Netherlands: Asylum seekers to be tested for skin disease MRSA as cases are diagnosed in three provinces

Invasion of Europe news…..
Tuberculosis and AIDs are expected in the ‘refugee’ flow into Europe, but now the deadly skin disease MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is showing up and we learn from the Dutch health service that any asylum seeker needing a hospital visit will be quarantined and tested.
MRSA perhaps more scary than ISIS….
From NL Times:

MRSA has been diagnosed in ‘refugees’ in northern provinces of Groningen and Drenthe, and in Weert which is in the southern Limburg province.

The National Institute for Public Health and Environment, the RIVM, has decided to quarantine every asylum seeker visiting a hospital and screen them for MRSA. This decision was made after the dreaded hospital bacteria was found in a few refugees in asylum centers in Weert and the provinces of Drenthe and Groningen.

This measure is to prevent a major outbreak of MRSA in refugee centers. “All hospitals have now been informed of the increased risk”, Jaap van Dissel, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Control at the RIVM, said to newspaper AD.

A total of 95 refugees were examined who came in contact with a MRSA patient in Weert. Fifteen percent of them were infected with the bacteria. In the northern provinces it was 10 percent. Under normal circumstances, about 1 percent of the Dutch population carry this bacteria.

MRSA can be very dangerous to people with a weak resistance, such as refugees who traveled for weeks under horrible circumstances. The bacteria is also resistant to most antibiotics, which is why hospitals work very hard to prevent an outbreak.

“Healthy people do not have to be afraid”, Van Dissel said to the newspaper. “If doctors and other care providers in asylum centers stick to the hygiene measures, the chance of it spreading is very small.”

New readers might be interested to know that we have an entire category entitled ‘health issues’ where we have 283 previous posts about refugee and immigrant health archived.
I know there is nothing funny about it, but how often do we hear the Left squawking about how the first Europeans to arrive in the new world brought deadly diseases with them, will we hear one squawk from the “welcoming” Dutch as the invaders from the Middle East and Africa bring diseases to the Netherlands?
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.

Sweden: Ungrateful 'refugees' refuse housing in a beautiful wooded location….

….too many trees in holiday park!

Sweden holiday park
The holiday park in Lima, Sweden. Photo: Lima Turism

This ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is from Fjordman today on twitter.
From The Local:

Two buses packed with refugees arrived at the park in Lima in west Sweden on Sunday, but around 30 passengers initially refused to disembark.

Charlotte Jacobsson, a press spokesperson for Sweden’s Migration Board (Migrationsverket) confirmed to The Local that a number of the asylum seekers had felt uncomfortable being surrounded by so much forest.

“Yes, that is the information we had from some people,” she said.


Some of the travellers are understood to have spent the entire night on the bus.

Sweden’s Social Democrat-led government has been pushing municipalities across Sweden to take in more refugees in recent weeks amid a nationwide shortage of accommodation for a record numbers of new arrivals.


Sweden’s Migration Board said last week that the total number of refugee arrivals in 2015 could reach 190,000.

As I said to someone at a conference in DC yesterday, we are watching an incredible moment in history where some of us could see the fall of Europe in our lifetimes.  Sweden has always been my bet for the first domino to fall, however, Germany is right on its heels.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.   We have been following Sweden for years, go here, to see our many posts.  Will Swedes wake up in time?

Netherlands: Gay men being harassed by refugees

And, there is an update here of the post we wrote about Dutch plans to put an asylum center near a heavily Jewish neighborhood. Plans for that location have been cancelled.

ISIS gays
Putting “haters” in perspective. How ISIS executes homosexuals. Photo:

Invasion of Europe News…..

From the Times of Israel:

AMSTERDAM — Reported abuse of homosexuals at refugee centers shows the need for educating refugees to tolerance as soon as possible, Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs said.

Jacobs’ statement Friday followed an expose aired the previous day by the Dutch broadcaster NOS. In it, the country’s main advocacy group for homosexuals, COC, revealed that over the past two weeks, it has received reports of 10 cases of harassment and intimidation of gays at the Netherlands’ dozen-odd facilities housing refugees from Syria and Iraq.

