Will mosques provide sanctuary to illegal aliens? Nah, we changed our minds

This interview at New Hampshire Public Radio popped up in my alerts this morning and it gave me a chuckle so I’m sharing it with you.
The gist of it is that last year Muslims said they would open mosques as sanctuaries (housing!) as part of the sanctuary movement that seeks to hide illegal aliens from the Trump meanies in ICE, but have since changed their minds.

Imam Suleiman

A Dallas area Imam who thought the idea was just peachy here in January 2017 now skillfully steers a reporter away from what I think is the truth (they don’t want a bunch of dirty kafirs, especially women, living in their mosques) to blame it on Trump-generated haters (people like you and me!) who they say might attack their mosques if they did it.
January 2017…..
Imam Omar Suleiman a year ago (Mosques tackling bigotry!):

Mosques for the first time are being being called upon to join a nationwide interfaith “sanctuary” movement for immigrants who may face deportation after President-elect Donald Trump takes office, a prominent Dallas-area imam said Tuesday.

“We really have to stand strong in the face of the bigoted forces that are targeting our communities,” Imam Omar Suleiman, a bilingual professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University, said in a joint announcement with other religious leaders around the nation.

Suleiman said mosques across the nation will be asked this week to join a movement that religious leaders say has doubled to more than 800 mostly Christian congregations since Trump’s election. Among local Christian congregations already vowing to participate are Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Church in Dallas, where about 8 out of 10 adult congregants are foreign-born.

It was unclear exactly how the coalition of congregations plans to shelter or otherwise assist unauthorized immigrants who face the immediate threat of deportation. But the growing number of mosques, churches and temples is working out details on who will give refuge and under what circumstances, the imam said.

Continue with more BS here.
March 2018….
Now here is New Hampshire Public Radio with the Imam this week.  The reporter sounds a little surprised that mosques won’t be housing any mostly Christian illegal aliens after all:
We (says Suleiman) are showing solidarity in other ways…..

Screenshot (1281)_LI
Linda Sarsour blesses Imam Suleiman (picture worth a thousand words!)


Under President Trump, Latino immigrants in the U.S. illegally are under enormous pressure. ICE has dramatically intensified its efforts to detain and deport undocumented persons.

That was a cornerstone of Trump’s campaign platform, and after his election, officials at a mosque in Cincinnati announced they intended to become a sanctuary congregation, ready to shelter asylum seekers or migrants in need — whether Muslim or not.

But just three weeks after the election they backed off that offer of providing shelter within the mosque.  [LOL! I bet some Islamic ‘scholars’ got to them and said—you can’t do that!—ed]

Listen to Suleiman deflect:

“So I think that announcing yourself as a sanctuary has its implications, whether you’re a mosque, a church, a synagogue, or anything,” Imam Omar Suleiman told NPR’s Renee Montagne.

Last year, Suleiman was one of the people calling for mosques to join the sanctuary movement in response to increased deportation. The adversity that the Muslim and Latino communities face is similar, he said.

“I think the tools that have been employed against immigrants are the same tools that have been employed against refugees, which are the same tools that have been employed against the Muslim community as a whole, which is the dehumanization — the ‘otherizing***’ — that allows people to subconsciously accept this idea that we somehow do not deserve the same level of dignity and respect and liberty that everybody else does,” Suleiman says. [Sounds like the right talking points, but he doesn’t answer the question!—ed]

Blame it on Trump and the haters. We can’t do it because the haters would hurt our mosques and the Latinos too!

But there is already a deep anti-Muslim sentiment, he adds, pointing at mosque burnings that have taken place since President Trump was elected. He says Muslims are already under a lot of scrutiny and an additional layer to that could exacerbate something that is already an issue and endanger both the Muslim and the Latino communities.

This is too funny!

“The idea here is that the goal of sanctuary is to provide safety, and if we cannot provide emotional, physical safety, then it would sort of be defeating the purpose,” Suleiman says.

There are other ways to express solidarity (that don’t involve dirty kafirs living in our mosques).  Of course he didn’t say that!
But this excuse will sound good to our inter-faith friends (and to NHPR)! Suleiman:

“You know, there are other ways to express solidarity and support but announcing your particular mosque as a sanctuary could potentially endanger that particular Muslim community and then obviously the immigrants themselves that would seek shelter would be under that intensified scrutiny.”

Go here and listen to the whole interview—a little laugh in the morning is a good thing!
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
*** I am going to assume that since South African blacks are “otherizing” white farmers (see post two days ago), that the good Imam would support moving those white South African Christians to America.

Germany: Palestinian jihadist sentenced to life in prison for deadly knife attack

Invasion of Europe news….
He was a failed asylum seeker who said he understood the Koran and therefore needed to go out and kill Christians.
From AFP via Malay Mail Online:

HAMBURG, March 1 — A Palestinian jihadist who killed one man and wounded six other people in a German supermarket knife rampage last year was sentenced today to life in prison.

