Update: In a different case, an ISIS member posing as an asylum seeker is arrested, here.
Here is the brief story at theDaily Mail: Meanwhile ‘Mama Merkel’ says the migrant crisis in Europe is everyone’s responsibility. After she put out the German welcome mat, didn’t she see that hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners would head for Germany (and must cross other countries that don’t want to be colonized to get to Germany)? Vast numbers of them are so-called “economic migrants” and not legitimate asylum seekers.
Police are investigating whether an asylum seeker living in Germany fought for Islamic State, it has been reported.
The Syrian man, who lives in a shelter in the north-east region of Brandenburg, allegedly told other refugees he had been a member of ISIS.
German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, reported that the man was filmed boasting about his blood-thirsty past.
Investigators are now trying to determine whether the Syrian was a member of ISIS, the newspaper reported.
Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office said the suspect was filmed by other refugees boasting about having killed for the terrorist group.
The Guardianreported overnightthat European leaders will gather on Wednesday to try to figure out what the h*** they are going to do about the invasion. (not their words!)
See our extensive archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ going back years, here. Even casual observers have seen this crisis building for a long time and the chickens in the EU leadership did nothing to get in front of it.
Our archive on Germany is here. Previous posts on Merkel arehere.
‘Invasion of Europe’ news….. A group of Pakistani, Iranian and Afghan migrants brawled, each shouting the name of their country. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3199084/Yet-boatloads-Syrians-land-Kos-screening-centre-opens-cruise-liner-experts-say-250-000-arrived-Europe-far-year.html#ixzz3iyExYhWG Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
You’ve probably seen or heard it somewhere in the news recently that the Greek government has sent a huge cruise ship to house refugees arriving by the thousands on the island of Kos.
Seems the Greeks are going to help the Syrians first, so all of the other Middle Eastern young men are fighting each other.
Fighting broke out between a group of Asian migrants on the Greek island of Kos today.
Riot police did nothing as 50 asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran threw rocks and exchanged blows near a passenger ship where hundreds of migrants were being registered.
Hundreds of Asian migrants were stood near the police station when the brawl broke out, possibly because they have little chance of being processed on the Eleftherios Venizelos.
The Greek authorities are giving priority to Syrians. They are treated as refugees because they are fleeing their country’s bitter civil war and therefore have greater rights under international law than economic migrants.
Over 250,000 ‘asylum seekers’ have arrived in Europe this year.
Go to the Daily Mail for more and to see all of the photos.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
Why the next seven weeks? Because fiscal year 2015 ends on September 30th and the settlers in the US State Department and in their contracting agencieswant to hit the Obama target of 70,000 for the year and they have (as of July 31), 18,470 more to go!
Actually that 70,000 figure that Obama announced in his Presidential Determination Letter to Congresslast September is meant to be a ceiling, not a goal that they necessarily have to hit. However, since the contractors are paid by the head and they have salaries and office overhead to pay, they always try to shoot for the highest number they can haul in as possible. “Jessica Thomasson, the CEO of Lutheran Social Services, says the projections the next couple months are 10 to 20 percent higher than usual in North Dakota. The whole year is about 10 percent higher.”
Here is the news from WDAY-6 News (hat tip: Deb). You will see that the school system is sweating it! I know from my own experience that the local health department will also have to work overtime to get all the kids ready for school — our poor kids and the new poor kids coming in! Anyone out there forming a ‘Pocket of Resistance’ in North Dakota? I’m guessing that ND is getting more than usual because there is no resistance to colonization there while some other locations are seeing citizen pushback.
Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) – Local aid organizations and schools say they’re going to be very busy the next couple of months. More refugees than usual are expected to be coming.
As of July, 215 refugees had been resettled in Fargo-West Fargo and Jamestown, 21 in Moorhead and 64 in Grand Forks.
By September 30th, Fargo and West Fargo could increase to 350 new residents and the number in Grand Forks could be bumped to 100.
Jessica Thomasson/CEO, Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, “In an ideal world, it would be spread evenly over the 12 months of that year, but we know that in a lot of years you’ll have ups and downs.”
Jessica Thomasson, the CEO of Lutheran Social Services, says the projections the next couple months are 10 to 20 percent higher than usual in North Dakota. The whole year is about 10 percent higher. She says their organization usually gets about two weeks notice of new arrivals during which they have to set up housing, furnishing and other things to prepare for a new life in a new place.
Overall, the U.S. plans to resettle 7,500 refugees this month and over 10,000 in September to meet it’s commitment of 70,000 for this fiscal year.Most of the arrivals here in metro will be Bhutanese, Somali, Iraqi and Congolese. About 75 percent have family connections here.
