The murder happened last July—sure took a while!
On Tuesday, Leo Hohmann reported the latest at VDARE here. I’ve posted some snips, but please read the whole thing. There is more information and a whole bunch of links to guide you to even more information on this case and related cases.
The Somali immigrant Affirmative Action cop who gunned down Australian Justine Ruszczyk Damond in Minneapolis last July 15 has finally been charged with murder and manslaughter.
The cop and his victim….
Justine Damond had called police at about 11:30 p.m. to report a suspected rape in progress behind her south Minneapolis apartment. A squad car responded, but as Damond approached the car in her night clothes, Officer Mohamed Noor fired across his partner, Matthew Harrity, killing her.
Freeman’s task is “daunting” because Noor has refused to cooperate with the investigation, other than to say that he was startled by an unidentified noise.
Incredibly, other police officers involved in the incident have also refused to co-operate. Both Noor and his partner Matthew Harrity had apparently “forgotten” to turn on their bodycams, a violation of procedure. A cover-up is obviously underway. [Or could it be fear of the Somali ‘community’ keeping them silent?—-ed]
Justin Damond’s killing received spotty coverage in the U.S. Main Stream Media, which was busy hyping the Black Lives Matter movement and not interested in some white woman killed by an immigrant cop from East Africa. But the case garnered international interest, particularly from Damond’s home country of Australia.
He was Hodges’ hire. Former Mayor Betsy Hodges, right, with constituent.
Noor entered the country as a child refugee and was the first Somali to be employed by the Minneapolis Police Department’s 5th precinct. He was one of five Somalis on the entire force and the city is making a special effort to recruit Somalis as part of its affirmative-action plan.
The city’s Affirmative Action program requires it to give preferential treatment to minorities, not only those hired by the city but by all contractors awarded contracts of more than $100,000.
So, a few months later when the department hired Mohamed Noor in March 2015, it was a big deal. The mayor herself, Betsy Hodges, issued a public statement boasting about the hire on Facebook.
The hiring of Noor was supposed to show the world that male Somali refugees could grow up to become model citizens, not just terrorists.
Much more here. If there is a trial, will the mainstream media give it any serious attention? Don’t hold your breath because this case goes against everything the failing media have been pushing on the public for years.
My previous posts on the case are here.
Ten years ago they hid the fact that those poor third worlders coming in to the US as refugees were providing a steady supply of cheap labor for big business, now they are admitting it right up front and trashing Trump because he has cut their supply. Do you humanitarians out there really understand that the US Refugee Admissions Program is first and foremost for the pleasure of the Chamber of Commerce and businesses large and small which want to keep wages low? Why do you think the Republicans in Congress have made no serious move to reform the program?
And, secondly it is about giant ‘non-profits’ like Samaritas(formerly Lutheran Social Services Michigan) keeping their government funding flowing.
By the way Samaritas is a made-up word and why they dropped “Lutheran” is a mystery. (It is like HIAS dropping the “Hebrew” from its name!)
As I said here recently, if we have a labor shortage, let’s debate that, but then shut up about this being all about saving the downtrodden of the worldand trying to silence those of us questioning the business model (cheap immigrant labor brought to the US and supported with welfare by THE TAXPAYERS!).
One of the things I’ve wondered for years is: do the refugees coming in understand that low wage, often very dirty and difficult, jobs await them?
The wailing has become deafening as the refugee flow to America has slowed in the last year.
Here is Crain’s Detroit Businesswith this headline:
Refugee clampdown hits local nonprofits
The subheadline should be: Businesses aren’t getting their steady supply of taxpayer-supported laborers!
Here is a bit of the story:
Nonprofit services to help refugees fleeing war or persecution resettle in Southeast Michigan are a shell of what they were a year ago.
