I’m posting this because I’m curious about this gang which was arrested shortly after the shooting of a respected Iraqi family man resettled in Rochester, MN by Catholic Charities only a few years ago. Was it a random shooting? We likely will never know.
I was also interested because the gang (playing the name game!) appears to be a mixed group of migrants and home-grown thugs. (Diversity is strength so they say!)
ROCHESTER — The man who was shot and killed Monday night escaped violence in Iraq, only to have it find him here.
Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf, 40, was an Iraqi refugee who immigrated to the United States in 2014.He, his wife and their two young children left their home country and settled in Rochester shortly thereafter, with help from a local branch of Catholic Charities.
On Monday night, Al Naddf was shot and killed with a single bullet to the chest near his home in the 2800 block of Charles Court Northwest. Four men have been arrested in connection with the shooting — the motive for which is still unclear — and will likely face charges of second-degree murder.
ROCHESTER, Minn. – Four suspects are now in custody in connection to the murder of a husband with two kids, Rochester police said Tuesday afternoon.
Capt. John Sherwin said Tuesday the murder of 40-year-old Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf began with a confrontation of some sort and ended with one shot being fired.
Eric Tyler Lee, 25, Sao Yim Jr., 24, Traequan Bamlounghong, 23 and Deante Stanifer, 24, are all facing second-degree murder charges.
Stanifer’s arrest was announced Tuesday afternoon after the other three had already been taken into custody.
For the folks in the multicultural mecca of Minnesota, let me know if you see more on this case.
This post is filed in my ‘Crimes’ category with the other 2000 plus stories archived there.
Yesterday this brief news item was brought to my attention (hat tip: Anne Marie) and I see that Frontpagemagazine is on the story too.
Although we know that the conflicts between Somalis and African Americans are more widespread and not limited to Minnesota, rarely does the media report on the tension. There are no photos of the brawl that I could find. But, don’t miss the story about a student being assaulted at the same school yesterday because he was carrying a Trump flag across the street from the ‘peace’ walkout. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/03/14/trump-flag-assault/
My guess is that these incidents are not brought to the public’s attention because it goes against the PC multiculti myth (a myth that the media loves to advance) that those of the same brown skin color couldn’t possibly hate each other, but we have seen that clearly in the xenophobic unwelcoming black South Africans as well.
Here is the headline from Alpha News:
Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Minneapolis Southwest High School
And here are a few snips from the story:
MINNEAPOLIS – Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Southwest High School.
On top of an already failing administration, Southwest High School staff are struggling to maintain peace between students. Last Friday, March 2, multiple fights broke out during the school’s second lunch period. Despite attempts to sweep the issue under the rug and downplay the violence, persistent students and parents forced the administration to address the situation.
The fight was not limited to the two students, who were reported by classmates to be a Somali-American and an African American.
Over 20 students joined the chaos soon after the first punches were thrown and the original videos that surfaced were titled “Somalis vs. Blacks.”The original videos have been taken down due to pressure from school administration. The school’s resource officer was present in the cafeteria. In an attempt to control the situation, school officials put the cafeteria on lockdown for 15 minutes after the allotted 30-minute lunch period, keeping any students from leaving or entering, including the ones not involved. All staff members that were not otherwise occupied were called to action.
No police but, wow! 15 student resource officers called in from other schools!
The police were not called, but 15 student resource officers from other schools were called for backup. In an eyewitness video taken by a student, the administration’s inability to diffuse the skirmish in a timely, appropriate, and safe manner was made clear.
More here. Why parents leave their kids in schools like this is beyond me.
Five years ago another such incident happened (one that we know of!) at another Minneapolis high school.
The cafeteria riot at South High five years ago resulted in injuries. Fights were between Somalis and other students (African American and Native American). Somali activists said the school administration wasn’t doing enough to make Somalis feel welcome. That is the line Minnesota Public Radio was pushing. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2013/02/20/education/racial-tension-south-high-brawl
And, looking back in my archives from 2008 I see that an African American attempts to explain the tension between the supposed African ‘brothers’ (Somalis v. African-Americans).
The fight that ended the life of the African American was because the Somali teen was aggressive toward the American black girl and I will bet that much of this tribal violence is over turf and girls.
For new readers, I have a huge archive on Minnesota and especially on Somalis in Minneapolis and St. Cloud. Use key search words in the window at the top of the left hand side bar. But, don’t miss one of my top stories of all time—-Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis from 2011, here.
This is one of those great ‘fun’ political debates you will get to have once the population of Muslims, mostly from East Africa, ‘find their way’ to your state.
