Vermont machete attacker was the son of a Somali refugee (chain migration!)

That is what the Daily Caller has learned from the Dept. of Homeland Security, but I still have questions.
See my previous posts here and here about the violent attack on a Vermont woman at a hotel for the homeless.


But, first, in every community where a person commits a crime, all of you should be demanding that your local authorities and local media answer this question:   

What is the immigration status of the alleged perp? 

Citizens have a right to know if a violent “man” like this one is here legally or illegally, and, if legally, through which legal program he slipped in.  As I enter my 11th year of writing about the refugee program, it is getting better and we are learning when the alleged criminal is a refugee, but it still is mostly a guessing game.
Here are a few snips about what reporters at the Daily Caller have learned about Abukar Ibrahim:

A man accused of violently assaulting an elderly volunteer worker with a machete outside a homeless shelter in Vermont earlier this month is the son of a Somali refugee, the Department of Homeland Security told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Abukar Ibrahim, a 32-year-old immigrant, assaulted 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer Johanne LaGrange with a machete outside Harbor Place in Burlington, Vt., in early January after vandalizing vehicles and threatening other individuals nearby. Ibrahim “willfully, deliberately and with premeditation, and with intent to kill” assaulted his victim, Shelburne News reported, citing charges detailed in the court records.

He then barricaded himself in a room for hours, reportedly threatening to slit the throats of the responding police officers. Ibrahim, who ultimately surrendered to authorities, has pleaded not guilty to the charge of attempted first-degree murder, which carries a life sentence. A local court judge has ordered that Ibrahim’s sanity be evaluated.

The violent incident in Vermont was widely reported by many different media outlets, but the attacker’s country of origin and immigration status were not included in the initial reports. Working with DHS, TheDCNF was able to obtain this information.

“DHS can confirm that Abukar Ibrahim is a foreign-born naturalized United States citizen who initially entered the United States as the derivative child of a Somali refugee,” a DHS spokesperson told TheDCNF….

The DHS spokesperson goes on to say this is why we need better screening. Mental health screening too we presume!
Continue reading for more details on Ibrahim’s rampage that day and mentions of Ibrahim’s previous run-in with law enforcement.
And, inquiring minds want to know if he shouted Allahu Akbar when he was shouting at police during the stand-off.
Here are my additional questions and comments:
If he came as a “derivative” child then he would have been under 21 (and has been here a minimum of 11 years), so tell me why he still needs a costly court interpreter which we learned in previous reports?

US State Department (2008) closes all family reunification for Somalis!

But more importantly, I want to know if he was among the 20,000-30,000 ‘family reunification’ Somalis who got in to the US when they lied on admission applications for this form of chain migration.
Longtime readers may remember that stunningly in 2008, the US State Department shut down all family reunification for Somalis when they did some random DNA testing and found that literally tens of thousands of Somalis, both here and abroad were lying about their family connections.  The program was subsequently closed for years.
And, I remember very well hearing from an anonymous State Department employee who told me how stunned they were to find the fraud so widespread.
Here is one of many reports at RRW about the family reunification fraud involving Somalis. The program was closed for 4 years and reopened with DNA testing.  In 2010 the Open Borders Left opposed DNA testing.
As far as I know, none of the tens of thousands of liars were rounded up and removed when the fraud was discovered.

Makes me wonder:  Where is the ‘Dad’ or ‘Mom’ who helped the machete attacker get in? Maybe a little DNA testing is now in order!

After all, last November we learned that the Dept. of Justice was planning to deport some other Somali liars, see here.  More cases to follow???

No surprise! UN Secretary General (Socialist) Antonio Guterres pushing mass migration

Update: Leo Hohmann has more on this story at his new website, here.
In his argument posted at The Guardian, he says more legal pathways are needed because they (from the third world) are coming illegally (whether we like it or not).  Sounds like blackmail to me!
He also confirms my oft-repeated contention that it is the desire by industries for labor that we should be satisfying in the new borderless (dream) world.

Aspiring migrants, denied legal pathways to travel, inevitably fall back on irregular methods. This not only puts them in vulnerable positions, but also undermines governments’ authority. The best way to end the stigma of illegality and abuse around migrants is, in fact, for governments to put in place more legal pathways for migration, removing the incentives for individuals to break the rules, while better meeting the needs of their labour markets for foreign labour.

Thanks to reader Deb for sending me Jihad Watch’s take on his screed here.  See discussion there about hijrah and the OIC.

Obama delivers remarks to reporters as he welcomes Guterres in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington
Guterres in happier times (December 2016)

Then check out Breitbart’s report :

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has unveiled his plan to promote global mass migration in the left-liberal Guardian newspaper.


Guterres, a former Socialist Party prime minister in his native Portugal, took over the top job at the UN on January 1st, having previously served as the institution’s High Commissioner for Refugees.