Local resettlement agencies have laid off much of their staffs and closed offices, following revenue decreases tied to a federal clampdown that has significantly reduced the number of refugees coming to the U.S., especially those from Middle Eastern and African countries that have been the mainstay of local resettlement efforts in recent years. [Revenue decreases because they are paid on a per refugee head basis!—ed]
We need immigrant laborers in Michigan (to heck if we change America by changing the people)! Picture kind of reminds one of picking cotton (just saying!). Steve Tobocman, executive director of Global Detroit, a proponent of immigration as an economic development strategy.
Crain’s goes on….
The slowdown in acceptance of refugees and increased vetting was ordered by the Trump administration over concerns about security. It has had an impact on not just nonprofits but also employers who were relying on resettled refugees as a source of labor, local nonprofits say.
Similar cuts have played out at similar agencies in other parts of the country, said Steve Tobocman, executive director of Global Detroit, a proponent of immigration as an economic development strategy.
“Ultimately, the current state of affairs impacts the services agencies can offer to integrate new refugees,” given the loss of economies of scale that come with larger resettlement numbers, Tobocman said.
To continue providing services to refugees already here, resettlement agencies are seeking alternative funding such as grants from private funders.
And some are looking to local churches and community groups for help.
It is about time, why haven’t they been doing this (above)? Why? Because taxpayer funding was readily available, so why bother trying to raise private charity—that is hard work! Crain’scontinues…. Vickie Thompson-Sandy, president of Samaritas makes over a quarter of a $million annually, according to a recent Form 990. Will she give up some of her salary to care for refugees who are down and out now?
“When we’re closing offices in Ann Arbor, where does a refugee go? They can no longer stop by our office to get basic support,” said Vickie Thompson-Sandy, president of Samaritas, a Detroit-based social services agency that counts refugee resettlement among its services.
Some local companies are feeling the squeeze in their workforces.
Local manufacturing and retail employers that relied on new refugees as employees are calling the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Detroit on a weekly basis, said Tawfik Alazem, director of its Dearborn office. [USCRI is another of the nine federal contractors*** the US State Department hires to place refugees in your towns and cities.—ed]
Among them is Reino Linen Service, a company that launders and returns about 50 million pounds of linens to area hospitals, health clinics and doctors’ offices each year.
The company’s location in Brownstown Township, where public transportation is an issue, leads to high employee turnover, said Mary Onifer, a corporate human resources specialist for the company. [Truly a sweat shop says one commenter, here.—ed]
Reino has turned to organizations like USCRI Detroit for the past nine years to engage refugees as employees.
Once again we see federal refugee agencies are contractors (head hunters!) for businesses while they collect federal dollars for their supposed good works!
There is much more here, I’ve only snipped a tiny bit.
Don’t cry for Samaritas!
Now just to show you how Samaritas (a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) is rolling in taxpayer bucks, and the head honchos are pulling down huge salaries, here are a couple of screenshots from a recent Form 990. Here is there income page—$30 million from taxpayers!
And here check out these huge salaries! Yikes! Ms. Thompson-Sandy’s salary isn’t even the largest! Doing well by doing good!
See more on Michigan by clicking here.
***The nine federal contractors you fund are here:
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
Here we are playing the immigrant name-game again. Ann Coulter says one has to have a “secret decoder ring” to figure out where the violent perps are from and how they got here in the first place!
Up next is Magai Anai-Kur now charged with murder after the victim of his home invasion dies. First degree murder charges for Magai Anai-Kur, 19 I looked around and see that some are speculating he is from a large family of South Sudanese admitted to the US as refugees, but the police aren’t saying and apparently the media isn’t asking.
He could be a refugee (no sense debating about vetting because they can’t screen out criminal refugees and apparently they don’t try to screen out the mentally ill as we have reported on numerous occasions).
