Celebrate today, but tomorrow the real work begins!

“It does you no good to have local grassroots action in a vacuum that never gets to the ears of your Washington reps!”

Get some sleep and then celebrate.
It’s a wonderful day here on the farm because it’s raining (we’ve had a drought!) and of course because the country class has risen up and soundly defeated the elite establishment ruling class all across America.

Ryan test! Will Speaker Paul Ryan block any effort to defund the Refugee Program in upcoming lame duck session? If he does, it may be one of the first tests of whether Ryan will work with Trump, or whether his political career is over.

Since Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States, has succeeded in maintaining the Republican majority (coattails!) in both houses of Congress, it will soon be very clear whether the Republicans will work to scrap/reform the  the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program (RAP) or let it move full steam ahead.

If you think that you can relax, that Trump will take care of this problem for you—forget it!  The work has just begun!

Heretofore, the open borders Republicans could point to an Obama with a veto pen as their excuse not to undertake any scaling back or reform of the RAP.  They can no longer shirk their duty!
Congress returns with Republican majorities pretty much intact for the lame duck session next week, and we will have the first test of Paul Ryan’s speakership as it relates to the budget and this program.

It is about the POWER OF THE PURSE!

Will Ryan bow to what he knows Trump wants—a scaling back of the RAP especially as it relates to refugees from countries which hate us—or will he agree to fully fund the RAP at the high level Obama wants for FY2017?
Until January 20th, Obama would likely veto a budget that defunds the RAP, but that is no excuse not to force his hand.

This is going to be the ultimate and clear test for us!

And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be showing his colors too on the budget.  By the way, they could continue the present FY2016 level (not enough money for 110,000 refugees) into say March giving a Trump Administration time to weigh in on the final 6 months of the year.
You must get to work tomorrow, especially in Republican House Districts to tell your member of Congress to DEFUND the program! (We expect to see a repeat effort by Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), and hopefully Dave Brat (R-VA) to attach an amendment to the Appropriations bill that must be passed, or kicked down the road, by December 9th).

If Paul Ryan blocks such an effort, we will then clearly know whether he will work with a Trump Administration or not!

You can see all of my posts on the budget process by visiting the tag ‘Where is Congress.’
So many of you are working in your towns and cities to investigate the RAP, to pressure local elected officials, to look for ways to sue the federal government, to pressure your state legislators and governors to say no to more refugees, which is all good and necessary work.
However, in the next few weeks all of that effort should be directed at one outcome—DEFUNDING the program.  So, every grassroots effort must be directed at your House member and Senators.
Do not assume that if you hold a rally or other public meeting, or call upon the governor to sue the feds to oppose resettlement where you live, that your Congressman and Senators will hear about it—they are some of the least informed people you know—they live in a beltway bubble!

It does you no good to have local grassroots action in a vacuum that never gets to the ears of your Washington reps!

What must Trump do on January 21st?

First, if they haven’t resigned already, he must demand the resignations of the political appointees running the RAP.
They include Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration and Robert Cary, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and any of their underlings who are there in politically appointed jobs. There is nothing to be done right now about career federal employees, let’s just hope that a recent poll that said a quarter of federal employees in DC would quit if Trump was elected follow through.
Of course, much of what happens with this program going forward depends on who Trump will place in his cabinet as Secretary of State, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Homeland Security.  Will they be people willing to slow or stop some immigration programs?
As we discussed above, Trump must work with Congress to cut the budget—appropriations are policy!
As for Obama’s ‘determination’ submitted to Congress this past September where Obama said he wanted 110,000 refugees placed in America by September 30th 2017, Trump has the power to stop that flow on January 21st.
Obama’s proposal is a ceiling only, it is not a legally mandated goal! Of course those Obama appointees and the federal contractors are already working day and night to get as many refugees, especially from Syria, in to your towns and cities by January 20th.  They are also getting as many placed in a pipeline as well so they can scream and shout about how mean Trump is to close the spigot with people in the pipeline.

And, that is why curtailing the budget NOW, in the lame duck, is so important.  It sends the signal that the spigot is closing!
One final thing! This Trump landslide victory sends a message to our friends in Europe that they can resist the Islamification by migration of Europe!

Charleston, WV 'Interfaith' leader and lawyer setting up new refugee resettlement office, planning rally

Funny, it was only yesterday I told you that local ‘Interfaith’ groups were primary promoters of the expansion of refugee resettlement beyond the two hundred or so offices already up and running, here, into dozens of new towns and cities primarily to receive massive new numbers of Syrian Muslim refugees, among others from dozens of countries.
Now we learn from the Charleston Gazette-Mail that Episcopal Migration Ministries is applying to the US State Department to expand resettlement from the small number of refugees placed in the West Virginia capitol now by Catholic Charities (about 25 last year) to add 100 from EMM in the 2017 fiscal year.