By the way, this last bit is what I was telling you about when I wrote about Lancaster, PA the other day. Once you have been targeted as a resettlement site and the refugees are coming, there is no stopping the importation of the family members!
How many have you gotten in your state so far this fiscal year? Go hereand check out data on arrival by nationality and state. As of July 31, they are at 51,530 for the year so far.
See all of our previous posts on problems with refugees in North Dakota by clicking here. They were supposed to get Syrians this year, wonder what happened to them?
The caption under this photo at the Daily Mail reads: The lengthy queues reflect the huge influx of migrants coming into the country which is seen to have a ‘soft’ immigration system. From what the media tells us every day, Syria is one of the most (if not the most) dangerous places in the world.
So, it begs the question: are these really legitimate refugees or economic migrants that are flooding into Germany and welcomed by the German government (but obviously not by the people)? Really? They find the “violence” in Germany is worse than ISIS-perpetuated violence in Syria or Iraq?
What does any western government think is going to happen when you push the indigenous population too far?
I have a half a dozen things I could be posting on Germany today, but no time to do it all justice. The issue of refugees is exploding world wide and I feel pulled in many many directions trying to get the news to you.
So, here is one piece on Germany that you should see today. Again, I am amazed that the invasion of Germany does not make American TV news anywhere that I’ve seen. How about you? Have you seen any coverage other than an occasional big city newspaper report? Why the silence?
From the Daily Mail (emphasis is mine):
Refugees from war-torn Syria claim racism in Germany has become so extreme they want to go home as a growing anti-Muslim movement sees soaring attacks on foreigners.
The nation has been gripped by a spate of anti-foreigners rallies, violence and arson attacks against refugee homes or would-be shelters as hundreds of thousands seek refuge in the country.
This year has already seen about 200 arson and other attacks against refugee housing while support for anti-Muslim movement, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), has been growing.
The growing tensions between citizens and refugees mean some asylum seekers are so scared of attacks they are considering going home.
Taher arrived in Germany a month ago, risking his life to fleeing the atrocities of war-torn Syria and making the long, difficult journey across the Mediterranean.
But in a shocking admission, the 27-year-old said he had already been attacked by a gang, who piled out of a car and hit him, and has had enough of the xenophobia he has experienced in Germany.
‘I want to return to Syria – very afraid here,’ he said in broken English this week, speaking outside a refugee centre in the small eastern town of Freital, which has gained national notoriety for ugly protests against asylum seekers.
Visit the Daily Mail for more with lots of photos.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news isarchived here. We have also covered Germany extensively for some time, click here for more on Germany.
And, for all who are wondering why I haven’t reported on the rioting at Calais this week, I just haven’t had time. So sorry because I know it is important news too. Update! LOL! Looks like I’ve been a bad girl according the politically correct ruling class. I shouldn’t say “invasion,” “economic migrant,” or even “migrant” says the WaPo, here. I haven’t used the word “swarm” as David Cameron did recently to describe what was happening at Calais, but I’ll remember that for the future.
In Denmark, beach goers say they are harassed by Syrian refugees.
Maybe we should be referring to the countries in Europe where the citizens have had it with the invasion by African and Middle Eastern so-called asylum seekers as ‘pockets of resistance’ as well! For new readers, see our US ‘pockets of resistance’ category here.
One of the things that interests me about all the invasion news coming out of Europe is that rarely does the US media discuss how Europe is literally being overrun by migrants.
Have you even seen much news on Fox about this? The NYT, I see has a brief AP story about the backlash going on in Germany earlier this week, but most American media says not a word about it. In Denmark we have a couple of stories that demonstrate the anger of the average Danish citizen. Here we learn that girls at a beach are harassed by Syrian refugees:
Denmark: Syrian refugees harassing girls: “They follow after us, when we go home. It’s really scary.”
Thenhere is another story (hat tip: Maggie) about a homeless senior citizen who says she lost her apartment to refugees.
Meanwhile the Danish government is trying to stop the invaders entering Denmark with an advertisement campaign.
Not endearing themselves to Danes!
The human rights industrial complex is howling!
From The Local:
“Integration Minister Inger Støjberg has come under considerable criticism from following her announcement last week that the Venstre government plans to run anti-refugee ads in foreign newspapers.
The minister said on Thursday that she is prepared to run advertisements in foreign newspapers that will contain information aimed at deterring refugees from coming to Denmark.
The announcement was made shortly after Jyllands-Posten revealed the contents of a document that human smugglers use to help asylum seekers compare the different levels of benefits in Europe.”
See the news hereabout the report smugglers are using to tell migrants which countries have the best welfare goodies!
See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here. See our many posts on Denmark byclicking here.