Tensions grow in Ft. Wayne, IN over placement of Rohingya Muslims in Burmese neighborhoods

Update October 8th: 22 Rohingya (posing as refugees) in Bangladesh charged in massacre of Hindus, here.

This is not new news to me!

I’ve been hearing about this problem for years—the US State Department, with unwavering faith, seems to think it can place Muslims in Christian communities and the melting pot will perform its magic and presto! there will be love and acceptance all around.

Burmese Muslim Esar Met was placed in a housing complex in Salt Lake City (by the US State Dept. contractor there) housing mostly Burmese Christians. He was found guilty in 2014 of brutally raping and murdering a Burmese Christian child. A reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune found that the Muslims were separated from the other Burmese minorities and were housed in separate parts of the camps in Thailand.  But housed together in America! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/05/15/utah-burmese-muslim-refugee-sentenced-in-brutal-rapemurder-of-little-girl/

Burmese Christians and other Burmese religious minorities (including the Chin) have been terrorized back home by Rohingya Muslims for decades and they fear it will begin again in Ft. Wayne, Indiana!

(Ft. Wayne first came to my attention ten years ago because of the very high TB rates there in the Burmese community. Also, many years ago I received a call about how fearful the Burmese Christians there were when resettlement contractors began placing the Rohingya in their neighborhoods.)

Please pay attention readers!

We have been admitting thousands of Rohingya to the US for the last ten years (just short of 20,000 so far)!  Trump will be admitting more!

From this article we learn that the Rohingya enclaves growing in the US are in Chicago, Milwaukee and Ft. Wayne.  But, don’t forget the brutal murder in Salt Lake City! And, I have some recent stories about Rohingya in Phoenix and that sexual pervert in New Hampshire in my HUGE Rohingya Reports archive, click here.

Do you know what is the most remarkable thing about this story?

It is the fact that a publication like VOA is even putting this in print! The times they are a changin’…..

From Voice of America (hat tip: Joanne):

The crisis [latest conflict began in 2012 when a gang of Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl—ed] has increased the number of Rohingya refugees arriving in the United States, and since 2015 they outpace the number of Syrians resettling here.

But instead of landing in Chicago or Milwaukee, two cities home to a large number of Rohingya, Tahir and her family instead arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and became one of the first Rohingya families in the area. [Don’t you just love it—arrived! Arrived like they picked Ft. Wayne on a map. They were placed there by the US State Department and its contractors!—-ed]

A Burmese community

Burmese community members believe there are now more than 150 Rohingya families living in Fort Wayne, and although their numbers are growing, their community remains a small fraction of the more than 6,000 Burmese of various ethnic groups now living in the city.

Can you believe it!  VOA continues:

Most of the foreign-born Burmese population in Fort Wayne speak a different language and practice different religions than the Rohingya, and the ethnic tensions and religious persecution that fueled their flight from Myanmar don’t necessarily end once they arrive here.


“Why I don’t like Rohingya to come to Fort Wayne is … most of them, almost 100 percent, are Muslims,” said Burmese Chin community leader Abraham Thang, who moved to Fort Wayne in the 1990s.

“They’re blood is Muslims, not Buddhist, not Christians. They did very terrible job, like attacking the military and police post, and killing and murdering the Hindus. That is not good for Rohingyas. That is the big mistake by Rohingyas.”

Thang, a pastor at the Myanmar Indigenous Christian Church, was one of the few Burmese willing to talk to VOA about Rohingya resettlement in Fort Wayne, and while he emphasizes these views are his own opinions, they are indicative of the same resentments Rohingya face in Myanmar.

“I don’t mind they practice what they believe,” Thang explained to VOA. “What I mind is extremism. Most of the terrorists come from the Muslim community. This is what I am thinking in my mind personally. So my opinion is, rather than sending Rohingya to Fort Wayne, and not sending them here is better don’t send Rohingya to Fort Wayne.”

With mayors like these!  “We try to pride ourselves in being a welcoming community…”

Mayor: All welcome here

“That’s unfortunate,” said Fort Wayne’s mayor, Tom Henry. “I want anybody from Myanmar to know they are welcome in our community.”

Henry, a Democrat, has made Burmese integration into life in this city of more than 250,000 a priority of his administration.

“We try to pride ourselves in being a welcoming community, an inclusive community, a community that allows people to assimilate throughout our community and if they want to ultimately become an American citizen, we’ve got the tools in place to help that happen. So when I hear that there is that kind of tension and anxiety behind the scenes, that disturbs me.”

But some community members, like Thang, worry that an increasing number of new arrivals will only fuel tensions.

“I foresee the Burmese people and the Rohingya people in the future, sooner or later, we will have conflict and that is not good for the Fort Wayne community.”

Much more here.

My Ft. Wayne posts are here.

Again, my Rohingya Reports category is here (209 previous posts) with enough material to write a book!

See also my post yesterday about political action that should be aimed at mayors and local elected officials.

