Portland, OR “Kenyan” threatens to blow-up convenience store in the name of Allah

This guy is about as Kenyan as I am.  Sure, looks like a Somali who probably arrived here as a refugee from one of the big UN camps in Kenya.  Note that he arrived here as a very young child, but our “welcoming” generosity apparently had no effect on him (remember Ian Tuttle in his NRO article (posted earlier today) pointed out that the ‘next generation’ in America may be worse than their parents in terms of radicalization.)  Mosque influence right here in America?  Or, just plain old thug genes?

From Oregon Live:

A 19-year-old is accused of threatening workers repeatedly at a Northeast Portland deli when he wasn’t able to buy a single cigarette, saying he would blow up the store “in the name of Allah,” court records say.

Time to send Abdalah Mohamed back to Africa?

Abdalah Mohamed also is accused of making disparaging remarks about Jews and Israel in July, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

Mohamed was arraigned Monday afternoon on two counts of second-degree intimidation. He entered not guilty pleas to each count.

He was booked into the downtown Portland jail on the warrant Friday.

Court records indicate he’s lived in Northeast Portland for about six years and is originally from Kenya.


That’s when Mohamed started shouting threats laced with profanity and demeaning comments about Jews and Israel, Freud wrote.

According to the affidavit, Mohamed screamed, “I will blow up your store” and “I’m going to send my guys to shoot up your store.” Mohamed also referred to the owner as a “Jew” and an “Israeli.”

“You Israeli … I’ll blow up your store in the name of Allah!” Mohamed is accused of yelling, Freud wrote in the affidavit. “We take care of people like you.”

Mohamed left the store, continuing to yell at Rafai and spit on the ground toward Rafai, the affidavit said. While police were investigating and interviewing witnesses at the deli, Mohamed is accused of calling the store and leaving another derogatory message, the affidavit said.


According to court records, Mohamed came to the United States in 2000.

What?  Not enough basketball to keep them busy. First it was Christmas trees they wanted to blow up, now it’s convenience stores! (Portland also happens to be the home of the now imprisoned Somali Christmas Tree bomber.)

So who is responsible for the refugees in Portland?  Go here for a handy list of contractors bringing refugees to your cities.

CWS (Church World Service)
OR-CWS-01: SOAR/Ecumenical Ministries Of Oregon
Address: 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 134
Portland, OR 97213
Phone: 503-284-3002

LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service)
OR-LIRS-01: Lutheran Community Services Northwest
Address: 605 Southeast 39th Avenue
Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 503-233-0042 ext 516

USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)
OR-USCCB-01: Catholic Charities
Address: 2740 Se Powell Blvd. #8 3rd Floor
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: (503) 688-2680


Plea deal in Maine arson case; poor Somali language translation dooms prosecution

This is an update of our post earlier this month, here, about the then 12-year old admitted arsonist in Lewiston, Maine (the Somali capital of New England!).

Lewiston, Maine May 4, 2013: Displaced residents of Bartlett St. fire. When ‘Welcoming America’ promotes those economic studies about how refugees bring economic benefits to communities, do they factor in the cost of criminal activity? Photo: http://www.pressherald.com/2013/05/04/lewiston-hit-with-another-large-fire/

From WMTW.TV (notice no mention here of the word “Somali” in the text).  Hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’

LEWISTON, Maine —The last of the criminal cases involving a string of arsons in Lewiston nearly two years ago has been resolved.

On Monday, a 14-year-old Lewiston boy was convicted of one count of aggravated criminal mischief, a felony, in connection with the May 3, 2013, fire that destroyed several apartment buildings in downtown Lewiston that displaced dozens of people.

As part of the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to drop four counts of arson against the boy, who was 12 at the time of his arrest.

The boy will be sent to a juvenile detention facility for an undetermined amount of time, up to the age of 17.

Prosecutors said because of language issues, they were not confident they would be able to prove their case against the boy.  [“Welcoming” communities, pay attention!  The cost of qualified interpreters falls on local and state government.—ed]

Prosecutors did ask the judge to levy a penalty of $58,000 on the Somali family, but the judge dismissed that crazy idea saying where the heck would they ever get that much money (not exactly in those words!).