The alleged murderer could be here on ‘Temporary Protected Status;’ he could be an asylum seeker; he could have come through chain migration from a winner of the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery; he could be a student visa holder; or he could have come across any of our borders illegally. But, since we are never told, let’s just assume he is a refugee until we learn otherwise!(Checking Wrapsnet I see that Des Moines is a resettlement city and that a bunch of Sudanese were placed there in the last years of the Obama Administration.) Maybe if we do just assume criminals like this one are refugees, the refugee industry will get behind publicly identifying violent immigrants to clear their refugees of blame.
There is a brief story here at the Des Moines Register(hat tip: JC) about the upgrade of charges now that Mr. Howe has died and his injuries are from the home invasion.
Prosecutors have charged the suspect in a break-in and stabbing in Urbandale last year with first-degree murder, two months after the victim in the case died of his injuries.
Magai Anai-Kur, 19, is charged with first-degree murder, first-degree burglary, first-degree robbery and second-degree theft in connection with the home invasion on Sept. 3, 2017.
The 77-year-old victim of the home invasion, Robert Howe, died in January. Four months earlier, he had been hospitalized after he was stabbed during the break-in.
Now, have a look at an earlier articleat the Des Moines Registerdescribing what happened when the violent African “man” broke into the Howe’s home.
Before a violent break-in brought devastation into their lives, 77-year-old Robert Howe was living in Urbandale with his wife, Marilyn Howe.
Robert Howe died months after the home invasion attack.
The two were married for nearly 60 years, according to his obituary. He enjoyed spending time with his great-granddaughters and had welcomed a great-grandson into his life just a few days before a teenager allegedly attacked him, his widow said.
Early in the morning on Sept. 3, Robert woke up in his home at the 6300 block of Urbandale Avenue to find someone on top of him, strangling him, Marilyn said.
Magai Anai-Kur, 19, was charged with attempted murder, 1st-degree burglary, 1st-degree robbery and 2nd-degree theft in connection with the home invasion, according to police. The Polk County Attorney’s Office will determine whether any charges will be upgraded.
During the break-in, Robert woke up to find Anai-Kur strangling him with his hands around his neck, his thumbs on his Adam’s apple, Marilyn said. Anai-Kur then allegedly beat him on the head, resulting in Robert sustaining a broken jaw. The teen then allegedly put his elbow on Robert’s throat and stabbed him with the other hand.
Anai-Kur allegedly stole a car from the home, which was later recovered, according to police.
Most people initially thought the stabbing is what caused the worst injuries, but it was the strangulation, Marilyn said.
“His body was very depleted from what happened,” she said. “All that strangulation interrupted the blood to the brain and caused the stroke and damaged his throat muscles. He was never able to swallow properly.”
And, the Leftists want our guns!
See my ‘Crimes’ categorywhich has surpassed 2,000 posts (2,228 to be exact!). And, think about this: whatever immigration program brought him here, he will now be cared for by taxpayers for a likely life in prison.
Looking for something to do?
Spearhead a national campaign to require that police and media identify the nationality and immigration status of those arrested and charged with violent crimes and require making the information immediately available to the public! LOL! See if you can line up Ann Coulter for your media blitz!
In some ways I almost don’t want to report on the latest from because I don’t want more Americans who stand up for America and Western Civilization to live in fear of our own government, but you need to be forewarned! Hohmann’s chilling piece is about our friend Brenda Arthur in Charleston, WV entitled:
Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam
Brenda Arthur testifies on refugee resettlement Feb. 22, 2017, before the West Virginia House of Delegates Homeland Security Committee in Charleston. West Virginia.
Below is some of the story, but please read the whole thing. I’m just setting the stage with the following snips:
Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy.
At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque.
Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mission is to educate Americans about the advancement of Islamic principles in Western societies.
Islamic Association of WV was expanding presumably to accommodate Syrian refugees the local ‘Interfaith’ community was pushing to resettle prior to the election of Donald Trump.
