Syrian 'refugees' going home, thought they were going to be cared for in Europe

But, the problem now is how to make the reverse trek back to Turkey and ultimately home to Syria.
Invasion of Europe news…

El Dorado
They did not find El Dorado and now want to go home to Syria!

When I saw this story I was reminded of a story we reported in August of 2015 where a Syrian born woman said that Syrians are not “refugees” but opportunists.  You might want to read it (here), before this latest news.
This is what she said:

They left homes and cars and possessions here in order to take up the offer of FREE money and housing in Europe. They had been sure that once in Europe they will be given free medical, education, housing, food and provided for in every way forever. They think of Europe as “El Dorado”. There is also a large dose of jealousy involved, as they saw their neighbors going and they didn’t want to be left behind. Syrian hate to see someone else get a good deal, and not get a piece of the pie themselves.

Now here is the news from AP at One News Now:

…dozens of Syrian refugees are risking their lives again but in the opposite direction — paying smugglers to take them back to Turkey, and heading home.

Rather than brave the often treacherous waves of the Aegean again, they face the dangerous currents of the Evros River, which runs along the Greek-Turkish border.

Each night, groups of migrants and refugees huddle at the railway station of the small border town of Didimoticho, about 3 kilometers from the frontier, setting up small tents and waiting for their chance to cross.

Stuck in Greece…..

Al Jassem and his family stayed for months in Idomeni, a sprawling impromptu refugee camp that sprang up on the Greek-Macedonian border.

Authorities evacuated the camp last month, and the family were moved to an official camp with thousands of others.
But months of living rough had sapped their morale and their resolve.

They gave up the dream of a life in Germany.

“We did not expect we were going to be treated as such in Europe,” said Al Jassem.

“We thought they will be humane, looking after us and after our children, protect our children. We though we will be helped, but we found the opposite. Europe has no feeling for us at all.”

Continue reading here.
We also told you earlier this month about Syrians who made it to Germany and now want out!
It is really quite shameful that the UN and the IOM can’t figure out how to safely return these people to their homeland and are thus leaving them in the hands of smugglers.
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.

How many Syrians forced to work in American meatpacking plants or in hotels cleaning bathrooms are going to want to go home too a year from now? 

Set up that repatriation fund, it will be cheaper than keeping them on welfare!

Copenhagen: Islamic gangs intimidate bar patrons, tell them no drinking in Sharia zones

Invasion of Europe news…..
I feel like a broken record, but as the Muslim immigrant population grows (as it is in Europe), Islamic supremacists (devout Muslims!) feel comfortable in beginning to put demands on the population they are conquering (yes! they believe they are conquering infidel lands) to be more sharia compliant.

muslims-burn-denmark-flag1 (1)
This is what they think about Denmark! Photo:

Here is the latest in Denmark from Russia Today (hat tip: Bob):

A group of bar owners from one of Copenhagen’s suburbs, who have been endlessly harassed by Muslim youth activists trying to impose a so-called “Shariah zone”, have taken their case to a government minister, urging her to protect their businesses and the locals.

Pub owners in the Nørrebro suburb of Copenhagen have for months tried to get the Copenhagen Police to take action against a group of youths from an immigrant background, who have been threatening, extorting, and vandalizing bars in broad daylight.

The concept of Sharia zones was introduced by a group called ‘Call to Islam’ some five years ago. Using volunteers, pockets of activists embark on daily patrols of the neighborhood and approach those who drink, gamble, or engage in other activities seen by the group as running contrary to Islamic beliefs.

“Recently some young men came into the bar and shouted that all guests should leave,” Heidi Dyrnesli from Cafe Heimdal told Radio24syv. “They shouted so that the site belongs to them and that Nørrebro is Sharia zone, so there is no drinking alcohol.

Go to the story and see what Denmark is doing about it—admonishment on facebook.  That should take care of it!
This makes me wonder if Americans will wake up when Islamists begin to (check one):

___Harass their dogs

___Pressure women to cover their heads

___Put pork producers out of business

___Demand they stop drinking beer

___Or, will it take all of the above before your family members get it (too late)?

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
BTW, I go back and forth on the spelling of ‘sharia’ or ‘shariah,’ so if you are looking for more posts here on the subject, try typing both words into our search window.

Düsseldorf in the news again as migrants burn down asylum center

Invasion of Europe news…..
The ‘religion of peace’ strikes again!
We just reported last night that an Islamic terror plot targeted at the German city of Düsseldorf had been thwarted and now here is news that squabbles over a Ramadan wake-up call caused one group of Muslim ‘asylum seekers’ to go on a rampage against another group of Muslims burning down their asylum shelter in their rage.
Ahhhh!  The joys of forced multiculturalism.  It is so beautiful to behold.
From Breitbart:

A massive fire at Düsseldorf’s major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.

Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before. Düsseldorf’s Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who were mainly Iranian.

According to the testimony of “several burly Moroccan refugees” which the paper had spoken to even as the hall burnt down, the Iranians employed by the German state to look after other migrants from around the world had “deliberately” not woken the Arabs up in time for their Ramadan breakfast following a long run dispute.

