Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!

I’ve told you before that I turn on CNN every morning so I get a feel for where the Left is going every day and today I said uh-oh, here we go on the Burmese Rohingya again. CNN featured a longer piece on the “plight” of Rohingya Muslims in Burma (a Buddhist country).

No fear! Buddhist monks protest Rohingya Muslims in Burma (aka Myanmar)

I couldn’t possibly rehash the decade long controversy (the decade I chronicled in my Rohingya Reports category where 220 posts are archived), but I want you to know why this matters to you and that is that we are admitting Rohingya refugees to live in towns near you—14,882 in the last decade—including over 1,000 since Trump became President (So much for a so-called “Muslim ban!”)
Before I get to the numbers breakdown over the last ten years….
…here is a bare bones story about stepped-up UN (with the US!) efforts to smackdown the Buddhist government of Myanmar.
Continue reading “Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!”

Gatestone: Fearless Swedish Somali woman speaks, and you should listen!

Especially so-called feminist women should listen!
Do not miss this interview of former refugee Mona Walter by Natalia Osten-Sacken at Gatestone Institute.

Mona Walter
Mona Walter, the Swedish Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I’ve snipped just a bit of the interview, but the entire discussion is riveting.  See what she says about the moral equivalency the Pope has been promoting!
Continue reading “Gatestone: Fearless Swedish Somali woman speaks, and you should listen!”

Zogby: They are ready! "Muslim blue wave" going to the voting booth for Muslim candidates

This article at Financial Review reminded me of the story I first wrote in 2007 about a Frederick, MD Imam going to Saudi Arabia and reporting to the Saudis that they were ready then to elect 30 Muslim mayors by 2015.  It didn’t happen of course.

yayha hendi
Imam Yahya Hendi and the man

This is what Imam Yahya Hendi said, as reported in a front page story at the Washington Times, in August 2007:

“There are serious efforts being made among the second and third generation to become part of the political establishment. The challenge we face is in the media and from some Christian extremists who don’t want an Islamic presence in America.”


Mr. Hendi said U.S. Muslims were working on “nationalizing” Islam as part of the fabric of U.S. society, including cutting funding links to Muslim countries.


“Last year, we elected the first Muslim to Congress, and I expect that by 2015, there will be three or four, as well as at least 30 mayors,” he said, adding that the number of Muslim lawyers in the United States has multiplied since September 11.

I wrapped up that post (the story and post got virtually NO attention at the time) with this:

Can you imagine if some Catholic or Jewish leader was telling a foreign nation that they were working toward 30 (any number) Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic mayors, all hell would break loose in the mainstream media!

The Financial Review doesn’t stop to consider that thought from a decade ago either. It is all go, go, go for the Muslim blue wave!
And, they say it is Donald Trump who is the great motivator.
Numbers, numbers, numbers!
The reality is that the demographic change (the Hijra!) is happening, and, as we admit more and more immigrants from Muslim countries, the push for “their values” will only get stronger.

American Muslims launch political campaigns in protest against Donald Trump

Fayaz Nawabi has never met President Donald Trump. But he credits the president with convincing him to run for office.

Fayaz Nawabi

Nawabi, a 31-year-old candidate for San Diego City Council, supports almost everything that Trump opposes: he is pro-affordable housing, pro-environment, pro-immigrant and pro-refugee. That makes him part of the blue wave of new liberal candidates spurred to run by Trump’s election and policies.

But Nawabi is also part of a notable subset: the Muslim blue wave.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been under-represented in American politics.

There are more than 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States, but Muslim Americans hold just two of the 535 seats in Congress. And the Muslim community’s voter participation pales in comparison to the general public’s.

Growth in Muslim immigrant population that votes for Democrats….

The Financial Review continues….

zogby 2
Zogby: They are ready!

The rise of Muslim candidates coincides with the growth of the predominantly immigrant population and a partisan shift that has played out over a generation.

In a 2001 Zogby poll of American Muslims, 42 per cent said they voted for Republican George W. Bush in the previous year’s presidential election, while 31 per cent said they voted for Democrat Al Gore. By last year, just 8 per cent of voting American Muslims in a Pew poll said they voted for Trump, while 78 per cent said they voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton.


Now, Muslim candidates are running for a wide range of offices across the country, from local school boards to the US Senate. Some are making their Muslim identity central to their campaigns.

“When you put someone in a corner and they’re in survival mode, they have a tendency to come out and speak more prominently about their beliefs,” said Nawabi, who considers himself an “unapologetic Muslim” who can quote the Koran from memory and moonlights as a “freelance imam”.

In Michigan, where 13 Muslim candidates are running for office, physician Abdul El-Sayed is hoping voters will elect him to be the first Muslim governor in the US and has used his religion in campaign ads against Republican front-runner Bill Schuette, whom Trump has endorsed.

This (above) made me laugh: El-Sayed is using his religion in his ads as if that is hunky-dory.
Egregious double standard!
Can you imagine the media storm if a gubernatorial candidate proudly used his Christian or Jewish religion in his ads! All hell would break loose!

A small number of Muslim and Arab advocacy groups, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Emgage (formerly called Emerge USA), and the Arab American Institute have spent years training young political activists, tracking rising politicians and running get-out-the-vote campaigns, particularly in immigrant communities after the 9/11 terrorist attacks set off an anti-Muslim and anti-Arab backlash.


