“It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities.”
(Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn)
***Update***Governor Lee comments and incredibly a media outlet reminds its audience that Lee had welcomed more refugees when President Trump was trying to get immigration under control a couple of years ago. Is it any wonder that the Biden gang figured Tennessee was a soft target?
For years, readers would contact me to say that planes with “refugees” or migrants of some sort were being flown into small airports in small cities and rural areas. I would tell them to go film the arrivals because I couldn’t just post something without proof.
Well, finally some citizens are being proactive and doing just that.
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in Health and Human Services) is reportedly behind such flights arriving after dark in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
You may recall that Tennessee Governor Bill Lee was one of twenty governors who earlier this month wrote to Biden to say: NOT in my state!
But, shamefully, he was one of many Republican governors who did not support President Trump when Trump attempted to give governors a greater say in whether their states would receive refugees the federal government had chosen for the state.
FIRST ON 3: Late-night flights carrying migrant children arrive in Chattanooga
Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.
Channel 3 obtained video of one of those planes arriving Friday, May 14 shortly before 1:30 a.m.
A second video, shared with Channel 3, shows more children arriving late Saturday night. According to the source who provided the video, a third plane carrying children arrived Friday afternoon. Flight records confirm that a fourth plane arrived early Wednesday morning, May 19.
A source with direct knowledge of the operation asked to remain anonymous but tells Channel 3 that approximately 30 to 50 minors are transported at a time, some to reunite with family members and others to go to group homes. He says the operation started in Dallas, Texas, but moved to small airports recently to avoid attention.
In April, HHS confirmed a group of unaccompanied minors is being housed at a former Tennessee Temple dormitory in Highland Park. It is not clear how many of the children who have arrived in Chattanooga in recent days have been transported to that facility, but multiple sources say at least ten boys from the group were taken to the facility.
Quotes from US Senators, but what does Governor Lee say?
U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty said he was not aware of the flights into Chattanooga, but said, “It is time for President Biden to be transparent with Tennesseans and the American people regarding where the hundreds of thousands of migrants being resettled in the United States are being sent because they deserve to know.”
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn shared a statement Wednesday afternoon, saying she was unaware of the operation in Tennessee.
“Our office has received no information from the Biden Administration informing us of a mass transportation of migrants to Tennessee,” said Blackburn. “It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities.”
By the way, for all of you contemplating a move to Tennessee because you might be thinking you can escape to a conservative nirvana, check it out carefully in advance. They have a lot of problems with refugees there as especially Nashville is a longtime target resettlement site.
Note that I have an entire category titled Nashville which includes over 100 posts on refugees there and in Tennessee generally.
“If the day of Vice President Haley ever arrives, Trump’s base should have no illusions about the flatlining vital signs of the America First moment.”
(Pedro Gonzalez)
I am a one issue person—how we handle immigration is all that matters for the future of the US as we know it.
Nikki Haley may have impressed many of you, but she was soft on refugees when the issue became a hot one in South Carolinaa few years ago, and I won’t forgive her for it.
You’ve probably seen the circulating stories about how the President might dump VP Mike Pence in favor of Haley in the coming months.
Frankly, no matter how exciting Haley might appear for some so-called conservatives, I doubt this is even in anyone’s dreams (maybe Bill Kristol’s!) right now.
I don’t know about you, but I think Pence has been a good and steady voice and apparently a competent manager of the Trump coronavirus team and it wouldn’t look good to give him the heave-ho now.
Here is a post at American Greatness by writer Pedro Gonzalez from a couple of days ago about the Haley for Veep thinking (just in case you are one of those hearing a siren song!).
Rumor has it President Trump is considering swapping Vice President Mike Pence with former American ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. “This is not a prediction,” said CNN political analyst Paul Begala, “it’s a certainty.” Haley would be a great choice—if Trump intends to utterly abandon the agenda that got him elected.
Pitting Haley against Trump would mean certain political suicide for her, but seeding her in the White House would, in a Machiavellian twist, boost her profile and afford her countless opportunities to subvert the America First agenda. From immigration to foreign policy, Haley has been no friend to MAGA.
Trump would do well to remember his own rebuke of Haley in response to her shot across the bow: “She’s very weak on illegal immigration and she certainly has no trouble asking me for campaign contributions because over the years she’s asked me for a hell of a lot of money in campaign contributions.”
Indeed, Haley is at odds with Stephen Miller on immigration, the last man in the White House who is true to the America First immigration mandate.
Sympathy in the Congo is one thing, but bringing the Congo to America is another.
When Miller brought together senior officials in 2018 to discuss a plan to reduce the number of refugees admitted to the United States, Haley was deliberately excluded, presumably for her previous opposition to drastic reductions of refugee resettlement numbers. A spokesperson said Miller’s discussion was conducted “in consultation with all appropriate government agencies.” Likely as a result of her views on immigration, then, Haley was kept out of the discussion.
Haley has all the hallmarks of someone who operates with political expediency as a rule. Appeals to emotion, comic displays of faux strength, radically different stances on the same issue depending on the times. But there remains a remarkable consistency and cunning through it all.