Go here to see which contractors are working near you.  Surprise! Not! Looks like Catholic Charities is the resettlement contractor in Ft. Wayne.  I believe they were responsible in Salt Lake too. Memory lane: In 2013 I was there to hear a Catholic Bishops’ lobbyist tell the State Dept.—we want more Rohingya!


Hitting a nerve (again!) at Right Wing Watch

I served up some red meat for the Right Wing Watchers here at World Net Daily with my comments about the Rohingya ‘crisis’ in Burma.  You can read the Watchers yourself!

RWW’s Miranda Blue, one of my biggest fans! @bluemir https://twitter.com/bluemir

How dare I (and others) challenge the Left Wing meme that the Rohingya are the helpless victims, pure as the driven snow, in the decades-old violent conflict between these two great religions of peace!

Watch for it!

The Syrian Muslim refugees were yesterday’s downtrodden, but the Left has moved on to the new flavor of the year—-the Rohingya—who we should support with millions of taxpayer dollars, or better still move to your neighborhoods ASAP.

For ambitious readers, I have over 200 posts on the Rohingya conflict archived here over TEN years. See for yourself what’s been happening there.

Oh, and see my other mentions at Right Wing Watch, here.  Miss Miranda sure didn’t like me telling Americans to have more babies!

This post is filed, not just in Rohingya Reports, but in my category ‘Laugh of the day!’ here.

Trump and Pence show ignorance about Rohingya situation in Burma

I saw the virtue-signaling by Vice President Pence on Fox News yesterday and wanted to throw something at the TV.  The Fox reporter had swallowed the Leftwing media meme (built over the last decade) hook, line and sinker that the Rohingya are victims (just peaceful Muslims minding their own business).

Mike Pence smug
Pence finds Muslims to love (those bad ol’ violent Buddhists, not so much).

Here is my recommendation to him and to Trump on the decades-old conflict in Burma between the Buddhists who run the country and the increasing numbers of devout Rohingya Muslims who the Buddhists say are really illegal migrants from Bangladesh….

Shut up!

I didn’t see the Burmese government chastising you, Mr. President, when you (fearing for the safety of Americans) initiated your ‘travel ban’ aimed at migrants from Muslim countries. Aren’t the Buddhists allowed to protect their people?

Until you have put someone to work studying the complex problem, someone who can fully brief you, simply don’t say a word!

***Update*** Journalists who know the facts call for balanced reporting (instead of constant pro-Muslim biased stories from AP, Reuters, BBC, etc), see here (hat tip:Joanne).

Here is Aljazeera thrilled to report what Pence (and Trump) said out of ignorance this week:

US President Donald Trump wants the UN Security Council to take “strong and swift action” to end violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya.

Speaking at a Security Council meeting on peacekeeping reform, Vice President Mike Pence accused the Myanmar military of responding to attacks on government outposts “with terrible savagery, burning villages, driving the Rohingya from their homes”. [Those attacks came from armed Rohingya militants!—ed]

Pence repeated a US call for the Myanmar military to end the violence and support diplomatic efforts for a long-term solution for the majority-Muslim Rohingya, who are denied citizenship in a country where many Buddhists regard them as illegal immigrants.  [Did he call for the Rohingya to stop their violence?—ed]


It was the strongest US government response yet to the violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state that has forced more than 420,000 Rohingya into Bangladesh, fleeing a military offensive the United Nations has branded ethnic cleansing.

More here.

Get the facts…..

Rohingya NH
American Rohingya!

I bet Trump and Pence don’t even know that we have admitted almost 20,000 Rohingya to live in your towns and cities in the last ten years, including this upstanding future American citizen in New Hampshire.

Or how about this one agitating in Arizona (once their population gets high enough, the political agitation begins).

Just checked Wrapsnet and found that Donald Trump admitted 715 Rohingya (likely picked up in Malaysia or Thailand) since inauguration day. They couldn’t have been screened any more easily than the Syrians!

And, we are going to ‘welcome’ more Rohingya for Pence to love in that batch of failed asylum seekers from Australia.

See my Rohingya Reports category here—-it includes over 200 posts going back ten years—if anyone seriously wants to try to understand some of the facts buried by the mainstream media!

New Hampshire: Muslim refugee charged with inappropriate sexual contact with several young girls

The Muslim refugee, Mohammod Rafique , is described as a man who arrived from Myanmar two years ago.

That would make him one of the 19,000 plus Rohingya refugees we have admitted from Burma (aka Myanmar) in the last ten years.  See here just yesterday.

Mayor Donchess
We love diversity! Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess proposed a resolution last year to make Nashua a “welcoming city”  here:  http://www.newhampshire.com/Social-issues/Refugee-concerns-voiced-in-Nashua-09222016

Prosecutors wanted a $50,000 bond but the judge set bail at $15,000.  If he gets out, will he return to court or disappear into the woodwork of America like so many other Muslim refugees charged in a variety of assault cases in recent years?

From WMUR-9 (hat tip: Jeannine):

A Nashua man is facing accusations that he had inappropriate contact with several young girls.

Mohammod Rafique is facing six charges, including two counts of felonious sexual assault. Nashua police said the incident happened in late August and involves four girls, including a 7-year-old.