Just three weeks ago there had been another, much smaller fire at the exhibition centre as a migrant set fire to his mattress in protest against the accommodation.

Continue reading here and learn how the centuries old religious wars of the Middle East are now being replayed in Europe.
No Bible reading allowed in ‘refugee’ housing either!
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.

Last week's Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees

How many times in recent months have you heard defenders of the refugee migration to Europe say that surely ISIS militants wouldn’t bother with the arduous trek from Syria through Turkey, then to Greece and northward to Germany to get its men into position for an Islamic terror attack?  Well, that is exactly what the Düsseldorf plotters did!
From Deutsche Welle:

Hillary says she will run America like Angela Merkel has run Germany! Photo:

A clearer picture began to emerge Thursday of the investigation leading to the arrest of three Syrian men who were allegedly planning to carry out a terrorist attack in the western German city of Düsseldorf.

The terror plot was uncovered because a fourth Syrian man, identified as Saleh A., voluntarily turned himself into authorities in Paris on February 1 and admitted to the plot, officials said.

No kidding!

The arrests are likely to spread concerns that Germany has become a likely target for Islamic militants in Europe, especially as the nation continues to grapple with a massive influx of refugees.


According to prosecutors Salah A., 25, and one of the three men arrested in Germany, 27-year-old Hamza C., joined IS in Syria in the spring of 2014 and received orders to carry out an attack in Düsseldorf.

The two men traveled to Turkey in May 2014, before continuing separately through Greece to Germany in March and July of last year.

Continue reading here.
Click here for our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Syrians in Germany want to go home, but having difficulties getting out!

Invasion of Europe news…..
The article in Stars and Stripes ends with a comment from one of the so-called ‘refugees’ who did succeed in getting home to Syria.  He said (speaking about living in Germany):

“Most people prefer to return because they can’t stand it.”

And, because they aren’t “getting respect!”
Here are some snips from a revealing report in Stars and Stripes about the dilemma for the disillusioned Syrian Muslims who broke into Europe apparently thinking the streets were paved with gold (for them!) and that they would be able to bring their families to join them in short order.  They got a big surprise!
They don’t want to be crowded into shelters eating German bread, butter and jam for breakfast each day!  Makes you wonder how in danger they were in Syria!

German housing
Refugee housing in Hanau, Germany. If the Europeans were smart they would make images like this one part of a media campaign throughout the Middle East and Africa to deter those looking for streets paved with gold.

The article is meant to show readers how difficult it is for these poor souls facing bureaucratic hurdles to now get out of Germany, but it says much more to me!  It tells us that so much of this migration was simply a quest for more stuff (welfare goodies, nice apartments, etc.) and now they are disillusioned and maybe their ‘war zone’ home isn’t so bad after all.
The story starts with the usual reporter’s technique of making someone a star of the story.  Enter Mohammed….
No sympathy from me because what kind of a man leaves a starving wife and 8 children behind in a “warzone?”

BERLIN — Nine months ago, after the Syrian army razed his neighborhood, Mohammed was desperate to make his way to Germany.

Now he is desperate to go back to Syria because his wife and eight children can’t get out. But he fears the only way he can return is the same way he came — illegally.

Mohammed, a farm worker from the outskirts of Damascus, is one of at least hundreds of Syrian refugees who want to go home, often because it’s taking too long to bring their families here. But in an unlikely twist, they are finding themselves stuck in Europe.

While Afghan and Iraqi asylum seekers get financial support and organized plane trips to go home, the German government and the International Organization for Migration say they can’t send Syrians back to a war zone. There aren’t even flights from Germany to Syria because of the brutal civil war there.


That leaves little hope for the dozens of Syrians per week who have requested departures since the beginning of this year, according to travel agents and case workers at migrants’ return programs.


He got asylum in March. But his wife calls him every day, crying and begging him to come back home. She doesn’t have any money to feed their seven daughters, and their only son, 12-year-old Marwan, quit school to sell vegetables on the market.

It is going to take years for the German government to process everyone (even before they can get their family to join them).

More than 420,000 Syrian refugees came to Germany last year, and the majority will eventually receive asylum. But the country is so overwhelmed that it is taking months, if not years, to process the requests, let alone the hundreds of thousands of applications for family reunions.


Many Syrians say the long separation from their children and wives is unbearable. Others can’t cope with life in cramped shelters, where they cannot work during the asylum procedure. And yet others say they are simply too homesick.


Such grievances are not likely to be resolved quickly in any big German city where thousands — both citizens and migrants —are suffering from an acute housing shortage.

Further in to the story, another ‘refugee’ is showcased.  This one has his family with him, but he is sick of the same German bread every morning so he is getting out of dear Deutschland as soon as he can:

“As soon as our daughter is born, we will find a way to get out of here and back to Istanbul,” Hamwi said. “At least there we can live in dignity and work — here we are not getting any respect.

Continue reading here, it is well worth your time.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Readers you can be sure that many refugees brought to America also want to go home. (You will never hear that from the mainstream media or the refugee contractors). We have often been contacted by a homesick and disillusioned refugee wanting to go back to their own culture, but are stuck here with no airfare.  That is why we have proposed on several occasions that a repatriation fund be established.