Maine, especially Lewiston, is the Somali capital of the East! The story at the Press Herald is long and detailed, but what you might see as a ‘no brainer’—-making it illegal to subject anyone to this form of abuse, or to take someone out of the country to have it done—isn’t a no-brainer for the Leftwing women and the Southern Poverty Law Center which oppose the bill.
Here is a bit of the story from the Portland Press Herald just to give you the flavor:
AUGUSTA — There are parts of the world where it has long been common for adult women to slice away girls’ external genital tissue in a bid to dampen their sexual desires.
Though Maine is a long way from anywhere this has traditionally been a problem, a battle is raging among lawmakers about whether the state ought to have a law specifically barring female genital mutilation.
Safiya Khalid: “It is horrible.” But, here’s what I want to know: if the Somalis in Maine are truly refugees why are they going back to Africa for any reason? Isn’t that the place they claim they were “persecuted.”
The operation to slice off all or part of a woman’s clitoris and labia is prohibited under federal law and is almost certainly banned by existing, broader Maine statutes. In addition, there is no solid evidence that the procedure, also called female circumcision, is happening in Maine.
One provision in a bill legislators are considering also would make it a felony to take a girl outside Maine to have someone cut her genital tissue without a medical reason, which is already illegal under federal law.
Safiya Khalid, a Somali-American from Lewiston who serves on the city’s library board, said Friday that “old school” women in her community “wouldn’t risk” having the procedure done on a child in Maine, but some might take their daughters back to Africa for it. She doesn’t know anyone who’s had it done, she said, but she thinks it probably has occurred.
“It’s a horrible experience,” Khalid said of the procedure, which is typically done without anesthesia. “It’s just terrible.”
Critics of the proposal see it as a thinly disguised attack on African immigrants, especially Somalis who hail from an area where female genital mutilation is widespread, basically a swath from Somalia on the east coast of Africa to Sierra Leone on the west, an area that includes Muslims, Christians and animists.
Kate Brogan opposes the measure because it promotes stereotypes of Somalis.
There is an “insidious assumption that members of Maine’s Somali community support this harmful practice,” Maine Family Planning’s Kate Brogan told lawmakers.
A 2017 survey of the immigrant community in Maine by Partnerships for Health found that 71 percent think the practice is harmful and 82 percent believe it shouldn’t happen. [Do the math based on numbers in next paragraph, this still leaves a couple of thousand Maine immigrants who are fine with the mutilation!—ed]
The issue has particular resonance in the Lewiston-Auburn area given the influx of immigrants in the past two decades from countries where the practice is common. About 7,500 East Africans have moved to Androscoggin County and another 5,000 to Cumberland County in that time, according to the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine.
Some of the women and girls who moved to Maine underwent the illegal procedure in their home countries, though specifics are hard to come by. Khalid said she knows “a lot of friends and people who had it done” to them before coming to America.
Supporters of the measure, pushed in part by an anti-Muslim hate group, said girls need protection.
What the hell! Act for America is an “anti-Muslim hate group.” How dare this reporter and this paper swallow the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propaganda without question! It is a disgrace! Do they not know how discredited the SPLC has become? Has ACT contacted the paper and asked for a retraction? I guess we are left to conclude from SPLC’s involvement in Maine—the Southern Poverty Law Center supports Female Genital Mutilation.
See my archive on Maine,hereand one specifically on Lewiston, here.
I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it!
And, before you move on, don’t miss Leo Hohmann last night who posted on a startling comment from German Chancellor Angela Merkel—yes, she admitted they have no-go zones in some German cities.
In Seattle they are literally building-in separateness!
So much for assimilation! Special grant program so that Somali girls can play basketball. I sure hope if other girls of other ethnic groups, or even white Americans arrived they would be permitted to play too.
Although I am not sure the grant money is still flowing from the feds (the Office of Refugee Resettlement) to specific ethnic groups as it had been several years ago, this local grant continues the foolish idea of separating needy people by their ethnicity (country of origin).
How on earth do political leaders and grantmakers expect assimilation to ever happen when division and special treatment by country of origin is encouraged!
I wonder if someone formed a club entitled say: Americans of British Ethnicity Youth Club, would it even be permitted to exist let alone get nearly a million bucks from taxpayers?
Somali Youth & Family Club gets nearly a million dollars for after school programs for Somalis
A crowd of young Somali girls has just finished an hour of basketball. Now they head to the classroom upstairs for tutoring, and of course an occasional dance to Drake’s “God’s Plan.”
These girls, most of them first-generation immigrants, are Skyway residents in the Somali Youth & Family Club, a nonprofit program which holds afterschool programs in Skyway’s Creston Point Apartments. Creston Point has almost 500 units, and many of the residents are Somali immigrants and refugees.