“We’re alleging these offenses have had a great and substantial effect on both them and their parents,” prosecutor Don Topham said.

Rafique was described in court as a refugee from Myanmar who has lived in Nashua for two years. An interpreter was provided by phone.  [Interpreters will run up his legal costs to taxpayers big time!—ed]

Authorities said the charges involve inappropriate touching and happened at some sort of gathering.

“Through the investigation, we learned that he was acquainted with one girl’s family,” Lt. Kerry Baxter said. “He had attempted to offer them money and gifts and things like that to get one or more of the girls back to his house.”

Learn more about refugees going to New Hampshire, here.  See my archive on the state by clicking here. And, for your reading pleasure, I have over 2,000 posts with refugee/immigrant crime stories from all over the globe.

The way things are going on the federal level, if you are concerned about what is happening where you live, you are going to have to get busy booting mayors like Donchess from office.

Arizona Rohingya refugee story: from poor refugee to political agitator

If you don’t know about the Rohingya, you better learn quickly! You can start your education with my over 200 posts here at RRW.

We have admitted almost 20,000 Rohingya to the US in the last ten years and as their numbers increase they become (like all Islamic ethnic groups) political activists.

Sheraz Islam: from suffering refugee to Islamic political activist! Story and photo here: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/rohingya-refugees-in-phoenix-ethnic-cleansing-in-myanmar-9701725

This article from the Phoenix New Times features a 25-year-old Rohingya Muslim refugee living in Phoenix who wants to get his mother and 10 siblings here (but for that mean old Donald Trump).

A few things you need to know before reading this story, which the Leftwing media will never tell you.

~The Buddhist government contends that the ‘Rohingya’ are not some special group, but are illegal aliens from Bangladesh (a Muslim country) who decades ago illegally arrived in Burma. The Buddhist leaders of Burma want the country to remain Buddhist and don’t want to be demographically conquered by Muslims.

~Aung San Suu Kyi, the famous Burmese freedom fighter, has not rallied to the Rohingya’s cause which infuriates the Left.

~The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is trying to get its foot in the door in Burma to defend their people and agitate against the government.

~The round of violence that began in 2012 (often cited by the mainstream media) was ignited when a gang of Muslim men raped and murdered a Burmese Buddhist girl (something the media never tells you now), and the Buddhists retaliated.

~As we learned here yesterday, the newest wave of violence was from a Burmese military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.

Now to the political agitators at Arizona State.

Here is what I want to know, if they are “ethnic cleansing” in Burma (aka Myanmar), why is that our problem?

Why is that a reason to spend billions of US taxpayer dollars bringing people like Islam here, apparently not to add much to American society, but to political organize for Muslims back home?

BTW, Trump will be supplying more Rohingya activists for mosques and Islamic centers when the first Australian rejects get here (see my earlier post).

From the Phoenix New Times, a new cause, not the Syrian Muslim victims (that was oh so last year), but Rohingya:

Here in Phoenix, Rohingya refugees are wondering why no one seems to be paying attention.

Among those trying to spread awareness about the crisis is Sheraz Islam, whose own father died less than a month ago while trying to flee the country for Bangladesh. His family lost their home, their land, and everything they own, he says. And convincing Americans to care, when they may or may not even be able to point to Myanmar on a map, is a challenge.

“Most people, they don’t know who the Rohingya are,” he says. “When we talk to people, we explain that we are an ethnic minority, and the government [of Myanmar] denied us our citizenship.

“We’d like to live in our own country, but unfortunately we had to leave because we are Rohingya.”

LOL! Aung San Suu Kyi not sure she wants the Obama smooch! You can imagine how angry the Left is with Suu Kyi. She is one of them, they think. So how can she not be coming to the defense of Muslims!

Islam is one of roughly 600 Rohingya refugees currently living in the Valley. They make up less than a quarter of the total number of Burmese refugees who have been resettled in Arizona since 2001. Most are Muslims, and arrived after 2012, when attacks on the Rohingya intensified after decades of discrimination.


After landing in a refugee camp in Sri Lanka, he applied for asylum through the United Nations. The U.S. State Department approved his application, and, a little less than six years ago, he arrived in Arizona. Lutheran Social Services helped get him set up with a job and apartment, and taught him how to turn the lights on and off — he’d never had electricity before.

“We don’t have these kind of things back in our country,” he explains. “They came and they guided us how to use the oven, how to use the microwave, how to use the bathroom.”

Here we go! Rally organized by Islamic Community Centers, what a surprise!

On Sunday night, he and other Rohingya refugees held a vigil on the Old Main Lawn at Arizona State University.

Organized by the Islamic Community Center of Tempe and Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley, it drew a diverse crowd of student activists, local faith leaders, and refugees from around the world. They held up signs calling on Aung San Suu Kyi — the country’s de facto leader, and, ironically, a former winner of the Nobel Peace Prize — to put an end to the violence against the Rohingya.

Lots more here if you feel like reading it.

Again, my Rohingya Reports category is here, posts extend back ten years.