Refugees placed in rough neighborhoods, not so sure it was a good idea to come to America

“I wanted to come here, have a nice house, a car, but they kill your son,” she said. “They broke my heart. They killed me, too.”

(Mother questioning why she ever came from the DR Congo to Chicago)

Stories are increasingly showing up in the media about refugees placed by federally funded resettlement agencies in to cheap housing in dangerous neighborhoods.

Darlis killed in Milwaukee
17-year-old Darlis was shot and killed in Chicago

Yesterday I posted this story from San Antonio, and reader ‘ganjagrandma’ sent another story from last week about Milwaukee, Chicago and Rockford, Illinois where not only were refugees placed in slum housing, but were targets of violence and murder in the neighborhoods where they were placed.
(I suspect those refugees in a Boise housing complex are feeling like Darlis’ mother.)
Of course, I am a little suspicious about this spate of stories because I think what it is leading to is a demand for more federal money for refugee agencies and an opportunity to blame Donald Trump yet again for being heartless.
You need to know a couple of things before I go on with this latest news on the subject.
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Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas

And, this time rather than the International Rescue Committee getting the blame (as they did in California), it is Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Catholic refugee agency worker:

The charity’s “model of resettlement has not really changed for 20, 30 years. They still basically do what they’re required to do, but they don’t do any more.”

Jose Antonio Fernandez
Jose Antonio Fernandez, CEO of Catholic Charities San Antonio says the agency received $7.5 million in 2016 from the federal government to help 1,900 refugees. What! Over $3,900 for every man woman and child!

Sounds like they are taking in more refugees than they can adequately provide for!!!
Not enough decent housing that is also cheap they wail.  But, I have noticed over the years that the answer is never that there might be too many refugees entering the US!
And, with rich agencies like Catholic Charities, maybe they could pony-up with some of their own private Christian-charity dollars rather than depending on the US taxpayer to supply them with more!
As I reported here, just yesterday, Texas is the number one refugee-welcoming state in the nation right now!
Sounds like Texas, and its stable of ‘charities’, are ‘welcoming’ more refugees than they can adequately provide for!!!
Continue reading “Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas”

Boise, Idaho: African American man injures refugee children in violent knife attack

Update July 2nd: One of the little children has died and Kinner has been charged with murder.
The allegedly unprovoked attack happened yesterday at a housing complex that is popular with resettlement agencies in Idaho.

Boise knife attacker
California “man!”  Knife attacker is in custody.  We can rule out white supremacism as a driving force in the case.

We’ll see how this strange story evolves tomorrow, but I wanted to get at least this bare bones story up today.
I read several stories at major US media outlets, but none had information that is reporting.
Here is a bit of their detailed account of what police think happened.  No motive has been discovered at this time.
Continue reading “Boise, Idaho: African American man injures refugee children in violent knife attack”

Spokane, Washington: Secret decoder ring needed in kidnap case

A 28-year-old “man” has been arrested in a violent kidnapping case, luckily the woman fought back and escaped.


Atif Ado in court on June 25th:

Ann Coulter once said that the way news stories are written about crime cases involving migrants and refugees one needs a “secret decoder ring” to figure out what nationality the alleged attacker is and what might be his or her immigration status.
Reader Linda sent me the story from Spokane and this morning I had a few minutes to search news stories about the arrest of Atif Ado.
Continue reading “Spokane, Washington: Secret decoder ring needed in kidnap case”

International Rescue Committee says US businesses need more low wage workers

I’ve never thought this was a good argument to be pushed by the supposed ‘humanitarians’ receiving millions from the US taxpayer to place refugees in hundreds of US towns and cities, but they are doing it in the age of Trump.

Unwelcome report
Report was released on World Refugee Propaganda Day.

Hurting most from the slowdown in the arrival of fresh grunt laborers (aka refugees), according to a new report from the International Rescue Committee headed by former British Labor Party official, David Miliband, are employers in key U.S. industries—including manufacturing, hospitality and meatpacking!

Why must US taxpayers subsidize big business?

If those industries can’t fill their labor needs, maybe they need to raise wages!
And, besides why is it the taxpayers’ duty to subsidize globalists like the BIG MEAT giants by supplying them with third world laborers while paying fake humanitarian groups, like the IRC, gobs of money to sign them up for welfare to supplement those meager wages before moving on to the next fresh batch of paying clients.
Continue reading “International Rescue Committee says US businesses need more low wage workers”