Another article at Insurance News Net gives us a much more thorough review of the case and makes the following point.  Keep in mind that Abdi Ibrahim will be out of the juvenile facility in 3 short years!

Charges against Ibrahim stem from fires that burned four apartment buildings and a garage on Bartlett and Pierce streets in Lewiston on May 3, 2013. According to a forensic psychology report, Ibrahim is considered a moderate arson risk to the community in the future. That same report concluded the teen presents a higher behavioral and social risk because of a history of poor social skills and chronic behavior problems in multiple settings, including assaulting others and running away, according to court records.

That reference to assaulting people and running away reminded me of this story we reported from Lewiston, Maine in December 2009 where ‘youths’ were doing just that, was little Abdi Ibrahim among them?

By the way, some of you have asked where is the father?  He lives in Lewiston too!  I bet he has another wife tucked away!  From a 2013 story at the Bangor Daily News:

Ibrahim lives with his mother, Marian Ibrahim, according to court papers. His father, Yussef Abdi, lives at a separate address in Lewiston.

 For our VERY extensive archive on Lewiston, click here.

Miscellaneous news from Europe (before and after French massacre)

Invasion of Europe news…

Marine Le Pen, the French bogeyman? The increasingly unhinged Glenn Beck was trashing her this past week. http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/01/08/their-interests-are-aligned-glenn-reveals-how-radicals-on-all-sides-are-exploiting-terror-attack/

Czech Politician Urges People To Walk Their ‘Dogs And Pigs Near To Mosques’

Poor Bulgaria! Under EU immigration policy if ‘asylum seekers’ enter the EU through a given country, they must be returned to that country for processing. The big western European countries are only too happy to send them back to Bulgaria:

Thousands of asylum seekers to be returned to Bulgaria

Fear of the rise of the Right Wing evident everywhere in Europe now:

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks

No new mosques will be built in his Italian town says mayor:

New mosque ban in Padua after Paris attacks

Some vindication for German PEGIDA:

German groups say Paris attack shows Islamist threat

Do they get it now in Europe:

Europe Is Under Siege

A million people are expected to march for “unity” in Paris tomorrow; presence of world leaders requires a huge security operation:

Security boost before Paris march

Editor: Too many stories, not enough time. Do you have some links to add to our list of ‘Invasion of Europe’ stories from this past week? If so, send them along and I’ll add them here.

Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.

Cultural diversity enriching you Texas hicks. Does that include Amarillo taxpayers as well?

Amarillo”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.”

The YMCA in Amarillo hosts Somalis celebrating EID. Photo: http://amarillo.com/lifestyle/faith/2012-10-26/muslims-mark-eid-al-adha

We had just been reporting that Amarillo has deep problems with too many refugees to assimilate and educate and feed and house, and now here comes the news about how rewarding all of that is to the taxpayers of Texas.  You cowboys, hicks, rednecks or whatever the Left calls you are getting cultural diversity as a reward, and apparently some of you are lapping it up!

Didn’t one of our readers recently report that Texas is standing up against the feds and demanding State’s Rights be respected? No it isn’t, or we wouldn’t have stories like the one we reported just the other day written by a woman involved at Catholic Charities in bringing refugees to Amarillo who says that too many refugees strain the educational system of the city (she also admits that meatpackers have driven the resettlement!).

The US State Department ignored her concerns and sent hundreds there anyway!

Don’t you get it!  They are working to turn red states blue and more importantly they are working to plant Islam deep into your neighborhoods.

No, apparently, Texans don’t get it (or not enough of them anyway)!

From AP  (hat tip: Robin):

Despite its reputation for anti-immigrant politicians, Texas has led the nation in refugee resettlements for the last four years and continues to attract others who move here on their own, due in large part to a strong economy. Most are settled in large cities, but immigrant populations are also thriving in more remote areas like Amarillo, where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.

Judge Rowdy Rhoades: We welcome more mosques because the big meatpackers need the refugee laborers. (He didn’t exactly say that, but he may as well have!) Photo at an old story about over-crowded jails in Moore County. http://amarillo.com/stories/100208/new_news3.shtml

“We’ve just adapted,” Moore County Judge Rowdy Rhoades said. His county, just north of Amarillo, will soon have a third mosque to serve the population of Somalis and people from Myanmar who work at a nearby meat processing plant. “They’re just here to provide for their family, like anyone.”