‘Interfaith’ leader/lawyer Lynn S. Clark. Photo and bio here: http://www.lawyers.com/charleston/west-virginia/lynn-s-clarke-1783094-a/ Go here to see what she said in 2015 about her WV ‘Interfaith’ group: https://woolfinstitute.wordpress.com/2015/12/16/interfaith-refugee-ministry-in-west-virginia-usa/

A local activist ‘Interfaith’ group is incorporating as a non-profit supposedly for the purpose of being the local resettlement subcontractor.
(If this is your first visit to RRW, be sure to see Ten Things your town needs to know…’ because once opened the office will expand each year even if the city of Charleston begs for a reprieve in the number being placed.)
For background, see this previous post on Charleston, WV and follow links to earlier posts.
There is a ‘pocket of resistance’ getting firmly established there.
Wonder where the phrase ‘pocket of resistance’ came from? That is what I heard officials of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement call any community where citizens were demanding answers about the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Go here for that 2013 post!  Imagine that! Government bureaucrats referring to citizens who might disagree with their plan for America as being in ‘pockets of resistance.’
From the Charleston Gazette-Mail:

A national refugee resettlement agency has submitted an application to the U.S. Department of State to turn Charleston into one of its “resettlement communities.”

Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of nine national refugee resettlement agencies that works with the U.S. government and local groups to place refugees, and the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry have been working together in hopes of making Charleston a safe haven for refugees.

The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry aims to create greater understanding of the Muslim community [assumption here for this group is that they will get Syrian Muslims–ed] and the plight of refugees, including those fleeing Syria, where millions have been displaced and hundreds of thousands have been killed.


Episcopal Migration Ministries submitted an application to the State Department last month to resettle 100 refugees in the first year in Charleston. Duvall noted the State Department will determine the number if the application is approved.


Kendall Martin, spokeswoman for Episcopal Migration Ministries, said that the agency has not recently submitted any applications for resettlement communities anywhere else. She said that if the application is approved, they will hold quarterly meetings with the community.

Asked how often their applications are typically approved, Martin said they had only submitted one other site application, for Wichita, Kansas***, to the State Department in the past five years, and it was approved.

Lynn Clarke and Ibtesam Sue Barazi, two of the local volunteers, said they are working on bylaws for their group and preparing for the possibility of establishing a nonprofit organization if the application is approved.

A pro-Syrian refugee rally is scheduled for 5 p.m. on November 15th.

There is only one reason for such a rally and that is to create the impression that West Virginia is wildly welcoming of refugees from the third world and from countries that hate us!  It is about swaying the media and the US State Department.

Barazi, a Syrian immigrant who has lived in West Virginia since 1975, said they also are planning a “West Virginia Welcomes Refugees” rally to be held at 5 p.m. on Nov. 15 at Haddad Riverfront Park, followed by a candlelight vigil. The rally follows a similar event last year that drew hundreds of people. Organizers say they want to “respond to fear with love.”

Visit the Charleston Gazette-Mail for more information and to see the cool graphic showing the other locations around the country where EMM has offices.
One more thing! If Clark and her cohorts succeed and get an office open, they won’t be choosing the refugees, but will be required to take what Washington sends them.  Ultimately, refugees will come from dozens of countries, thus, in some ways, making it harder and more expensive for the city and county to deal with the myriad languages.  Remember local and state taxpayers are responsible for providing interpreters for medical care, schools, and the criminal justice system!
P.S. If you are a West Virginian reading this and getting angry, there are 3 people to complain to: Rep. Alex Mooney (R) who represents Charleston in the House of Representatives and the two US Senators: Shelley Moore Capito (R) and Joe Manchin(D). By the way, if anyone talks to Mooney, tell him to get his history straight about that damn plaque on the Statue of Liberty. It was added later, the original statue had nothing to do with immigration.
***Wichita, Kansas is a prime example of refugee overload as the school system is swamped with refugee kids speaking many languages and it is subsequently BROKE, see here. Do you want this problem in Charleston?

New book (out in January)! Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad

leo-book-coverLeo Hohmann of World Net Daily, who has over several years become an expert on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, has authored what is, I believe, the first book that looks exclusively at the RAP and how that federal program is changing America by changing the people.
You can pre-order your book now at Amazon. Release date is January 24, 2017 (four days after the inauguration of the next President of the United States).
Since our founding, Tuesday is the most important election in American history!
That newly elected President will either heed the warning of what the Hijra portends (with this book as the blueprint), or ignore it and open our gates wide for a demographic conquest of America.
See my previous post on the demographic conquest of Europe!
This is a bit of what the book is about:

Americans are shocked by ongoing news reports chronicling growing chaos in Europe, where massive Muslim migration is wreaking havoc on the continent including horrendous acts of mass terrorism, an epidemic of rape and sexual assault against European women, and large, jihadist-rich enclaves where even police are hesitant to enter.

Yet, few realize that America is heading down the same suicidal path.

As veteran investigative journalist Leo Hohmann documents in Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad, an international network of mostly Muslim Brotherhood-linked activists has been building its ranks within the United States for more than three decades, aided by a U.S. immigration system seemingly obsessed with welcoming as many unassimilable migrants with anti-Western values as possible. As a result, largely secret plans for major population changes in hundreds of U.S. cities and towns are already being implemented.