His article, titled ‘Migration can benefit the world. This is how we at the UN plan to help, makes the bold claim that mass migration “powers economic growth, reduces inequalities and connects diverse societies”, in order to promote the Global Compact for Migration.

“This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind,” he boasted — but claimed it would not “place any binding obligations on states”, but rather serve as “an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants”.

Trump dumps!

Breitbart continues:Trump at UN

These assurances have failed to convince the Donald Trump administration in the United States, with the White House rejected it as “simply not compatible with US sovereignty”, and President Trump summarizing it as “no borders, everyone can come in!”

Then this….

He [Guterres] made the contentious claim that migrants “take jobs” that local workers “cannot” fill, and asserted that this is a positive thing. He also attempted to spin the fact that migrants send huge sums of money straight out of their host countries and back to their countries of origin as a kind of supplement to foreign aid.

Breitbart continues here.
Pay attention to this last issue above about remittances.  It is huge!
I remember when the Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans was up for renewal under George W. Bush.  It was quickly renewed with his administration saying that the money the Salvadorans sent OUT OF THE US ECONOMY was propping up El Salvador (so we needed to continue doing that).
Guterres at RRW:
We followed Antonio Guterres here at RRW for a decade since he was previously the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (before moving up to top dog position at the UN).
Go here for my Guterres archive.
Just a reminder that in June of 2009, as UNHCR, he said it was sharia law that underpins international refugee law and United Nations refugee activities. See here:

New York, 23 June (AKI) – The 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of welcoming people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other traditional source, according to a new study sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

High Commissioner Antonio Guterres said that more than any other historical source, Islamic law and tradition underpin the modern-day legal framework on which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of the tens of millions of people forced from their homes around the world.

Take that Christians and Jews! You thought Biblical Judeo-Christian charity predated Islam, silly you.

Germany to CAP asylum numbers at 200,000 annually in compromise decision

Nuts! Just nuts! 200,000 is an astronomical number and add to that the promise of 1,000 a month family reunification (chain migration) by late summer.  And, that is considered a compromise!
More Invasion of Europe news….
From Channel New Asia:

BERLIN: Germany will limit the number of asylum seeker arrivals to around 200,000 annually under a draft coalition agreement sealed Friday (Jan 12) in marathon talks between the country’s two biggest parties.

Merkel and refugees
More on the way!

“We determine that the number of new arrivals … should not exceed the range of 180,000 to 220,000 per year,” according to a copy of the document agreed by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the Social Democrats obtained by AFP.

On the thorny issue of family reunions for asylum seekers granted temporary refuge, the preliminary accord says current restrictions should be loosened.

The agreement calls for parliament to pass a law by the end of July allowing 1,000 family members per month to come to Germany.

A little more here.
See my Germany archive by clicking here.
Meanwhile in Japan, efforts are underway to further tighten asylum policy.  Japan takes virtually no one! (And, has had no Islamic terror attacks. Coincidence?)

Hungary's Orban has the international Left in panic mode

Invasion of Europe News….

And, you can tell by this article at HuffPo that paints him as an “authoritarian” that they are very very afraid of him and his growing “nationalist” power in Eastern Europe. They also see him exporting his views (about especially Muslim migration) to other European countries like Italy, Austria and (gasp!) even Germany.

orban and family
Orban and family (protecting their futures!)

One of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s greatest strengths is his willingness to speak (as Trump did yesterday) straightforwardly. Muslim refugees are invaders.
I’m still waiting for President Trump to invite Orban to the White House. If he wants to push the Left (and CNN) over the cliff (into a mental breakdown) now, that would do it. 
Here is the Huffington Post on Orban (the truth-teller):

In a January 8th interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban, said “we don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as invaders.” Multi-culturalism, he said, is an illusion. Muslim culture, he continued, is so different from Europe’s that parallel societies are being created.

Orban’s anti-migrant campaign is resonating beyond central Europe into Austria, Italy and even Germany. Earlier this month he was welcomed at a conference of Bavaria’s Christian Socialists, whose leader Horst Seehofer is critical of chancellor Angela Merkel’s immigration policies. In 2015 over 1 million mostly Muslim refugees were resettled in Germany. About 150,000 of those refugees transited Hungary. Few wanted to stay in Hungary.

Orban has made common cause with neighboring Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic where public opinion opposes refugee resettlement. Hungary and Poland are being targeted by the European Union Commission for refusing a quota of 10,000 refugees under a burden sharing measure agreed to three years ago. The case is before the European Court of Justice. Since the 2015 migration crisis Poland has accepted no refugees while Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria have each taken fewer than twenty.

The Fidesz Party that Orban founded holds a two-thirds majority in parliament and is favored to win new elections set for April 8th. Orban has ruled Hungary with an increasingly authoritarian hand since 2010.