What a wonderful asset this wannabe refugee was for Germany. Now German taxpayers get to pay for his life in prison.

Ahmad Alhaw, 27, had admitted to the murder and assaults in the river port city of Hamburg.

In delivering the sentence, the judge noted the “particular severity” of the crime, lowering Alhaw’s chances of obtaining early release on parole.

Prosecutors had said the attack stemmed from a “radical Islamist” motive, charging that the man had hoped “he would die as a martyr”.

His aim was to kill as many German Christians as possible to avenge the suffering of Muslims worldwide, they said.


The defendant entered a supermarket on July 28 last year, snatched a 20-centimetre (eight-inch) knife from the shelves, unwrapped it and fatally stabbed a 50-year-old man.

As panic broke out, he slashed and stabbed at others inside and then outside the shop, shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest), and also wounding a 50-year-old woman and four men.


The Islamist attack was Germany’s first since December 2016 when Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a stolen truck through a Berlin Christmas market in an attack that claimed 12 lives.

The knife rampage led to charges that security services had been too complacent in keeping an eye on Alhaw despite multiple warnings that he was radicalising.

It also fuelled growing xenophobia against Muslim migrants after the mass influx of more than one million asylum seekers since mid-2015.

Witnesses told the court they had seen the failed asylum seeker self-radicalise in the lead-up to the attack.


….Alhaw, who had watched IS propaganda videos online, grew deeply religious and increasingly distrustful of state authorities.

By 2016 he thought that he suddenly understood the Koran completely, rejected all previous temptations, and started looking at all other people as either true believers or non-believers, the psychiatrist said.

More here.
For my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive go here.  My Germany files are here.

In South Dakota, it is about pleasing the Chamber, about low wage workers and fear

….but the fear isn’t about fear for the safety of citizens of South Dakota, it is the fear the Left and Islamic supremacists know how to stir—the fear of being called names or appearing ‘unwelcoming’ that will be the death of the west!

Hohmann asks: Does Morgan Evanson, stabbed in Minneapolis only a few months ago by a still at-large Somali man, feel she was enriched?

And, so they give us gobbledygook about the beauty of cultural diversity and enrichment, about the need for vibrant communities.
Leo Hohmann has penned a follow-up to his story of a few days ago about his eye-opening trip to the American heartland.
(If you missed Hohmann’s first account of his opportunity to testify before the South Dakota Senate, go here first, and then read on below).
I’ll call my post:

Women helping women! Not!

From Leo Hohmann:

Chamber of Commerce praises ‘diversity & cultural enrichment’ Muslim refugees bring to US cities

As I walked through the state Capitol in Pierre, S.D., last week, I was struck by the magnificent beauty of the building, especially the murals that cover the interior walls and ceilings.

Debra Owens of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce praised the cultural enrichment that Somalis bring to the state.

Many of the murals have a Christian theme.

The one right over the main Senate chamber depicts the settlers of this great state as they reached out to the Native Americans with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The very word “Islam” means “submission.” They push. We submit. This is the new norm in Western societies from Germany and Sweden to Canada, Australia and the U.S. This is how Western societies are being weakened from within.

As I sat through the senate hearings Wednesday on a bill that would have declared a moratorium on refugee arrivals from 10 Sharia-compliant nations, it became obvious that refugee advocates are skilled at dodging and deflecting questions/concerns South Dakotans have about the culture of violence being imported into their state.

It’s being imported to Sioux Falls and Aberdeen under the guise of humanitarianism and fixing labor shortages.

But perhaps the dumbest reason of all used to justify the resettlements was put forth by the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, which sent lobbyist Debra Owens to the Capitol to tell the people’s legislature that refugee resettlement brings “cultural enrichment and diversity” that benefits South Dakota.

Kris Langor
SD Republican Senator Kris Langer fretted that the state might look “unwelcoming.”

As if the South Dakota culture has not become sufficiently enriched over the last 100-plus years and needs Somalia to help it out. Give me a break. That was an insult to the intelligence of every citizen of this wonderful state, including the Native Americans.

Hohmann lists and rebuts the many excuses he heard from legislators and those testifying on behalf of bringing more Somalis to South Dakota.
He asks?

Did Morgan Evenson, 24, benefit from cultural enrichment and diversity when she was stabbed 14 times by a Somali migrant while walking home from work in downtown Minneapolis?

I’ve only given you the bare bones of Hohmann’s story, go here and read it all.
Then you might want to visit my archive on South Dakota here.  It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules!
Endnote:  You should see this story today at ‘Progressives for Immigration Reform’ on how wages are rising for low-skill workers now that immigration is slowing.
The meatpackers of South Dakota will have to (boo hoo!) pay more for their slaughterhouse slave laborers if this keeps up!

