Sigh! So another Somali refugee goes on a rampage inspired by his 'faith'

Update: More from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, here.
Yesterday when I first heard the news that a knife and a car were involved in the Ohio State rampage, I knew it was going to turn out to be an Islam-inspired terror attack.  I had other duties yesterday afternoon and figured you didn’t need me to report since there would be so many springing to action and cable news would eventually report on who the perp was.
With the St. Cloud mall stabbing fresh on our minds, it was not an earth shattering revelation when we learned later in the day that the jihadist was a Somali refugee.  And, it is actually very funny this morning to hear CNN report that there is still no declaration that the Somali Muslim was inspired by his ‘faith.’

Ohio State yesterday. How many more? Photo:

( For new readers, see a post we wrote here (at the time of the St. Cloud Somali terror attack) listing the numbers of Somalis admitted to the US in 3 decades.   See this post from 2008 where I first began to chronicle the Somali numbers.  Some of that data came from (now unavailable). Earlier numbers came from a slow process of analyzing ORR annual reports to Congress.)
And, if I am not too excited by this latest news from Ohio maybe it’s because I wrote my first post about Somali refugee “youths” (many of whom we raised since small children with our tax dollars) turning to the ‘religion of peace’ to become jihadists 8 years ago!  (Check this out, I wrote that first post on November 26th, 2008—almost to the day 8 years ago.)
So tell me (everyone yakking about vetting!), how are we going to screen the Muslim kids who become radicalized in your town?
BTW, we have written a lot about Columbus, OH, a Somali resettlement city, second only to Little Mogadishu (Minneapolis), see our Columbus archive.

Now to yesterday’s attack in Ohio:

Here is Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily on the Somali Islamic terror attack yesterday.  If the news is true about his family’s sojourn in Pakistan then it confirms a point I have been trying to make for a long time—we are picking up Somalis and other Muslim refugees around the world and thus ‘vetting’ is almost impossible!

The Somali refugee who stabbed Ohio State University students with a butcher knife Monday praised a well-known al-Qaida terrorist on his Facebook page minutes before his attack, yet authorities say they are not ready to assign a motive.

Police shot and killed the man as he was attacking students outside a science building. Eleven people were transported to area hospitals with various injuries, according to the Columbus, Ohio, fire department.

The dead attacker was reportedly an Ohio State student – an 18-year-old Somali refugee named Abdul Razak Ali Artan, who left Somalia with his family for Pakistan in 2007 and obtained a green card to enter the U.S. in 2014. He reportedly lived near campus, CNBC News reported.


On his Facebook page, Artan posted a rant about attacks on Muslims.

Appearing three minutes before the beginning of the rampage, the post reads: “I can’t take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that.”

The post also praised Anwar Al-Awlaki, a radical American-born al-Qaida cleric, describing him as a “hero.”

Continue reading here.

Let’s talk about this Pakistan connection (assuming that information is correct)!

We know using data that is available at that we are processing in to the US ‘refugees’ from Pakistan, but a large number  are not Pakistanis.  And, I have been for years trying to make the point that when a supposed legitimate asylum seeker (like a Somali who claims to be somehow persecuted) arrives in a country such as Malta, Malaysia, Australia, or Pakistan that those so-called ‘refugees’ are not our problem! Those are safe countries where the migrant should be asking for asylum. (Unless, of course, if he or she is a Christian arriving in Pakistan!)
We have seen the most clear case of how outrageous a process this is with the Australia deal just in the last few weeks.
Think about this, in the case of Pakistan, a Muslim country, why are they sending us Somalis and why are we accepting them?  You know they are being processed in to your towns through the UNHCR office in Pakistan. Can we count on an honest screening process there, apparently not, or we wouldn’t have the Ohio State slasher attack yesterday.
Go to the map (it is only for last month) I posted on Sunday that is available at  It is a processing country map and see that in the month of October we took in 97 ‘refugees’ through Pakistan.
Then you go to this map which lists the ‘nationalities’ admitted in October and you can see that 60 of the 97 were Pakistanis (I sure hope they were all Christians!).  Who are the 37 others (who told the UN they would be persecuted if sent home) that we admitted via the UN through Pakistan in October?  Somalis like this Ohio slashers family? You can bet some are Afghans, but who knows?  We don’t.  The US State Department knows, but the public doesn’t.

Where is Congress?

The point I am making is that while we yak about screening Syrians, all over the world we are taking illegal aliens (with virtually no paperwork) who arrived in some safe (for them) country and transform them in to ‘refugees’ to be placed in your towns and supported on your taxpayers’ dime!

Endnote: I am planning a post soon to counter the lies being told by refugee contractors arriving in new potential resettlement sites where they tell the community that no refugees in America have been involved (or have planned) Islamic terror attacks.

Cut the crap! Australia 'refugee' deal is about the Australian public not wanting any more Muslim migrants

….while Obama is willing to take all he can get!
Look at this New York Times story on the supposed deal the Obama Administration has made with Australia to take its rejected asylum seekers off their hands! And, look at the UN twisting like a pretzel as it tries to explain why this insane deal is even being considered.
What it all boils down to is this: the Australian public (the voters) are sick and tired of all the Muslim boat people trying to break into Australia (so they have been parked offshore), but Australian political leaders, by agreeing to take Central American (phony refugees) in Costa Rica, are banking on being able to sell the public on most likely Catholics (or Christians of some sort) rather than the Muslims whose asylum cases were rejected!
This is basically a swap of illegal aliens! Don’t believe the UN that this is a “one-off!”  Check out Malta, the European island nation that sends the US its overflow African illegal alien boat people, a travesty we have been writing about for years.

The Muslim boat people held in detention in Australian offshore facilities have had their asylum claims rejected.  So neither those on Nauru or those in Costa Rica are legitimate (by definition) refugees! 

For background, before you read on, see Grassley and Goodlatte blast Obama, hereThere is a list of the nationalities of the failed asylum seekers, most come from Muslim countries.

New York Times (hat tip: heymister24):

SYDNEY, Australia — For years, the United Nations’ refugee agency told Australia that its policy of banishing asylum seekers to remote Pacific island detention centers was illegal.

This is Obama’s Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power. This “deal” sounds like something she wholeheartedly approved. What will Nikki Haley do about it (or other similar deals, this is not a one-off) when she gets to the UN? Will she say No! We don’t know, but one thing we can be sure of, Haley will likely dress more professionally than Power!

Now, the agency is working with Australia in what both sides call an unusual, not-to-be-replicated agreement to send some of those refugees across the world, to be resettled in the United States.

The deal, announced by Australia last week, is aimed at shutting down two offshore detention facilities — one on the island nation of Nauru and the other on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea — where hundreds of people are housed in what rights groups describe as deplorable conditions. The United States has agreed to take some of them; how many, and how quickly, remains unclear.


In an interview this week, Volker Turk, an assistant high commissioner with the United Nations’ refugee agency, said his staff would help with the screening and resettlement of refugees but only as a “one-off” to allay their suffering. “We think there is an urgent imperative to find a humanitarian way out of this otherwise very, very, complex conundrum,” he said by telephone from Canberra, the Australian capital.

What the heck is the “complex conundrum?” 

Either they are legitimate refugees that Australia should admit to the mainland or they are illegal aliens who should be returned to where they came from.
NYT continues:

“We do not in any way want to give the impression that we would continue supporting such types of mechanisms,” Mr. Turk said, referring to Australia’s offshore detention policy. “We, all of us, are very clear that this is a one-off, good offices, exceptional humanitarian type of involvement because we do not believe that the future of handling this lies in sending people to Manus Island and Nauru.”


Making the deal even more unusual, Australia has agreed to take in an unspecified number of Central American refugees who fled gang violence in their homelands.  [Fleeing gang violence is not a criteria for being designated a refugee!—ed]  The United Nations says there are an estimated 2,400 such people from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras who have been screened and recognized as refugees [Who “recognized” them?—ed]. The United States has long been reluctant to let them apply for asylum on its territory and only recently agreed to let the United Nations vet them at a processing center in Costa Rica.

Legitimate asylum seekers are supposed to ask for asylum in the first safe country they get to, they are not supposed to be ‘asylum shopping’ for better deals! By doing this ‘one-time’ (ha! ha!) deal we set the precedent for many more to come!

