Vermont's tells us more about VT Health Dept. response to TB in the state

This is a great website——I wonder how many other states have a Watchdog site like this which goes around the politically correct media spin and digs deeper into important stories effecting citizens in their states.

Patsy Kelso
Vermont state epidemiologist attempts to downplay seriousness of active TB in refugee population. Photo:

Here is more on TB following the revelations we reported from Breitbart two days ago here. is reporting that the Vermont Health Department may not be diligently alerting and testing those who might have come in contact with the recent cases of ACTIVE TB.

Information not disclosed by the Health Department includes how many contact investigations are underway to identify the disease’s potential spread among the general public. Also not disclosed was how many people will need to undergo testing due to contact with the active TB patients.

In January 2015, state epidemiologist Patsy Kelso and Health Commissioner Harry Chen led a well-publicized TB control effort to isolate a single teacher at Charlotte Central School diagnosed with active TB disease. That effort, covered by VPR and WCAX, ultimately tested 500 students and co-workers exposed to the teacher, and identified 19 children and two adults to whom the tuberculosis had spread, according to Stateline.

Kelso, speaking Thursday on VPR’s Vermont Edition, offered a much different response regarding TB disease among refugees.

“It’s not a concern of mine,” Kelso said.


During the interview, Kelso shared data that show refugee populations are exhibiting a considerably higher rate of TB disease compared to native born Vermonters. “Looking at 2003 to 2015, we’ve seen 77 cases of (active) TB in people in Vermont, and 26 of those were in U.S.-born people and 15 of them were in refugees,” she said. Kelso added that the other 36 cases involved immigrants living in Vermont.  [Of the 26 U.S.-born people, how many were living in the household of an infected immigrant?—ed]


While Kelso’s response may have been aimed at allaying public fears about the disease’s spread, the epidemiologist noted that up to 10 percent of latent TB cases advance to active TB disease. That means Vermont’s infectious disease teams can expect to diagnose many more active TB cases as a result of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program.

For more click here.
I know I’ve said this before, but until Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart began his investigation of Tuberculosis in the refugee stream to American towns and cities, we had no idea it was this bad.  Repeatedly those involved in the resettlement industry have said, oh, only latent TB-infected people can get in and now we learn that is not true.  And, if 10% of those with latent TB become active, will they become active in your child’s school one day, or working next to you in a meatpacking plant or serving you food in a restaurant. Are they ticking TB time bombs just waiting to go off?
Go here for our very large archive on ‘refugee health’ (our posts on Leahy’s previous stories are there). 310 previous posts are listed in that category addressing the many health concerns refugees bring to America (for you to pay for!).

Breitbart: Wisconsin is (for now) the new TB capital of America

Michael Patrick Leahy has published one more investigative report on Tuberculosis in the US refugee population. Go to our ‘health issues’ category by clicking here to see his previous reports.
Here is the latest, hot off the presses this morning:

Twenty-seven recently resettled refugees were among the 117 cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in Wisconsin in 2014 and 2015, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. That makes the Badger State the new refugee TB capital of the United States.

Will we soon have to mass produce up-dated posters like this one from the 1920s to alert the public in refugee resettlement target cities?

Wisconsin replaces Louisiana as the state with the most reported cases of active TB among recently resettled refugees in the country.

As Breitbart News has reported previously, twenty-one cases of active TB were diagnosed among recently resettled refugees in Louisiana between 2011 and 2015.

Six other states have reported recently resettled refugees have been diagnosed with active TB: Florida (eleven), Colorado (ten), Idaho (seven), Indiana (four), Kentucky (nine in one county), and North Dakota (four in one county).

Wisconsin may not be the actual leader, though. Only eight of the forty nine states that resettle refugees under the federal refugee resettlement program have responded to Breitbart News requests to provide this important public health data, which resettlement agencies are required by law to monitor and report in each state.

Lots more here!
One more HUGE example of the secrecy surrounding the Refugee Admissions Program in America!
Endnote: I’m going to ask again if anyone knows if volunteers working with the resettlement contractors are given any information on how to stay safe from health risks associated with refugees coming here directly from the third world.

No tears for US Bishops on news of another ACLU lawsuit against them

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops receives millions of dollars each year to place thousands of refugees (including many Muslims in your towns) and we have long argued that your tax dollars should not be paid to federal contractors masquerading as religious charities.

One day they will have to decide between cold hard federal cash and their moral principles!

So no sympathy here as the ACLU files suit against the Bishops for accepting taxpayer dollars and then restricting abortions and contraceptive availability to the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ in their care.  When they take Caesar’s money, they must follow Caesar’s rules!  They can’t have it both ways!
From Life

For decades, U.S. Catholic agencies have been on the front lines helping to provide young immigrants and refugees with the physical and emotional support they need after they arrive in America.

But a new lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union could put the much-needed aid programs in jeopardy.

The ACLU recently filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), arguing that the government should not give money to the Catholic aid programs because they do not refer or provide abortions or birth control to young, unaccompanied minor refugees and immigrants, the New York Times reports. The ACLU argues in the lawsuit that the agencies are legally required to provide access to contraception and abortion because they receive government funding.