“They’re ready,” said James Zogby, a long-time Democratic operative and president of the Arab American Institute, who has provided funding and mentorship to several candidates. “Both communities separately have reached a level of maturation.”


Some candidates and political activists say that even if no Muslim candidate wins a seat this year, the blue Muslim wave still will have accomplished something. The American public will grow more accustomed to seeing Muslim candidates, they say, and Muslim youth will see candidates who look like them or share their values.

But, what exactly are their values, that is the question?

And, can you imagine any mainstream publication publishing the line below with a straight face, as the Financial Review has done with the above line:

Christian youth will see candidates who look like them or share their values.

Heads explode!
You can read the whole story here (worth it to learn about the candidates and where they are).

Russian writer at Bloomberg: Hungarians are xenophobic and old

And, according to Leonid Bershidsky writing at Bloomberg, they better get with it because they will demographically die if they don’t admit young Muslim migrant workers.
That is the gist of a too long opinion piece at Bloomberg.  I’ve snipped just a bit of the article entitled:

Hungary Is Winning Its War on Muslim Immigrants


zolton kovacs
Is Hungarian Zoltan Kovacs “xenophobic” or a realistic observer of the present and past!


Orban’s Hungary… fiercely against a certain kind of immigrant.

“We’ve been living next to Islam and with Islam for 500 years and we know it’s not going to integrate,” government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told me in an interview this week. “We treat it as a civilizational problem.”

According to Kovacs, Muslim immigrants create “parallel societies” in the European countries that receive them, and Hungarians want none of that. Indeed — though it may be the result of relentless government propaganda — according to a 2016 Pew Research study, 72 percent of Hungarians have a negative view of Muslims in their country, compared with the EU average of 43 percent.

Sounding exasperated Bloomberg writer Bershidsky opines as he wraps up with this:

The best other European countries can do is demonstrate that Muslim immigrants can be successfully integrated to society’s benefit. It’s a long game, but if it goes well, hard evidence will eventually convince those who don’t understand yet that, unaided, Europe’s aging demographics are unsustainable.

And, my response: what if  Muslim integration doesn’t go well elsewhere in Europe (it doesn’t show promise now!)? It is a big IF!
And, frankly given a choice of dying via an aging proud Hungarian population and dying by becoming a Muslim/Sharia dominant country, I would take the former over the latter.  Wouldn’t you!
Read it all here (if you feel like it!).
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Another Somali arrested in St. Cloud, Minnesota, tells nutty story about bomb plot

However, perhaps more interesting is the lack of mention of the arrested man’s name, a critical omission in the first St. Cloud Times version of the story.
Apparently, only after a local radio station posts his pic and names him, did the politically correct St. Cloud Times bother to report that vital information.
Mayor welcomes Somalis, so why would they want to bomb city hall?
Remember when you read this first account on the 11th, which quotes the great defender of all things Somali, Mayor Kleis, that this office ostensibly targeted for a bomb, is the very office that is silent on anything relating to crimes involving Somalis the office welcomes to St. Cloud with open arms.
The “suspect” (the man) had already been arrested when the St. Cloud Times said this (hat tip: Bob):

Law enforcement has taken a suspect into custody in connection with a bomb threat at St. Cloud City Hall, according to authorities.

mayor Kleis
Mayor Kleis: no threat to the public (?)

Officers responded to city hall at approximately 10 a.m., according to a press release, and conducted a K9 search of the building.

Mayor Dave Kleis said the building was searched after an individual “posted threatening comments and made statements about a bomb in St. Cloud.”


Officers found the suspect on St. Cloud State University’s campus at 110 Atwood Center. The suspect is not enrolled as a student there, according to the release.

Local investigators are working with the FBI, according to Kleis, on the active investigation. The area where the man was found was also searched, according to a press release. No suspicious items were found.

The suspect is being held in the Stearns County Jail in connection with charges of terroristic threats.

However, here we see that KNSI radio reported the arrested ‘man’s’ name and picture.
Listen to the nutty story the man’ is telling investigators.

(KNSI) – A man who says he felt he was being radicalized is accused of making a bomb threat that referenced St. Cloud’s city hall.

Abdalle Ahmed Ege

According to the criminal complaint, Abdalle Ahmed Ege, of St. Cloud, posted on his Facebook page “Im bouta bomb this town” on Wednesday morning.

Police found a duffel bag next to a gas can outside city hall. Investigators say the duffel bag contained Ege’s personal items. Police found no explosives when they searched the building.

According to the complaint, the 25-year-old told police that he was being radicalized and posted the threat on Facebook to get attention from the FBI.

He has been charged with two felony counts of making terroristic threats.

A couple hours later the St. Cloud Times got around to publishing his name and photo, see here.
So we are to believe that Ege wanted to get the FBI’s attention to what?—protect him from being radicalized!  Why not just walk in to a local police station and describe what you think someone is doing to you. This is nuts, or he is nuts (a distinct possibility!).
We don’t know when Ege arrived in the US, but just know that mental illness is not a reason the feds use to screen out prospective refugees to place in your towns and cities.
See my ginormous St. Cloud archive by clicking here.