Continue reading here.
If you want to learn more about Samantha Power, we have a lot, click here.

Repost: 9/11 Mastermind says the goal of Al-Qaeda is to take over America through immigration

Editor:  This is one of the most important posts I’ve written in a long time, and some of you who subscribe reported that you never received it in your e-mail. Indeed it never appeared in mine either!  Posted on Thanksgiving evening, we will chalk it up to wordpress techies too busy digesting their turkey.  For those who did get it, sorry for the repeat!

It is about as clear as you can get, and from one of their own mouths! (Hey, SPLC does that make him a racist or Islamophobe?)

This isn’t new news for anyone who has been paying attention and reading alternative media like RRW. Heck this is the Hijra explained by someone who is one of Islam’s most diabolical minds—Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Before I get to what KSM is quoted as saying in a soon-to-be released book, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving day today with friends and family. And, I hope this doesn’t spoil what is left of your day!

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Not “practical” to defeat America with terror attacks, must do it through immigration and out-breeding the infidels.

Incidentally, I wrote about KSM a couple of years ago when I read Richard Miniter’s ‘Mastermind.’  I was most interested in the fact that the state of North Carolina was attracting a large Muslim population and was an important refugee resettlement state.  Did you know KSM and others like him went to college in NC?
Now to the news that isn’t shocking, but it is a relief to see it in print and out of the mouth of a significant Islamic supremacist planner. From Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner:

The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda’s plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and “outbreeding nonmuslims” who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book.


In Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell tells for the first time about his role interrogating al Qaeda principals, many like KSM still jailed at Guantanamo Bay. He details accounts of waterboarding and other interrogation sessions of the nation’s most notorious enemies.


Snippets obtained by Secrets from the book set for release next Tuesday from Crown Forum show that Muslim terror groups had a much bigger plan to crush America than just through attacks like 9/11.

Instead, the plan is to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through the country’s easy immigration laws and by having babies, and then using the U.S. legal and welfare system to turn the country into a system like Iran.


Consider this passage in the book, Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America, where KSM reveals the plan to Mitchell:

He said the terror attacks were good, but the “practical” way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.

“Eventually,” KSM said, “America will expose her neck to us for slaughter.”

Since the attacks, and during President Obama’s two terms, Muslims from several countries that harbor terrorists have flooded into the U.S. And Obama has promised to open the borders for Syrian refugees whose backgrounds are difficult to investigate. President-elect Trump has vowed to reverse Obama’s plans.

More from Bedard here.
Get James Mitchell’s book here Tuesday (I just ordered my copy)!  It would make a nice Christmas gift for Nikki Haley!
I had an opportunity in 2015 to speak with Donald Trump and give him my little book on the Hijra and refugee resettlement, sure hope he at least skimmed it!

9/11 Mastermind says the goal of Al-Qaeda is to takeover America through immigration

It is about as clear as you can get, and from one of their own mouths! (Hey, SPLC does that make him a racist or Islamophobe?)

This isn’t new news for anyone who has been paying attention and reading alternative media like RRW. Heck this is the Hijra explained by someone who is one of Islam’s most diabolical minds—Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Before I get to what KSM is quoted as saying in a soon-to-be released book, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving day today with friends and family. And, I hope this doesn’t spoil what is left of your day!

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Not “practical” to defeat America with terror attacks, must do it through immigration and out-breeding the infidels.

Incidentally, I wrote about KSM a couple of years ago when I read Richard Miniter’s ‘Mastermind.’  I was most interested in the fact that the state of North Carolina was attracting a large Muslim population and was an important refugee resettlement state.  Did you know KSM and others like him went to college in NC?
Now to the news that isn’t shocking, but it is a relief to see it in print and out of the mouth of a significant Islamic supremacist planner. From Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner:

The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda’s plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and “outbreeding nonmuslims” who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book.


In Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell tells for the first time about his role interrogating al Qaeda principals, many like KSM still jailed at Guantanamo Bay. He details accounts of waterboarding and other interrogation sessions of the nation’s most notorious enemies.


Snippets obtained by Secrets from the book set for release next Tuesday from Crown Forum show that Muslim terror groups had a much bigger plan to crush America than just through attacks like 9/11.