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,which oversees the agencies, received almost $10 million in government funding to help unaccompanied minor immigrants and refugees in 2014, according to the report.


ACLU Senior Staff Attorney Brigitte Amiri said, “We are shocked and deeply concerned to see history repeating itself with millions of taxpayer dollars funneled into the hands of a religious group that has a long history of refusing critical health care services to the most vulnerable people in their care.”

This “critical health care” is talking about abortion, which, by not supporting, lets the group “impose their religious beliefs on others,” according to the ACLU.

More here.

Wisconsin has multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis in its refugee population

It’s getting worse.  First we were told only refugees with latent TB are permitted entry into the US, then Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart reported that, no, active TB is coming in as well.  Now, we learn that even a more serious problem could be developing in your towns with multi-drug resistant TB in a few refugees and other immigrants.
We checked our archives and sure enough we reported on several cases of TB in a frightened Sheyboygen, Wisconsin in 2013, here.

Sheboygan nurses
In 2013, in Sheyboygan Wisconsin, nurses are being instructed in how to take care of themselves when caring for refugees infected with TB. Is this what your “welcoming” community has to look forward to?

Pay attention to the fact that you (local and state taxpayers) are footing the bill for all of the meds! Isn’t diversity worth it though!
Hot off the presses at Breitbart:

Two refugees and a foreign student on a visa brought multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2009 and 2011, according to a 2014 article in an epidemiology publication written with the cooperation of the doctors who treated them.

The introduction of MDR TB to the United States represents a serious public health threat, since its successful treatment is uncertain and very expensive. Active TB can usually be treated successfully in six to nine months at a cost of $17,000 per patient, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), but MDR TB treatment costs more than $150,000 per patient and can take between 20 and 26 months.


Twenty cases of MDR TB, all foreign-born, were diagnosed in Wisconsin over the eight year period between 2005 and 2012, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Twelve of these cases were from the Hmong people in Laos (though Case 2 in the 2014 article was categorized as “drug resistant,” not formally MDR-TB, it was probably included among these 12, as well as Case 2’s “close household contact”), four were from India (including Case 3 from the 2014 article), one was from Burma (including Case 1 from the 2014 article), and one each were from China, Ethiopia, and Nepal.

State and local taxpayers in Wisconsin paid for the treatment of these twenty foreign-born cases of MDR TB. At a cost of $150,000 per patient, the total cost was an estimated $3 million.

Leahy has much more, I’ve only snipped a bit of the detailed report.

Let me ask all of you who plan to volunteer to help the new refugees as they arrive in Asheville, NC, Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV, Ithaca, NY, Fayetteville, AR, Missoula, Montana and Radford, Virginia, do you know how to protect yourselves? And, how good is your local health department? Is it ready for this?

See our health issues category with 306 previous posts cataloged there.

They have overloaded San Diego with refugees and now they are boo-hooing!

Of course this whine-fest is for one of two reasons (or both at once!).  The Refugee Resettlement Industry wants more of your money for programs (welfare, housing, medical care etc.) and because San Diego and other big cities have foolishly been so “welcoming” and consequently overloaded, that the industry now has a big excuse to resettle refugees to small (newly targeted) cities throughout America including Reno, NV, Rutland, VT, Charleston, WV, Ithaca, NY, Fayetteville, AR and Missoula, MT (more?).

International Rescue Committee is one of 4 major resettlement contractors responsible for overloading San Diego! They are the same agency opening up shop in Missoula, MT

When the Refugee Act of 1980 was debated in Congress in the late 1970’s, its chief sponsors, including Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden, promised America that the program was not meant to bring more POVERTY to our cities.  Well, that is exactly what it has done and is increasingly doing as Obama is now upping the numbers more and more each year.  (He will have one more shot for FY2017 to say how many come and unless we elect Trump in November, there is no one with any guts to pull back on Obama’s last determination! And, surely Hillary will just be an extension of Obama and the wimps in Congress will do nothing).
From the San Diego Union Tribune (hat tip: Joanne) where we learn that San Diego County gets 3,000 refugees a year!

Refugees who are resettled in San Diego County often face overwhelmingly high housing costs, poor living conditions, emotional distress and limited access to health care, according to a new report by the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans.  [And, the do-gooders never ask themselves if they are really doing humanitarian work for refugees or only to make themselves feel better!–ed]

The community organization in City Heights surveyed an estimated 500 refugees and their children in 20 neighborhoods in the county. Participants represented about 13 countries in Africa and Asia.

Data in the report focused on refugees from East Africa, Thailand and Burma because the organization has deep ties in these communities and limited resources to expand the research, according to group leaders.

Among the findings outlined in the preliminary report:

▪ Poor English proficiency and little to no education poses a significant barrier for employment

▪ East African refugees earn a mean monthly household income of $1,774, while migrants from Burma and Thailand earn a mean monthly income of $1,216.

▪ Only 24 percent of East African men and 35 percent of East African women reported having a personal physician. About half of East African participants said they hadn’t had a routine checkup in the past year. [So we don’t know if their latent TB is becoming active TB—ed]

There is much more, continue reading here.
Cloward and Piven full steam ahead! Using the poor to bring on the revolution!
See our San Diego archive. You might find it interesting to know that there were some important Islamic terror trials there in recent years.