UK's knife problem: Somali refugee gangbangers killing each other in upscale neighborhoods

As our mainstream media pounds us 24/7 about American gun violence you hear next to nothing about the UK’s knife violence (knives are the weapon of choice for many violent Muslims).
Why is that? Is it a volume issue (they can only kill a couple of people at a time)? Or is it because the Somalis are a protected class and the image of refugees as pure-as-the-driven-snow dare not be challenged?
Invasion of Europe news….

mayor of london
First Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”

From the International Business Times headlined:

Somali gang violence rages on affluent north London streets

The murder of two young Somali men within three hours of each other this week in north London highlights the brutal gang violence that has gripped parts of this immigrant community.

London Somali
Stabbed to death on Tuesday evening by other Somalis. The second murder that same evening was a machete hacking death.

Seventeen-year-old Abdikarim Hassan was fatally stabbed outside a corner shop in Kentish Town just after 7pm on Tuesday evening (20 February). At 10.15pm Sadiq Aadam, 20, was set upon by a gang wielding machetes and a samurai sword in Belsize Park and hacked to death.

Detectives are investigating possible gang links to both killings and police have imposed a section 60 order across Camden, giving officers the right to stop and search people when they believe serious violence will take place.

This persistent violence linked to drugs, territorial feuds, or blood vendettas, has beset a section of the UK’s 100,000-strong Somali community in the UK.

Camden is not the London borough you would usually associate with gang violence. Houses around Hampstead and Primrose Hill are some of the most expensive in the capital, commanding an average price of £1.7m. These areas are home to bankers, city lawyers and celebrities such as pop star Liam Gallagher and film director Ridley Scott.

Aadam was the third member of his family to be killed in a knife attack. His brother, Mohamed, was murdered in September near Mornington Crescent, a mile away, and their cousin, Mohamed “Lefty” Abdullahi, was stabbed to death in nearby Holloway in June 2013. Aadam studied business at Middlesex University and worked part-time in Tesco.

His four attackers fled on foot as passers-by desperately tried to save him after he was stabbed in the heart.

So who is being blamed? Not their home life, their religion/their mosques, their culture where clan feuds have gone on for time immemorial! Nope, it is all the fault of the local British police not keeping them safe!

In a statement Aadam’s family said: “This is the constant theme in our community. [How about looking within!—-ed]

“We are made to believe that the police are here to protect us, but how does a mother feel her kids are protected when she has lost two in the same vicinity within months?

“We have lots of questions and need answers. Somebody has to listen to us.”


Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he was “desperately saddened” by this week’s deaths, and added: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”

Continue reading here.
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Moral of the story—do not admit any more Somalis!

Hungarian Prime Minister calls for global alliance against migration

The Soros Troika! I didn’t plan it this way, but realize that this post and my two previous posts this morning (here and here) all have a connection to the master borderless-world manipulator, George Soros.
Invasion of Europe news….
Here is Reuters on Hungarian PM Vikto Orban’s  impassioned speech over the weekend:

Orban and Soros
The titans…..

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian leader Viktor Orban called on Sunday for a global alliance against migration as his right-wing populist Fidesz party began campaigning for an April 8 election in which it is expected to win a third consecutive landslide victory.

Popular at home but increasingly at odds politically and economically with mainstream European Union peers, Orban has thrived on external controversy, including repeated clashes with Brussels and lately the United Nations.

Those conflicts, mostly centered on migration since people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa flooded into Europe in 2015***, have intensified as the elections approach and Orban poses as a savior of Europe’s Christian nations.

“Christianity is Europe’s last hope,” Orban told an audience of party faithful at the foot of the Royal Castle in Budapest. With mass immigration, especially from Africa, “our worst nightmares can come true. The West falls as it fails to see Europe being overrun.”

Reuters reports on how Orban has turned around a sagging economy….

But migration dominates his agenda now.

Orban said on Sunday that Europe faces a critical fissure between nation states of the East and the West, which he called an “immigrant zone, a mixed population world that heads in a direction different from ours”.

As the West wants eastern Europe to follow its lead, an increasingly vicious struggle was likely, he said, alluding to a plan to redraw the European alliance advocated by the leaders of France and Germany.

“Absurd as it may sound the danger we face comes from the West, from politicians in Brussels, Berlin and Paris,” Orban said to loud applause. “Of course we will fight, and use ever stronger legal tools. The first is our ‘Stop Soros’ law.”

We told you here a few days ago about efforts to stop Soros from pushing Muslim migration on Hungary (and Europe generally), continue here for more at this Reuters story.
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
***Unintended consequences! Remember Samantha Power said that the Syrian invasion (she didn’t use the word invasion) resulted in a monumental shift in world history.  She was right even if it wasn’t in the direction she was hoping for.  Power too was under Soros wing.
Additionally she played a huge role in the Libyan debacle and thus created the launch pad for the African invasion of Europe.