Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister

Shortly after President Trump announced his travel ban, you will remember that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the world in a tweet that they would be welcome in Canada.


trudeau tweet


Well, Canada’s welcome is wearing thin and here is one more story, this time in the Wall Street Journal telling us that the public opinion tide has turned on Trudeau.

Although the article (hat tip: Cathy) is focused on the asylum seekers coming across their border with the US, I am sure that the 52,000+ Syrian refugees they admitted in less than three years had already strained Canada’s ability to provide shelter and welfare for that many needy people.

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Media "fact checks" Senator who said more than half of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force

Don’t you just love it when the Left leaning media pounces on a number given by a Senator they obviously despise, does a “fact check,” proclaims him “wrong” in a headline and proceeds then to reveal some facts to show that he was pretty darn close when he said 56% of Australian Muslims are not in the labor force.
Here is the story at ABC News Australia with some very interesting facts about the pathetic numbers of Muslims working in that country.  Conclusion: Muslim women (home cranking out babies) are dragging their numbers down!
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Canada: Conflicts revealed between Indigenous people and refugees

Diversity is strength alert!
Trudeau diversity heart
This isn’t supposed to be happening in welcoming Canada!
Aren’t we led to believe that poor and oppressed minority people feel for each other, that there couldn’t possibly be racism when neither side is white European?

“It’s further colonization,” Wirch said of refugee resettlement. “We [Indigenous people] are further being displaced from our lands, from our food, from our waters. And it’s wrong.”

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Maine: Somali refugees charged with welfare fraud

What else is new!  The only thing new is the change in location from Minnesota to Maine and this time it is medicaid fraud and not daycare fraud.
This news is from the Somali capital of Maine—Lewiston—and from earlier this month.
Tip of the iceberg?
From the Sun Journal (hat tip Frank):

PORTLAND — Two men from the Twin Cities charged with welfare fraud appeared in federal court Monday seeking release from jail.

Lewiston like Somalia
No mugshots of Ahmed and Osman that I could find, but figured this older photo would suffice to illustrate the story!

At an afternoon hearing, U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge John Rich III ordered Abdirashid Ahmed, 38, of Lewiston released on $5,000 bond after seizing his passport.

Rich said Ahmed would be equipped with an electronic monitoring device to ensure he does not leave Androscoggin County.

Ahmed was kept Monday night in federal custody at Cumberland County Jail. He was expected to be escorted Tuesday morning to Lewiston and released into the custody of the U.S. Probation Office. He must get permission from that office if he were to seek to leave Androscoggin County in the future, Rich said.

Continue reading “Maine: Somali refugees charged with welfare fraud”