Editors note: Pay attention! This is not some faraway problem—it will be yours in the West when they start pushing in a big way for the resettlement of Rohingya to your towns!

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Turkish Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, who headed a delegation of Islamists to Burma (Myanmar) last week (here) reportedly cried for the Rohingya Muslims of Burma, or so he told the world media including the Associated Press (via the Washington Post).
I’m telling you I have watched this public relations campaign build over the last 6 years—they build a drumbeat of victimhood and the Muslims are NEVER anything but the victims!
It makes me want to scream! The western media NEVER reports when the Rohingya instigate violence in Burma, or India, or Bangladesh or Malaysia!
Here is the WaPo today:
YANGON, Myanmar — The secretary general of the world’s largest bloc of Islamic countries said emotional visits with members of the long-persecuted Rohingya Muslim community — chased from their homes in Myanmar by Buddhist mobs and arsonists — brought him to tears.
“I’ve never had such a feeling,” Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said late Saturday, as he and other delegates from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation wrapped up a three-day tour to Myanmar that included talks with the president, government ministers, interfaith groups and U.N. agencies.
Never had such a feeling! Never for the thousands upon thousands of innocent people killed in the name of Islam, never for the Christians slaughtered in Africa almost every Sunday, never for the innocent victims of 9/11?
Aung San Suu Kyi gets it! (see our previous post here)
The Post (AP) ends with this:
Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi — who has said little in defense of the religious minority — declined to meet with the OIC delegation.
A woman with such power must really p***-off the OIC!
Endnote: In 2009 we reported that the US State Department had linked Rohingya to terrorist groups operating in that part of the world, but lo-and-behold in 2012 (during Ms. Hillary’s reign) that link was no longer available at the State Department’s website.