"Diversity is strength" says Minnesota mayor!

Be careful what you wish for! 
Haven’t you all seen what is happening to Canada since the boy wonder just north of your border said the same thing?

Marv Calvin
Willmar mayor Marv Calvin. Willmar open for business—for Jenny-O turkey slaughterhouse.

They are rolling out the welcome mat in Minnesota (and not just for the NFL).
Come to think about it, the NFL has put its faith in that rag-tag Minneapolis PD (yikes!).
From the Star Tribune:

City leaders across Minnesota are passing “welcoming” resolutions in an effort to send a message that their communities are inclusive amid growing national tension around the issue of immigration.

City councils in Willmar and St. Joseph, two central Minnesota cities that are becoming increasingly diverse, are expected to discuss resolutions Monday. The measures don’t change policy but are considered symbolic.

“This resolution will just tell everybody ‘We want you in Willmar,’ ” Mayor Marv Calvin said, adding he expects the resolution will pass.

It isn’t America First! or Minnesota First! It is M-O-N-E-Y First!

“Willmar’s strength is in its diversity,” Calvin said. “If people feel they’re not welcome to a community, that’s detrimental to economic development.”

Willmar, a city of nearly 20,000 residents two hours west of Minneapolis, has long had a large Latino population. In recent years, it has also seen a growing number of immigrants from East African nations. Calvin said the newcomers have helped the city flourish with new businesses.

But the resolution isn’t meant just for immigrants and first-generation Americans. It also is designed to send a message to people who were born in Willmar or used to live there that they should return, he said.

He stabbed ten before an off-duty police officer killed him.   https://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/2016/09/17/reports-several-hurt-crossroads-center-incident/90607870/

“Willmar is open for business,” he added.

***Update*** See CAIR organizing in Willmar, here.

In St. Joseph, residents formed a group called Cultural Bridges more than a year ago to build connections, especially between Christians and Muslims and the town’s Somali refugees and longtime residents after a Somali man stabbed*** 10 people at the Crossroads Center mall in nearby St. Cloud in 2016.

Since then, the group has taught adult basic education classes, provided homework tutoring and launched a jobs search program for Somali immigrants.

The group will ask the City Council on Monday to consider a welcoming resolution. It also plans to post fliers affirming inclusivity after white nationalist posters were plastered across the city illegally. [See posters here.—ed]

“The City Council has a great opportunity. … This is not something that should be met with silence,” said Raj Chaphalkar, a member of the group. “It may seem obvious, but sometimes we need leaders to say [these words] out loud. This is a good place to be for everybody.”

More here.
We have a massive archive on Minnesota where resettlement of Somalis began in earnest about 30 years ago thanks to resettlement contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief.  I’ve been there twice now myself.
***They like knives.  Just ask the young white woman attacked and stabbed by a man described as Somali (still on the loose?) recently. Her story was in my top three stories of last month, see here.

UN: Western countries not 'welcoming' enough 'refugees' now residing in Indonesia

Let’s be clear right off the bat.  Indonesia is a Muslim country and most of those attempting to pass through Indonesia (arriving there illegally), with a goal of being resettled in the US, Australia, Canada, or Europe, are Muslims.
What happened to the supposedly humanitarianism of Islam and governments ruled by it?  Why are these people our problem in the first place?  
The truth is that Indonesia doesn’t want them either!
For years the UN has been processing illegal aliens arriving in Indonesia from Somalia etc. in to your US towns via the US State Department.  Frankly it needs to stop and it looks like it is slowing.
I just checked Wrapsnet for processing through Indonesia to the US and found that we admitted 18 cases (21 individuals indicating most are single (men?) people, hmmm) in the first three months of FY18 (beginning Oct. 1, 2017).

Indonesia waiting
Waiting in Indonesia for a ticket to America, Australia, Canada, Europe…..

Here is Gulf News (NY Times story):
(Journalism 101 requires that every refugee story begins with a sob story!)

