Minnesota: Attorneys for Somali refugees arrested on terrorism charges say ISIS not a terror group

…..they say that ISIL (ISIS) is a functioning government.
This story is a few days old (trying to catch up quickly this morning on lots of news).

Somali terror
Four of seven Somali ‘youths:’ “In April, six of the seven defendants in the case were arrested by FBI agents following a 10-month investigation. No trial date has been set. A hearing on motions is scheduled Sept. 2 in front of U.S. District Judge Michael Davis.”

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

In one of several motions filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, the attorneys argued that despite its reputation for brutality, ISIL carries many characteristics of a government that tends to day-to-day business and that therefore criminal charges against the defendants are too broad.

“While the group has adopted harshly violent and repressive tactics, and engages in military and insurgency attacks against the Syrian and Iraqi armies, it has also embarked on a systematic process of civilian governance over the eight to 10 million people with the territory it controls,” attorneys said.

Continue reading the argument, then check out this motion.  Large amounts of security will taint the jury pool say lawyers for the ‘youths.’

Other motions included a request to dial back a heavy security presence at the trial because the attorneys said it could negatively influence a jury. Current hearings have a large contingent of police and Homeland Security officers, and at least one bomb-sniffing dog.

“If allowed, this extraordinary display of security would be present from the moment jurors arrive at the courthouse until after they leave, serving as a constant reminder, not just of the fact that Defendants are accused of a crime, but of the fact that they are accused of a crime related to terrorism,” the motion stated. “ … The security appears not to be designed to protect against potential danger posed by the accused but, rather, perceived danger from members of the Somali community who are not accused of any crime.”

We have been writing since 2008 about ‘Somali youths’ (media never refers to them as ‘Somali refugees!’) leaving (or wanting to leave the good life you paid for) and returning either to Africa to get jihad training from Al-Shabaab or now to go to Syria/Iraq and join ISIS.
Someone should figure out how much all of these refugee trials and incarcerations are costing the US taxpayer.  Local and state courts should bill the US State Department!  We have 1,840 posts in our ‘crimes’ category, of course some are abroad, but you can be sure a big chunk of those crime reports are from the US.

Somali 'refugees' want Swedish citizenship so as to travel back and forth to Somalia!

Invasion of Europe news….

This story from Sweden highlights a question we have too?

Swedish Somalis
Demonstrating what a sham the refugee program is throughout the world! Somalis want to travel back and forth between Sweden and Somalia.  So how persecuted were they in the first place?

If Somalis are so fearful of persecution in Somalia that they expect refugee status in first world countries, why are they traveling back there (to their supposedly dangerous homeland) for business and pleasure?
Heck, Somalis in America are doing it too!  We have a Somali woman in Minnesota running for the presidency of Somalia, and we have the UN sending Somalis out of UN camps and back home to Somalia, so why should any western country need to take in one more Somali to partake of welfare generosity in places like Sweden and the US?
Here is the news from Speisa.com where we learn that Sweden has at least 50,000 Somalis living in the country (hat tip: Joanne):

Mohamed Husein came to Sweden from Somalia in 2009, along with his wife who claimed she was attacked by terrorists in their homeland.

Mohamed is now unhappy that he can not fill in an application for Swedish citizenship yet. He is eager to able to travel back to the country he claims to have fled, where his life supposedly is in danger – to visit his mother and establish business contacts.

– I can not travel outside the EU and I can not visit my mother in Somalia, says Mohamed.

He explains that with a Swedish citizenship, he would be able to develop an export and import company.


To most readers the obvious obvious question should be – why should Mohamed be given Swedish citizenship in two years if he believes that he can travel back to Somalia now?

And Mohamed is not unique. Approximately 9 out of 10 who are granted asylum in Sweden do not meet the conventional criteria to be classified as refugees.

Many regularly travel back to the country they claim to have fled.

Last year about 1000 Somalis were stranded in Mogadishu, after their tour operator, Fly Olympic, suddenly went bankrupt when they were on holiday in Somalia, from Sweden.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.  And, if you want to learn more about how Sweden (the welfare state) is killing itself, go here for our extensive archive on Sweden.

Related!  Just in, Swedish asylum seekers from Eritrea arrested in fatal (apparently random) stabbing of mother and son in store.

Pope calls rejection of migrants "an act of war"

Invasion of Europe news….

Pope Francis has been chastising Europe for years now for not welcoming the hordes of migrants arriving on European shores and across its eastern borders.  There is nothing new here.   Apparently he must have gone to Lampedusa again.
I wonder how many migrants have been ‘welcomed’ to live at Vatican City? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is quoted as saying: “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living,” which brought howls of criticism from members of the ‘human rights industrial complex.’

From the UK Independent:

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.Pope Francis has called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war”.

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.

No surprise, the Independent goes on to criticize David Cameron quoting the Mayor of Calais calling Cameron a racist and then says this (below).  Frankly, at the moment the UK is holding firm and trying to save itself from the invasion that is washing across southern Europe and into Germany and most of the rest of Europe.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond caused further controversy on Sunday when he told the BBC he believed “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living”. Amnesty International condemned the remarks saying they were “mean spirited” and “shameful”.

For more in the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW, go here.

Comment worth noting: What explains the stupidity of 'leaders' allowing their countries to be overrun?