The report, which included interviews with gay refugees who said they feared they would be murdered by other refugees who were threatening them, came days after the Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands advised against a plan to open a refugee center in Amstelveen. Opening a center in the southern suburb of the Dutch capital was deemed risky by the board because it is the only place in the Netherlands with a Jewish community infrastructure and a large number of recognizably Jewish community members.

Got hate?

Jacobs said he supported helping refugees, but added they “were brought up with fierce anti-Semitism and other forms of hate and intolerance. As a result some of them harbor those hatreds.”

Diversity is soooo beautiful!
Click here for our massive ‘Invasion of Europe’ news.

DNA testing required in wake of widespread Somali family reunification fraud

In an otherwise whining piece about how the feds are too slow to admit family members of refugees, at least this Frontline ‘news’ story admits that thousands of Somalis entered the US fraudulently resulting in a 4-year closure (in 2008) of the so-called P-3 family reunification program of the US State Department.

Somali refugees in Dadaab, a massive UN camp in Kenya. Truth be told, there is no way to thoroughly screen the refugees we accept from the UN any better here, than those we are accepting from UN camps in the Middle East. Photo:

You should read the whole long article, but here (below) is the segment on Somali fraud (btw, none of those who got in here by lying were ever deported).
For our thousands of new readers:  We covered the discovery and aftermath extensively, here.  The fraud was originally reported at the Wall Street Journal in August of 2008.
The nine major federal resettlement contractors fought tooth and nail to keep the State Department from requiring DNA testing.
Frontline on DNA testing:

Even if those restrictions are loosened, refugees applying for family reunification will face another hurdle to clear: DNA testing.

The inspiration for this requirement was born in East Africa, where more than 1 million Somalians have been displaced from their country by civil war and famine. In the mid-2000s, the U.S. was providing refuge to about 10,000 Somalians a year*** — many of whom went on to apply to the family reunification program to bring over relatives.

Immigration officials suspected that some were inventing “ghost children,” and filling out applications for children not related to them. There had even been some reports of brokers who sold the ghost children’s slots for profit, according to a U.S. Department of State official who spoke to FRONTLINE but asked not to be named.

So in early 2008, the State Department launched a pilot program to determine the extent of fraud by testing relationships using DNA.

In the initial pilot of 476 applicants in Nairobi, Kenya, only 16 percent were genetically related to every person they said was in their family. Another 39 percent tested false for at least one family member. In the remaining 45 percent of cases, applicants either refused to participate or didn’t show up for the test.

Officials interpreted these results as proof of widespread fraud. The P-3 program was suspended, and did not reopen for more than four years.

This stunned refugees around the world, many of whom had spent years waiting for P-3 applications to be approved. Most were told to apply for an alternate visa, but it was even more restrictive than P-3 and soon had a multi-year waiting list.

There is much more, read on.
*** We admitted 8,858 this past fiscal year, (9,000 the year before that!):

As the UNHCR is sending Somalis back to Somalia from its Kenyan camps we admitted 8,858 Somalis to the US in FY2015, here (many from the Kenyan camps!).  Somalis are the third largest ethnic group admitted to the US this past year.

Go here to see how many Somalis entered the US through the Refugee Admissions Program since its inception.  Notice some of the biggest years are in the George W. Bush Administration.

Why are we still admitting Somali refugees after three decades?

Germany: Sex crimes plaguing asylum centers

Invasion of Europe news….

70% of supposed ‘refugees’ arriving in Germany are men!

Here come the men! Rep. Steve King had a suggestion in Iowa yesterday:

This is news from last week that we didn’t get to, from Reuters (emphasis is mine):

Germany’s police union and women’s rights groups accused the authorities on Tuesday of playing down reports of harassment, sexual assault and even rape at refugee shelters because they feared a backlash against asylum seekers.


…. police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.But police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.


With men accounting for about 70 percent of asylum seekers, other groups across the country have demanded gender-segregated accommodation and safe zones for women.

At least 800,000 asylum seekers are expected in Germany this year, and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s popularity has fallen with polls showing many voters believe she is taking too soft a line on allowing them into the country.

Continue reading here.
See also, Germany: Crime swells by 65% with arrival of Muslim ‘refugees.’
Our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.   And here is more on the mess ‘Mama’ Merkel is making in Germany.