HuffPo writer Barry Wood throws everything at Orban he can think of that would paint the man as a monster (eg. “flame-thrower” with close ties to Russia), and then goes on to say this below, as if we would all be shocked, that Orban doesn’t like that nice old man—George Soros (I bet HuffPo gets a bit of moola from Budapest-born, György Schwartz).

Soros poster Hungary
On the streets of Budapest:  “Letʼs not let Soros have the last laugh!

Wood continues:

During a visit to Budapest in November I was startled to see posters bearing the image of billionaire Hungarian-born investor and philanthropist George Soros all over the city. Paid for by Fidesz, these ubiquitous posters tell Hungarians not to let Soros have the last laugh. Soros is the favorite target of Orban, representing everything he opposes—multiculturalism, diversity, globalization, and tolerance. Soros is accused of wanting to Muslimize Europe. Some Jewish groups see the campaign as anti-Semitic, others do not.

More here.
Come on Donald! Give us some more fun! Welcome Viktor Orban to the White House and give him a lavish State Dinner!  (Stick it to Soros too! You know he hates you!)
Looking for something to do? Write to the White House and tell the Prez you want to see Orban invited to the White House (and have him bring his lovely family)!
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

US News and World Report takes notice of South Dakota refugee controversy

“Refugee resettlements and interfaith dialogue is a part of a war.”

(State Senator Neal Tapio)

If you missed it, please visit my previous post on South Dakota, here.
Update January 12th: See what happened at the ‘Interfaith’ rally, here.  Also, see this incredible research on Taneeza Islam, here.
In preparation for reading this you might also visit the work of Islam expert Steve Coughlin on how “Interfaith” groups came to be used by the Muslim Brotherhood in their work to promote Islam in America.  See my 2016 post here.

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Here in November of last year (after Taneeza Islam shut down several speakers she disagreed with in SD, denying them of their First Amendment rights) she was granted a forum at the University of South Dakota for HER free speech and she said this: “Islamophobia and anti-immigrant, refugee bigotry has been rampant and largely unnoticed by South Dakotans until this past year.”

Members of South Dakota’s “Interfaith” community descended on the capital in Pierre to protest any possible consideration of a plan to study the cost of refugee resettlement in the state being proposed by State Senator Neil Tapio.
See how clever they are to immediately spin the issue of the economic impact of refugees on the state’s economy as one of a threat to freedom of religion.  I suspect that is the work of Taneeza Islam, a clearly well-trained community agitator.
Islam was formerly the CAIR-MN Civil Rights Director and one can get an insight on her previous work by clicking here.
LOL! I wonder if hard core Leftists hold training programs for promising Islamic supremacist activists on how to sucker the mainstream media and the average citizen.
Oh, and by the way, since there aren’t enough people converting to Islam in America, in order to build their population (and increase their political power) they need high birth rates and immigration (thus the huge attention Muslim activists are paying to President Trump and the roll back on the refugee program). See my Pew Research post here.
Here are a few snips from the AP story at US News:

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Clergy and members of several religions gathered Wednesday at the South Dakota Capitol to meet lawmakers and urge them not to denigrate people of faiths different than their own.

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Lutheran Bishop Zellmer leading his South Dakota sheep.

The prayer and outreach come after some state lawmakers last year pushed measures targeting refugee resettlement in South Dakota. David Zellmer, bishop of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, said the gathering was about “lifting up” that the freedom of religion guaranteed in the First Amendment is for everyone.


Taneeza Islam, executive director of the nonprofit South Dakota Voices for Peace, said she hopes lawmakers recognize the diversity in the state. She said it’s important they understand the decisions made at the Capitol affect everyone in South Dakota.


Tapio, who is preparing to run for U.S. House, called the interfaith group a “political movement.” Tapio has said he will form an unofficial legislative work group to examine state immigration and refugee resettlement programs in South Dakota.


“We have a domestic threat that’s going on right here in our country,” Tapio said after the prayers. “Refugee resettlements and interfaith dialogue is a part of a war. It’s a silent part. It’s a part about taking away the Christian fabric of our nation. Now, some people are OK with that. That’s their prerogative, but there’s American patriots that want to fight.”

Continue here.
Just like when the US Catholic Bishops talk about their charitable good works for refugees and never mention their pecuniary interest, so too do the Lutheran Bishops never mention that there is federal boodle involved with refugee resettlement.
So what can you do? Wherever you live, pay attention to your local “Interfaith” group promoting Islam as somehow special and in need of protection.  If you are brave, infiltrate the group. Then figure out what is the best way to expose their agenda to the general public.
Concerned South Dakotans need to immediately check out Islam’s group, South Dakota Voices for Peace. Find out if it is properly incorporated. Find out who is on its Board of Directors. Find out who funds it, etc. Is it just CAIR with a squishy sounding name?
Unfortunately we have to learn to fight like the Left!
See my ‘What you can do’ category for a whole bunch of ideas!