Editor:  This is another good comment from ‘7delta.’  The comment is in response to ‘Misterpaul’ (a thoughtful and concerned Brit) at our post on Fargo, ND, here.

tear down the fences
The Calais standoff has gone on for years, here is one story from 2013: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2444747/Syrians-desperate-reach-Britain-flocking-Calais-threatening-kill-unless-allowed-in.html

For additional background, you might also want to see our post last week on the crisis at Calais, here.   And, this story about far-left anarchists helping to coordinate the migrant crisis there.
However, this isn’t just a message about Europe, it is a message to America.

Below is ‘7delta’ explaining what we all know is happening, but few dare to say (emphasis is mine):

I don’t think ISIS is worried about the loss of their youth from the Middle East. The value they place on their next generation is decidedly different than the West’s. Their goal is a worldwide caliphate, not doctors, lawyers, farmers, engineers or developing cures for cancer. The average jihadist is young and male. The average refugee is a 25-year-old male.

The average Globalist is old, white and psychopathic. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and actually believe they’ll rule the world. They need chaos. When blood runs in the streets, they think they’ll swoop in to “save us” from the mess they made and you and I will beg them to do it. Of course, every part and parcel of your history (and mine), upon which your freedoms were won, will belong to them. They’ll dole out what they think you need to be a proper serf. They believe they will be able to control the demons they’ve unleashed, then will be sitting pretty atop the ruins. It’s not the first time similar plans have been tried and not once, in all man’s history, do more than a handful find (a shaky and constantly under threat) success. The rest of the useful idiots are immediately lined up against a wall or thrown into the belly of a dank prison. Then…all the friends culled from their enemies’ enemies will turn on one another like ducks on a June bug. “Everybody wants to rule the world.”

Cynical, I know, but not much else explains the rank stupidity of political leaders overrunning their own countries with an incompatible belief system, except that it’s useful as a WMD. Divide and conquer.

Britain will regret allowing their firearms to be taken away. This time, the U.S. won’t be able to send any, like during WWII. I hate that. I really do, because you can bet your last penny the invading “youth” will be armed to the teeth. It’s there, for when the time comes.

Don’t waste any more time wondering why!
You know in your heart-of-hearts that all of this is true. Don’t spend one more minute frozen in fear of being labeled a racist or called inhumane, move on and proceed to save the next generation of freedom-loving people.  Build the resistance to those who are out to destroy western civilization and at least go down fighting if we must!
For previous commentary from ‘7delta’ click here.
For new readers:  We have a category we call, Comments worth noting/guest posts, where we transform good comments into posts so that more of you might see them, and where we publish the occasional guest posts from our readers.

Asylum seekers want to go home, say Germany more dangerous than Syria

Invasion of Europe news…..

The caption under this photo at the Daily Mail reads: The lengthy queues reflect the huge influx of migrants coming into the country which is seen to have a ‘soft’ immigration system.

From what the media tells us every day, Syria is one of the most (if not the most) dangerous places in the world.
So, it begs the question: are these really legitimate refugees or economic migrants that are flooding into Germany and welcomed by the German government (but obviously not by the people)?  Really?  They find the “violence” in Germany is worse than ISIS-perpetuated violence in Syria or Iraq?
What does any western government think is going to happen when you push the indigenous population too far?
I have a half a dozen things I could be posting on Germany today, but no time to do it all justice.  The issue of refugees is exploding world wide and I feel pulled in many many directions trying to get the news to you.
So, here is one piece on Germany that you should see today.  Again, I am amazed that the invasion of Germany does not make American TV news anywhere that I’ve seen.  How about you?  Have you seen any coverage other than an occasional big city newspaper report?  Why the silence?
From the Daily Mail (emphasis is mine):

Refugees from war-torn Syria claim racism in Germany has become so extreme they want to go home as a growing anti-Muslim movement sees soaring attacks on foreigners.

The nation has been gripped by a spate of anti-foreigners rallies, violence and arson attacks against refugee homes or would-be shelters as hundreds of thousands seek refuge in the country.

This year has already seen about 200 arson and other attacks against refugee housing while support for anti-Muslim movement, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), has been growing.

The growing tensions between citizens and refugees mean some asylum seekers are so scared of attacks they are considering going home.

Taher arrived in Germany a month ago, risking his life to fleeing the atrocities of war-torn Syria and making the long, difficult journey across the Mediterranean.

But in a shocking admission, the 27-year-old said he had already been attacked by a gang, who piled out of a car and hit him, and has had enough of the xenophobia he has experienced in Germany.

‘I want to return to Syria – very afraid here,’ he said in broken English this week, speaking outside a refugee centre in the small eastern town of Freital, which has gained national notoriety for ugly protests against asylum seekers.

Visit the Daily Mail for more with lots of photos.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.  We have also covered Germany extensively for some time, click here for more on Germany.
And, for all who are wondering why I haven’t reported on the rioting at Calais this week, I just haven’t had time.  So sorry because I know it is important news too.
Update!  LOL! Looks like I’ve been a bad girl according the politically correct ruling class.  I shouldn’t say “invasion,” “economic migrant,” or even “migrant” says the WaPo, here.  I haven’t used the word “swarm” as David Cameron did recently to describe what was happening at Calais, but I’ll remember that for the future.