As a Jewish American, she was concerned about a major expansion of the Islamic Association of West Virginia in her hometown of South Charleston. This mosque has hosted an openly anti-Semitic preacher in the past, and so she went to city hall in late January to have a look at its construction permits and site plans, something that is within the right of every American citizen under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and state open-records laws.
She had no idea that this perfectly legal activity, performed every day by citizen watchdogs across the U.S., would prompt a visit from the state police.
Workman’s [the officer who came to Arthur’s door] unit is part of the West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, a secretive outfit that works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “intelligence fusion center” in West Virginia.
All 50 states have at least one DHS fusion center, and the story of Brenda Arthur lends credence to the views of civil libertarians that these centers, whatever their stated purpose, have been weaponized against law-abiding American citizens.
Do not talk to them!
Whitehead [John, founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute] has strict advice for any law-abiding citizen who is approached by law enforcement asking questions about their personal activities.
“If they come to your door, do not talk to them. If they call you on the phone, do not talk to them.”
Whitehead said the intimidation tactics used by fusion centers are similar to the East German Stasi and other secret-police agencies.
“They’re copying the tactics of former totalitarian regimes and the slightest mistake can get you in trouble,” he said.
Hohmann continues, please read it allso you know how to handle the situation should it happen to you. It is going to get harder before it gets better, so please hang in there all of you!
You might not have Brenda’s bravery (or that of Johnson in my previous post), but there are so many things you can do to save America and save Western Civilization—find your niche and work at it every day!
Read more about Arthur by clicking on my Charleston, WV archive here.
Update March 24th: You can see a video of the panel discussion hereat CIS.
And, the St. Cloud Timesonce again shows how biased it is against anyone who challenges the power in that city and state that is hauling in third world workers for the slaughterhouse industry ( while faking humanitarian concern!) by falling for the Southern Poverty Law Centers‘ shoddy research. St. Cloud Times reporter shows her bias (again). Stephanie Dickrell @SctimesSteph
(RRW is listed as a “hate group” as well, and as you know I’m a single blogger/journalist with NO group—so much for their research.)
And, by the way, Breitbarthas a big story on Friday entitled:
Disgraced Media Already Hit with Massive Layoffs in 2018
Newspapers are going down and sloppy work and biased reporting by the likes of the St. Cloud Timeswill eventually bring it down too! This is what I mean….
In large type, reporter Stephanie Dickrell and her editor post this subheadline so as to bias readers right up front.
Group hosting panel was labeled an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2016
Here is some of Dickrell’s story: Councilman Jeff Johnson
A St. Cloud City Council member will travel to the nation’s capital this week to discuss the local impact of refugee resettlement.
Jeff Johnson will be part of a panel Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., discussing whether states should be able to opt out of the federal Refugee Resettlement Program.
The host of the panel, the Center for Immigration Studies, says its agenda is pro-immigrant but for low immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center listed it as an anti-immigrant hate group in 2016.
Last fall Johnson proposed a moratorium on refugee resettlement in St. Cloud. The motion failed and an ensuing council vote declared St. Cloud a welcoming city.
Don Barnett
The National Press Club panel discussion — “Should States Be Able to Opt Out of the Refugee Resettlement Program?” — will use a January reportby center fellow Don Barnettas a starting point. He outlined what say states have in refugee resettlement, highlighting “federal overreach.”
He includes a history of the states’ interactions with the refugee program and recommendations for better defining the state role. It also includes a case study of a recent federal lawsuit filed by the state of Tennessee which claims the refugee resettlement program was an imposition by Washington over which the state had no control.
In addition to Johnson and Barnett, the panel will include Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, which represented Tennessee in the lawsuit. Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian will serve as moderator.
More here.
Minnesotans, this is the time to develop more alternative media in the state.
Papers like the St. Cloud Times (which swallows the lies of Leftwing money-grubbing groups like SPLC) will die and you need to be ready with other sources of news that support your interests and concerns. And, the more the merrier!
See my ever-expanding archive on St. Cloud by clicking here.