Trump Watch! Don't leave the Rohingya off extreme vetting list!

I fear the Trump people don’t know all the questionable ethnic groups we are admitting!

Last night when Reuters reported that President Trump would sign an executive order restricting immigration from regions of the world known to be terror hotspots, the reporter listed these countries, or I assume they mean these nationalities (because many are no longer in their own countries but are spread out around the globe):
Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Libyans, Somalis, Sudanese and Yemenis.

The US admitted 13,500 Rohingya during the Obama years. Does anyone believe that the Muslim Rohingya boat people can be securely screened? Photo:


However, we must not leave off the list the thousands of devout Rohingya Muslims we are admitting from Burma and Bangladesh. There is no way they are being vetted properly as they wander around Southeast Asia, many by boat.

I have a whole category (194 previous posts) going back years on Burma’s ethnic minority Rohingya and since I am running out of time this morning (I will be away today), you might want to click here and learn a bit more about them.
Also, see the discussion about their admission to  the US in the most recent report from the President (Obama) here last September (search the report for ‘Rohingya’).
As an ethnic minority group of “special humanitarian concern” they do not have to prove individually that they would be persecuted if returned to Burma or Bangladesh, they need only say they are Rohingya and they are automatically assumed to be refugees. We pick them up in Thailand and Malaysia. Malaysia is a safe Muslim country so there is no reason they couldn’t just stay there!

We have taken thousands so far—13,500 during the Obama Administration! (Click here).

How many this fiscal year?
When I worked on numbers at Wrapsnet this morning, I checked on Burmese Muslim numbers and was surprised to find that 26% of the Burmese people we were bringing in are Muslims.  This data is just for this fiscal year (FY2017) up until today.

Today’s report on Burmese Muslim refugees being placed in your towns and cities.

Again, this post is filed in our Rohingya Reports category, here.
And, I will try to tell you about other ethnic groups that must be subject to extreme vetting later or tomorrow.

Chicago: Story about Rohingya Muslim airport workers is instructive

Thanks to Joanne for sending this story about supposed discrimination against non-English speaking workers at O’Hare airport in Chicago.

Explain to us again how we are security-screening the Rohingya who have fled Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh in boats and are scattered throughout Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Do they have any documents in plastic baggies on these boats? I doubt it!

Before you read it consider these points:

~The ‘star’ of this story and his Rohingya Muslim fellow worker are ‘boat people’ who arrived in Malaysia, likely with no papers, and only stories about abuse in Burma, or possibly Bangladesh. We brought them as refugees to America.*** So while Congress and others focus their energy on Syrian refugees who CANNOT be thoroughly screened, we admit Rohingya Muslims who have been wandering all over Southeast Asia and we don’t know who they are either!

~This article describes a growing practice of hiring Muslim refugees in airports!

~While there is squawking about companies, like the airplane cleaning company, using non-English speaking workers with suggestions they are being cheated, there is no suggestion that the notorious union SEIU is also using them for its purposes!

~We have admitted ( 13,500 Rohingya Muslims during the Obama Administration. 543 arrived in the last three months.

Here is the news at DNAinfo:

WEST RIDGE — A Rohingya refugee who immigrated to the U.S. two years ago from war-torn Myanmar hoped he would find opportunity and a second chance by settling in Chicago, with a job at O’Hare. Instead, Amir Hussin Bin Mohamadur Rahman has found himself at the center of a workers rights struggle unfolding within Chicago’s labor force.

Rahman, 25, got a job shortly after his arrival in June 2015 with Scrub, Inc., a company that employs workers who clean the cabins of planes after flights.

That relationship ended in late November after Rahman publicly rallied alongside Service Employees International Union members and other airport workers in a one-day strike with the “Fight For $15” minimum wage campaign.

Rahman also spoke out at an employee meeting advocating for Scrub, Inc. workers to unionize, an act he alleges led to his firing.


At different times, Rahman and Ahmad made their way to Malaysia before immigrating to the U.S. and resettling in the Rogers Park/West Ridge area where an established Rohinga refugee community exists. [It exists because the US State Department and a refugee contractor place them there. Just what Chicago needs (poor refugees competing with poor Americans for jobs)—ed]

Continue reading here.
***We have an extensive archive on Rohingya resettlement, click here (193 posts).

Ohio Somali slasher said he was angry because Buddhists in Burma mistreated Rohingya Muslims

So why is that our problem?