Around 100 Somali youths are in the program, which holds sessions five days a week and allows children of all ages to participate. Members can receive tutoring, play basketball, read and write poetry, and swim.
The nonprofit program is able to run events like this thanks in part to a recent $855,000 grant from King County’s Best Starts for Kids initiative. The grant more than doubled the program’s budget, according to Kelsey Dale, Education Program Manager for the Somali Youth & Family Club. [Let’s see, $855,000 divided by 100 kids=$8,550 per Somali kid—ed]
The program started in 2007, and is currently overseen by Aden Hussein, a Somali immigrant who came to Skyway in 1999. Hussein says the program has been remarkably successful.
Apparently it is a song that is all the rage in the last few weeks.
The lyrics are here.
You can listen here (if it isn’t visible in your e-mail, then come to RRW see it or search for it on the net).
And here is a story about what five religious leaders say about the song and Drake giving out money in the music video.
The Islamic leader says this about it:
Mona Haydar, The Islamic Center at NYU, New York, NY
“The video had me in tears and made me wish that we would talk seriously about things like reparations in America for indigenous and Black peoples. It made me think about stolen lands and stolen peoples and the inequity we see as a result of those oppressions and how we become numb to it like the way we come to see poverty as simply the condition of a people instead of a symptom of systemic infrastructural injustice. People say that the system is broken and I don’t believe that’s true — I think the system is fully functional and is rigged the way it is to keep some people up and some people down.The video reminded me of unfettered capitalism and the destruction of our Earth mother.
This is a song and video you might want to keep away from your children, just saying!
I am sure that when State Senator Neal Tapio proposed his bill and secured a hearing on it—a bill to slow refugee flow from certain countries to SD—he couldn’t have envisioned how that failed bill has now exposed so much about the fearful ‘leaders’ and the dishonest media in that state….
….’leaders’ who apparently aren’t afraid of jihadists, but of the power of BIG Business (like the meatpackers who want the cheap labor and call the shots) and Chamber lobbyists.
Did the newspaper there also bow to BIG MEAT power, or was it the Chairman of the committee who pressured the newspaper to change its story on the hearing in less than an hour? Chairman, Republican Senator Bob Ewing was clearly embarrassed when Hohmann said “you don’t want to hear the truth.” My guess is that he called the Argus Leader and had the original story taken down! Just a guess on my part! How fortuitous it was that Leo Hohmann, James Simpson and Phil Haney were all there to see it first hand.
They knew the local Argus paper had reported fairly in the first few minutes after they testified only to see that story removed and replaced (except for the url, LOL!) within the hour. So Senator Tapio didn’t get his bill advanced out of committee, but in fact gained much more in the fight to save western civilization. He exposed the feckless leaders in the legislature and the media’s dishonest complicity with them.
Be sure to see my two previous posts on Hohmann’s reports here andhere. (See the weak women ‘leaders’ selling us out!)
Then here is today’s newson how newspapers worldwide are doing the bidding of the global elites and attempting to reduce the natural and sensible resistance people have to being taken over by literally alien cultures.
A very disturbing story appeared in the European press this week that should concern all of us on this side of the Atlantic.
Stick with me while I explain why.
According to the Times of London, concerns have been raised about an “ethically dubious deal” between the government and national newspapers that involves journalists writing positive pieces about the Ireland 2040 plan.
The government’s “strategic communications unit” arranged for sponsored content to appear in local, regional and national newspapers including the Irish Independent and The Irish Times.
What is the Ireland 2040 plan, you ask?
It’s a €116 billion national development plan to prepare for an estimated population growth of one million people over the next two decades.
And where is this population growth going to come from, since Irish women have stopped having babies, as evidenced by their paltry 1.7 children per woman fertility rate?
So how does this relate to South Dakota, continue reading here(I don’t want to give it all away).
But here is a hint, the (second) story the Argus Leaderreported about the Tapio bill hearing is entitled:
Citing concerns of discrimination, S.D. panel shelves refugee resettlement ban
But the url still shows what the original title was:
Hohmann had told the chairman of the committee something he didn’t want to hear (there were audible gasps in the hearing room) and you can see it in the url above.
“You don’t want to hear the truth!”
Read the full accountat LeoHohmann.com.
It is happening all over the world! But, unless you are carefully monitoring your media, you would never know! (Real) leaders looking for something to do?
Craft bills and resolutions even if you know they won’t go anywhere, but do it to expose your weak elected officials and your dishonest media like this bunch in South Dakota.
For more on South Dakota, you might want to visit my archive on the statehere. It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules!