Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation:' "Violent jihad is the religious duty of every True Muslim"

You will find it at Amazon.

This is installment #4 in my series on the important book by James Mitchell: ‘Enhanced Interrogation.
See previous posts here, here and here.  In my first post we told you that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said that Islam will dominate America one day through demographic change—through the Hijra (migration!) and by out-breeding us—because they can’t get the job done entirely through violence.
I think everyone of you should know what was learned by using ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’ on “high-value” detainees.
Get the book!
Continued to the next page….

Infidels! Make it a new year’s resolution to learn more about Islam!

Refugee Resettlement was big news in 2016

Just now as I read through news on my various alerts I saw several year-end wrap-up local news stories including from Poughkeepsie, NY and Rutland, VT which ranked refugee resettlement controversies among their top stories of the year.
The one from Idaho places refugee resettlement right up there with the 2016 Presidential election as a leading story for 2016!

refugee-resettlement gleefully notes that a petition drive failed to put the issue before county voters, but this type of activity is not a wasted effort. It generated media, sneering media, but nevertheless the process created political controversy. This is an important stage in bringing about political change. As I say to everyone, stop looking for the silver bullet. There is no silver bullet, or no right thing to do, just keep up the political pressure in whatever way you can using whatever talents and time you have.

I’ve been writing RRW since 2007 and I must say, this has not happened in those nearly ten years—that the refugee issue would be a leading story of the year anywhere, so keep up the good work.
When you are feeling frustrated that your concerns about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program are not being addressed, know that getting those concerns reported in your local media (within an overarching theme of agitating your elected officials) is a first important step toward reaching a political tipping point.
Here is some of what had to say:

Refugee resettlement, which was a controversial issue in Twin Falls in 2015 and continued to be on in 2016, was also a major issue in the presidential race, and the debate over Medicaid expansion in Idaho will be shifted drastically because of the outcome. [By the way, the Office of Refugee Resettlement itself says that if your state has expanded Medicaid it makes it a more ‘welcoming’ target for the placement of refugees.—ed]


A movement to shut down the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center started last year, after news came out that some Syrians could be among the refugees to be resettled in Twin Falls. (None have been to date.) As the Syrian civil war dragged on, displacing millions of people, refugee resettlement became a topic of worldwide debate and a major issue in the presidential race, with Trump’s hard-line views on refugee admissions and anti-Muslim rhetoric energizing some and horrifying others. As for Twin Falls, it started to attract national media attention as an example of a town divided over what was becoming a focus of national political arguments.

A drive for a countywide referendum on whether to shut down the refugee center fizzled this spring when organizers got about a quarter of the number of signatures they would need to get on the ballot. In June, however, the debate flared back up after news came out about a 5-year-old girl at the Fawnbrook Apartments being sexually assaulted by three boys from Middle Eastern refugee families.

Continue reading here.
LOL! That is all I am snipping.  I am really careful about not taking too much of published news accounts, however, this publication is the only one in the nation to ever send me a legal letter telling me I have snipped too much of their report.
Does anyone know where the case is regarding the sexual assault from last June?
Our archive on Twin Falls may be found by clicking here.

Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation:' Islam from the horse's mouth

KSM was educated in North Carolina. Interrogators had no need for interpreters.

The ‘horse’s mouth’ is none other than 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
This is the third installment in my series on the incredible book by one of the interrogators who after 9/11 helped keep America safe by encouraging captured Islamic terrorists to talk.  KSM did a lot of talking and ‘educating!’  Here (below) is one more snip from the book you must read.
My previous posts are here and here. In the first post, we reported that KSM said they would take over America through immigration and out-breeding us.
BTW, there is a discussion in the book about KSM’s admission that, in 2002, he personally beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl after his captors learned Pearl was Jewish. I don’t plan to tell you any of that graphic information. Get the book.
If you have read anything about Islam and the goals of its adherents, this is not new news!  However, to hear it from KSM is pretty powerful:
Excuse my poor quality photos!

Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation' a must read

You must read this book!

We previously mentioned the recently released blockbuster book that describes how after 9/11, the Bush Administration’s efforts to keep us safe yielded results and informed us about what the Islamists are working toward.
It is nothing short of world domination by Islam.
We need to believe what they say! (But even to the end of his Presidency, I’m not sure Bush believed them.)
I’m planning to give you some snippets going forward about what the interrogators learned from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed  who we have previously reported spent informative years among us as a college student in North Carolina (read Richard Miniter’s Mastermind).
This is the second important point (for me) which I want to share from author James Mitchell (the first we reported earlier, that they would eventually overcome us through immigration and out-breeding us):

Report: Berlin Islamic killer came through Italian island of Lampedusa in 2011

Two years later, in 2013, the Pope went to Lampedusa to welcome the African migrants to Italy!


The Pope welcomes the African migrants to Lampedusa, Italy in 2013. See our post where he lectured Italians to be more welcoming, and to “cry” for the migrants.

From The UK Sun (see the pictures):

The ISIS extremist ploughed a lorry into festive shoppers at a Berlin Christmas market on Monday night.


Rewind five years, and just days after arriving on Lampedusa trouble-maker Amri was involved in the burning down of a migrant shelter.

We have the Pope and Mama Merkel to blame for the invasion of Europe.
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news by clicking here.