After all we admitted 18,000 Burmese Muslims to the US since 2006!

(Well, no one said this guy was brilliant after all!)

This is my fourth post of the day on how the Somali Islamic terrorist attack on Monday has inspired the news media in so many different directions.  See here, here, and here.

Buddhist monks in Burma in 2012 made it pretty clear they didn’t want the Muslim Rohingya in their country. Gee, maybe the Somali slasher story confirms why the Buddhists are so worried about devout Rohingya populating Burma.

This is a Reuters story that reports that the Ohio State Somali slasher had reached a “boiling point.”
One thing he was angry about was what he claims is happening to Rohingya Muslims in Burma. So, of course the logical conclusion is to go out and try to mow down American students with your car and slash as many of them as you can. (I’m going to bet his victims have no clue who the Rohingya are!).
But we do!
For over 8 years we have been trying to get the attention of some in government to question why we are bringing any Rohingya Muslims to the US. 
The Somali slasher should have thanked America because we have admitted over 18,000 of them to Anytown, US since 2006!  The devout Rohingya have been wandering all over Southeast Asia for years and frankly they can’t be screened any better than the Syrians because the Buddhist government in Burma or the Muslim government in Bangladesh have few records (if any!) on them.
I predict that some of the ‘stateless’ migrants in the Australia deal are actually Rohingya.
For inquisitive minds! We have an entire category devoted to the Rohingya with 192 previous posts, see here.  Don’t miss this early one where Time magazine warned that Rohingya were radicalized.
Here is what Reuters said of the Somali slasher’s motives for trying to kill his fellow students:


Investigators were looking into a message posted on Facebook by Artan that contained inflammatory statements about being “sick and tired” of seeing Muslims killed and reaching a “boiling point,” a law enforcement source said.

“Stop the killing of the Muslims in Burma,” Artan said in the Facebook post.

Violence in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has sent Rohingya Muslims fleeing across the border to Bangladesh amid allegations of abuses by security forces.

I’m not going to rehash my Rohingya Reports archive. But, I do want to point you to this post from May 2013 in which we reported that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testified to the US State Department that the Bishops wanted more Rohingya placed in America (I was there in person to hear this!—ed)

Looking at the data at Wrapsnet (Refugee Processing Center) for the last ten years we note that there was a drop in Burmese Muslim resettlement in 2010, 2011 and 2012, but the resettlement picked up dramatically again beginning in 2013.
289 Burmese Muslims were resettled in America in the first 6 weeks of this fiscal year.

To the incoming Trump team: It is not only Syrians who can’t be thoroughly vetted, the Burmese/Bangladeshi Rohingya can’t be either!

Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected 'refugees' off their hands

Mr Trump! Forget Syrians for a minute! Are we going to suspend resettlement of all ‘high-risk aliens?’

Here is a story from Sky News Australia which links Trump advisor Kris Kobach’s proposals to Trump last weekend in NJ as evidence that the deal might well be dead on arrival.  See my earlier post this morning about a letter from two powerful members of Congress who want the fishy Australia deal stopped now!

Trump meets with Kris Kobach. Leftwing media has been having fun with the enlargement of the memo in Kobach’s hand.

Sky News titters about photo that reveals some of Kobach’s suggestions to the Trump team on immigration:

An apparent bungle by US president-elect Donald Trump’s hardline immigration adviser shows just how difficult Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s US refugee re-settlement plan will likely be to pull off.

Kris Kobach, tipped to head the US Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration, was clutching documents as he stood with a smiling and waving Mr Trump on Sunday in view of the media.

A photo taken by Associated Press, when zoomed in, shows the top page of the document is headlined ‘Department of Homeland Security. Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days’.

It lists aggressive proposals aimed at ‘high-risk aliens.’

‘Reduce intake of Syrian refugees to zero, using authority under the 1980 Refugee Act,’ Mr Kobach’s plan states.

The plan also calls for ‘extreme vetting questions for high-risk aliens: question them regarding support for Sharia Law, jihad, equality of men and women, the United States Constitution’.

Mr Kobach was one of many potential Trump administration hires who met with the president-elect at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey on the weekend.

More here at Sky News.

Readers, I am starting to get nervous about whether Trump’s closest advisors on immigration fully understand the US Refugee Admissions Program.
In my previous post I said that if Trump picks Romney in combination with Nikki Haley at the UN (where the UN has plans for who comes to your towns!), we shouldn’t expect any major shakeup of the RAP.