JAKARTA: Ebrahim Adam fled armed conflict in his home region of Darfur, Sudan, in 2011, and ended up seeking asylum in Indonesia, hoping to be eventually resettled in Australia or another Western country so he could resume his dream of being an economist. [Usually they want to be doctors, so they say!—ed]

But after languishing for nearly seven years in Indonesia — where he cannot legally work, access public services or obtain citizenship — Ebrahim recently received bad news: His resettlement is unlikely to ever happen. The UN Refugee Agency’s office in Indonesia has begun informing the nearly 14,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia that they should not expect to be welcomed by another country. Instead, they should prepare to assimilate into Indonesian society as best they can, or consider returning to their strife-torn countries.



Analysts said Ebrahim faces additional obstacles: He is single, Muslim and of military age, which could make countries worried about terrorism less likely to take him in.


Globally, there are more than 24 million certified refugees and asylum seekers, the highest levels since the Second World War, according to the United Nations.

Historically, the chances of refugees ever being resettled are only around 1 per cent.

Those refugees residing in Indonesia face the additional obstacle that the United States and Australia, the two main resettlement destinations for refugees here, have put in place more stringent immigration policies, further decreasing their already long odds.

Mark Getchell
“Mark Getchell, the IOM’s chief of mission in Indonesia, said the policy changes in Australia and the United States, combined with a reluctance by Canada, New Zealand and European nations to take in additional refugees, means the number of resettlements are only about 400 people a year now in Indonesia.” (IOM is a branch of the UN)


The situation of refugees hoping for resettlement in the West became more dire after President Donald Trump took office last January. His administration’s travel ban blocks people from eight countries from entering the US, including Somalia, the country with the second-highest number of refugees and asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia.

400 too many!

Last year, only about 400 refugees living in Indonesia were resettled in the United States, according to the United Nations. Indonesia is not a signatory to the 1951 UN refugee convention, which prohibits governments from returning people fleeing persecution to areas where they face serious threats, but the country has allowed certified refugees to remain here as they await resettlement in a third country.


For years, asylum-seekers from the Middle East and South Asia have used Indonesia as a transit point to reach Australia, boarding rickety wooden boats run by human smugglers for the perilous voyage across the Indian Ocean.

In 2013, however, the Australian government adopted strict new measures to discourage future arrivals by immediately transferring those who made it to its shores to spartan detention centers in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, and refusing to ever consider them for resettlement.

But, golly gee, now we get the booby prize!  We admit to America those same lawbreakers who attempted to get to Australia and were detained. And, we pay for it thanks to the Obama “dumb” deal that Trump agreed to!
More from Gulf News here.

It would make enormous sense if the UN spent more time persuading Indonesia to keep their coreligionists, and promote a PR campaign through Africa and the Middle East that there is no ticket to the West through Indonesia!

Refugee ban lifted, but extra vetting for Muslims denounced by refugee contractors

Clearly! the Christian, Jewish and secular federal resettlement agencies do not want extra vetting for Muslims from terror-producing countries. Oh no!
The Homeland Security Department announced Monday that it was lifting the outright ban on refugees from these eleven countries, but certain individuals would undergo greater scrutiny before they would be admitted to the US for you to take care of with your tax dollars.
Here is Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States will resume admissions for refugees from 11 countries identified as presenting a high security risk, but with extra vetting for these mostly Middle Eastern and African nations, senior U.S. officials said on Monday.

Hans bald
Dutchman Hans Van de Weerd wants your towns to have more Muslims. Bio here:   http://www.phocuswrightconference.com/Whos-Coming/Speakers/2016/Hans-Van-de-Weerd

The changes came after a 90-day review of refugee admissions from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen by the State Department, Department of Homeland Security and intelligence agencies. [Note that Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma never were slowed in their flow to your towns.—-ed]

The new rules are the latest changes to the U.S. refugee program made by the administration of President Donald Trump to address what it sees as national security issues.

Some of the administration’s actions, including an executive order to temporarily ban all refugees, have sparked lengthy court battles. Refugee advocates*** have said they see the administration’s actions as intended to reduce the number of refugees, particularly those from Muslim countries.

Reuters reporter Yeganeh Torbati didn’t quote her go-to guy, Van de Weerd, this time, but the NYT did.
Here the New York Times quotes Hans Van de Weerd of the International Rescue Committee (see moneybags Miliband) and the Refugee Council USA (that is lobbying arm of the refugee industry which has been protesting along with CAIR and hired the Podesta Group to lobby Republicans for them in the Senate).