She has maneuvered herself into a good light with the president and his supporters, despite remaining ideologically opposed to the America First agenda. Haley has gone from being the GOP’s Obama—the quintessential anti-Trump Republican—to a favorite of Trump supporters and now a potential replacement for Mike Pence. If the day of Vice President Haley ever arrives, Trump’s base should have no illusions about the flatlining vital signs of the America First moment.
Go hereto read all of the many reasons, Haley as Vice President would signal the end of this administration’s even nominal efforts to reduce immigration numbers.
Many of us are already worried that once re-elected the President might succumb to those voices within the Republican party clamoring to open our gates wide to a steady supply of third world workers.
And, as I said at the outset, nothing else matters for the future of our great country than how we manage immigration.
Editor’s note: As RRW approaches its 13th birthday, there are over 10,000 posts archived here at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Unfortunately, it is just me here with no staff and so it has become virtually impossible to answer all of the basic questions that come into my e-mail inbox or to RRW’s facebook page every day. I don’t want to appear rude—I simply haven’t enough hours in the day.
Please take time to visit RRW (don’t just read posts in your e-mail) and use the search window in the right hand sidebar and see if you can find the information you need. Also see my series that I wrote in recent months entitled Knowledge is Powerwhich explains some basic principles of how Refugee Resettlement is carried out in the US.
And, lastly, I don’t write that much every day, so if you made a habit of reading my posts here on a daily basis, you would eventually catch on to what is happening because I do link back to previous posts as much as possible. LOL! Thank you for helping me not go crazy!
That would be the announcement that the State Department was going to almost double the number of refugees being admitted to the country from around 900 a week to 1,500 a week. (So far that rate has not materialized!)
We reported the stunning news from the New York Timeshere.
Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum (on twitter @highblueridge ) for sending us this tweet from twitter extraordinaire Mike Cernovich. @Cernovichhas 298,000 followers and here is what he posted on May 30th:
So who is Brian Hook?
Hint! He worked against Donald Trump in the primary and now he sits next to Tillerson’s throne!
This is not how one goes about draining the swamp! More tomorrow……
As reader John, who sent this tweet to me said, ‘you can’t make this up!’ Or, you could! (Posted here because we have to laugh from time to time. Alinsky said so!) Laugh of the day….
There is a Marvaan website, here. Check it out! And, they do make some clothing including this “belong” shawl. Buy it to help the homeless in Toronto (there will be many more there after the Syrians get all the public housing).
I guess you will have to wait until Friday to see if they have launched a collection “inspired by the Syrian refugee crisis.” Or not!
I don’t know! (Sorry if you were expecting a definitive answer!)
The rumor has been going around for months (surely you’ve seen it).
My first reaction is to dismiss the story because it would require so many people in-the-know and I can’t believe that they would all stay silent for so long. Or, since everyone has a camera, did no one take a picture of the “refugees” being loaded on to buses and moved to some undisclosed locations? And, are there no resettlement agency personnel with a conscience dropping hints? What about those Uzbeks? That said, there is pretty good circumstantial evidence that the US Refugee Admissions Program has been used to secretively bring people into the country where the US State Department wants to ‘help’ some world leader with a ‘problem’ group of people. Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov convicted of Islamic terror charges in Idaho. Did we bring trouble-making Uzbek Muslims to the US in a special arrangement with the government of Uzbekistan in the Bush Administration?
I’m talking about the alleged airlift of Uzbeks in a joint effort between the CIA and the US State Department during the Bush Administration following the 2005 uprising of more ‘devout’ Muslims against their own Muslim government in Uzbekistan.
Learn more about the Andijan uprising here at Wikipedia. And, see herewhere we mentioned the rumors about an airlift of Uzbeks to the US. By the way, about 96% of the population of Uzbekistan is Muslim.
Checking the State Department data base I see we admitted 2,848 Uzbeks since 2002. And, although we brought “refugees” from many religious groups, Muslims were the single greatest number and in 2006 (after the uprising) we saw the largest number of Uzbek “refugees” of any year since 2002 arrive in the US—480—and the vast majority were Muslims that year.
See our archive on Uzbekistan hereand note the relatively high number of Uzbeks arrested on terror charges over the years.
I’m reporting the Uzbek persistent mystery because I believe there is something to the story, and it suggests that maybe it is possible to bring “refugees” into the US outside of the normal process. So I can’t say it couldn’t ever happen!
Now back to that UPS plane story…..
A readers sent this youtube clip (over a half a million views) which suggests there may be something to the rumors flying around now, but it in no way gives us any hard evidence. (30 busloads of people from one plane?) Perhaps the most useful bit of the clip shows NJ Governor Chris Christie telling Bill O’Reilly that he has/had no idea that non-profit groups like Catholic Charities have been dropping refugees in NJ for years. It also shows how ignorant O’Reilly is about the resettlement process that is over 35 years old! Where the h*** have they all been?
I’ve heard from some of you asking for some confirmation about this story. I can’t give it to you, but I urge all of you to send me links (either confirming it or debunking it) to more on this story through the comment thread here. Update Feb. 9th: See this link a reader sent: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2015/12/confirmed-obama-smuggling-in-up-to-100000-refugees-per-year-on-ups-planes-2767590.html
And, for goodness sake, if you see something fishy where you live, take photos!
Until further notice, this post is filed in our ‘rumors’ category.