Let’s talk about HIGH-RISK ALIENS!

There has been enormous national attention on the fact that FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Syrians cannot be vetted because they come from a failed state where records are not obtainable. And, it is understandable that the focus has been on the Syrians, but…..
….if you are a longtime reader of RRW you know this is also true for the vast majority of Somalis (tens of thousands) we have admitted over the last two-three decades.  In fact, in 2008 the State Department (DOS) cut off family reunification for Somalis because they discovered wide spread fraud—-Somalis lied about their family connections!  Family reunification was closed for years (all documented here at RRW). See the most recent news on Somalis who thumbed their noses at your generosity.
The DOS and DHS say they can vet the Iraqis.  But, they screwed up big time a few years ago and Iraqi refugee Al-Qaeda supporters were arrested and convicted on terror charges in Kentucky.  One of them actually had fingerprints on an IED shard in US government hands and no one ever made the connection. That IED killed American service men. These two had lied on their refugee application.

And, how are we possibly screening the Rohingya Muslims who have fled Burma, many on boats that ended up in Malaysia and Indonesia. We are taking thousands of them!  They don’t have ‘papers’ from the government of Burma (a Buddhist government that is all too happy to get rid of them)!
Other countries that produce unvettable (new word!) Muslims are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uzbekistan. Just those few countries mentioned above account for probably half of the flow to the US right now!
So, Mr. Trump and Mr. Kobach! Stop focusing on only Syrians! The problem is much much bigger!

So America! Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their 'cultural' differences?

Thanks to Joanne for sending this news a couple of days ago.
In Australia a Rohingya refugee was sentenced to five years in prison for raping a ten year old boy.  The convicted Muslim man said it was culturally acceptable to rape children where he came from in Burma (aka Myanmar).
(Gee, could this be one of many reasons the ruling Buddhists want the Rohingya out of their country?)
Here is the story:

A REFUGEE jailed over the sickening rape of a 10-year-old boy told authorities that it was culturally acceptable to sexually assault children in his homeland.

It happened in America! Meet Esar Met a Burmese Muslim sentenced to life in prison in Utah in 2014 when he was found guilty of brutally raping and murdering a little Christian Burmese girl in his Salt Lake City apartment complex where he had been placed by a resettlement agency. The medical examiner testified that she died in excruciating pain. Shame on the mainstream media for never reporting on this case outside of Utah.

Mufiz Rahaman, 20, slumped forward in the dock at Downing Centre District Court yesterday as he was sentenced to five years in jail, with a non-parole period of three years, after pleading guilty to aggravated sexual assault of the boy in the child’s bed on January 8 last year.

Rahaman, a member of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority from Myanmar, told Correctives Services staff compiling his pre-sentence report he “did not believe what he did was a crime and that it was culturally acceptable in Myanmar”.

Agreed facts tendered to the court reveal the boy and his father, also Rohingya, were living with other refugees at a vacant Sydney club in January last year.

While the father was outside the bedroom preparing lunch, Rahaman sneaked into the room and raped the boy.

When the father returned he noticed the door had been closed.

The court papers state: “He could hear the offender’s voice coming from inside the room. He heard the offender say, ‘I’ll give you money to do this.’ He heard the victim say, ‘My Dad will hit me.’ ”


“I am unable to find on the balance of probabilities that the offender has accepted responsibility for his actions,” he said.

Judge Scotting said Rahaman had been assessed as having a moderate to high risk of reoffending.
Rahaman will be eligible for parole in March 2018.

O.K. and now you are saying, well that is in Australia.  But, what about America? 

They are here by the thousands already!
When Esar Met a Muslim from Burma raped and murdered a Christian Burmese child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008 there was defining silence from any media outside of Utah! I had hoped that maybe that horror would alert the American public to the foolish resettlement of the Rohingya.
(We have been writing about Rohingya for all of our 9 years at RRW and have 190 posts in our Rohingya reports category.)
But no, I was shocked in 2013 to see (I was there) Anastasia Brown testify on behalf of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to the US State Department that she wanted more Rohingya admitted to the US.  She got her wish. I’ve always wondered what she knew about the Utah murder since I assume (it’s a guess) it was Catholic Charities that resettled Met in Salt Lake.

We have now seeded over 15,000 Burmese Muslims throughout America in ten years! Click here.