Merkel's government on brink of COLLAPSE blares headline

Remember the famous line from the Clintonistas: It’s the economy stupid!  No, it is immigration stupid! It is the issue of our lifetime, of the century and beyond.

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Merkel lectured Trump in Canada last month. Sit down Angela!

We’ve been reporting on the trouble for the “world’s most powerful woman” for sometime. It is the trouble she brought on herself by opening Germany’s gates to more than a million invaders three years ago and thus creating a magnet for more illegal aliens who necessarily must travel through other countries to reach Merkel’s nirvana.
Merkel’s folly might now (finally) be due for a reckoning and hopefully will serve as a powerful lesson to all political leaders who have a hankering to invite the masses in to a first world country. Invite them and they will come.
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More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city

It has been quiet for awhile—months I believe—since we’ve heard of another shipment of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers to America in that dumb deal Obama made and Trump is continuing.

Manus island detainees
Some of these men are your new neighbors!

Unlike feckless European leaders, Australia’s government at the time, rightly and successfully, blocked the arrival of migrant boats about five years ago and apprehended those trying to break in to the country.  They were packed off to offshore island detention centers and efforts were made to get them to return to where they came from.
Most didn’t, and Obama rode to the rescue and said, sure, send these ‘refugees’ to America. 
(Readers, this is a completely unorthodox and possibly illegal use of the Refugee Admissions Program.)
None had arrived yet when Donald Trump first set foot in the White House, so he could have (should have!) stopped the airlift before it began.  He didn’t and they are coming to a town near you—mostly Muslims, mostly men, from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burmese Rohingya.
New batch is on the way…
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Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?

fake eyebrows
While the media is busy with the run-up to the show in Singapore, and prior to that the G7 in Canada that saw social media in a flutter over the failure of Justin’s fake eyebrow that came unglued in a presser attacking Trump (yes, apparently the prime minister of Canada augments his eyebrows with bushy black fake ones!), some monumental shift may have occurred in Europe in one week….
Is there still hope to stop the Invasion of Europe?
Here is what I see.
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Facebook on the hunt to remove nationalist Burmese patriot monks from their platform

Burma is a Buddhist country and the Buddhists want to keep it that way.
That is the long and short of the battle between nationalist patriot monks and the Rohingya Muslim minority that has been increasingly aggressive in pushing for what they see as their rights.

monks in Burma
Angry monks fighting for their country and their religion!

Of course, the global Left is on the side of the Rohingya and therefore so is Facebook!
I’ve been following the Rohingya controversy for over ten years and the Rohingya are far from being pure as the driven snow having instigated many of the violent conflicts between the government and themselves which has played out in rural villages, but you would never know that to hear the mainstream media spine.
So now we learn that Facebook is hunting for monks on their platform in order to silence them and keep them from going around the biased media with their side of the story.

Burma (aka Myanmar) is far away. Why should Americans care?

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Trump's Iftar dinner was a really dumb idea

Wouldn’t you love to know who in the White House was responsible for Trump putting on a dinner for Muslims during Ramadan after he had already “broken the tradition” by not holding one last year?
It just became another opportunity for the “Muslim community” to protest Trump’s immigration slowdown. They say its his rhetoric, but his immigration policies are the real threat to them.

Hendi and Obama
Of course Yahya Hendi loved Barack Hussein Obama!

Normally I wouldn’t be writing about this except for the fact that the name Yahya Hendi jumped out from a news story at CNN in the lead-up to the dinner.
Who is that you ask?
He is a Muslim chaplain at Georgetown University and was previously the Imam for the mosque in the next county east of where I live.
And, it was a Washington Times article in the summer of 2007 about his trip to Saudi Arabia that was part of my education when I first began writing RRW.

In 2007, Hendi told a Saudi audience that by the year 2015, there would be 30 Muslim mayors of American cities.

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