And let’s face it, the Democratic Party has a long tradition of building its voting ranks with new immigrants.

The trade-off, then, is more refugees, in exchange for new Democratic voters. But what is new this time around, my fellow Americans, is that, in the New Normal, taxpaying Americans pay an exorbitant price in the bargain, in public finance, cultural identity, and quality of life. Or, as our friend Ann Corcoran often reminds us, “changing America by changing its people.”

And, as any salesperson knows, one has to be prepared to walk away from the sale when the price is too high.

This post and others like it are filed in my category entitled: Comments worth noting/guest posts (here).  Other posts by, and about, citizen activist Bob Enos are here.

Wholesale movement of Bhutanese refugees to US to end (so they say!)

But, the UN still has 8,500 more to go to completely clean out their camps in Nepal.

The other day I mentioned that the US under Obama committed to helping the UN clean out some of its African camps of the people from the DR Congo and I predicted the resettlement would go way beyond the 50,000 (over 5 years).

After all, the US State Department has a track record….

Sauerbrey with UN ceil
Bush Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, stunned the UN in the fall of 2006 with news that the US would lead in cleaning out the camps.

New readers may not know that in 2006, the Bush Administration said, oh sure, we will take 60,000 over 5 years of the displaced ‘Bhutanese’ (really people of Nepali origin) living in UN camps in Nepal.

Never mind that we had no strategic interest and no responsibility for the Bhutan/Nepal quarrel.

The mostly Hindu ‘Bhutanese’ ended up in camps in Nepal when the country of Bhutan said they wanted only their people in their country (formerly known as Shangri-La).  Nepal refused to take in its people flooding out of Bhutan causing the UN to build camps.

So, I presume looking for more docile third world workers, George W. Bush said sure!

We were only supposed to take 60,000 over five years. But guess what?

We are now up to 94,473 (2,000 more are being processed) in nearly ten years!

I’m telling you, once the spigot opens, closing it becomes almost impossible!  Just look at the Somalis who we have been admitting for 30 years!

From Kathmandu Post:

Nov 19, 2017-As the decade-long third country resettlement programme of the Bhutanese refugees living in eastern Nepal draws to a close, the fate of the those still in the camps hangs in the balance.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and the UN refugee agency in Kathmandu confirmed that the third country resettlement scheme is closing down after the last batch of refugees leaves by the end of December.

Currently there are around 8,500 refugees in the camps in Jhapa district but both sides—Nepal government and the UNHCR—have yet to find alternatives for them.

There was pressure on Nepal government to locally assimilate the refugees in Nepal, but Kathmandu has been constantly saying that these refugees should be repatriated to Bhutan.


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LOL! So much for sharing in the responsibility with 7 other countries!

Nearly nine out of 10 Bhutanese refugees (90 percent) have been resettled since the launch of the third country resettlement programme in 2007, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in eight different countries. “Globally, far less than 1 percent of refugees are resettled. Thus, the resettlement programme for Bhutanese refugees in Nepal is truly exceptional,” the office said. The UNHCR, together with the international community, is working closely with the government of Nepal to find solutions for the remaining refugees, the UNHCR added. According to the UN office, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in third countries and only 8,500 of them remaining in Nepal, the opportunities to achieve durable solutions at this juncture are great.

[In 2006 we were told there were 100,000 that needed to be spread around the world, but see now they are up to nearly 120,000. Where did the extra 20,000 come from? Wandering in from the neighborhood?—ed]


Quick facts

Approximately 120,000 Bhutanese fled from their country and arrived in Nepal to become refugees from Bhutan in the early 1990s

They were lodged in several camps in Jhapa in eastern Nepal

The third country resettlement programme was launched in 2007

In the last one decade, nearly 111,000 refugees from Bhutan have been settled in various western countries, with the US alone receiving more than 90,000 of them

Nearly 2,000 refugees are currently undergoing screening process under the third country resettlement programme

The UN refugee agency says it is set to close down the third-country resettlement programme by early next

The last batch is likely to leave in December after which an estimated 8,500 Bhutanese refugees will remain in Nepal

More here.

For my extensive file on the Bhutanese resettlement to America, click here. You will see in early posts how hard the people fought to NOT be distributed around the world.

And, if you want to know how many your state ‘welcomed’ here is a map today at Wrapsnet.

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Top ‘welcoming’ states are Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas (making sure those states turn reliably blue, so dark blue you can’t read the numbers on the map!)