“This administration disproportionally targets Muslims,” said Hans Van de Weerd, a senior official at the International Rescue Committee. “Today’s announcement does not change this for the better.”

And, Hans (is he a US citizen?) is working against the President to be sure that American towns ‘welcome’ more Muslims.  What else can you conclude?
Dear readers, Extra vetting is something to cheer about, but remember it is not permanent.  When Donald Trump leaves the White House in three or seven years, everything can revert back to the free-for-all we witnessed in the Obama years—unless Congress makes changes to the law!
***These are the primary “refugee advocates.”  They are also the federally funded resettlement agencies you pay to act as community political activists secretively placing refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay! The Washington Post, Reuters, LA Times and the New York Times will never tell you about their conflicts of interest!

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see some big media outfit actually take a serious look at the structure/finances of the refugee industry (heck! I could retire!). Hey! Yeganeh! How about you?

Somali who stabbed two in Mall of America in November says it was an act of Jihad

Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

(Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham)

But, surprise! Authorities have not yet decided to bring terrorism charges against him.
For background on Adbiraham, go here.
Below (hat tip Bob) is the latest on the case.  Interestingly, the victims (the Sanchez brothers) are out of the country, but promise to return for the sentencing.  Hmmm? We will see if they do return next month.
From KSTP.com:

On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America.

mahad-abdiaziz-abdirahman-mugshot (1)
Adbiraham is most likely a refugee, or the child of a refugee, because almost all Somalis in the US are here through the US Refugee Admissions Program.

The incident occurred on Nov. 12, where authorities say he stabbed two brothers in a dressing room at the mall’s Macy’s.

At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham’s attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.

In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

The statement added, “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.”

Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

Omar Jamal is back! Longtime readers know that I have followed his ‘career’ as the Somali mouthpiece for a decade! Click here for my huge archive on him.

Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.

“This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth,” he said.

Incredible! Jamal says if you stop them leaving the country for Jihad, they will do it here!

Jamal said the federal government’s effort to make it difficult for would-be jihadists to travel abroad and join a terrorist group has had unintended consequences locally.

“What is very concerning in this instance, is the fact that youth are exploring more ‘How can I do something here, what weapons are accessible,'” he said.


The two victims are out of the country, but court documents say they plan to return in time for Abdiraham’s sentencing in February.

If? If?

If authorities determine the stabbing was an act of terrorism, there could be more legal consequences for Abdirahahm.

More here.
So when they tell us, why aren’t we listening?

Church World Service and HIAS join CAIR to protest at White House

We told you here that three US federal (taxpayer funded!) resettlement contractors were helping to organize a protest against the President’s so-called Muslim ban yesterday.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service activists were likely lurking, but Church World Service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) were front and center of the small gathering.

Breitbart’s Penny Starr reported the news.  Here is an enhanced screenshot photo from that report.

Muslims (men) pray outside the White House surrounded by large numbers of Church World Service female activists. The big banner on the right is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society protest-march prop that they bring out for these events.

Here is what Starr reported:

Protesters gathered at Lafayette Park outside the White House on Saturday to slam President Donald Trump on the one-year anniversary of an executive order he issued to protect Americans from immigrants and refugees coming from terror-ridden countries with little or no vetting.

CAIR spokesman calls Trump Admin. white supremacists as all the white folk gathered around.

Robert McCaw 2
McCaw works it all in (including support for Black Lives Matter)!

“We strongly condemn, like you, the racist and white supremacist beliefs reflected in President Trump’s remarks, actions and programs by this Muslim ban, the cancelling of DACA, the labeling of Black Lives Matter as identity extremists — a false designation,” Robert McCaw, director of Government Affairs Department of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said at the protest.

“We will fight the white supremacy of this administration,” McCaw said.

Church World Service is 71% federally funded (by my most recent accounting, here). Its CEO makes a quarter of a million annually.

What an insult that we fund them millions of our dollars every year for decades!

If you belong to any of these churches (below) know that Church World Service was representing you outside the White House yesterday.

They also hold the annual “Crop Walk,” so if you disagree with their political tactics you need to start speaking up!

Member Communions

    African Methodist Episcopal Church