Instead, the plan is to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through the country’s easy immigration laws and by having babies, and then using the U.S. legal and welfare system to turn the country into a system like Iran.


Consider this passage in the book, Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America, where KSM reveals the plan to Mitchell:

He said the terror attacks were good, but the “practical” way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.

“Eventually,” KSM said, “America will expose her neck to us for slaughter.”

Since the attacks, and during President Obama’s two terms, Muslims from several countries that harbor terrorists have flooded into the U.S. And Obama has promised to open the borders for Syrian refugees whose backgrounds are difficult to investigate. President-elect Trump has vowed to reverse Obama’s plans.

More from Bedard here.
Get James Mitchell’s book here Tuesday (I just ordered my copy)!  It would make a nice Christmas gift for Nikki Haley!
I had an opportunity in 2015 to speak with Donald Trump and give him my little book on the Hijra and refugee resettlement, sure hope he at least skimmed it!

Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected 'refugees' off their hands

Mr Trump! Forget Syrians for a minute! Are we going to suspend resettlement of all ‘high-risk aliens?’

Here is a story from Sky News Australia which links Trump advisor Kris Kobach’s proposals to Trump last weekend in NJ as evidence that the deal might well be dead on arrival.  See my earlier post this morning about a letter from two powerful members of Congress who want the fishy Australia deal stopped now!

Trump meets with Kris Kobach. Leftwing media has been having fun with the enlargement of the memo in Kobach’s hand.

Sky News titters about photo that reveals some of Kobach’s suggestions to the Trump team on immigration:

An apparent bungle by US president-elect Donald Trump’s hardline immigration adviser shows just how difficult Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s US refugee re-settlement plan will likely be to pull off.

Kris Kobach, tipped to head the US Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration, was clutching documents as he stood with a smiling and waving Mr Trump on Sunday in view of the media.

A photo taken by Associated Press, when zoomed in, shows the top page of the document is headlined ‘Department of Homeland Security. Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days’.

It lists aggressive proposals aimed at ‘high-risk aliens.’

‘Reduce intake of Syrian refugees to zero, using authority under the 1980 Refugee Act,’ Mr Kobach’s plan states.

The plan also calls for ‘extreme vetting questions for high-risk aliens: question them regarding support for Sharia Law, jihad, equality of men and women, the United States Constitution’.

Mr Kobach was one of many potential Trump administration hires who met with the president-elect at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey on the weekend.

More here at Sky News.

Readers, I am starting to get nervous about whether Trump’s closest advisors on immigration fully understand the US Refugee Admissions Program.
In my previous post I said that if Trump picks Romney in combination with Nikki Haley at the UN (where the UN has plans for who comes to your towns!), we shouldn’t expect any major shakeup of the RAP.

Let’s talk about HIGH-RISK ALIENS!

There has been enormous national attention on the fact that FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Syrians cannot be vetted because they come from a failed state where records are not obtainable. And, it is understandable that the focus has been on the Syrians, but…..
….if you are a longtime reader of RRW you know this is also true for the vast majority of Somalis (tens of thousands) we have admitted over the last two-three decades.  In fact, in 2008 the State Department (DOS) cut off family reunification for Somalis because they discovered wide spread fraud—-Somalis lied about their family connections!  Family reunification was closed for years (all documented here at RRW). See the most recent news on Somalis who thumbed their noses at your generosity.
The DOS and DHS say they can vet the Iraqis.  But, they screwed up big time a few years ago and Iraqi refugee Al-Qaeda supporters were arrested and convicted on terror charges in Kentucky.  One of them actually had fingerprints on an IED shard in US government hands and no one ever made the connection. That IED killed American service men. These two had lied on their refugee application.

And, how are we possibly screening the Rohingya Muslims who have fled Burma, many on boats that ended up in Malaysia and Indonesia. We are taking thousands of them!  They don’t have ‘papers’ from the government of Burma (a Buddhist government that is all too happy to get rid of them)!
Other countries that produce unvettable (new word!) Muslims are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uzbekistan. Just those few countries mentioned above account for probably half of the flow to the US right now!
So, Mr. Trump and Mr. Kobach! Stop focusing on only Syrians! The problem is much much bigger!