The U.S. State Department oversees the resettlement program, which annually places tens of thousands of people who have fled their countries in about 190 communities. In a year span that ended in September, Texas became the new home for about 7,200 refugees from more than two dozen countries, the majority from Iraq and Myanmar. Houston led the state with nearly 2,000 resettlements, followed by Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.

Texas’ smaller cities have been accommodating the rest — including Amarillo, Abilene and Midland. In 2010 alone, Amarillo received 730 refugees, about the same as San Antonio and Austin.

Yet, the constant flow of refugees — hovering in the 400 to 500-person range in each of the last four years — has some of Amarillo’s leaders worried that the city’s resources are being overwhelmed. [Yet a few paragraphs earlier, the reporter says refugees are “thriving,” but I guess the taxpayers aren’t!—ed] Among the biggest concerns are getting students up to speed in schools and addressing the language barrier. Dozens of languages are now spoken in Amarillo, Mayor Paul Harpole said, and 911 calls have sometimes taken nearly 10 minutes.

Resettlement agencies have responded, deciding that refugees would only be placed in Amarillo if they have family ties.

There is more, read it all.

That last line is part of the scam!

Once your city is deemed “welcoming” and the feds (with their contractors***) drop off the “seed community” (their words!), then how can you possibly say no to the extended family without looking like uncaring boobs.  You can just imagine how the immigrant community will grow when “only” those with “family ties” move in!  And, by the way, the contractor is still paid by the head to bring in the family.

Our archive on over-loaded Amarillo is here.

*** Federal refugee resettlement contractors:

Sweden: Number of ‘unaccompanied minors’ soaring, small towns can’t handle it.

More on the ‘Invasion of Europe’.

The parasitic bird out-competes the host bird’s young. http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8645000/8645158.stm

Do you know about “brood parasites” in nature—you know, like the clever Cuckoo bird that lays its eggs in another bird’s nest, so that the unsuspecting host bird feeds and cares for the Cuckoo’s young often resulting in death to the host’s own offspring! That is what I think of every time I hear one more story about the  “unaccompanied children” flocking to the US, or in this case to Sweden.

Aren’t we just like the animals after all?   (I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth among my Leftwing critics!)

I know we have posted a lot on Sweden in recent weeks and days (click here for our complete archive), but it’s important because we can use Sweden as our ‘canary in a coal mine’ (oh geez, an ornithological analogy again!).  The country is small and the huge number of migrants they are permitting to live there will bring them to the brink sooner than larger western countries, so we can all watch and learn from what happens to Sweden.

It is not just the US that has ‘unaccompanied minors’ (the “children”) arriving en masse.  Here is a report about one unhappy community—Östra Göinge—in southern Sweden.

We reported on this Swedish policy here in 2013, when one of the “kids” murdered another of the “children” at a residential facility, not in Östra Göinge, but in another town.

From The Local (emphasis mine):

Around 7,000 unaccompanied refugee children arrived in Sweden in 2014, twice as many as the year before. And some parts of the country aren’t coping, according to reports.

A total of 81,300 people found refuge in Sweden in 2014, a jump of almost 50 percent from the 54,300 in 2013.

Among the refugees, 7,000 were children arriving without their families – almost double the figure from the previous year.

A law change that came into effect last January means that the unaccompanied minors can be sent to any municipality in the country, regardless of whether the municipalities want them or not.

Some consider the influx to be problematic, including Patric Åberg of the city council in southern Sweden’s Östra Göinge.

“We have taken in unaccompanied minors since 2011, but the problem is that the municipalities taking in many of them have to take in even more – and we think it’s devastating,” he told the TT news agency.

He says that his municipality simply doesn’t have the room to house so many children, and that other parts of Sweden should step up and take their share.

The municipality has requested an official court inquest into the matter.

“We think there is a gap here and that we can get around it. We want the system to be changed at a fundamental level,” he added.

There is a bit more about “flocking” at The Local.

See our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ here (mostly about the “children” arriving in the US, but they are seeing it in Italy too!).