Continue reading here.
I’m ordering a few copies right now!

So-called 'Interfaith' groups pushing refugee program just about everywhere

As you study what is happening in your community and its plan to ‘welcome’ refugees, especially the newly targeted towns and cities***, look for the presence of an ‘Interfaith’ group as part of the secret plan to change your town by changing the people.
Take a few minutes to watch Stephen Coughlin, a fellow at the Center for Security Policy and expert on Islam in America speak about the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of those groups and especially of the Catholic Church.
Of course if you are a long-time reader here at RRW you know that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, and a network of Catholic Charities offices across the country, resettle (for a fee) the highest number of refugees of any of the nine federal resettlement contractors. To my knowledge, not one of those Catholic ‘charity’ migration activist groups have ever questioned the ‘wisdom’ of resettling mostly Syrian Muslims to the exclusion of persecuted Syrian Christians.  Maybe , as Coughlin suggests, they have already been subverted.

If the video does not appear in your e-mail, here is the link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F20m1hEcbro&feature=youtu.be
Note in the video that Coughlin talks about Sayyid Qutb.  Learn how Greeley, Colorado (a town being colonized by Somalis now) played a role in the development of ideas that underpin the Muslim Brotherhood (click here) and the group’s views of America.  Too bad Donald Trump didn’t speak in Greeley yesterday!
***These are just some of the new sites the US State Department has chosen to become key resettlement cities to add to their list of hundreds already being seeded with third worlders.  Wonder why states that once were reliably red are now turning blue?—it is immigration stupid!

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted as a primary resettlement site!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Wilmington, DE

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)


Why is North Carolina a swing state while South Carolina is still RED?

It is because the demographic change (remember they are changing America by changing the people) is far advanced in North Carolina while it is only beginning in South Carolina.

Trump and Clinton are both in North Carolina today. Is it a swing state because of its huge refugee/immigrant population? I think so! http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/north-carolina-poll-polls-2016-election-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-winning-losing-new-forecast-percent-men-women-independent-undecided/

Of course all that will change for SC in a few years as Republicans like Senator Lindsey Graham and Rep. Trey Gowdy are making little to no effort to hold the line in terms of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, and Graham himself was one of the Senate ‘Gang of Eight’ that pushed through an amnesty bill for illegal aliens a couple of years ago.
I don’t understand how Rs like Graham don’t see that as the immigrant population grows it will be attracted to the Democrat Party which promises to keep their welfare goodies flowing and will ultimately lead to the downfall of the Republican Party in states like his.
But, it isn’t SC I want to tell you about.

Trump and Clinton going to North Carolina today!

***Update*** November 4th: 1/2 million federal grant to encourage ethnic separation awarded in Raleigh.
I’ve wondered how North Carolina, the land of Senator Jesse Helms, is now a toss-up state and today as both Hillary and Trump head there, we see very clearly that it is a traditional red state turning blue and both parties are fighting for it.
So, I did a little numbers research.  And, I am not saying that there are enough refugee voters to swing the election, but the vast disparity between the states is stunning.  Also, NC has obviously thrown out the welcome mat to illegal aliens. (Note in my previous post that it is clearly in the top ten for the placement of the ‘unaccompanied alien children.’)
All of the following data can be found at the Refugee Processing Center.  And, I found a bit more at an ORR annual report to Congress.
From 1983 to 2001, North Carolina resettled 16,640 refugees, while South Carolina only got 1,925.
Then from FY 2003 to FY 2016 the states break down this way: NC (27,748) and SC (2,042).

Total refugee tally for NC is roughly 44,388 to SC’s 3,967. 

(In between those two documents, I was too lazy to look up 2002, but you get the idea).
So, I am maintaining that it is the influx of vastly more immigrants and refugees to North Carolina than South Carolina that makes the difference—why NC is turning blue and SC isn’t (yet!).
***Update*** And, I should have mentioned all those worker visas for NC, here.
We have a pretty substantial archive on North Carolina and problems there with refugees, go here to learn more. Don’t miss a stunning murder case, contractors not taking care of the refugees, companies looking for cheap labor and posts on how NC colleges lured Arab students, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, to the state to boost their student enrollment.
Then I found this stunning. From FY2003 to FY2016, North Carolina received refugees from the following 56 countries. This list does not include illegal alien-sending countries like Mexico and some from Central and South America. Can you imagine the problems with languages in the medical system, the school system and the criminal justice system!
Where were they placed?
I started to look at all the towns and cities and when I got to 35 I quit.  Bottomline, I bet there were at least 50-60 towns and cities in North Carolina that received refugees.  Maybe only a couple in some towns, but they were very widely distributed and surely helped destroy community cohesiveness.
Eight of the nine major resettlement contractors are operating (competing!) in North Carolina. The only one missing is the International Rescue Committee. Go here for office locations.
The wild card for Trump and Clinton is whether the African American community there gets it—that they are being out-competed in the job market by tens of thousands of refugees pouring in to the state. And, if Hillary is elected there will never be a slowdown.